The Forges of the Mountain King Chapter 1- Bottom's Up!


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Len may not be the brightest of chaps, but he knows when a fight's about to turn serious, and he senses it now - the unwanted newcommers had serious business, and Len still had a bet to win.

"Sorry friends, this 'ere's a private party for the Bottom Workers 'n' guests." Len clarifies to the threatening looking group at the doorway as he casually closes the gap to them. "So unless your part of the entertainment, per'aps a troupe of exotic dancers, then I'd kindly ask ya t' depart."

The words are friendly (ish) but as Len continues to close on the group his look is serious, and his right had drops to the hilt of his axe (casually), with his left behind his back ready to pull his shield. None of this is too subtle, making the threat apparent as her stares at each of the group in turn.

OOC: Intimidate the group, and 'mark' the leader (assuming I can without a physical attack)

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Holding on to a beer in one hand and a suspected thief in another, Kazzagin was starting to feel like a goblin in a dwarven mine. It didn't help that the ruccus was starting to draw attention, and despite being a firm believer in looking after the downtrodden, the cut-purse's argument seemed reasonable.
OOC: Insight 10
He hadn't seen him remove any coins from the stolen pouch, and if it was given back, no harm was done. Besides, he'd have a word with Jimmy NumbNutz himself in a minute and then he'd have both sides of the story.

He sharply let go of the cut-purse. "I be doing that then," he said sternly before glaring at the remainder of the ground. "Friendly disagreement," he grumbled, banging the flask of beer on his chest. "Ain't be seeing a couple dwarves quarrel before?" he asked the approaching crowd.
OOC: Intimidate 14
He had to make sure he didn't make this any worse. I could harm his chances of being selected. "I be taking the purse then," he said, holding out his hand. He wasn't going to let this go quite yet, but there would be another time and place to deal with it properly.

OOC: I figure even with a +10 modifier on the Insight roll (given the earlier lie) against Mardred's Bluff, Kazzagin is inclined to believe him for now and attempt to return the purse to Jimmy Numbnutz.
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Len may not be the brightest of chaps, but he knows when a fight's about to turn serious, and he senses it now - the unwanted newcommers had serious business, and Len still had a bet to win.

"Sorry friends, this 'ere's a private party for the Bottom Workers 'n' guests." Len clarifies to the threatening looking group at the doorway as he casually closes the gap to them. "So unless your part of the entertainment, per'aps a troupe of exotic dancers, then I'd kindly ask ya t' depart."

The words are friendly (ish) but as Len continues to close on the group his look is serious, and his right had drops to the hilt of his axe (casually), with his left behind his back ready to pull his shield. None of this is too subtle, making the threat apparent as her stares at each of the group in turn.

OOC: Intimidate the group, and 'mark' the leader (assuming I can without a physical attack)

OOC: Unlike the Paladin's Mark yours comes in to play when you physically attack creatures alas.

Perry Tonne gives Len the once over, looks him up and down and continues to chew on his beard, an equally large Dwarf saunters over to Len, being careful to show his hands are empty.

"No worries, bruvver... not ere ta spoil ya party. Jus' yerv got a gatecrasha- fella bein strongarmed by one-arm's lad (Kazzagin- you'll have to read his backstory). 'is names Mardred- heaz a bad'un pal, a real bad'un- disrespectful like, and... well, he ain't paid his dews! Nah wotta mean?" The Dwarf doing the chat is all smiles.

There are a dozen guildsmen parked in the corridor behind- ostensibly minding their own business, although most of them are now looking at you.

There are three other exits from the Great Hall, as you look about you notice that each exit has at least two more Guildsmen keeping close watch.

Clearly Mardred is indeed a "bad'un".

OOC: Len has heard of Perry- while I'm loathe to say Len should be frightened, he's had a few beers and is swaning around the Hall with Miss Mineshaft 2011 after all. Len's not entirely dumb however, there's a lot of fire power idling at the moment, and this DM won't be pulling his punches.

Still waiting for Kazzagin to come up with a reply, or else... If nothing by tomorrow then the lottery begins, I know Mardred (Ripjames) has ideas- he's been messaging me today but he's at work at the moment.


Holding on to a beer in one hand and a suspected thief in another, Kazzagin was starting to feel like a goblin in a dwarven mine. It didn't help that the ruccus was starting to draw attention, and despite being a firm believer in looking after the downtrodden, the cut-purse's argument seemed reasonable.
OOC: Insight 10
He hadn't seen him remove any coins from the stolen pouch, and if it was given back, no harm was done. Besides, he'd have a word with Jimmy NumbNutz himself in a minute and then he'd have both sides of the story.

He sharply let go of the cut-purse. "I be doing that then," he said sternly before glaring at the remainder of the ground. "Friendly disagreement," he grumbled, banging the flask of beer on his chest. "Ain't be seeing a couple dwarves quarrel before?" he asked the approaching crowd.
OOC: Intimidate 14
He had to make sure he didn't make this any worse. I could harm his chances of being selected. "I be taking the purse then," he said, holding out his hand. He wasn't going to let this go quite yet, but there would be another time and place to deal with it properly.

OOC: I figure even with a +10 modifier on the Insight roll (given the earlier lie) against Mardred's Bluff, Kazzagin is inclined to believe him for now and attempt to return the purse to Jimmy Numbnutz.

"Iz zat it?" Asks an inebraited Dwarf, leaning in to Kazzagin- his breath stinks.

