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The Happenings of Lucifus Cray: Update{23}07/06/06 - The Threading of the Weave

The Chess Situation

Thanks ledded for your continued reading patronage as well as others enjoying the story.

Rather dramatic events have happened in game which will shape this Story Hour in weeks to come. For the moment though, we continue to leave Sir Herland Ramus's response to Lucifus's revelation waiting as we examine further the Chess situation. Suffice to say, there is a lot more happening behind the scenes than is being told.

The following update traverses three scenes that should light up the dramatic conclusion soon to be told.
The web of intrigue has been firmly cast.


About ten minutes later…

The crowd cheered precluding all other sound as Chess stepped back upon the stage.

The second half of Chess’ evening performance whether by design or circumstance was comparatively subdued against the dramatic initial section. Rather than the majestic ballads, songs and airs of the first half of the show, Chess’ repertoire extended into various tales, storytelling, sagas, episodes and yarns. She had changed into a more conservative skirt with accompanying fine bodice, her hair more orderly and collected: almost regal. She started with stories humourous and comedic, ranging from the most heroic to the blue: the crowd cheering and laughing. Legends were then spoken of lands far away; daring and gallant characters and exotic places and locales all coming alive on the stage before the massive audience. She then ventured into one of her better-known epics, the audience becoming stilled from their previous raucousness. For Lucifus however, he barely took in a word. He did his best not to appear restive or over alert. Unfortunately, he could not locate anyone with obviously ill intent, the audience were once again spellbound by her silken words. He considered communicating his own message to Tunthi but thought better of it than having the half-orc enter the hall{1}. In the end, he woodenly listened to the rest of the show, wary of sudden movements. It was only at the end that he intended to make sure he was positioned where he was needed.

As Chess finished her performance with dramatic panache, élan and flamboyant flourishes, the lights across the breadth of the hall abruptly extinguished. Almost expecting as much, Lucifus travelled immediately [dimension doored] to the stage where several figures were rapidly moving around in the darkness. One of these figures sensing something belted the floating wizard over the head with a loose hand while several grunts were heard from the others tripping over each other. The unmistakable twang of a loaded crossbow being fired was the last distinguishable sound Lucifus heard before the dull uproar and unknowing cheer of the audience washed over the stage.

Impulsively and still smarting from the blow, Lucifus sped straight up but with no way of producing light he could not judge the events that had just happened. He just saw a series of shadowed forms below. There had been no scream and the confused figures below seemed not to have found their quarry given their confused movements. Nowhere could Lucifus sense where Chess might be, even using his ability to see those invisible to the naked eye. She had disappeared as if she was never there. Was she still in danger? Could there be more than one party after her? Lucifus was torn as to what to do next. He had agreed to wait for her but how could he now? Now was not the time for meekness and to abandon Chess to her fate. Lucifus, motivated by the performance had a surge of heroic inspiration and acted upon it immediately.


At about this time elsewhere…

Darkness pervaded the backstreets of Nethendawe. The area was additionally suffused with the odour of too many people in too little space. The stink of refuse and stench of excrement addressed two lantern carrying figures walking down the street. The lamps that each carried reflected their differing movements: one with a steady walk and light, the other with cautious and staggered steps, the light dancing and flickering in random patterns. The two watchmen: Farris the hardened veteran and Vincent, the new and green novice were investigating a report of unsatisfactory activity in the vicinity. Farris assumed that the overly vigilant information was nothing more than local carousing. However, he thought to show Vincent the new boy around and besides, his coinpouch had been substantially lightened and he wanted to get away from the gambling of the watchhouse before his funds were totally depleted. For all his years and experience in the watch, Farris even admitted to himself that as a gambler he was atrocious.

He cast an evaluative eye over Vincent. He was young, barely sixteen years old, and a farmer’s boy in the big city. Barely a week in the job, he was also as skittish as a sewer rat around the senior watchman. In fact the nerves of the lad were getting to Farris, he was too green although he did have some size to him. He might be good in a fight. Have to see he supposed.

It was then that Farris stopped.
“What ya stopping for sir?” Vincent asked.
“Shhh…up ahead” Farris pointed to a building. “A bunch of urchins scattering like the devil himself was chasing them. Out of that house me thinks.”
Vincent hadn’t been looking but he nodded anyway. Farris just shook his head. Some young’ens needed more than time. As much as people would like to think they were up for the job, the Watch required a special type of individual. If they were to last an amount of time anyway. The two advanced as before to the long disused premises.

Vincent shone his light inside where the door had been off of its hinges for some time and the windows to either side smashed in. The wooden house still concealed darkness within its frame. Vincent did not seem to know what he was looking for. Farris however did as he pointed to the floor, “Yep. This is where they ran out of.” Farris had highlighted the fresh sodden marks on what was left of the wooden planks making up the floor. He shined his lamp illuminating the rear. A doorway led through to a backroom.

