The First (IC) (d20/3.x D&D)


Angrboda peers back at the rest of the group. She looks like she is at least considering Forge's comments so she must have gotten most of her frustrations out on some of the local flora. "Yes, well, maybe you do have a point..."

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Thy wounds are healed!
Forge just smiles at the praise and feels better knowing he may not have to use his sword everytime there is trouble.

He walks with his head held a little higher and can't wait to return to the camp.


First Post
Angrboda, Elldar, Falryn, Forge, Jaegar, and Kaznak continue their trek through the woods, and finally arrive back at the main camp an hour or so past dawn, having marched through the night to finish the journey. Pyre is awake as always, and Tianulien is sitting upon a tree-trunk, lightly singing a wordless tune in her melodious voice as she carves away at a wooden stave that's taking shape as a proper bowshaft.

Theris sleeps on for now, not so easily stirred awake, and probably tired from another day of working on the camp's defensive perimeter, a line of wooden spikes surrounding the edges of the camp in a circle of cleared brush that Angrboda, Falryn, and Elldar easily notice, pointing it out so everyone steps over the spikes, not onto them. Metliz sits upon a rock and stares at a small, shiny object that she seems quite intent on examining.

Tia halts her wordless song as she notices the group plod through the bushes, and says "Hail, friends! Welcome back!" in her usual musical tones, adding "Seshani is out gathering breakfast. What did you find?"

[sblock=ooc]Jeez, over a week since my last post in this thread. Sorry guys, life's just kicking my butt lately and I don't have the time or energy to bother with the computer for more than a half hour or so on most days. I'll try to pick up the pace again.

Theroc, we can finish Pyre's conversation etc. with Kessyriss when you have the time online to do so. But I'm fast-forwarding a bit since this game's lingered too long on the same day in-game. Kessyriss will leave the camp before dawn, certainly, so he'll have vanished before the bulk of the group returns to camp.[/sblock]



A smile cannot help but come to his face at the sight of Tia, the first since the death of the little one. "It is good to see you Tianulien, and breakfast is always a good thing. As for what we found, I will leave that for others to tell.
I find it too depressing and would not burden you so."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Is that so?" replies Meltiz from the stone she was sitting on. With a greaceful jump she lets her attractive figure describe a curve in the air before landing softly on the grass. She walks near the group assembled, holding the shiny cube in her hands.


First Post
A petite frown creases Tianulien's face briefly, and she replies "Really? I hope you feel better soon..... I shall try to cheer you all up." She sets aside the bow she had been working on, and picks up her lap-harp, playing a soothing melody across the strings.

[sblock=ooc]Waiting for few more PC posts before I move anything along.[/sblock]


First Post
Kaznak plods into the camp, his feet moving slowly after walking through the night. "Ugh... I wasn't made for traveling long distances without sleep... Breakfast sounds wonderful, though I'm not so sure Seshani will be happy after she hears what happened."

The fire-breathing dwarf walks further into the camp and plops himself on the ground, heaving a sigh. "First off, we fought off a bunch of hairy beasts with big teeth, and they were almost as tall as me. They nearly killed Angrboda, so we were out there a couple days, caring for her wounds. On the way back, these horrid little people appeared out of nowhere, snatched our friendly giantess' herb bag and ran. I made an idle threat that I wouldn't follow through on in my life, but they thought I was serious. One of them somehow transformed into a weird lizard and blasted me with lightning. Nearly killed me, it did, little cretin. Falryn jumped to my rescue and split its head open, for which I am extremely grateful. But this managed to wake and anger their protector, some gigantic talking tree. Angrboda talked it down, and we hurried back here through the night, just in case it changed its mind. And Falryn has been moping ever since, not wanting to accept that he did what he had to and saved my life. Because that zapping would've done me in, let me tell you! ... But it also seemed that they knew Seshani, so we have no idea what's going to happen with her now."



OOC: Let's try this again.

"Just hearing your voice is cheerful enough. Let's just hope our further adventures aren't as disheartning." He then sits back to enjoy the ambiance and enjoy his meal.


Thy wounds are healed!

OOC: O.k. I'm game.

Forge takes his belomgings to the tree he had first sat under a couple days ago. Just two days it seems so much longer, he thinks to himself. Proping his sword up against the tree he sits down holding the blood stained wolf skin on his lap.

"We are all sorry for the pain we have caused," he says quietly to himself almost like a prayer. "Please forgive us and help us to learn from the mistakes we have made."

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