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The Farspace Reality


World of Kulan DM
The Plane of the Unseen Infinity

An Introduction to Farspace
Riley Hanolder couldn’t believe his luck. As a xenoform expert in Baron’s Stone, a small asteroid city in Allorspace, his chance to study other races and cultures were limited. It was hard to study something that didn’t live where you grew up.

But now, now all that would change. The alien spelljammer, the Alathon, had landed on Baron’s Stone two nights ago and had instantly caused a stir amongst Riley’s friends and neighbors. Of course, they had originally thought that the aliens, a purple-skinned humanoid race called the raia, were invading Baron’s Stone. Only when the captain of the Alathon stepped out onto the space-rock did the town realize these aliens weren’t out to conquer them.

The captain held out fine silk, unlike anything Riley had ever seen before, as a gift. He told the people of Baron’s Stone that his people were traders from a distant part of known space and would gladly sell the town anything it wanted from his ship’s stores at a discount as long as the crew could use some local supplies to repair the Alathon. Damson Wonersson, the local mayor, gladly accepted the raia captain’s gift and stated that Baron’s Stone would be happy to help.

Riley had been amazed by the raia from the first moment he met them. Their spelljammer was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. Obviously a special design put together by them, the Alathon was extremely sturdy and made out of something the raia called durawood – wood that is a strong as steel.

And now, here Riley was. On the Alathon heading towards the edge of Allorspace and its crystal shell. He had known instantly that the raia were his chance at begin his xenoform study and get off Baron’s Stone. Riley stood on the bow of the Alathon looking towards the edge of his home sphere, hoping to get a glimpse of its crystal shell for the first time.

Then he saw it. It looked plainer than he thought it would. The great shell was pitch black and featureless. He had known it would be, of course. Every spacer living in Allorspace was taught that from infancy. It’s just that he had hoped his parents had been wrong. Riley sighed looking over his shoulder towards where Allorspace’s asteroid field would be if he could see it anymore. He hadn’t even left the sphere yet and he was homesick.

Riley turned back towards the shell just as the captain stepped up next to him. The shell was now looming over the raia spelljammer, yet the ship had yet to slow down. Riley looked at the captain with some concern.

“Uh captain,” Riley didn’t want to appear rude so he did his best to be diplomatic. “You are planning to enter the flow, correct?”

“You are correct, Master Riley.” The captain was one for formality on his ship. “But not quite yet. We haven’t passed beyond the boundary of the sphere yet. There is no rush.”

“B-but captain,” Riley swallowed hard. “The shell. We’re going to hit it.”

“Ah, yes,” the captain smiled at Riley warmly. It was meant to reassure the boy that everything would be fine. “Something I forgot to mention about my people. We are not from your space.”

“I don’t understand.” Riley was confused. “You already told me you were not from Allorspace.”

“Ah, but you see, I meant your conception of Arcane Space.”


“My people are from a place beyond what you perceive as the crystal shell. In reality, there isn’t a shell there. You just think there is.”

“Y-your not s-serious.” Riley was ready to throw himself overboard. “The only thing beyond the shells is the phlogiston.”

“That is what you believe, Master Riley. It is not what the raia believe.”

Riley watched in horror, as the shell loomed closer and closer to the Alathon. They were going to hit. Riley was going to die. The sage of Baron’s Stone screamed in terror as the ship sped up. The crew stood there motionless as the ship raced on. Then the captain spoke.

“Believe, Master Riley. There is no shell.” His tone was deep and powerful.

“There is no shell.” The crew spoke as one voice, their eyes closed in meditation.

Riley closed his eyes and held his breath. He spoke the words over and over in his mind. There is no shell. I’m going to die. There is no shell. I’m going to die. Riley opened his eyes.

“Oh… my… god!”

The Alathon contacted the shell and passed through it like it wasn’t there. The ship had passed right through the shell without a portal or anything. Riley felt faint.

He looked back to see that there wasn’t any sign of the shell, just the star of Allorspace in the black of space. But it was what stretched out all around him, which unsettled his stomach. Billions of stars as far as the eye could see. Riley was used to seeing stars but not like this. It was so surreal. Riley steadied himself on the rail of the bow, trying not to vomit.

“I-it’s not possible. W-where is the flow? Captain, what is this place?”

“Master Riley… welcome to farspace.”

