In the D&D Cosmology, countless worlds, along with their solar systems, are encased in crystal spheres that bob in the Astral Sea. You can travel between the worlds in a spelljammer ship. All the worlds share the same Prime Material Plane.
I was wondering if our Earth, or at least a fantasy version of it, has been officially recognised as existing in a crystal sphere in D&D’s Prime Material Plane.
I know there has been references to Earth in the past. For example, there was an AD&D 1E adventure in Dragon magazine where the PCs had to travel to our real Earth to recover the Mace of St Cuthbert. Also, I believe, Elminster has said he knows a guy from Earth called Ed Greenwood. I think these references predate Spelljammer, though - ie. the idea of one Prime Material Plane with many crystal spheres/worlds in it.
Also, many gods of Earth pantheons exist in D&D’s Cosmology, ie. the Egyptian pantheon, Greek pantheon, Norse pantheon, etc. These gods must have at least come from a fantasy version of Earth. Did any of these real-world pantheons feature in 5E’s Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse? Or were they not mentioned?