The Fall of Plaguestone


"Wow, that is awful," says Silvi in a very slightly subdued tone. "Was the rock here before the plague? Was it worked to serve the purpose or was the hole and basin already like that? I suppose we can move on though if you rather not talk about it." With each sentence her voice raises a tick.

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Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1825
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

“We worked the stone,” Targen Fulst said, “and put it here so everyone could have access. Everyone was so afraid at the time. Very distrustful.” He shook his head. “Turn here.” He indicated a path through the north side of town.

“Most of the plague victims were on the north side here,” he said. The houses they passed were in terrible shape. They had obviously not been lived in or maintained in the last twenty years. “Only the poorest and most desperate live on this side of town anymore. Anyone with any coin lives on the south side.”

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17

Party XP: 150


Hiromi turned the push-chair when she was told and gazed sadly upon the ruined houses, imagining children playing in the overgrown yards. It wasn't how she grew up (her mother had dragged her from city to city, getting her to dance in streets, taverns, theatres, and nobles' homes to make their living) but it was how she imagined other childhoods.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1830
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

Targen then directed them out of town and along an old path that wandered through the turnip fields around town. “This is Drunk Shepherd’s Path,” he said. “A lot of these turnip fields were once sheep pastures, but the last large flock left a long time ago,” the old man said. He sighed nostalgically. “Ah the shenanigans we used to get up to out here. It was a good place to take a pretty girl for a walk,” he said, winking at the attractive Hiromi and Silvi. “Used to snog for hours under that willow.”

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17

Party XP: 150


Hiromi took the harmless flirting in stride. When a time seemed right she asked the old man, "Sir, do you know many locals who might sign their name with a prominent 'H'? Perhaps someone wealthy, or at least with private means."


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1835
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

Targen pursed his lips. “My memory ain’t what it used ta be,” he admitted. “Lots of folks’ names begin with H. I don’t get out much anymore, either.”

The Drunk Shepherd’s Path led to an old shrine in the middle of an ancient copse of oak trees. The remains of a small building overgrown were ovegro“This used to be a shrine to Gozreh, back in the day,” Targen said. “Wasn’t always, though. Druids used ta come up here too, way long ago. Don’t know one come up here anymore since Father Bolgren died in the plague.”

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17

Party XP: 150


"This is neat!" exclaims Silvi, skipping forward to get a closer look at the shrine. "I bet Gozreh stills keeps an eye on this place; a goddess of the elements and wild places surely does not mind a little overgrowth. Maybe it makes it that much more endearing!" The gnome, of course, does not plan on putting a hand on the shrine itself. Though once she has a good sense of the place there is always that overgrown building to investigate. Especially if no one has been up here in a long time...


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1840
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

Targen nodded his head at Silvi’s enthusiasm. “Sure would be nice to have a priest ‘round here again,” the old man said. “Those young folks an’ their godless ways these days. They could use a good hellfire sermon, I’m tellin’ ya! Back in my day…”

Targen’s words were cut off as a buzzing sound came from the tall grass, and four large insect-like creatures with leather bat wings and long, needle-like proboscuses rose from the grass around the shrine, their multifaceted eyes seeming fixed on the three wanderers.

OOC: Silvi and Hiromi go first. The bloodseekers are currently about 1 move from Silvi and 2 moves from Hiromi and Targen.

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.




Silvi AC 13 HP 18/19
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 17/17

Bloodseeker 1 AC 16 HP 6/6
Bloodseeker 2 AC 16 HP 6/6
Bloodseeker 3 AC 16 HP 6/6
Bloodseeker 4 AC 16 HP 6/6

Party XP: 150


"Wow, those are nasty looking!" exclaims Silvi as she attempts to knock the sense out of one with her magic before retreating back towards the others.

OOC: Casting daze at the nearest one and then striding.

Voidrunner's Codex

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