What is Farspace?
The Unseen Infinity. The space beyond space. What is beyond, but hidden. Farspace. The Plane of the Unseen Infinity has many names but it is the last one, which is the most used. It is ironic really, for farspace isn’t that far away at all. It just seems like it is the first time you discover it exists.

Farspace can be best described as being an extension to space that is hidden by a person’s perception of the universe. What does that mean? Well, let me try to explain.

In the Outer Planes, belief is everything. It shapes everything around you including the very essence of the Outer Planes. That is why there are planes aligned to good and evil, as well as chaos and law. That is why the Gods exist, because of belief. This is why there are factions in Sigil and why Sigil doesn’t exist in every universe. Belief is everything on the Outer Planes.

Now imagine if you will that belief could shape reality from the Material Plane. Not on the Material Plane, just around it. Could this not have lead to the existence of wildspace, the phlogiston and the crystal shells of our reality? Ask yourself, why do crystal shells exist? Don’t have an answer, neither did a lot of sages both on the prime and in the Outer Planes when I asked them. They asked their colleagues what they knew, who in turn researched the possibilities and then asked the faithful of the gods to divine the answer, who turned around and ask their gods why crystal shells exist.

And what do the gods tell the faithful? Well, it depends on the god but usually it is long-winded and cryptic without revealing anything of importance. And when the faithful interpret these divinations, aren’t they written down as being the canon of their gods. These faithful then pass on this knowledge to others as belief. It is belief that defines the gods and the planes of existence. Therefore, it is belief itself that creates how each individual sees the universe.

Now do you understand? No. All right, let’s try a different approach.

What if the god of the faithful tells them that beyond the world there is space? And what if that god also tells the faithful that beyond space is even more space, filled with billions of stars. And that around these stars are countless worlds, that may or may not contain life. Given that the faithful believe in their god and what he or she or it tells them, wouldn’t that belief have power? Wouldn’t that belief shape their lives, their homes, their country, their world, and yes, even their universe. Yes, of course it would. For belief is powerful. Powerful enough to wage wars and travel the world to see these wonders that the faithful believe in. And to travel to space and see what belief tells them is already there.

Hmm, what if gods don’t tell their faithful the same thing as other gods? Well, that’s what holy wars are for, I guess. Gods with different beliefs believe that their way is the right way for their followers. If the faithful of God-B preach something else to the masses then they are heretics and, thus, enemies of the followers of God-A. This usually leads to thousands of years of conflict as the faithful of God-A try to wipe out the faithful of God-B and vice versa.

How does it end you say? Well, sometimes it doesn’t. And sometimes one belief wins out over the other and either converts the other God’s followers or kills them all. It’s not a nice thing to think about, really.

Anyway, sometimes belief is so strong that it shapes reality by the will of the faithful and by word of mouth. When enough people in a sphere believe the same thing, this causes that belief to be manifest in reality. Thus, many worlds believe in crystal shells and, thus, those shells exist for them. However, in other spheres across the universe, some worlds don’t believe in crystal shells. And for them, shells don’t exist.

Hmm, what’s that? What if one world in a sphere believes in one thing while another world in the same sphere believes another. Weren’t you paying attention when I was talking about holy wars, gods and the faithful? It’s the same thing just on a larger scale. Really, you should drink less mead.

Now, where was I? Ah yes, different belief in different spheres. You see, many people across the universe believe that beyond space is simply more space. A lot more! No, no! Not like a jug of mead is a lot more than a mug of mead. A lot more! More than your puny living mind can interpret, obviously. Hmm, what did I say? Oh nothing, here have another drink…

SIDEBAR: Realities: Breaking the Boundary into Farspace
The whole basis for farspace is that there are, throughout the multiverse, different realities. This isn’t the same thing as saying there are different Material Planes. For billions of alternate Material Planes can exist in a single reality. The classic Spelljammer campaign setting is a good example of a particular reality. It has wildspace, the flow, crystal shells and billions of Material Planes as part of its reality. This reality is known as the shell reality.

Farspace is part of a different reality, the farspace reality. This reality isn’t the same as the shell reality but is coterminous with it. Most of those that live in this reality aren’t aware of the shell reality. Only those farspace travelers that regularly travel the flow know of the inhabitants of the shell reality (see Movement and Combat). A farspace reality inhabitant that is aware of the shell reality can often break the boundary that separates the two realities and enter the shell reality.