Vincent immediately went to advance but was held back by Farris. “Now lets do this orderly like. There might be someone in there who would like nothing more than opening a big hole in your belly”. Both drew their short swords, Farris using it to point to where he wanted Vincent to move – to the side of the rear doorway.
“Come out if you’re in there. We won’t hurt ya.” Farris waited several moments for a response. Not receiving one, he stepped forward and nodded to Vincent. Vincent urgently moved through into the darkness before realising that the boss wanted him to shine the light inside, not barge in waving his sword. He accidentally dropped the sword whilst trying to swap hands with the lamp, the weapon making a dull thud on the floor. The lantern illuminated the backroom before being dropped as well with a crash of splintered glass.

“You fool what are you doing…” Farris’s words were instantly stopped by what he saw with his own lantern. “By the holy light of Galasso,” he swore. Vincent swung around and heaved his guts in the dark corner. In front of them was a body missing its head. A closer look revealed the head on a disused shelf having leaked and dripped its fluids over the well-dressed body below it. The body had been pilfered of its wealth, missing buttons, pouches and equipment. The fabrics and weave however spoke of the nobility. A look back to the head above revealed further violence. The nose had been violently severed revealing bone – half the face missing in the process. Identification would be difficult. Farris turned to the youngster who had by now gushed up his three daily meals. It was going to be a long night.


And again, in the past (about one to two weeks)...

The office room showed the trappings of extreme wealth with the gaudish use of gold upon the many adornments, finials and embellishments within its interior. The massive desk was the feature piece of the room although the beautiful surrounding bookcases of rarest teak glistened like honey, a light above casting its rays upon the numerous books burdening their shelves. In such extreme grandeur, the presence of anyone would simply be lost amongst the finery. All except for Gregor Mysellkoten, head and housemaster of the Mysellkoten trading house – the richest in Nethendawe and possibly anywhere along the mighty Beltrates. His features were clean and fine, his gaze clear and his demeanour of acuity and perception. Middle aged, he was a master merchant, the fifth generation of his family. Currently, he had stood up beckoning Jerigar{2} his assistant and accomplice to follow him. Touching a panel that magically retreated out of view; he led his companion down a series of stairs to a basement. This was the room ominously named the ‘dungeon’. It was the seat of the most important decisions and deals made by the Mysellkoten House.

It was Gregor, also known simply as The Baron who spoke first. “I understand your family is well. Peronsil is always nice this time of year.”
“Yes sir. The fashions, fetes and fairs are to my wife’s liking. My daughter is burgeoning upon that time where adolescence transforms into young adulthood. She seeks a fine match.”
“A beautiful and well-favoured child. I assume there are several suitors of choice?”
“There are several indeed. Some of which are not to my wife’s expectations nor my own. I do not know whose wrath is worse.”
The Baron raised an eyebrow at Jerigar’s subtle humour, the mannerism his own indication of expressing amusement. He responded. “I feel more sorry for the successful applicant. He has entirely too much to live up to.”
Jerigar simply laughed, “Indeed…I wish my daughter a child again, not the princess she wishes to become.”
The two smiled.

Jerigar changed the subject. “How is business? It has been a good few weeks since I have seen you. Have you sealed the deal with the Smith’s Guild in Keryl?”
The Baron nodded, “Yes our flow of funds increases suitably. As to the Keryl situation, Grand Master Kluge has seen fit to accede to some but not all of my demands. If he continues to be obstreperous, I may even see fit for you to pay him an encouraging visit. Such things however will have to wait as I have dealings for you elsewhere. Here in Nethendawe in fact.”
“Nothing of too greater exertion?”
“Not for you at any rate. The House of Elarayan{3} has seen fit to stall particular payments much to my displeasure. In fact they rashly flout my stipulations heedless as if the consequences were nothing. I need you to instruct them a stern lesson. Something dramatic that other Nethenese Houses may pay attention to in case they also feel we are lax in our provisions and requisites.”

“And the salient points of instruction regarding this lesson?”
“Two minor functionaries specific to the case and a senior assistant whose judgment has been recently clouded by a local entertainer.” Gregor Mysellkoten proffered a scroll to Jerigar from inside his robes. “Adequate details are included. I suggest careful work rather than anything too expedient. The case may be somewhat delicate.”
“Sir, I understand your directives with sufficiency. I will report back when suitable.”
The two men stood together silently for a moment before nodding in farewell; the dire dealings conducted with a casual air of normalcy, as if such things were mundane and the humdrum of regular business.


{1} Currently, Tunthi was being entertained by two wenches whose greed vastly surpassed their discernment. Tunthi had been involved in several scuffles earlier so Lucifus planned to keep him out of the way and occupied for the evening.

{2} Jerigar of Mysellkoten performed many functions for the Mysellkoten Trading House. Perhaps of greatest importance but least well known was his duality as the assassin Primmas Rose. Primmas Rose was an enigma to many in Nethendawe, Peronsil and beyond; a name mentioned to provoke reaction. Unfortunately, Chess was one of the few who knew his real identity, a circumstance she would soon suffer for.

{3} The Elarayan house was a relatively new trading house whose commercial interests had increased significantly over the past ten years. The current Housemaster was Teroncé, an avaricious man of deft mercantile acumen. Interestingly enough he was also the blood uncle of Chess, not that he knew of such at this immediate point. He had banished his sister, (Chess’ mother) over twenty years ago from any dealings with the family. She was left destitute and a pauper in Peronsil. He figured her dead.

