D&D 5E The Grappler's Manual (2.0) - Grappling in 5th Edition

Carrying capacity? The trunk is functionally a third arm that does almost anything that isnt a weapon attack. The possibilities for expanded action economy are huge for grappling and just about any other play style.

I was specifically thinking about the moon Druid version of this build, which would lose “trunk.” But sure in person form, it’s a potential third grab target. Not really important for action economy - still costs an attack to grab.

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First Post
Aspiring Monk BJJ master here. Any updates or further recommendations when starting out level 1 ? I haven't played a lot of DnD but excited for a challenge to build this awesome build


First Post
Aspiring Monk BJJ master here. Any updates or further recommendations when starting out level 1 ? I haven't played a lot of DnD but excited for a challenge to build this awesome build


Anyhow, not really much to add. Read the guide, know the 5E rulebook, and make sure you and your GM are on the same wavelength on what you're doing. Grappler feat is still a trap, and the Shield Master feat's usefulness is a bit more limited by the current errata ruling saying that the full attack action must happen before the bonus shove action (people used to like to bonus shove earlier), though if that's crucial to your build talk to your GM about it.

From a roleplay perspective, you have to think about how to visualize what you're doing, since as the guide explains: You only need one hand to grapple a creature, and creatures can still attack you. This gets really funky looking when you're grappling large creatures (assuming you're medium). I've heard the suggestion that grappling is a lot more than wrestling or putting people into holds, and it's also about just keeping people off balance. Same with when you make them prone while grappling: You aren't necessarily pinning them, but you are preventing them from standing. So do keep that visualization in mind when you describe what's happening

Good luck with your build; I've been having fun, though you will be good at exactly one thing; If anyone says grappling is broken, they're wrong because you aren't a wizard who can be god.


First Post
thanks for the quick reply. wizards are op?
Is there a way to modify the bjj build to also find a way to incorporate the enlarge spell? or thats just too many multiclasses?


First Post
thanks for the quick reply. wizards are op?
Is there a way to modify the bjj build to also find a way to incorporate the enlarge spell? or thats just too many multiclasses?

Do you mean from this thread? https://web.archive.org/web/2015091...wizards.com/comment/51293186#comment-51293186
Since the current thread doesn't have any builds. The old thread linked there has builds but they may or may not be out of date.

If you're new to D&D, the first question you should ask is how many levels do you think your campaign will go? Sometimes campaigns go shorter or longer, but having a general idea means that you won't build for something that comes into its own when you'll never reach that level in the first place.

Also no idea if you came here from giantitp, but I highly recommend this set of guides: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/show...-Tables-and-other-useful-tools-for-5E-D-amp-D

Anyhow, as far as wizards being op... Yeaaaaaaah.... as long as you know what you're doing, and depending on your GM. Spells let you change the laws of reality, so... In that guides table link above, I'd suggest reading Treantmonk's god wizard guide. That said, your character need not be optimal to be fun.

As for multiclassing wizard... four multiclasses is pretty damn far, much less three. I'd say you couldn't work it in, but you can analyze the classes, figure out why decisions were made, and maybe make a wizard wrestler if you really want.

Yan Gorski

First Post
Is there a way to suffocate an enemy through Grapple? a rule for Choking them or something? it is the fastest way IRL to win through grapple, I guess...


First Post
Not formally afaik. There's no "Choke out" rule set or mechanics. There are suffocation rules though. You could ask the GM to pull those out if you really want, but I'd probably just make it flavor on my attacks instead if I was going that route (assuming an appropriate creature).


First Post
is a tortle strength monk the way to go? Was thinking of doing the human monk in the bjj master build from the original post, or goliath or tortle


First Post
Why don't you elaborate on your thinking on selecting tortle or goliath over human. I don't see anything wrong with it but it depends on what you're trying to accomplish by choosing those.


First Post
Sure thing, well after reading the guide, I really loved the idea of doing the "Technique 1: Powerbomb Suplex Shoulder Throw" - maybe has something to do with bringing me back to my childhood memories of watching WWF wrestlers, or my own martial arts background. So I immediately thought man, I definitely want to be able to play a character that can do that to monsters!

Voidrunner's Codex

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