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The Great Hero Showdown (First Round Voting Results Up!)


#29 - Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird

You have to remember the time and place both the movie (1962) and the book (1957) were released and where they were set. In the South, a black man is convicted of raping a white woman. Enter Atticus Finch, a white man who treats his client, and every black person he talks to, with dignity and respect, something very seldom seen in the South, or even in the US, at that time.

Atticus Finch said:
The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.


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#30 - James Bond

James Bond said:
Bond. James Bond.

You know him; you love him. Suave, sophisticated, charming, rough, tough, and ornery. He'll kick your ass and take your girl for good measure.


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#31 - T-800, the Terminator.


# 31 - The Terminator in T2.

Programmed to protect the future leader of the human resistance against the machines, the android T-800, known as Terminator, was sent back in time to square off against a vastly superior foe, the T-1000.

During his stay, he fought bravely, relentlessly, in spite of massive damage, and eventually grew to care about the boy in his charge.

In the end, he voluntarily sacrificed himself to prevent the future armageddon from happening, obliterating the technology used to create the machines that would one day build him.


#33 - Beowulf

Beowulf was the son of Ecgþeow, a banished warrior of the apparently Swedish Wægmundings. His father Ecgþeow had slain Heaðolaf, a man from another clan named the Wulfings (according to Scandinavian sources, they were the ruling dynasty of the Geatish petty kingdom of Ostrogothia). Apparently, due to the fact that the victim was from a prominent family, the weregild was set too high, and so Ecgþeow was banished and had to seek refuge among the Danes. The Danish king Hroðgar generously paid the weregild, and had Ecgþeow swear an oath.

Later, Ecgþeow was in the service of the Geatish king Hreðel, whose daughter he married. They had the son Beowulf who grew up with the Geats.

When king Hroðgar and his court were terrorized by the troll-like creature Grendel, Beowulf left Geatland (West Götaland) and sailed to Zealand with 12 warriors in order to pay his father's debt.

During the night, Grendel arrived to attack the sleeping men. Beowulf attacked him without his sword and tore the arm off the beast. Grendel returned to the bog and his arm was attached to the wall of Heorot.

The next day, Beowulf was lauded and a skald (scop) sang and compared Beowulf with the hero Sigmund. However, during the following night Grendel's mother arrived to avenge her son and collect weregild. As Beowulf slept in a different building he could not stop her.

He resolved to descend into the bog in order to kill Grendel's mother. They fought beside Grendel's corpse, and Beowulf finally won with the aid of an enchanted Giant sword nicked from the lair's plunder. Beowulf was recompensed with gold and horses by queen Wealhþeow, and they returned to Geatland.

Having returned, Beowulf took part in a historic raid against the Franks with his king Hygelac. His king died, however, during the raid and Beowulf swam home in full armour. Back in Geatland, queen Hygd offered Beowulf the throne but Beowulf denied in favour of the young prince Heardred.

However, Heardred received two Swedish princes, Eadgils and Eanmund who reported that they had fled their uncle Onela who had usurped the Swedish throne. This lead to a Swedish invasion in which Heardred was killed. Beowulf was proclaimed king and decided to avenge Heardred and to help Eadgils become king of Sweden.

The event when Onela was slain was probably a historic event. Even though, it is only briefly mentioned in Beowulf, it occurs extensively in several Scandinavian sources where it is called the Battle on the Ice. Snorri Sturluson, for instance, wrote: Onela rode Raven, as they rode to the ice, but a second one, a grey one, hastened, wounded by spears, eastwards under Eadgils. [...] In this fight Onela died and a great many of his people. Then king Eadgils took from him his helmet Battle-boar and his horse Raven (although, in Snorri's text the names are in their corresponding Old Norse forms).

Then Beowulf ruled the Geats for 50 years, until his realm was terrorized by a dragon. He attacked the dragon with his thegns, but they did not succeed. Beowulf decided to follow the dragon into its lair, but only his young Swedish relative Wiglaf dared join him.

The dragon was finally slain by Beowulf but he was mortally wounded and was carried out by Wiglaf. He died after prophesying that the Swedes would attack the Geats once again.

He was buried in a Barrow by the sea. The Swedish scholar Birger Nerman has proposed Skalunda Hög in Västergötland (West Geatland) to be Beowulf's mound.

In Scandinavian sources, Beowulf corresponds in several ways to Bödvar Bjarki. However, since centuries of oral traditions have modified a number of events and it is no longer possible to find 100% matches between Beowulf and Scandinavian sources, the Beowulf-Norse saga alignment is not uncontroversial.


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#34 - Rocky Balboa - Rocky

Rocky Balboa was a man from Philly who had a dream. He would become the Heavyweight champion come hell or high water. People tried to break him down. People told him he couldn't do it. Did he listen? No. And when he got his shot at the title, what happened? He lost. But did that stop him? Hell no! He got back up and, eventually, got the title. It's the classic "little man makes it big" story.


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#35 - Ellen Ripley - Alien

She was a strong, powerful woman thrust into a role usually reserved for men. She held her own, didn't take :):):):) from anyone, and came out on top by killing lots and lots of aliens.


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36. Robin Hood.

The legendary archer who devoted his life to combat injustice with his jolie company, Robin Hood is still an inherent part of hero myths. The noble thief became a popular archetype, but Robin can be considered the source.

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