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Hello Again,

The following short post will hopefully fill in a few pieces of the puzzle awaiting the dramatic conclusion to be posted soon. Apologies if you need to reread previous posts to make full and complete sense of the following.


The Early Evening of Chess’ Dramatic Performance at Gumbil’s Turm
About three hours before her appearance upon the stage…

After a week of gauging attitudes, routines and the disposition of the principals in his deadly and dramatic arrangement, Jerigar (Primmas Rose) leant against the wall of the shack casually surveying the first “Act” of his work. The primary thrust of his current engagement had gone as per plan. He was now ready for the “Encore”.

The plan was of an intricacy and complexity that only one of his skill and élan could encompass all the elements involved for the eventual and desired effect. In one fell swoop; he had destroyed the primary players of the miscreant trading arm of the Elarayan House as per instructions; deflected blame towards Chess whose precipitant murder would reflect culpability back towards the Elarayan house and thus and most importantly for him, eliminate the only person{1} who could link Primmas Rose to Jerigar of Mysellkoten.

Unfortunately, he had used the Bard’s skills in a previous operation in Peronsil. She was well placed at the time and the effort saved him considerable difficulty on a separate matter. In the process however, she had been given circumstances to make a link between his two personalities, a situation he knew she would have connected together. While he could do little about it at the time, he knew that he would eventually have to nullify the possibility of his duality becoming known. Thus, Chess would die this evening.

Within the scroll handed to him by The Baron were details of Gareth of Elarayan’s movements and current amour with the performer. On further discrete investigation, he was surprised to discover her motives – revenge for her mother’s and by cause and effect her own banishment from the House. Indeed she intended to somehow bring the House to its knees through some scandal{2} or another. The fact that she was a bastard of the House was certainly fuel to be used at a later point. Cunningly however, he had already used this information. He had expressed these details in fullest detail in a missive to Teroncé Elarayan. Using one of his spies neatly placed in the house, he had learned of Teroncé’s immediate fury and then the housemaster’s own plans to take the performer prisoner for a no doubt grisly end this evening. He would of course beat such efforts to the punch with his superior abilities and thus the blame for each of the murders would neatly be placed in each other’s court – Chess’ on House Elarayan and House Elarayan’s on Chess{3}. For the moment however, he left the scene{4} quickly to make preparations for his own performance this evening.


{1} While Jerigar knew that Gregor Mysellkoten and two others of the House had their suspicions, The Baron and his two advisors politely failed to acknowledge the alias in Jerigar’s presence.

{2} While he did not yet have the details of this scandal – Gareth had appallingly spilled all he knew [Under the circumstances, that is an incredibly poor pun by me the author] for no further enlightenment – Jerigar would need to discern Chess’ methods, devices and strategy before her death.

{3} Jerigar had neatly sculpted a note to the local watchhouse that would be delivered later this evening making her supposed culpability known.

{4} The two bodies of Heron and Saul were deposited underneath the planking currently supporting the headless corpse of Gareth.


First Post
Herreman, I thought I would drop a line as well, this is a great story hour. At first I was a little taken aback at the length of the first post, but I continued on. I am glad that I did!.

To think that all of this is happening (well, actually happened) in the past before Lucifus even joined the group he was now a member of. If the other members have as colorful a past as a certain warlock, this will be an entertaining story hour indeed.

On a more OOC vein, what level are the players at? I can assume that they are not the run-of-the-mill newbies, but at the same time I a mnot sure how far up the ladder they are. Just curious.

My kudos to you.

Mahtave said:
Herreman, I thought I would drop a line as well, this is a great story hour. At first I was a little taken aback at the length of the first post, but I continued on. I am glad that I did!.

Thanks Mahtave for the extended response, it's nice to think that you are enjoying this enough to give such considered feedback. Unfortunately, the first post most likely was too long and has caused many to bail early. I've tried to keep updates to a reasonable length since then. Live and learn :)

Mahtave said:
To think that all of this is happening (well, actually happened) in the past before Lucifus even joined the group he was now a member of. If the other members have as colorful a past as a certain warlock, this will be an entertaining story hour indeed.

As I was saying to Ledded, this game has been going since and even before in a couple of cases 3rd Edition. As such, to just turn up on the day to roll up a new character is simply not a consideration; at least for me anyway. Various members of the group have asked me "why can't you just play a 'normal' character" but that would not be quite as much fun. Interestingly enough, my old character (he-that-shall-not-be-named) is still in the picture somewhat [He was involved in a very interesting moment last session]. I'm glad because a lot of time and effort went into him - you thought Lucifus Cray was extreme. ;)
The other characters have very detailed backgrounds too. Detailed but maybe not quite as extreme.

Mahtave said:
On a more OOC vein, what level are the players at? I can assume that they are not the run-of-the-mill newbies, but at the same time I a mnot sure how far up the ladder they are. Just curious.

My kudos to you.

There's a fairly broad range of people in our group. I suppose I'm the "youngest" (aside from Eddie) as although I've played on and off since the red box (I still remember that dragon), I only joined the group about six or seven years ago. I've DMed several campaigns, one of which I hope to turn into an actual novel one day.