Behind the drunk the crowd are already dispersing, besides there's movement on the stage- it seems whatever argument the Council were having has been resolved.

The drunk Dwarf staggers off- singing something about 'a mowse wid clogson', or something like that.

As for Jimmy, he seems to be deep in conversation with one of the gaggle of Guildsmen by the exit.

OOC: We'll see what Mardred gets up to when he Ripjames gets back from work later.


First Post
OOC: LOL ok, not once, not twice, but three times I started posts to follow those already here, and every time, as I'm playing with my kids at the same time, they were usurped by other replies that nullified what I was doing! I'm gonna have to be quicker on the draw with this crowd! You fellas rock. :)

Having missed a goodly part of the recent ruckus while having her hair colored, Cinara wanders back into the hall after leaving a very happy Rancid Al at his chair-in-the-wall. Now a stunning blonde, she grabs the nearest available mug and moves toward the crowds, wondering what sort of fuss the fuss is all about. Across the hall it appears Guildmaster Earwax is huddling with his hands, possibly preparing to announce the lottery winners. Nearby, a skulk makes his way toward the door, while wagers are being placed on an apparent argument that may or may not come to fisticuffs. Not one for the typical male dwarven penchant for drunken brawling, Cinara makes her way nearer to Earwax, hoping to overhear some of the scuttlebutt likely being spoken as they decide upon who goes to the hold. Afterall, GOSSIP is much more interesting than simple inibriation. (Well, Nanna might disagree, as she always thought gossip passed while on the barrel was the best there was.)


The Dwarves head back to their drinking, it seems there's not going to be a fight after all-

OOC: This is an example of the battlemaps we'll be using, and if you dl the attachment then you can see one in all its glory- I'll update them at the end of every turn of combat, indicating any Zones, or ongoing effects on bad guys/PCs etc. Also there may be enough room for a few captions here and there- see Rita on this map.

Hope these will serve our purpose.


  • Great Hall Map 1 Large.jpg
    Great Hall Map 1 Large.jpg
    642.4 KB · Views: 185


Having missed a goodly part of the recent ruckus while having her hair colored, Cinara wanders back into the hall after leaving a very happy Rancid Al at his chair-in-the-wall. Now a stunning blonde, she grabs the nearest available mug and moves toward the crowds, wondering what sort of fuss the fuss is all about. Across the hall it appears Guildmaster Earwax is huddling with his hands, possibly preparing to announce the lottery winners. Nearby, a skulk makes his way toward the door, while wagers are being placed on an apparent argument that may or may not come to fisticuffs. Not one for the typical male dwarven penchant for drunken brawling, Cinara makes her way nearer to Earwax, hoping to overhear some of the scuttlebutt likely being spoken as they decide upon who goes to the hold. Afterall, GOSSIP is much more interesting than simple inibriation. (Well, Nanna might disagree, as she always thought gossip passed while on the barrel was the best there was.)

Ignatius and the Council (all elder Dwarves) are it seems in cahoots with a number of the Union and/or Guild bosses. It's difficult to hear exactly what is being said but whatever it is the assembled bosses are not happy with it, there's a lot of head shaking going on.

An already torn, and slightly greasy, piece of paper is being passed around between the Council members- whatever it is written on the paper, well- there seems to be a lot of crossing out going on.

Master Ignatius suddenly turns round, his face screwed up- as if in pain.

Behind him a Council member gesticulates wildly at a Union/Guild boss- it's no good however, the bosses stomp off, muttering words that Nanna would be very unhappy about.

The Council Dwarf holding the piece of paper passes it to a colleague, who passes it to a colleague, who passes it... it's like a game of pass the parcel except nobody wants to be left holding the prize.

Eventually one of the Council members takes the paper and passes it to Ignatius, who nods and then looks down at the ragged piece of paper- he has no idea what it is.

The Council members meanwhile, almost as one, rush off stage.

Leaving Ignatius- his face screwed up in a rictus grin, except for his mouth gaping, eyes closed tight, head back- back further- back further still.


He manages to get the piece of paper in place just in time, he sticks the sticky bollus in a side pocket and then looks behind him- he's alone.

"If I could have a little..." He begins.


First Post

OOC: This is an example of the battlemaps we'll be using, and if you dl the attachment then you can see one in all its glory- I'll update them at the end of every turn of combat, indicating any Zones, or ongoing effects on bad guys/PCs etc. Also there may be enough room for a few captions here and there- see Rita on this map.

The map is outstanding; I'm truly impressed.
Forgive my ingnorance, but how do you actually paste the .jpg into the post proper (not as a thumbnail attachment)?



Mardred looks around at all the people now starting even more daggers at him, this is not good. Kazzagin has let go of his arm now and seems content with his beer he notices, but Perry Tonne is making him out in front of all those assembled as one of the worst dwarves alive, must be confusing me with himself. This is not good, he can't be turned over to Perry Tonne, if he is he'll be killed for certain, maybe it would have been better to have paid my dues, maybe I should give up a life of crime, or the pretense of it anyway.

"Kazzagin, my wise friend, have you ever wanted a squire? For the chance to serve one as wise as yourself I would even give up most of my thieving ways and I could be useful to you, I am very good at finding and disarming traps"

(Bluff check, for some of that anyway)

OOC: Ouch the dice are not with me
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The map is outstanding; I'm truly impressed.
Forgive my ingnorance, but how do you actually paste the .jpg into the post proper (not as a thumbnail attachment)?

OOC: I upload the images to my free flickr account and then copy and paste the BBcode in to Enworld here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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