The Fall of Plaguestone


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)/Feedmill
Summer/Day 4/0910
Weather: Normal for the season (hot), no wind, no rain
Round 5

Mortimer got two torches lit, but then he was overtaken by his injuries and collapsed. (2 bleed damage).

Pakuten sent healing magic Silvi’s way, then dropped his shield and laid into the bush he fought with his katana, slashing viciously and effectively at it as his wounds stopped bleeding.

Hiromi attacked the bush with her rapier and dagger. Not as effective as Pakuten’s katana, she did just enough damage to kill the thing.

Silvi came back to consciousness lying on the ground. She gave herself more healing to clear her head.

The one bush was left, facing off against Mortimer at the moment. It slashed a vine at the dwarf. (Hit 24, damage 11 slashing damage). It dropped the dwarf and slithered over to attack Pakuten. (stride, second attack 9) But the tengu easily parried the attacking vines.


See Combat Map below.

Blight Clearing R5.png

@VLAD the Destroyer

Party 18.6
Hiromi 25
Mortimer 24
Silvi 18
Grimsby 15
Pakuten 11

Enemies 15
Bloodlash Green 12

Silvi (+7) AC 13 DC 17 HP 17/19 Wounded 2
Hiromi (+6) AC 17 HP 6/17 1 persistent bleed
Pakuten (+3) AC 18(16) HP 3/16 Wounded 1
Grimsby (+7) AC 17/16(clumsy) HP 0/25 3 persistent bleed damage, Dying 1
Mortimer (+8) AC 17 HP 0/16 Wounded 1, 2 persistent bleed, Dying 2

Bloodlash Red (+6) AC 16 HP 0/35 6 persistent fire damage
Bloodlash Blue (+6) AC 16 HP 0/35
Bloodlash Green (+6) AC 16 HP 31/35

Silvi: 21 gp, 37 sp, receipts, map
Unclaimed: Silver rapier

Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
Who is V?
Help Noala investigate the blight.

Party XP: 460

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Silvi still lay on the ground but she had gathered enough of her senses to survey the situation. Mortimer looked to be in dire straits so she said a prayer to the goddess and channelled a pulse of healing energy into the man. She then made a snap decision and whispered a spell to conjure her mystical shield to protect herself; if anyone else went down she needed to be able to hold together long enough to right them.

OOC: Casting shield and heal. Heal: 1D8+8 = [6]+8 = 14


OOC: You have to make a check to recovery every round or your dying value goes up by one, and then, yes, if you are damaged more your dying value also goes up. But it only goes up once per round for all persistent damage I believe (or else persistent damage would be way too lethal, and it can already be pretty lethal if you are down). So if you are at dying 1 and taking persistent damage you will be fine for at least one round unless an enemy attacks you while you are down. I chose to heal Mortimer because being at dying 2 if he fails his recovery check and take persistent damage he would be dead. Also, with persistent damage you can never actually "recover recover" . Ordinarily if you are dying and recover you do not have to keep making checks on subsequent rounds. But because you are still taking damage each round your dying renews.


OOC: Remember you each have a Hero Point also. You can spend all your Hero Points to stabilize. But yeah, again, that bleed damage is rough! You need First Aid or magical healing to end that, or your Flat 15 roll.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Mortimer opens his eyes, again.

His wounds still bleed, and already he is feeling dizzy from the loss of blood. The barrister looks at his hands, realizing there is a burning torch in one, and he instinctively waves it at the menacing bushes that are so, so close by.

"Use flames! Surround it!" he yells at the others, hoping to direct their attacks on a single opponent at a time.

OOC: A1 and A2: Readying to Aid the attacks by the first ally to attack (the Aid is a reaction on their turn): I make an attack with the torch, which adds a bonus to the ally's attack roll if successful.
I think it's an untrained attack with that torch? 1D20 = [11] = 11 :(
A3: Crawl 5 feet away from the bush (direction East on the map).

Edit: Forgot my check to stop the bleeding: 1D20 = [2] = 2 :oops::cry:

Pak knows that if they do not kill this last bush soon they would all become it's next victims. He raises his katana and channels his powers into it to make it strike true. He then makes two quick slashes at the bush. The first strike connects but the second strike misses.

OOC: Action 1: Casting Weapon Surge with Focus.
Action 2: Two-handed katana strike at final bush.: 1d20+6 20 2d10+2 9
Action 3: Second two-handed katana strike at final bush.: 1d20+1 13 2d10+2 7

I forgot when I rolled that I am now under the affect of my moderate curse.

Moderate Curse: The strain of conflict wears upon your body, even though you gain vitality from it. Making a Strike reduces the penalty from your minor curse to –1 rather than suspending it entirely. You gain a +2 status bonus to weapon and unarmed damage rolls. You also gain fast healing equal to half your level while in a non-trivial combat encounter.

So my damage from the first strike should have been 11. I am also at a -1 to AC and saves and have fast healing equal to half my level but not sure how rounding works with that.


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)/Feedmill
Summer/Day 4/0910
Weather: Normal for the season (hot), no wind, no rain
Round 6

Silvi healed Mortimer and erected her magical shield, remaining on the ground.

Grimsby still lay quiet, bleeding on the ground.

Mortimer harried the bush with a torch, but it didn’t seem much help. Then he crawled five feet away.

OOC: Mortimer doesn’t have bleed damage at the moment because he got magical healing.

Pakuten’s katana sliced through the bush, pruning it more, but it was still moving.

OOC: Normally you would round down, but I’ll give you Fast Healing 1. Seems like minimum 1 is appropriate. I couldn’t find anything in the rule book explaining it.

Hiromi attempted to attack the bush, as well, but missed, but she stopped bleeding.

The bush rustled and started to spin again, razor vines lashing out at everyone around it. (21 to hit, 9 damage, +1 persistent bleed) Hiromi dropped to the ground. Silvi managed to block some of the damage with her shield before it broke. Pakuten dropped beside Hiromi. Grimsby slipped closer to death. Mortimer managed to stay on his feet, though he was bleeding again.


See Combat Map below.

Blight Clearing R6.png

@VLAD the Destroyer

Party 18.6
Hiromi 25
Mortimer 24
Silvi 18
Grimsby 15
Pakuten 11

Enemies 15
Bloodlash Green 12

Silvi (+7) AC 13 DC 17 HP 13/19 Wounded 2, 1 persistent bleed damage, prone
Hiromi (+6) AC 17 HP 0/17, 1 persistent bleed damage, Dying 1, prone
Pakuten (+3) AC 18(16) HP 0/16 Wounded 1, fast healing 1, 1 persistent bleed damage, Dying 1, prone
Grimsby (+7) AC 17/16(clumsy) HP 0/25 4 persistent bleed damage, Dying 3, prone
Mortimer (+8) AC 17 HP 5/16 Wounded 2, prone, 1 persistent bleed damage

Bloodlash Red (+6) AC 16 HP 0/35 6 persistent fire damage
Bloodlash Blue (+6) AC 16 HP 0/35
Bloodlash Green (+6) AC 16 HP 20/35

Silvi: 21 gp, 37 sp, receipts, map
Unclaimed: Silver rapier

Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.
Who is V?
Help Noala investigate the blight.

Party XP: 460


Figuring that trying to raise her wooden shield will afford less protection that simple getting up so she can get out of the way Silvi staggers to her feet as she this time focuses on giving her restorative blessing to Grimsby.

OOC: Stand up and Heal: 1D8+8 = [2]+8 = 10.

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