Dave (who plays Nemhan) has been playing since 1st Ed. although I think it would be fair to say he is the master of 2nd Ed. and the Forgotten Realms in particular. We affectionately call any game he DM's a "Dave Game". This means that the amount of Magic Items in the game borders upon the ridiculous in number and power. I still remember my first game with him when my character tried to grab a hand out of a chest to have it replace his own, give him Titan strength and be defended by one of seven dragons. Never let it be said that anyone ever gets bored in a Dave Game.

Stu (who plays Demar) has been playing and DMIng for as long as Dave (if not longer). Stu's the master at working background and story effects into a campaign. He has (along with Dave, Paul and Eddie's) a magnificent set of miniatures that we utilise. When we play, Stu and I are normally fairly competitive in certain departments.

Maree (Stu's wife who plays Rebecca) is fairly new to the caper but loves getting in amongst it. She is the only player who is not a DM too.

Justin (who plays Titus) is most probably the best out of all of us. His roleplaying is so quick and to the point. He is the master at staying in character. In addition, he plays a Rogue very very well.

Eddie (who plays Father Brian) is a recent addition to our group who loves RPing. He normally DM's for his own group. He has certainly had a bit of fun - I suppose we really throw ourselves into our characters.

and finally there is the DM of this campaign:

Paul. The world that I write about here has been his creation for over 25 years. He is the most experienced out of all of us and encourages a DM hands off approach. Still, he enjoys himself when he rolls criticals against us. However, perhaps one of the funnier moments was when he had spent weeks painting up this absolutely brilliant Nalfeshnee (man was it good) only to have it decapitated by my Paladin (although the roll for it was performed by Stu - the irony there was amazing, I still chuckle now) in its first outing.

Anyway and altogether, I'd say most of us are fairly experienced with Pauly being the standout. I hope you keep reading and enjoying - I'm three sessions behind currently with enough room for about ten updates (our sessions normally go for between 10 and 12 hours). I'm being a little indulgent with some of the background stuff but there are reasons that will be obvious soon.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

PS: There will be a special and significant update in the next few days.

Checkmate - Part I

In the Great Hall of Gumbil’s Turm at the Immediate Conclusion of Chess’ Performance…

The flat plunge of darkness enshrouded the expanse of the hall as a voice whispered urgently in Chess’ ear “We must escape immediately, they have come to kill you.” The speaker’s hands grabbed her and pushed her towards the side door before she felt a twinge of magic, as she was instantly pushed{1} into the corridor beyond. She looked behind her at two figures that had run through the doorway carrying short swords onto the darkened stage beyond before turning to see her rescuer. It was Primmas Rose.

He spoke with exigency, “If you value your life Chess, I suggest you follow me as closely as you can.” Primmas Rose swung around without looking to see if she followed. As confused as she was, she did not wish to tarry. She followed at her best speed, or at least as best as her outfit would allow. A thought was trying to penetrate her consciousness but the drama of the quick exit and her trailing of Primmas Rose would not let it surface. She followed him down a set of stairs that led deep into the bowels of the Turm. There was little light except from the occasional torch that fluttered dramatically as the two went past. They stopped for a moment as Primmas’s careful fingers traced the line of the wall besides several crates. With a push it gave way, allowing entrance to a secret chamber beyond. He ushered her through as he waited looking for any signs of hostile pursuit.

She looked into the chamber illuminated by two lanterns. A table, two chairs, an unlit candle and a selection of fruit waited patiently. She looked at Rose in surprise, giving him a questioning look as she went through. He closed the door firmly behind her with a click. Chess looked at the man, his economy of movement, his dashing features and his current cordial and courteous mannerisms. He lit the candle and motioned for her to sit.

“And so what do I owe the pleasure of your company master assassin.”
“Please good lady. Such indelicate words sound so course coming from your velvet voice.”
She waited anyway for an answer as her eyes glanced the fruit. She picked up a choice ripened persimmon as her blue eyes were cast once more at the man. He smiled. Poisoning was not his way at any rate.
“No thank you for your rescuing? I’m quite surprised. I thought you might have been a little more… appreciative… pleasant even.”
“Come on Primmas Rose… if I may name you such. I’m sure your motives extend past sharing an evening repast with me.”
“Indeed they do. But for the moment, please rest. Enjoy the fruit. Your face is slightly peaked if I may be so rude.”
Chess looked at him while she collected several more pieces. She could not explain or understand his motives, a situation not to her liking. He seemed at ease but that could mean anything.

“I suppose then you know who wished me ill this evening?” she asked, picking another berry.
“Yes, yes, a somewhat delicate matter from the sounds of it. I believe you have had recent dealings with House Elarayan. For some reason, the Housemaster has become a little upset with you.”
She looked at him carefully not wishing to say anything. Her suspicions in regards to her plan’s discovery seemed to be at the very least confirmed. Teroncé had obviously found out something but how? She focused back on Primmas and asked, “And how did you manage to find all this out, rescuing me with such exquisite timing.”

