The Grey Cloak Council Campaign Background Thread [RESTORED]

Sylvar B.

Trang stands and introduces himself to Kelborn, I echo the sentiments of the my friends, welcome to our party. I look forward to our many adventures, and some good company when we are not adventuring.

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Aust Thale

~Robhuud Greets Kleborn~

"Greetings Kleborn! Well met! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Come, sit. Visit with us. I'm just discovering what my friends have been up to these last 6 weeks, as I have been away for a bit. I'm sure it make for excellent stories!"

Robhuud is keen to learn of the others' adventures in his absence, as well as what can be expected in the coming hours and days. He is exceedingly pleased to be sitting among others, drinking a concocted blend of mead and ale, having already consumed a light meal of vegetables, a half potato, and a piece of fish.

" 'Kleborn The Wolf!' A splendid name indeed! Have you seen much adventure? Do you like it?"

Robhuud lets his eagerness get a bit of the better of him for a moment. He laughs earnestly and deeply. Pleased indeed, he is, to be among friends.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Osthelerin smiles, and says: "Indeed, friend, we have many stories to tell you! Kleborn, you might find this amusing as well!"

and with that, Osthelerin proceeds to relate the events of the last 6 weeks, using many hand gestures and dramatic flourishes. The whole "performance" takes about 30 minutes to relate.

You guys can read the campaign logs and "catch up," if you haven't already done so. It's all in this thread, even back before the last six weeks. The whole campaign thus far is spelled out with great detail.

Kleborn: What do you do?


Kleborn realizes that this group is what he is looking for, and that he will undoubtedly find adventure with them. He tells the group, "It is a pleasure to meet you all. I appreciate you telling me about the events you have faced over these last 6 weeks. I would very much like to join your group. I think I could be of use."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Mr. Wolf Joins The Pack!

Del Tan said:
After all of this has transpired, the bald Eryptian man finally says: "I am Del Tan Rah, priest of Rah, the Lord of Light; I am his humble servant, and loyal soldier. I must confess that I have spent the last 30 seconds or so studying you, under the guidance of Rah's light; and that light has revealed to me that you are no evildoer, and bear us no ill will, and therefore, I welcome you as a friend."

Osprey leans forward, and shakes Kleborn's hand. "Welcome to the group, then, Mr. Wolf. There are many more adventures to come, and if your blade is true and does not falter, great rewards shall be yours. Indeed, great rewards await us all, at the other end of this bloody business. The Cult of Tharizdun must not be allowed to re-awaken. And his followers must not be allowed to re-awaken the elemental lords of evil. The village and the moathouse are but the tip of the iceberg. I suspect the ruined temple holds much more than a few Hobgoblins; the Hobgoblins are likely minions or pawns of a greater evil. But first things first; we should prepare to explore the village of Nulb. Just because the place is abandoned and in ruins doesn't mean that we should ignore it, nor neglect giving it a thorough examination."

Osprey looks to others, awaiting their approval and/or input.

Aust Thale

Osprey leans forward, and shakes Kleborn's hand. "Welcome to the group, then, Mr. Wolf. There are many more adventures to come, and if your blade is true and does not falter, great rewards shall be yours. Indeed, great rewards await us all, at the other end of this bloody business. The Cult of Tharizdun must not be allowed to re-awaken. And his followers must not be allowed to re-awaken the elemental lords of evil. The village and the moathouse are but the tip of the iceberg. I suspect the ruined temple holds much more than a few Hobgoblins; the Hobgoblins are likely minions or pawns of a greater evil. But first things first; we should prepare to explore the village of Nulb. Just because the place is abandoned and in ruins doesn't mean that we should ignore it, nor neglect giving it a thorough examination."

Osprey looks to others, awaiting their approval and/or input.

Robhuud: "I'd like a piece of bacon, a biscuit, and two swallows of mead and morning wine, please, but other than that, I am ready. Let's be about it, then."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Organizational Post

This is an organizational post, intended to give us a methodology by which we can move this campaign thread forward, despite its recent sluggish nature.


Ok, folks, here's what we're going to do, to speed things along.

As you all know, this campaign was (and still is) intended for my 10 year old son, but since his attention wanders during roleplay, I have set it up to where we can do the roleplaying parts online, here at ENWorld, and save the battles for him, on the tabletop at home.

Ok, so with me being the DM, I have 3 people playing on ENWorld:

Aust Thale (playing Robhuud The Quick)

Sylvar B. (Playing Mavet, and Trang)

RedRaider (Playing Kleborn The Wolf, and Prince Derrith)

That means that I am playing the roles of:

Osprey, Del Tan, Jonwaine, and Teedi.

