The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!


A Dwarven Day

Kazzagin stuffed an over-sized piece of meat into his grizzly mouth, grunted as a piece of gravy slid off onto his armor. Whoever thought that eating in plate armor was practical had never tried it. He'd come dressed for the occasion - if he was going to picked he'd need to look the part. And he did, except for one small detail - this wasn't his armor. It belonged to Aethor One-Arm and that wasn't a good thing. His father was a good man, but there was a backpack full of goblin-heads associated with that name and unfortunately they were his to carry as well.

His eyes gazed over the assembled mass of dwarves as he chewed on the juicy flesh. A swig of ale later and the meat vanished down his throat. For a moment his vision formed into a familiar visage and he visibly flinched. The demon behind his eyes had haunted him since his first day. As it had his father. The image hadn't become any easier through the years - it morphed and changed and drove the fear in his mind hard with each passing year. The day he had been born had been a curse on his family, although his father always denied it.

Grunting in growing frustration, he muttered," They be getting on with it." He took another bite, his eyes trying to find familiar faces amongst the dwarves. There were a few, but his life had been rather secluded thanks to his father. Nevertheless, this moment was what he lived for. The dwarves needed to be helped, to be freed from their state, to be uplifted. Master Ignatius was right in all ways. No people should be oppressed. Today was the day the unions and dwarves started their road to freedom. And he his as well from the 'One-Arm' name.

OOC: Just making a start to the adventure. Looking forward to gaming with you all.

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He also spots a couple strutting around arm in arm together the female looks familiar, he may have met her before. The male dwarf may have a nice purse to lift.

Undoubtedly the crowing Dwarf, Len-something, you've heard of him before- seen him in the Shimmies (a set of narrow back alleys that lead to 'the Stink'), Len's reputation proceeds him alas- you remember a story about the guy punching out some sort draft Lizard- a pack animal, a big pack animal at that. Len's not very bright, you've also heard that said too- but he packs a wallop.

Whereas, on the edge of the gathering, siddling his way towards an exit is the hunched robed figure of Jimmy Numbnutz, a Dwarf of absolutely no reputation. Even as you watch Jimmy, convinced that no-one is watching him, drags out a money pouch and places 1...2...3...4 glistening gold coins within- Jimmy grins.

Marded has two options- Len, the bruiser; or Jimmy, the no-good sneak.

Hmm, eenie-meanie miney-mow...

OOC: Which one? And what's the plan?


OOC: Kazzigin Perception Check 22.

Kazzigin recognises a number of the Dwarves that surround him making such a hulabaloo and racket...

OOC: See Post #2 for a description of some of the famous faces.

But that's not all-

Accompanying Rita Bigchippings is a burly Dwarf, Len-something, a brute- or so they say, rash and violent; not one to be messed with.

A little way over sits Krogan, like Len a simple soul, and useful in a fight- or so you've heard. The poor fellow seems to be at a disadvantage at the moment however, a weasel hangs off the huge Dwarf's hand- teeth clamped on to one of Krogan's fingers. Krogan, it seems, is at a loss as to how to rectify this situation- Krogan looks about, takes a swig from his drink and contemplates a little more his present predicament. Perhaps he is waiting for the weasel to get tired...

Then there's Cinara, she's had her hair done- it suits her... you are suddenly very warm inside your Platemail armour, Cinara... you sigh.

Suddenly your reverie is broken, you notice another Dwarf- strange you don't recognise the fellow, he doesn't look like a Bottom Worker... the Dwarf seems to be making a bee-line for a another fellow who is foolishly counting his money for all to see. Your senses tingle, something is amiss- you are sure this Dwarf stranger is about to do something untoward- perhaps this is a chance to do some good.

OOC: The last Dwarf is of course Marded... What do you do?


On stage Ignatius and a half-dozen other Council members huff and puff and generally point and... there seems to be some sort of disagreement- raised voices, it's difficult to tell what with the chanting, belching competitions and associated rambunctiousness.

Clearly the time however is approaching, the lottery results are soon to be revealed.

OOC: Here's the timeline (real time) for events- tomorrow night (Monday evening GMT) I will be posting a few more instructions, a nod to some of the rules of the game- mostly about how your posts should look (particularly in combat), just to help those- like myself, who are new to this format. I'll also talk briefly about a few House Rules I have- I've not got many and if people don't like them I'd be happy to put them back to RAW (Rules As Written). All this will be in the OOC thread tomorrow evening (late on) for you to peruse.

On Tuesday or Wednesday night (depending on PC activity in this thread) the lottery results will be revealed- we all know there's not going to be any surprises- you guys are going. However, each Dwarf selected for the mission is expected to come on stage, in any order after the names are drawn, and make a little speech- think of this as a Miss World competition, your speech should contain the following-

1) Your name,
2) the guild or union you represent (if you're not in a Guild or Union- Marded (perhaps) then you need to make one up),
3) why you think that you have been selected for this mission,
4) what you hope to achieve,
5) and finally, a rousing last line to stir up the Dwarven masses and fill them full of cheer.

Obviously you can dress it up a bit- make it sound glorious or funny, or... whatever really.

The best speech will receive a free Action Point- voted for by yourselves.

Once this is done then... to adventure.

Waiting at present for Walking Dad to make his first post in this thread, fashionably late to the party (I know you're not about- this isn't a criticism).


OOC: I wasn't actually planning on robbing my soon to be fellow adventurers, or at least not yet, I will be very suprised when my name is called.... as i'm not a clan member and all that, I have considered robbing the guy calling the names before we leave

Mardred spots Len, someone he knows vaguely by reputation, somthing about punching out a draft lizzerd, probably not a good target, I could theoreticlly be caught afterall. Looking around some more I sport a fellow sneak, perfect. I make my way round about towards him being as stealthy as I know how, don't want the guy i'm robbing to spot me afterall.
OOC: Stealth Check here

Studing the people around me I smile the sneak appears to paying attention only to the scantily clad queen like dwarf. I have to admit that it's taking a bit of will power myself to not stare at her myself.

