The Fall of Plaguestone


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)/Feedmill
Summer/Day 4/0910
Weather: Normal for the season (hot), no wind, no rain
Round 2.2

Pakutan continued to bleed out as he lay in the dirt.

Hiromi dragged the unconscious Mortimer back a bit from the fight and attempted to stop the lawyer from bleeding out.

Silvi prayed to her god, healing Pakutan, leaving him wounded, but conscious on the ground.

OOC: Not rolling the round just yet. Mortimer, Hiromi gave you an extra flat check for the bleeding, so go ahead and make another roll. Hopefully you can stop it! Pakistan, since your initiative count is after Silvi’s, yes, you can still act this round. You are prone and Wounded 1 next to one of the bushes.

See Combat Map below.

Blight Clearing R2-2.png

@VLAD the Destroyer

Party 18.6
Hiromi 25
Mortimer 24
Silvi 18
Grimsby 15
Pakuten 11

Enemies 15
Bloodlash Blue 18
Bloodlash Red 15
Bloodlash Green 12

Silvi (+7) AC 13 DC 17 HP 19/19 shield
Hiromi (+6) AC 17 HP 17/17
Pakuten (+3) AC 18(16) HP 14/16 Wounded 1
Grimsby (+7) AC 17/16(clumsy) HP 16/25 1 persistent bleed damage
Mortimer (+8) AC 17 HP 0/16 3 persistent bleed damage, dying 1

Bloodlash Red (+6) AC 16 HP 11/35 6 persistent fire damage
Bloodlash Blue (+6) AC 16 HP 29/35
Bloodlash Green (+6) AC 16 HP 29/35

Silvi: 21 gp, 37 sp, receipts, map
Unclaimed: Silver rapier

Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
Who is V?
Help Noala investigate the blight.

Party XP: 460

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Whatever Hiromi was doing, Mortimer didn't stop bleeding. His clothes were becoming increasingly drenched in blood, until Pak used magic to heal his wounds.

Opening his eyes in shock, Mortimer gasps. Understanding dawns as he sees Hiromi and Pak standing over him, and finding his composure, the barrister nods at both in thanks.

Then he looks over at the murderous bushes.

"Burn it," he says coldly, not wishing to come close to the twisted vegetation again.


"I'm afraid that I'm not good for much here." said Hiromi unhappily, "My weapons would just put holes in their leaves, and I'd probably get myself killed."

After helping Mortimer to his feet, she tried to stay out of the way and asked about to see if anyone had any torches.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)/Feedmill
Summer/Day 4/0910
Weather: Normal for the season (hot), no wind, no rain
Round 3

As the party recovered from the first bout with the bloodlash bushes, getting Pakuten and Mortimer back on their feet, the animated vegetation didn’t let up.

The bush to the north started to spin, its razor sharp vines extending and lashing out at Grimsby, Pakuten, and Hiromi. Fortunately they all managed to block or evade the assault.

The center bush continued to burn from the previous assault by the alchemist fire. It shot roots out along the ground toward Grimsby. Its tendrils tried to delve their way into his open, bleeding wounds, but the dwarf managed to kick the roots clear. (Grimsby rolled a 20 Ref)

The southern bush tried to do the same, but more effectively (Grimsby rolled 12 Ref), getting thirsty roots into Grimsby’s cuts, sucking at the blood spilling from him (take 1 bleed damage). It seemed to close some of the wounds the plant had taken.


See Combat Map below.

Blight Clearing R3.png

@VLAD the Destroyer

Party 18.6
Hiromi 25
Mortimer 24
Silvi 18
Grimsby 15
Pakuten 11

Enemies 15
Bloodlash Blue 18
Bloodlash Red 15
Bloodlash Green 12

Silvi (+7) AC 13 DC 17 HP 19/19 shield
Hiromi (+6) AC 17 HP 17/17
Pakuten (+3) AC 18(16) HP 14/16 Wounded 1
Grimsby (+7) AC 17/16(clumsy) HP 16/25 1 persistent bleed damage
Mortimer (+8) AC 17 HP 11/16 Wounded 1

Bloodlash Red (+6) AC 16 HP 11/35 6 persistent fire damage
Bloodlash Blue (+6) AC 16 HP 29/35
Bloodlash Green (+6) AC 16 HP 29/35

Silvi: 21 gp, 37 sp, receipts, map
Unclaimed: Silver rapier

Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
Who is V?
Help Noala investigate the blight.

Party XP: 460

Pak raises his katana and infuses it with his magic, the weapon begins to glow with power. He slashes at the closest bush but having just been revived he falters and misses with the attack. Pak then raises his shield to fend off the counter attack from the bushes.

OOC: Action 1: Using 1 Focus to cast Weapon Surge on my katana.
Action 2: Katana strike at blue bush.: 1d20+6 10 2d6+2 7
Action 3: Raising my shield.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Following up on his own advice, Mortimer starts rummaging through his pack and rapidly produces five torches as well as flint and steel. Not the best at this skill, the former barrister nevertheless starts lighting one torch, hoping to use it to light the others and hand them out to his companions.

It's very slow, however, so in his desperation he calls for aid.

"Some help would be appreciated," he says matter-of-factly.

OOC: Reading through the entry for flint and steel, it states it takes at least 3 actions to start a fire with flint and steel...
A1. Produce torches and flint and steel
A2. Start lighting first torch with flint and steel (1st action of 3?)
A3. Start lighting first torch with flint and steel (2nd action of 3?)


Seeing Mortimer struggle to hold a bundle of torches and strike his flint at the same time, Hiromi wished that she'd waited before poking the bush. "If I'm not dead, I'll be there in a second!" she called over her shoulder.

Voidrunner's Codex

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