He paused before answering. “I was in town and heard several whispers here and there. Besides, I like you Chess. I like a woman who challenges the mind whilst being so very easy on the eye.” He gauged her demeanor before continuing, “I am however curious on a few matters. While we have the time and solitude, perhaps I could ask a query or two?”

She looked at him again but could sense nothing but urbane politeness. “I can see I have little choice, even if I wished to be silent.”
“Come now. I’m not entirely the ogre I’m made out to be; where as Teroncé would very easily suit such a repugnant category. No, I’m just somewhat curious as to the game you were playing that could lead to such an unfriendly reaction from him. There have of course been consequences that you may not yet have discovered. This afternoon in fact.”

Chess stopped eating. “What do you know? I believe you are trying to tease me now.”
Primmas Rose laughed. “I believe your little interlude with Gareth of Elarayan was discovered. In all honesty I thought you more discrete?”
“I was discrete,” she frowned.
“Obviously not enough.” He let the words linger a moment before adding, “Things seem to have gone somewhat downhill for Gareth. Apparently now there is some distance between his head and his shoulders.”
“What has happened? What has Teroncé done?”
“As you well know, Teroncé is a determined individual when given cause and particularly stubborn to boot. Perhaps he wished to teach the senior master of his Trading arm a lesson.” Primmas Rose then directed his most penetrating gaze at her, “Or perhaps his thoughts went beyond that. Perhaps he was disturbed at the actions of a wayward and long lost niece?”

Chess bolted upright as Primmas Rose instantly drew his legendary double crossbow up to her throat.

“Come now Chess. Don’t get all excited. That’s it sit back down, nice and slowly. I believe there are still some persimmons left to your taste.” He paused. “Now where were we? That’s it, you were telling me about your little amour with the noble but recently deceased Gareth. Truly, I thought such things against your inclinations{2}?”

Chess shivered in recognition. His tone was completely even and never wavering, the glistening tip of the crossbow bolt pointed at her equally resolute.
“Why are you asking? You seem to already know the answers.”
“Just so,” he laughed again. “Well allow me then to be more direct shall we. You have sensitive papers I believe that the good Housemaster would be significantly embarrassed by. For example, if they were well known, your Mother might have legal grounds for considerable financial redress. I believe he would wish them returned, with none the wiser.” Primmas Rose paused once more before tersely asking, “Give the papers{3} to me if you please.”

“They are with my things. I would have to return to my room and…”
“No you will not as they are neatly secured in your bodice. Remove them and give them to me. Now!”
She thought of some sort of heroic resistance but knew as she looked at the bolt’s head that it would penetrate her before she had the chance for anything. She slowly reached inside her bodice but with annoyance realized that the parchment had travelled further down than what the tight bodice would give access to.

“I will have to loosen my corset to retrieve them if you don’t mind.” She pulled carefully at the laces loosening them giving at first ample view of her cleavage before releasing her bosom entirely. She looked to see if she had distracted him but unfortunately the crossbows orientation had not faltered. Curse the bastard but he was good. She slid her hand underneath her left breast where the parchment had relocated to, its shape moulded to her form. Chess pulled out the somewhat crumpled documents, warm to the touch.

“They are here,” she said as she placed the parchment upon the table. “Take them please and let me go.”
“Let you go? Whatever for my dear.” He reached over for the papers applying them carefully to the inside of his jacket. “The dark hours are but young and you still have several songs I wish to hear. I would be honoured to hear your final performance.”
Primmas Rose started to chuckle as he saw her features go pale with recognition; the blood totally lost from her face and neck.

“I won’t say a thing,” she rushed. “No one needs know of any of this. I will keep your secrets safe...”
“I think not young Chess. You are a singer and taleteller after all. I am not so trusting as to casually leave such a loose thread around any more.”
Chess was getting desperate now, anger warming her voice. “There is someone who will hunt you down. Know that with all clarity when he kills you.”
“Your wizard friend,” he laughed and pointed to the second bolt in his crossbow. “Your wizard friend will not be appreciating this bolt. It will guarantee him certain death{4} let me assure you. However, I wish not to boast, it does not convey the image I normally like to present. While I would wish it otherwise, your death is unfortunately necessary. I hope you understand that there was no other way.”

Just as Chess was about to respond, a pulse of magic was suddenly felt in the room; a figure appeared in the corner; Chess reactively stood; Primmas Rose’s attention however had not swayed, drawing instantly his assassin’s dagger and plunging it deep into her throat: the entire movement too quick for the eye; the poison having already acted. Chess had not even seen the blow that killed her.


{1} Primmas Rose was wearing special boots imbued with a magic similar to the Shadowdancer’s “Shadow Jump” ability (like a limited dimension door). A Dimension Door normally requires a willing participant, which Chess was due to the initial exchange. They could be used three times per day for up to 20 feet at a time. This had been the second activation.

{2} While Chess was perhaps the perfect vision of male lust, her own inclinations were also directed at the female gender. While she had slept with many men over the course of her career, she took no pleasure in it. Such joinings were purely business.

{3} While Gareth had given him nothing, further thought and evaluation from Jerigar (Primmas Rose) had led his suspicions in a particular direction. A quick chat in the early evening with his Elarayan aide had resulted in the requisite information now being used against Chess. In some respects, Primmas Rose was very lucky to have stumbled across this information when he did, several threads of fate entwining at seemingly the correct instant. Primmas Rose had he known of this would have smiled – for him; there was no such thing as luck.