I walk up behind the sneak and palm a small knife that I use for cutting purses and reach out and quickly cut the purse away and make my way in a direction that he is not paying any attention to what so ever and hopefully now one else as well.


First Post
A little way over sits Krogan, like Len a simple soul, and useful in a fight- or so you've heard. The poor fellow seems to be at a disadvantage at the moment however, a weasel hangs off the huge Dwarf's hand- teeth clamped on to one of Krogan's fingers. Krogan, it seems, is at a loss as to how to rectify this situation- Krogan looks about, takes a swig from his drink and contemplates a little more his present predicament. Perhaps he is waiting for the weasel to get tired...

Krogan can`t hide the sheer amount of pleasure, that he has this little fellow now. Of course he was angry that the Dwarf gave him an animal that was not complete, but that made it even more special.
Now, he was looking lovingly at Threeways, knowing that this bite at his hand was just the act of bonding and start of loving relationship. Krogan will wait for a considerable time, before he starts to remove the weasel from his hand. On a separate plate, Krogan will prepare some meat for his friend and offer it to him with the words "C'mon Threeways, we need to make those 3 of your legs strong, so you don`t miss the 4th one...". Happiness is so easy to achieve for Krogan...


Studing the people around me I smile the sneak appears to paying attention only to the scantily clad queen like dwarf. I have to admit that it's taking a bit of will power myself to not stare at her myself.

I walk up behind the sneak and palm a small knife that I use for cutting purses and reach out and quickly cut the purse away and make my way in a direction that he is not paying any attention to what so ever and hopefully now one else as well.

And the purse is cut, and you're on your way- back in to the crowd, the plam of your hand already counting the number and type of coins through the thin leather of the pouch, your best guestimate- 5 gold coins, 12 silvers and 3 copper coins, although on of the coppers is very bent.

Jimmy Numbnutz didn't spot a thing, you notice he's still trying to make his way through the Dwarven crowd towards the exit, like you- he shouldn't really be here.

You afford yourself a satisfied smile, a job well done, you look up and... lock eyes with a hefty looking platemail wearing Dwarf, it's clear from the Dwarf's disapproving look that he has seen everything.

OOC: ripjames wait on Pinotage's next post please.


Krogan can`t hide the sheer amount of pleasure, that he has this little fellow now. Of course he was angry that the Dwarf gave him an animal that was not complete, but that made it even more special.
Now, he was looking lovingly at Threeways, knowing that this bite at his hand was just the act of bonding and start of loving relationship. Krogan will wait for a considerable time, before he starts to remove the weasel from his hand. On a separate plate, Krogan will prepare some meat for his friend and offer it to him with the words "C'mon Threeways, we need to make those 3 of your legs strong, so you don`t miss the 4th one...". Happiness is so easy to achieve for Krogan...

Threeways hangs on.... and on, and...

One weasely eye shifts hard left to examine the lump of man-flesh that was to be Threeways dinner for the next several months.

Krogan stares back- trying to imagine what Threeways is thinking.




He's big. Hang on. I'll never get him back to the burrow. Hang on. He's very big. Why hasn't he hit me yet? Very, very big. Hang on. He smells different. Very, very, very big. Smells cleaner. Hang on. He's still not hit me. Still not hit me. Hang on. Very, very, very big. Hang on. Still not hit me. Still Not. Still not. Hang on. Very big indeed. Hang on. Why's he looking at me like that. Not hit me still. Very big. Huge. Hang on. Looking funny. Still looking funny. Hang on. Why's he sorting that meat out on his plate, is that... I'll ask.

Threeways suddenly opens his mouth and squeaks- the effect is dramatic- he is no longer hanging on to (biting) Krogan's finger, Threeways falls- Krogan grabs the three-legged weasel and offers the creature a juicy piece of meat.

The weasel looks suspicious- left-right, left-right, sniff, and then chomps down on the proffered treat, and after that another piece, and another...

Less than five minutes later and Threeways is drinking from a saucer of beer and nibbling on titbits, Krogan's grip on the creature is no more than a token gesture.

OOC: Roll me some skill checks, any or all of the following- Nature, Diplomacy, Insight and one other of your own choosing- explain how you are going to use your choice of skill.


Kazzagin frowned through a mouthful of meat, swallowed with half a choke, and, beer in hand, wandered towards the where he could spot the cut-purse moving through the crowd. He passed by the dwarf and his weasel, not letting his eyes linger too long. Had he been quicker in reacting to the cut-purses' intent, that weasel would've come in handy for a quick distration. As it is, he hoped that his best scowl and his father's impressive armor were enough to give the cut-purse pause.

He reached the would-be thief with a loud clearing of his throat. "That be nice work," he remarked, friendly enough, or at least he hoped. "I doubt he be seeing in coming. A quick movement of the wrist, out be the blade and away be the purse. Can't be saying I be seeing talent like that in my life." He clasped the cut-purse by the shoulder, probably gripping harder than he should've.

"My father be saying that each man should be looking after his own lot. I respect that he be wrong. Now I be thinking that you be returning that purse. I don't be liking to see another man's greed be affecting those around them. I be struggling to be digesting my food, and I don't be wanting that. Let's be not doing this." He growled a grin on his bearded face. "The name be Kazzagin," he finally remarked as he started to steer the cut-purse in the direction of his earlier victim.

Voidrunner's Codex

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