The Fall of Plaguestone


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1840
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 2

Hiromi slashed at one of the bloodsuckers, but it was too quick, buzzing around her sword.

Silvi has a bit of better luck with her magic, striking one of the bloodseekers with a mental jolt. It flutters for a bit, but then rights itself to come after the gnome again.

Targen mutters under his breath and swings at one of the bloodseekers with his cane to little effect.

The bloodseekers rushed in. One grabbed onto Hiromi with its barbed legs. It stabbed its proboscis into her shoulder and started sucking her blood.

[OOC=Hiromi has a bloodseeker [b]attached[/b], takes 7 damage and is drained 2 (-2 status penalty to Con-based rolls like Fort saves, -2 max HP, -2 HP) that will clear after receiving any healing.[/OOC]

The one Silvi had dazed recovered and darted at the gnome, latching on and stabbing her in the arm, starting to suck blood.

[OOC=Silvi has a bloodseeker [b]attached[/b], takes 2 damage, and is drained 1 (-1 status penalty to Con-based rolls like Fort saves, -1 max HP, -1 HP) that will clear after receiving any healing.[/OOC]

The third bloodseeker darted at Hiromi and latched on, stabbing into her thigh to suck her blood.

[OOC=Hiromi has [b]2[/b] bloodseekers attached, takes 4 damage and is drained 3 (-3 status penalty to Con-based rolls like Fort saves, -3 max HP, -3 HP) that will clear after receiving any healing.[/OOC]

The fourth landed on Targan and stabbed the old man in the stomach. Targan shouted obscenities, but slumped unconscious in his wheelchair.

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.

Bloodseeker 2 Will save: Fail
Will save: 1D20+4 = [11]+4 = 15
Targan attacks bloodseeker
Action: Cane attack: 1D20 = [1] = 1
1D6 = [2] = 2

Action: Cane attack: 1D20-5 = [5]-5 = 0
1D6 = [5] = 5

Action: Cane attack: 1D20-10 = [17]-10 = 7
1D6 = [6] = 6

Bloodseeker 1 vs Hiromi
Action: Barbed legs: 1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [3] = 3
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [4] = 4
Bloodseeker 2 vs Silvi
Action: Stride to Silvi
Action: Barbed legs
Barbed legs: 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [2] = 2
Bloodseeker 3 vs. Hiromi
Action: Stride
Action: Barbed legs
Barbed legs: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [4] = 4
Bloodseeker 4 vs Targan
Action: Barbed legs
Barbed legs: 1D20+8 = [14]+8 = 22
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [2] = 2
Action: Blood drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [4] = 4



Silvi AC 13 HP 15/19(18) (drained 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 3/17(14) (drained 3)
Targan AC 10 HP 0/8 (drained 2, dying 1, wounded 1)

Bloodseeker 1 AC 16 HP 6+4 thp/6 (Hiromi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 2 AC 16 HP 2/6 (Silvi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 3 AC 16 HP 6/6 (Hiromi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 4 AC 16 HP 6/6 (Targan, attached, flat-footed AC 14)

Party XP: 150

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Silvi looks from Hiromi to Targen. The old man was likely to be in worse shape but if Hiromi fell unconscious the little gnome doubted she could fend off these bloodsuckers by herself. "Hold in there, Hiromi!" she says as she makes a motion with her hand, projecting healing energy into the dancer. She then mutters a quick word of a protective spell.

OOC: Casting Heal: 1D8+8 = [1]+8 = 9 and Shield.


Her mother had told her tales of these creatures as a child, to scare her into obedience, and Hiromi had always feared them as a horrible way to die. He was grateful for Silvi's help, but when she tried to say so, it only came out as a yelp. Turning her sword on herself to get at the creatures clutching her seemed difficult, so she drew her dagger in her off-hand and thrust it desperately at the things.



Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1840
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 3

The bloodseekers seemed easier to hit when attached, less mobile, though Hiromi only scored one hit on one of the creatures, though Silvi’s healing was appreciated.

The healing wasn’t quite enough, however, when Hiromi had two of the bloodsuckers attached to her, and felt her body go numb, her vision tunnel down, and the world go black as she collapsed.