{4} The second bolt in Primmas Rose’s double crossbow was a bolt of silencing that would enact on contact. The bead that made up the head of the bolt was designed to be dislodged inside the target’s body, rendering them incapable of most spell castings. Primmas Rose had planned for this contingency and knew the bolt would give him the time to make sure of the wizard’s death. The first bolt was standard lotus poison, capable of killing most people.

Checkmate Part II

It was like everything had stopped as Lucifus awaited the spell’s effect{1} to finish transporting him to this place: his senses were impatiently aware; the fluttering lights in the cellar; the swirling shadows; the blindingly quick strike to Chess’ neck. He was too late.

Lucifus screamed in fury as he saw Chess’ form drop, her rich life’s blood streaming from her neck, down her chest and onto the ground as she then collapsed face first to the floor. This was followed by Lucifus’s scream of agony quickly cut short as a magical sphere of silence surrounded him completely. The missiles impact had vaulted him to the ground, making him momentarily lose control of his magical hovering. Time palsied as Lucifus looked down at the bolt penetrating his chest in between two ribs smashed to fragments. His black silk toga blossomed wetly around the shaft as he looked back up at the well-dressed man smiling at him. The man spoke words as his lips moved, their aural significance lost to Lucifus in the silence as pain coursed around his ribcage and up his spine. The bolt had penetrated deeply.

Primmas Rose spared not a glance at the crumpled body of Chess. His eyes instead fiercely held to Lucifus, the gladiatorial rush of victory making manic his features. He spoke a single animalistic word as he fired the other bolt at the now helpless and enfeebled wizard. Lucifus saw in slowest motion the bolt release, its trajectory set between his eyes. Lucifus’s head lurched back expecting the blow.

However, the bolt disappeared halfway between Lucifus and the assassin. Primmas Rose looked in askance mouth wide with confusion. Rose’s face was soon overtaken by terror as the massive form of a half-orc driving fifty pounds of axe into his braincase suddenly appeared. The effects of the invisibility potion had vanished but the bolt remained, securely held in Tunthi’s gut. The Derman collapsed in toxic pain as he swung out with his axe to finish the job. The blade struck nothing but air. The assassin was gone.

Lucifus tried to stand but could not. He then focused and hovered erratically towards where Tunthi looked at the tiny bolt in his belly, confusion clouding his features as he innocently looked in agony at the wizard. Lucifus painfully bent to the tough leather box at the side of the massive half-orc’s belt releasing its vials across the floor. None had been labelled although several had marks of some kind upon them. Lucifus tried to speak to Tunthi but he was short of breath and silenced by magic. He needed to get rid of the silencing effect somehow. He reached to his own pouch for his most powerful curative, swallowing the vials contents, the taste astringent, the feeling bitter. He felt for two others before consuming them as well. The bolt finally popped out but so did a small ball like a gold bullet.

Lucifus detected the aura of magic{2} upon the bullet yet not the bolt and pointed to it desperately with a smashing action. Tunthi, now significantly weakened and lying on the floor did his best. The axe blade cleaved deeply into the floor making the bullet jump slightly. With effort and waning strength, he pulled the blade out and tried again, this time sending the pellet careening away from the blades edge and underneath the table. In fury, Tunthi launched his massive axe ‘Gnasa’ at the ball. The axe blade somersaulted; the throw was perfect, the golden pellet blasted into fragments, aural vibrance and sound returned to the area.

‘Grusha en Nuka Tunthi. Perre,” Lucifus breathed, relief yet desperation clouding his features. The half-orc struggled to understand as the poison quickly coursed through his veins, visibly weakening him every second and bringing him ever more quickly to Death’s doorstep. The pallor of the Derman had gone a sickly purplish white. He pointed at one vial loose on the ground then another before shrugging his shoulders. He was not sure.

Lucifus grabbed the first and without thinking further pushed it up towards the half-orc. Tunthi consumed the vial with difficulty. Their breaths were collectively held. The barbarian relaxed as the poison was immediately extinguished, expunged from his system. Lucifus took the other little tube moving to Chess. Blood had pooled underneath her neck and chest. He carefully tried to turn her over but it was all so dreadfully obvious. She was dead.

Phantom pain exploded through Lucifus at the realisation, the sharp sting having being held at bay in hope that Chess might still be alive. Now that the hope was gone, the delusive pains vital message was pulsed ruthlessly through his body before slowly releasing him from its grip, as if realising its presence was without cause or reason. Tunthi ignoring his own pain and near terrible fate had moved carefully to the wizard’s side, reaching out his enormous hand to clasp Lucifus’s shoulder as if to try and share the burden of grief and lend what remained of his strength to the little man he would follow for eternity. No words were spoken as Lucifus looked up at Tunthi’s features, grief wrought across their faces. They had failed.


And so concludes the official end of the Chess Situation. The less well-known circumstances and aftermath of the affair will be digressed to in a future post after more pertinent matters have been dealt with. Several intriguing outcomes however are worth noting at this stage.

