D&D 5E The Flumpf Is Back




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Retired game store owner
I started this thread because I figured if someone thought it important enough to ask the question during the presentation, there might be some readers who would also like the answer.
I failed to reflect the speakers reaction. He was embarrassed to say that the Flumpf was included.

One must remember that the Flumpf is just as stupid as a whole lot of other D&D monsters that have been a staple of monster books for some editions now. No more, no less. In fact, I'd say that monsters that you look at and simply say "wtf!" are almost a sacred cow of D&D by now.


The Flumph needs no help appearing in 5e.
Whether we want it to or not it will.
All I can say is to keep it removed from your game.
There are plenty of other absurd creatures to use.

F the Flumph!


You do realise that in 5th edition, the flumph will be the monster that an illithid elder brain becomes on ascending to god-hood. So of course you need stats for it.

Cheers, Al'Kelhar


First Post
I don't think anyone who was going to buy 5e is going to not buy it because there's a Flumph in the monster manual. That doesn't make it less dumb though.

Yes. Some of the early editions of D&D had frankly stupid and useless monsters in them. They were just throwing stuff at the wall to see what stuck. The game has since shed much of the cruft and no one even played the world's tiniest violin until OotS made a recurring joke about old stupid monsters from AD&D. Hurr hurr. The Flumph SO RANDUMB HURR.

That's all this is. It's a joke from a webcomic. The Flumph isn't even especially stupid or useless (it's just regular stupid and useless). It's probably not even in the bottom fifty stupid and useless monsters in AD&D. The Flumph does not, itself, tick me off. I'm not sure what burns my bacon more: The people who made it some kind of hipster-esque campaign to include the Flumph or the fact that the devs acknowledged and acquiesced to that faction. Don't get me wrong. I'm not against people liking what I don't like, but no one likes the Flumph, especially not the people who got it put in the book.

Voidrunner's Codex

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