Since the ENWorld responses have been slow, I have decided to use the following methodology:

I will post something, and the characters that I am running will make some sort of decision.

The first ENWorld player to respond will speak for everyone else; For example, if I post:

"Osprey and Jonwaine decide to go South. Does the party follow?"

If Kleborn responds and says, "Kleborn & Derrith follow, heading South." then I will assume that Mavet, Trang, and Robhuud are following, also.

That way, we can move things along, even if everyone isn't responding all the time.

When I ask for specific things (such as die rolls), if I don't get a response within 48 hours, I will make the roll (or the decision) myself, and move on.


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Going To Check Out The Village Of Nulb


Ok, so, just as I was preparing to start up the Grey Cloaks again, the Myth-Weavers site crashed, and we lost Kleborn's stats. That has now been rectified. I restored his stats onto a Google Docs document, that I shared with RedRaider, so that he can update it and make changes as he sees fit. Now that Kleborn has his stats back, we can get on with the mission.

As you may recall, we were about to check out the abandoned village of Nulb. If you will refer to the quote below, you can teleport there from Rufus & Burne's keep:

The Dungeon Master said:
Patchwall 10, CY 963: (10 Days Ago; today is Patchwall 22nd.)
Burne stops the party as they are about to depart this morning; as a reward for rooting out the cultists in his town, Burne shares a secret with the party; Burne, a powerful wizard in his own right, is the apprentice of a powerful Arch Mage by the name of Bardulok The Faithful, who lives nearby in the city of Verbobonc. Bardulok has created 4 permanent Teleportation Circles for Burne, in a special chamber inside Burne's fortress; one of which goes to the common room of the Greyhawk Mage Guild, another which goes to the common room of the Verbobonc Mage Guild, and the last two of which go to places that Burne felt he might need to return to one day: The Great Hall of the Moathouse, and the northern stretch of road that leads to the hamlet of Nulb (about 300 yards north-northwest of the main bridge.)

Burne says that the party can make use of the Moathouse and Nulb circles for free, virtually anytime they wish, because their actions serve the good of the town. He says that the other two circles may be used at a cost of 100 gp. per person, per trip. All trips through the circles are one-way, i.e., there are no circles at the destination areas that permit a return trip. All of the circles are keyed to the voices of either Bardulok or Burne, so one of the wizards must be present for the circles to be used. Unlike the standard Teleportation Circle spell, simply standing on one of the circles is not enough to activate it; a command word must be spoken by a keyed voice (either Bardulok or Burne.)

The party packs up and marches over to Burne's keep. They knock at the gate; after a moment or two, the guard (after looking through the peephole to see who it is) raises the portcullis and opens the doors, allowing the party inside. After a brief exchange of pleasantries with Burne, the party steps onto the pad, and Burne utters the command word; the party is whisked instantly away, appearing outside the Northern boundary of Nulb, in a small copse of trees within a stone's throw of the main road into town.

Gentlemen, I'd like to know your marching order. I am assuming that you march in ranks of two. If you'd like to change that, please state your intention to do so. Otherwise, going by two's, I'm assuming Osprey and Mavet in front, second row Jonwaine and Teedi. Who's in the third row? (Del Tan and Robhuud?) Who's on rear guard? (Trang and Derrith?) Kleborn as the Caboose? :D [Small joke, Cabooses are red, and Kleborn has red hair! LOL!] ...Hmmm.... Perhaps ranks of 3, then, since there are now 9 of you? Let me know...

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Marching Off To Nulb...


Ok, the party has decided the marching order, as per the Facebook OOC Chat thread. The current marching order is:


The white area is a rough, brown, muddy, dirt road.

The grey area is gravel (a primitive form of a road shoulder)

The green area is the forest; it is of light density.

An overview of the village:



1. Entrance to the village; After crossing a small, foot bridge, you are in the village limits of Nulb. The first building that doesn't look like a residential dwelling has a sign that says, "Waterside Hostel." Like all the other structures in this abandoned village, it looks to be badly dilapidated, and in danger of collapse.

2. Village Center; in the center of the village, there is an old Herbalist Shop, and old Blacksmith Stall, and an old General Store. These buildings have seen better days.

3. The Docks; four boats still sit at anchor, although time has taken its toll. There is a canoe that is about 90% submerged, and two rowboats which have suffered a similar fate. The largest vessel here is an old riverboat, which is about half submerged, which looks as if it ran aground long ago. The riverboat is about 40 feet long, and 10 feet wide.

Everyone: You are now on the far side of the footbridge; you have not yet crossed it. What do you do? Are there any sections of the village you'd like to explore in detail?

Voidrunner's Codex

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