Primmas Rose somehow managed to survive the near-mortal wound from the barbarian, exiting by the use of desperate magic – a very lucky circumstance given the proximity of the silencing gold pellet in Lucifus’s chest. He harbours the severest of ill will towards Lucifus: dire curses and vile vendettas were sworn as he recovered from his grievous wounds.

Most agreed – although there will always be the overzealous critic in any crowd – that Chess’ performance was the best ever witnessed at the Turm. Fathers would talk to sons, masters to their apprentices and the noble to his neighbour of the night they once had at Gumbil’s Turm. A legend had been born this night, a brilliant star freshly lit in the night sky if only to be so quickly extinguished and winked out of existence.

And finally, the constabulary noted a day or two later, the extraordinary disappearance of two men of the watch. Farris and Vincent had been making further investigations regarding several murders. Unfortunately each had managed to procure a slit throat and a watery riverbed grave underneath the mighty Beltrates. The investigations made by them into the disappearance/murder of Chess and members of House Elarayan had been unfruitful in any case despite the rumour of a mysteriously appearing note (that managed to equally mysteriously disappear). Nothing could be proved and the crimes remain unsolved.


Look forward to the next instalment as we journey back several years into the icy coastal fjords of Derman. (We’ll then quickly retreat back to the present where Lord Herland Ramus will deliver his caustic response to dinner table revelations made by Lucifus – an explosive episode to be sure.)


{1} Lucifus had used his ‘Zelabel’s Instantaneous Transmission’ [Dimension Door].

{2} Lucifus had several spells permanently in effect on his person. The Detecting of Magic was one of them.


First Post
Hi there!

As SH go, this one is intriguing.

Lucifus is the kind of wily mage I love because you can actually see his Int score at work beside obvious displays of arcane powers. Too often, high-level wizards are reduced to an occasional comment based on their Knowledge (X) skill(s) and a continuous series of spells cast to show just how powerful they are. Glad to see you breaking stereotypes.

Speaking of stereotypes, after reading Sep's SH, I must confess I had come to expect Alienists to .. ah .. "work" in certain ways. Again, you proved me wrong.

From the way he acts, one can readily see Lucifus is a Conjurer. Alienist is much more tricky to uncover.. which is a good thing because a character's class(es) shouldn't be too obvious. Helps preserve a sense of mystery.

I especially liked the enemy-polymorphed-into-a-toad. Long ago, it seemed every wizard out there was doing it but it kind of fell out of fashion. So, seeing it done once again brings back a sense of time-honored practice. Nice touch!

I'll be sure to drop by again in the future when you update :cool:

The Stones of Fate

Several years earlier…

The mighty Beltrates joins together a vast and varied expanse of population, from the ancient areas of Kortillne all the way down and through the city states of Greatbridge, Flekir and Keryl to the Emperor’s current seat of Peronsil and finally to the Beltrates Delta at Nethendawe. The Beltrates Delta itself empties into the legendary Sea of Amber where to the east, lying on the southern sweep of the Sea is the country of Amborna while on the western arc of the Amber's reach lays the rugged coastline of Derman. The wilds of Derman are a primal realm noted for their mighty fjords, ancient topography and smatterings of primitive culture. The small tribes and groupings are humano-centric with traces of orcish and other barbaric bloodlines widely spread. Some of the coastal clans have developed through trade or plunder while other inland tribes still live, as they existed many hundreds of years ago by the dictates of their shamans.

Along the northern lands of the Derman coastline deep amongst the icy fjords laid several tribal areas. These areas defined by the dominant clan in each region had been in conflict or at war with one another for well beyond living memory. Hatreds had blackened the blood running through their veins for so many generations that whether by instinct or instruction, an inevitable and immutable aura of loathing and eternal malice clouded the entire region. The wilds of Derman were an intensely dangerous place.

Currently, Lucifus Cray was watching a spectacle high atop the cliffs of one of the great fjords of the Strauchn Tribe{1}. A half-circle of rock perilously reached outwards of the cliff top, hundreds of feet above the rocky crags below. The hostile wash of treacherous waves thundered into the cliffwall, sending spumes high into the frigid air. Upon the semi-circular platform lay a series of important stones of significance forming a henge enclosing two combatants carefully circling each other. The entire male component of the Strauchn tribe attempted to view this battle from the arena-like hilltop behind the semi-circular henge: one of Hercule’s moons full in the night sky lent adequate illumination along with several fires. The warriors each moved with speed and precision, every shift and feint met by a roar or savage intake of breath - the clash was to decide the fate of the clan’s leadership.

Lucifus had been staying with the tribe’s Shamaness learning from her ancient secrets of power amongst other things. The tribe regarded him suspiciously but as the Shamaness was obviously cavorting with the strange and powerful “tuk-tuk”{2}, his presence was tolerated. He floated beside her, currently watching the ferocious yet to him slightly ridiculous death duel between Klorgan: the Clan’s leader{3} and a powerful young fighter challenging him by the name of Tunthi. Lucifus was currently conveying his thoughts to the Shamaness in the more civilised Ambornan speech – Lucifus’s native tongue and a language he had taught her over the past year.

