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The future of Greyhawk - PreVote Discussion

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Comments on Greyhawk

All following comments are made from a purely setting standpoint, not from personal views on the matter which I will not post here.

In all likelihood, people who see a drow are going to run the other way. And if there were reports of drow activity in the Keep, Greyhawk would burn the Keep to the ground and salt the earth so nothing ever grew again. Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration...maybe.

Not an exaggeration at all really, though rather than burn the place down they'd send troops in to clean the place out. Ford Keep is only a days travel from Greyhawk City. Far too close for comfort.

All forms of undead should be in disguise really.. Anyway. This means don't suck the life out of someone while everyone can see you. Baring your fangs probably isn't a good idea either.

True. Aside from the many holy symbols and so forth in the Tavern itself, undead wandering about openly would grab the attention of Pelor's priesthood..particularly strong in this area. Pelor is a Sun God with a MAJOR dislike of undead.

You see, slavery is illegal within the Domain of Greyhawk and while, yes, the Keep could be considered on the frontier, but that doesn't mean Domain law isn't being broken.

Indeed. It brings the death penalty in the Domain. The Keep isn't on the frontier, not in the sense most would think of it. Its only a days travel southwest of Greyhawk City. Its only a few days out from Dyvers and two days north of Two Ford. As for someone who owns a slave elsewhere bringing said slaves in with them, it would be wise if no one could ever tell that there was a slave/master relationship.

The Weave/Shadow Weave, silver fire, spell fire, magic methods from other published game systems or perhaps that of homebrew. Basically anything that isn't native to Oerth!

As was stated before, Weave, Shadow Weave, Silver Fire, Spell Fire, etc are not of Oerth. There are magics peculiar to Oerth, such as Mordenkainen's War Magic and so on. On the whole, however, the days of Very High Magic on Oerth are long past...gone with the Twin Cataclysms. The Greyhawk setting is a Medium Fantasy setting overall. It has magic, and some of it rather unique, but that magic isn't like the magic of Toril.

Since Greyhawk is the Default Setting for D&D, you'll find most of its spells are the ones in the PHB and supplements. Easily recognizable, many of them....Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Otto's Irresistable Dance, Tenser's Floating Disc. All of these are from iconic NPCs of the setting. Other spells were developed within Living Greyhawk or Dragon Magazine and other supplements and they can generally be found on those sites...which are now on, or being moved to, the Wizards site.

A note on Dragons and other such creatures in the tavern. Anyone who thinks a 16 foot long dragon about four feet tall doesn't take up too much space or get in the way of things needs to measure the rooms in their house, set out tables and chairs, and then have a good look at how restricted that space is and why such creatures would need to take humanoid form. The place isn't designed for four footers...though some times have been accomodated in the Big Folks section of the place..the West Wing.

Anyway, that's how it goes from a setting perspective.

You hit it pretty dead on Nevine.


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i never said the dragon wouldnt get in the way of some things, just that it wouldnt inherantly damage anything by by being there. as for the measurements, i have infact done that as well as measure it out in several local resturants before i made the character, i got bored and curious about just that. streached out yea it will probably bump into things, but over all it is not too cbad of a fit. anyway i always thought part of the fun of the setting was never knowing what you will see when you walk in. this was in no way meant to start a fight



Ok I think I wanta have a say in this....maybe....

First off, I think it'd be great to revert to the origanal setting with the open portal. Makes it easier to explain how off worlders like my characters get there, even though they have a very reliable means of transportation.

No other world magic? Ok I'd be fine with that except with a few minor questions that maybe could be hammered out if this restiction was put into play. My biggest one being couldn't there be a tiny room for some magic like that as long as it wasn't flashy or directed at anyone? My reason for asking this would be the fact that my dragon characters relie on form of magic thats no where near normal Oerth in order to change to human form. Now I may be the exception to a rule somewhere, but the most my chars have ever used their magic for is getting a glass of water or retrieving something they dropped.

And the animal thing, if it gets voted in. What about a smart animal who is not a famialar, but a companion/gaurdian to a character? My characters, and some others they have interacted with, have been know to be seen with an animal called a firelizard. Kind a three foot long dragon, but very smart. These animals do everything from convay messages to retrieve forgotten or lost items. And for my characters at least, their friends.

But like I said, those are questions for when this stuff voted on, not now. I just wanted to air them out before I forgot. :)


Rhane Arturant

Malendor... said:
And the animal thing, if it gets voted in. What about a smart animal who is not a famialar, but a companion/gaurdian to a character? My characters, and some others they have interacted with, have been know to be seen with an animal called a firelizard. Kind a three foot long dragon, but very smart. These animals do everything from convay messages to retrieve forgotten or lost items. And for my characters at least, their friends.

I believe this issue has already been mentioned before and it was said that animal companions and familiars would be allowed, as long as they're being controlled and with their master.

A familiar wandering around on it's own however.. of course is going to look just like a regular animal to everyone else and may be subject to an attack from Pounamu's infamous broom. :D



::protects her ferret (who's not been seen in some time, come to think of it) from the horrors of the broom!::

In all seriousness, I don't see the animals thing as too large of a hardship for a lot of folks -- in fact, I think that particular restriction would be very, very good for the tavern.


firelizard Brad

A familiar wandering around on it's own however.. of course is going to look just like a regular animal to everyone else and may be subject to an attack from Pounamu's infamous broom.

Ok I may sound stupid....ok I probaly am, but how would this particular law affect me if it came about.

I am a comapanion animal/friend. I have a mind of my own. I occasionally ((Though not as often as I use to)) go to the tavern by myself and chat with my friends. I am also occasionaly sent in after certain chars to remind them they are needed elsewhere. And I can't change from animal form, don't know how to.....

*Hides from broom of Doom!* :eek:



y'know what? now that Forgotten Realms is turning out to not have that many good places for a loose setting, I think I want this one to be the open loose setting... I think... But Juxta was the one like that, and it would be difficult trying to transpose that onto a familiar setting.

I dunno, don't listen to me... I'm just beginning to regret casting my vote for FR now that I realize that it would be a bit more limiting than I originally thought *sigh*... Maybe if we find a good, open place in FR I'll change my mind, that's what it really depends on...


First Post
Ahhh the thrills of discussions! I believe, no matter the circumstances people voted for what they want to play in...and if it's FR the majority want then FR it should be.

My two cents on the animal thing is pretty simple: Wild animals avoid human contact.

Trust me, even our kangaroos aren't friendly enough to hop into our bars so I'm not sure why any form of deer, bunny, bear etc etc would dream of it save perhaps a feed, and I'm sure there'd be alot more safer scraps outside. And it's very rare that a wild animal becomes tame, save through human handling/feeding, in which case they'd likely be controllable by said person/s and we are back to the whole thingy about familiars and animal companions.

On the other hand, Pou's broom is a classic, and if animals encourage her to use it I may just be tempted...

*gets dizzy from head running in too many circles*





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