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The Four Lands - The Great North Part 2


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Jaroth I think you missed this spoiler earlier..

[sblock]Sensing Jaroth's grief and discomfort the two wolf puppies begin to lick and snuggle hard against Jaroth's lean form. As he abesntmindley begins to stroke their fur Jaroth senses a darkness about them..something he has missed before...there is no evil to the darkness simply a blackness about their aura. Then it hit's him, from a book read long ago, he remembers a distant passage "Perhaps the rarest or all wolf forms and currently thought to be extint..a shadow wolf is either born or created by a great tragedy[/sblock]

ooc: oops, yes, I did.

For DM
[sblock] Where did the pups come from? Did they arrive with Addison or is it a mystery where they came from? The answer to this question will likely control Jaroth's response. BTW, great to have you back! [/sblock]

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J. Alexander

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[sblock]I cant find the reference but the pups were found next to their dead mother when you or annistion were searching the area just after you summoned the elder god. One is black and the other is white i belive.

Yes i am glad to have my life finaly back on track i has so missed this outlet..

Please consider joing the invitatino only Lost Tower game[/sblock]


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Jaroth sighs and looks at the pups, inspiration coming to him suddenly, he adds "And these two pups are under my care. They are Wisp and Ash. The white one is Wisp, the other, Ash."


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Vadric merely nods at Bertrand's words, and proceeds with making Anniston's body ready for burial. The cleric is quiet, muttering the necessary prayers methodically as he goes about his duties, still a bit in shock over the loss.

J. Alexander

First Post
Vadric and Bertrand disappear inside the tent carrying Anniston's body. deSion after accompaning them into the tent returns in a few moments and says "I have had a lite repast prepared for everyone..it has been set up buffet style..please feel free to enjoy it. I am going to take a walk." He then begins to walk among the bodies..


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Arrwuh, guard him. And see that he doesn't do anything unsavoury. I'll see to Anniston possessions. Lady Darkhair, if you please?"

Vorian sheets Orderbringer and offers his hand to new arrival leading her into the tent.

Arrwuh nods and dissapears, following strange caster unseen.



Once proper preparations have been made, Bertrand takes a moment to eat a little something as a wave of exhaustion hits him.


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A few tears trickle down Finnian's face as he climbs back to his feet. He is quietly talking to himself as he faces the point where Anniston made his sacrifice.
"Rest well dear Anniston. Your faith is a beacon to us all.
"I told you it was those sanctimonious superiors of yours who had lost their purpose, not you. You did not have to go so far to show them. We knew your worth and so did the Light. Rest well faithful servant."

He does not seem to notice the others as his voice begins to roll into a requiem hymn. The power of his voice grows with each stanza until the final lines roll across the fields like a battlefield command.

"Soldier, ask not - now, or ever,
Where to war your banners go.
Anarch's legions all surround us.
Strike - and do not count the blow.

Glory, honor, praise and profit,
Are but toys of tinsel worth.
Render up your work, unasking.
Leave the human clay to earth.

Blood and sorrow, pain unending,
Are the portion of us all.
Grasp the naked sword, opposing.
Gladly in the battle fall.

So shall we, anointed soldiers,
Stand at last before the Throne.
Baptized in our wounds, red-flowing,
Sealed unto the Light - alone!"

Finnian stands a moment with the tears rolling freely down his face before he becomes aware of himself and his surrounding again and composes himself.

[sblock=OOC] Unfortunately I can't claim the poem / song as mine. I first read it about 30 years ago. It is from a work by Gordon R Dickson first published in 1967. Not sure if it is his work or something he picked up from elsewhere. I believe it is his since there is no acknowledgement in the print information copyright page. It was something that has always stuck with me and I thought appropriate to the moment. Just forgot to add the acknowledgment here. I did change Lord to Light to fit the setting.

As a voracious and eclectic reader for 40+ years, I have a lot of odd things drifting around in my head.[/sblock]
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J. Alexander

First Post
The party goes about it's various actions and soon night is falling. DeSion has not yet returned...

OCC:Draco if that is an original work by you and you just posted it..thought it and posted it you get one level. Bravo


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I just read the description of the sword, I don't know why I thought it was Anniston's sword...

[sblock=For DM]
Here is experts knowledge on such things. How does one make such sword? Vorian knows things forgotten in Four Lands, kept in his heretical order...
Armor craft (1d20+10=27)

Vorian pauses when Finnian starts his song, he waits letting the grief of losing a companion out with the notes. Once the song is finished, he resumes his walk toward the tent.

"That was very good Finnian. Bravo! ... ... Will you be joining us?"

Vorian continues to play a host to the lady while his companions busy themselves with various tasks around Anniston's burial rites.
"So tell me, how did you arrive this far north?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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