The Fall of Plaguestone


Silvi takes one look at the elderly human man sitting in his wheelchair and proclaims, "Alright, big people - you're up!"

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Galahad shakes his head slightly and glances at his companions. "Alas, I've come to look at your town records. I believe that I have an idea in regards to the murder in the feedmill. But I need more informatiin to confirm my suspicions. Who do I talk to to gain access to the records?"


Hiromi sighed and took the back of the wheel-cart. She whispered in the old man's ear, "Let's go have some fun, grandfather. Let me know if you want to go faster."

And she set off down the road at a brisk pace.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1805
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

"Alas, I've come to look at your town records. I believe that I have an idea in regards to the murder in the feedmill. But I need more information to confirm my suspicions. Who do I talk to to gain access to the records?" Galahad asked.

Delma frowned and scratched her head. “Town records? Well, I guess those are boxed up in the attic,” she mused. “Not much need for town records in Etran’s Folly anymore,” she admitted. “You could look at them while your friends give my father his walk.”

Hiromi and Lavina took charge of Targen and his wheelchair. "Let's go have some fun, grandfather. Let me know if you want to go faster," Hiromi said, setting off briskly down the road.

“You in a hurry to get somewhere, lass?” Targen asked with a chuckle. “Not much to see in Etran’s Folly, but yer all new to town, so I’ll give ya the tour,” the old man said with a toothless smile.

The path led past the Feedmill first, still shuttered up. “Ah, the Feedmill. I opened this place more than fifty years ago,” Targen said. “That was before the Goblinblood Wars, as they’re callin’ it now. Lost my brother in that war, and a whole lot of other relatives beside.” He seemed to grow distant for a moment before saying, “We were blessed to avoid most of the fighting. That was west of here.”

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor


Talmore 15

Lavinia 19
Silvi 18
Hiromi 10
Galahad 9

Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17
Lavina AC 20 HP 15/19 Wounded 1

Talmore AC 18 HP 14/20

Party XP: 150


Galahad nods to Delma and asks her to lead him to the attic. As he's about to climb the ladder up, he conjures up a quick sunrod and strikes it on a wood panel. A moment later he has a light bright enough to search around in the attic without risking a fire. And he sets to work, using the clue he found in Bort's ledgers as a gude on his search.

Intelligence: 1d20+3 7
Intelligence(Hero Point): 1d20+3 20
Used my Hero Point because yeah...
Anyways, Looking for anyone whose name starts with, I think it was an (H?) Particularly if they had any kind of business or practice which might require or involve Reagents. Especially the former apothecary and their daughter.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1810
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

Delma led Galahad up to the attic. She looked around. “Hm. I think these boxes,” she said, nudging a stack of rat-chewed boxes. “And some over there. Sorry. It’s a bit of a mess. We haven’t really needed to do much record keeping since the plague. I’ll bring you up some turnip juice,” she offered, then left him to his business.

Galahad found the search difficult going. What records weren’t turned into rat nests were fairly sparse in the last twenty years. He found several people with names beginning with H, but none that seemed to be in a profession that used reagents. The apothecary had been dead since the plague, and her daughter had left years ago, so none seemed to connect to them, either.

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17
Lavina AC 20 HP 15/19 Wounded 1

Party XP: 150


"I remember," says Silvi, "...When a group of Hellknights passed through Brastlewark on the way to fight in the goblins a number of gnomes ended up following along behind them. One of my pa's cousins was in the advanced stages of Bleaching and thought maybe the war, no matter how ugly, was a chance to stave off our affliction. If anyone in our family heard from him again though they didn't tell me."

"But enough of that, wow, the Feedmill is as old as me!" she says, changing her tone and the subject. "What should be look at next?"


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1815
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

The path next came around to the Plaguestone, the hollow pillar and basin of stone that seemed to be the focus of the town.

“The plague ripped through here during the war,” Targon rambled on. “So many died. We would leave food in the basin there, and the plagued ones would drop coins into the hole. We had hard vinegar in there to try and cleans the coins of any plague on them.” He wrapped himself tighter in his cloak against the light rain that fell. “It wa that elven witch Silwyth that brought the plague on us. The gods only know why.” He coughed a bit. “She caught it herself, and in her last pique of fury she cursed our only priest, Father Bolgrist. He caught the plague and died the next week. The witch had a daughter that used to hang around her old home. She ran off or died, don’t know which.” He shrugged his bony shoulders as they continued on.

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17

Party XP: 150

Voidrunner's Codex

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