However, it is a lot harder for a shell reality inhabitant to break the boundary between the two realities and enter the farspace reality. Most of the time, a shell reality inhabitant needs guidance from a farspace reality inhabitant to cross the boundary (like Riley needed help from the raia captain and his crew). This ability to disbelieve shouldn’t be left up to the dice. Instead the DM should plan and play out the encounter as a role-playing opportunity. The players reactions should decide whether or not they are strong-willed enough to disbelieve what they have been taught to believe.

For those DMs/players that need some sort of rule, if a spelljamming ship has at least 75% farspace reality inhabitants on it then the chances are good that their belief will outweigh the disbelief of the shell reality inhabitants onboard and allow the ship to pass the boundary into farspace.

The Plane of the Unseen Infinity is a plane that can be added to my Core Spelljammer Cosmology for D&D if a DM so wishes. This concept greatly expands the boundaries of the Spelljammer universe and DMs should think long and hard before adding it to their campaign.

The Plane of the Unseen Infinity or Farspace is space beyond the boundary of wildspace and the crystal shells. It exists in the same universal state as wildspace and is, thus, an extension of wildspace. The thing that sets it apart from wildspace is that it can be said to exist on top of the phlogiston (or below it if you prefer).

Farspace has its own unique spheres separate from those found in the shell reality (see the sidebar Realities: Breaking the Boundary into Farspace for details on realities). However, these spheres are not enclosed by crystal shells and are for the sake of simplicity like our own solar system, with a touch of magic. They are still called spheres by the inhabitants of the farspace reality. In Arcane Space, the word sphere is synonymous with the phrase solar system.

Farspace Traits
Farspace is coterminous with The Infinite Planes of the Starry Void (Wildspace, shell reality [see the link above]). The plane is coexistent with the phlogiston and the Ethereal Plane. Unlike wildspace of the shell reality, farspace does not touch the Material Plane or the Shadowstar Sea, which replaces both the Astral Plane and the Plane of Shadow in the farspace reality. Thus, to cross into a shell reality Material Plane from farspace, one must either enter wildspace or the Ethereal Plane first then travel to the Material Plane. Crystal shells can never touch farspace, as the shells are part of different cosmological reality. Farspace doesn’t have an atmosphere of any kind and is a perfect vacuum.

Note that there isn’t a wildspace for every sphere within farspace. The inhabitants of the spheres of farspace call the space around their planets simply ‘space’. They refer to the space beyond the sphere as farspace simply because it exists far out into space. Both of the words ‘space’ and ‘farspace’ refer to the same plane of existence. Thus, a farspace spelljammer can access the flow from ANYWHERE on the Plane of the Unseen Infinity but NOT from the Material Planes that are a part of the farspace reality. The spheres of farspace do not interact with the phlogiston. Sphere is only a descriptor or another way of saying space near the celestial bodies

Also note that in an alternate Spelljammer Campaign set in Farspace, the spheres of the shell reality do not bob, float, or drift through the phlogiston. The shells are stationary as described in the essay, called "The Currents of the Phlogiston," posted at Spelljammer: Beyond the Moons (by Richard J. Pugh) and it is the currents of the flow that move, giving the impression of the shells bobbing or floating. The spheres of the farspace reality are, of course, stationary as well.

Farspace has the following planar traits:
  • Objective Directional Gravity.
  • Standard Time.
  • Infinite Size.
  • Alterable Morphic.
  • No Elemental or Energy Traits.
  • Mildly Neutral Aligned.
  • Impeded Magic: While, for the most part, magic works in farspace the way it does in wildspace. Magical fire doesn’t need air to work properly but if the end result a spellcaster wants requires an atmosphere (i.e. oxygen) then that end result cannot occur. For example, a fireball spell will work but it hasn’t any chance of lighting an object or person on fire.

Also, many divine spells such as call lightning don’t work in the depths of farspace because of the spell’s link to the natural world. It is the choice of each DM to decide which spells he or she wishes to restrict in the cold vacuum of farspace.

Note that the spell imprisonment doesn’t have any effect in farspace; although, it could function normally on any rogue celestial body (planet, asteroid, etc).

More Information about Farspace
Planar Links
Movement and Combat

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