The bloodsuckers on Targan flew off, and the old man’s breathing seemed to stabilize, shallow, but still alive.

“Oi! Ye flyin’ leeches!” came a shout, and a dwarf in sturdy farming clothes came running out of the tree line waving a sickle about. He charged up to Silvi and slashed at the bloodseeker stuck to her.


Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.

Bloodseeker 1 vs Hiromi
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [2] = 2
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [2] = 2
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [3] = 3
Bloodseeker 2 vs Silvi
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [4] = 4
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [1] = 1
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [1] = 1
Bloodseeker 3 vs Hiromi
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [4] = 4
Action: Blood Drain
Blood drain: 1D4 = [3] = 3
Action: Fly off
Bloodseeker 4 vs Targen
Action: Fly off
Targan recovery check
Recovery check: 1D20 = [19] = 19
Dwarf vs. Bloodseeker 2
Sickle attack: 1D20 = [15] = 15
1D4 = [4] = 4



Silvi AC 13 HP 9/19(9) (drained 4)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 0/17 (1) (drained 4, dying 1, wounded 1)
Targan AC 10 HP 0/8 (6) (drained 2, wounded 1)
Dwarf AC 10 HP 10/10

Bloodseeker 1 AC 16 HP 4+3 thp/6 (Hiromi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 2 AC 16 HP 2/6 (Silvi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 3 AC 16 HP 6+4 thp/6 (Flying away)
Bloodseeker 4 AC 16 HP 6/6 (Flying away)

Party XP: 150


Hiromi woke, lying on the ground. Her head was spinning and she grabbed at her fallen dagger and rolled to her feet, hoping that her weight would crush the bloodsucker, but to no avail. Standing, she stabbed at it again, feebly.

OOC: A: Grab Dagger; A2: Stand; A3: Strike Dagger: 1D20+7 = [4]+7 = 11 Miss.
Because the roller hates poor Hiromi.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1840
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 4

Hiromi gasped back to consciousness on the ground as Silvi healed her, though she still had those holes in her from the bloodseeker that had flown off, and one that was still attached to her! She rolled to her feet and pulled a dagger, but still couldn’t pierce the bloodseeker.

“Och! ‘old still!” the old dwarf shouted as he slashed at the bloodseeker on Silver, but missed again.

The bloodseeker remaining on Hiromi was surprised when she got up again. It detached, having gotten its fill, and sluggishly flew off after the other two.

The one on Silvi was still sucking down lunch. The gnome felt her world constrict as blackness claimed her.


Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 0/19(0) (drained 7, dying 1, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)
Targan AC 10 HP 0/8 (6) (drained 2, wounded 1)
Dwarf AC 10 HP 10/10

Bloodseeker 1 AC 16 HP 4+3 thp/6 (Flying away)
Bloodseeker 2 AC 16 HP 2/6 (Silvi, attached, flat-footed AC 14)
Bloodseeker 3 AC 16 HP 6+4 thp/6 (Flying away)
Bloodseeker 4 AC 16 HP 6/6 (Flying away)

Party XP: 150


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1850
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

The last blood seeker slid off Silvi and Hiromi’s rapier to lie gushing gnome blood on the grass as Silvi stabilized.

“Och! The bluidy things. Nae matter ‘ow much I chase ‘em off,” the dwarf said, kneeling next to Silvi. He dug out a flask and lifted the unconscious gnome’s head, helping her drink the strong dwarven liquor, until she woke up coughing and choking. “Tha’s a gel,” the old dwarf said. “Ye luik like ye cuild use a wee draught, tae.” He held the flask out to Hiromi, then looked over at Targen, who was snoring in his chair, a bit hole in his shoulder from the blood seeker. He snorted awake soon, too, looking around blearily.

“Hells! If that wasn’t fun!” the old man blustered, then groaned a bit. “Delma ain’t gonna be happy a got a hole in me,” he said with a chuckle.

Find the killer
  • Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
    • Find Phinick
  • Question Trin

Help Delma out with her father, the mayor
Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.



Silvi AC 13 HP 1/19(1) (drained 7, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)
Targan AC 10 HP 1/8 (6) (drained 2, wounded 1)
Dwarf AC 10 HP 10/10

Party XP: 150

Voidrunner's Codex

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