“Do you expect this challenger to be successful? There have been several over the past two moons. The Mighty Klorgan for a fact is looking somewhat taxed by the younger challenger.”
Ugari’s clear gaze never wavered from the contest, the Shamaness’ dark hair bound in ceremonial significance. “The celestials tell me many things and the forces behind them more. Of this contest however I cannot divine. Tunthi lacks the wisdom for leadership despite his strong arm. It would be a poor choice of the spirits to allow him victory.” Whilst only slight, Ugari, Shamaness of the Strauchn had an aura of power about her unmatched by any in the clan. Her word was as law. Or perhaps more accurately in terms of their barbaric culture, her word was feared by all. She looked on in silence, her face an intense and unreadable mask.

The clan roared as Klorgan parried away a sudden slicing arc from the younger Tunthi before bringing his own axe to bear; the overhand thrust separating bone and sinew along Tunthi’s left shoulder. The burst of sound from the savage crowd echoed over the henge and out into the sea’s far expanse. Klorgan followed the strike by battering the full weight of the axe into Tunthi’s chest, an explosion of air rushing out of the challenger’s lungs. The sheer force of the brutal blow had pushed Tunthi back and over to the ground: two glisteningly white ribs had broken through crimsoned muscle and skin as evidence of Klorgan’s savage ferocity. The leader stepped in for the killing blow to separate head from neck but was briefly thwarted by Tunthi’s ruined arm, the blow smashing his forearm apart and glancing off onto the side of his face ripping off cheek, ear and jowl. The loud clattering of the clan’s collective axes acknowledged the imminent victory of Klorgan – his opponent helpless upon the ground and at his mercy.

Klorgan looked around the henge as the bellowing din of the clan washed over him, the flames of fate illuminating his massive sweaty and bloody features as he held his axe high to his men once more in victory. His eyes were fevered in rage, his body taut in triumph as he quickly swung around with a flourish and brought the axe down single-handedly into Tunthi’s ruined body. So quick that men would boast to the spirits that they had seen the blow, Tunthi twisted bringing his own axe up. The blade cut deeply across the throat of Klorgan as the clan leader sent the strike that should have ended the duel off of Tunthi’s side and into the rocky dirt. Klorgan’s eyes danced in panic as he realised his mortal mistake, a hand went to his throat to stop the instant gush of blood but the blood welled through his grip and down his arm, his front an instant crimson. He pulled his axe arm back as if to attempt another blow but with this final act of futility, he collapsed chest first to the ground. He would die with the bitterest knowledge of his loss wrought across his strained and defeated features.

The Clan had momentarily stilled; gone quiet as if trying to take in either what they had seen or the ill logic of what seemed to have taken place. Tunthi rose upon one knee before taking Klorgan’s axe as his own. With what was left of his strength, he raised the axe known simply as “Gnasa”. A ragged cheer went up from some acknowledging the victory while most looked on in solemn silence, their faces turned to the Shamaness, the clan’s flame flickering strongly behind her. She herself waited for Tunthi to complete the victory.

Tunthi, his left side covered almost totally in his own blood, the side of his face a bloody, mangled mess had the strength to get to his feet and step to one of the standing stones. While his left arm dangled uselessly to one side, the other held his new axe, also gripping the side of one of the standing stones. Lending his shoulder to the effort with both legs straining, he toppled the tall stone off the precipice into the gnashing black seas below. The wind blew ferociously and so the rock’s impact was never to be heard. It was however certainly felt. The Clan started battering axe heads into shields or other axes, the noise and clamour of the clan rising swiftly in volume. Over all was heard the penetrating granite voice of the Shamaness shouting a single victorious word. Gnasa!!!


{1} Strauchn when translated by an enthusiast with a streak of panache would best be represented by the moniker “Mighty Sea Wolves”. A stricter and less inspirational translation would be “hungry water people”.

{2}Tuk-Tuk in Derman means little non-fighting man or in the course and vulgar slang of some clan members “du Gnasa”.

{3} While the Clan Leader was responsible for the martial undertakings of the tribe, the real power and essence of the tribe resided with the Shamaness. It was held that the tribe’s entire soul resided in her heart. As such, most matters of life and death were her province. It was her immediate responsibility and duty to judge the victor of the duel worthy of carrying the Clan’s flame – currently sitting to her right atop a mighty torch.

The Power of the Alienist - Part One

About Two Months after Tunthi’s Dramatic Victory at the Henge…

The creature looked at Lucifus before gazing at Ugari’s naked form reclining on a series of pillows brought into the tent for her convenience and comfort. It’s head and eyes returned to Lucifus, yet one could believe that it was using senses of an unknown and most alien nature to gauge its surroundings. The conjurer’s features had relaxed somewhat in excitement, the exertions of this new feat baring surprising fruit. To all appearances, the creature’s tiny form was that of a raven not unlike Winter – who was now agitatedly sitting on the floating wizards shoulder, threatened on several levels by the new arrival.

“Winter, settle yourself. We have a new guest, if only for a few moments.” Lucifus’s grin carried the extreme glee of success; his words utterly understating his achievement. He pushed a thought towards the creature unsuccessfully. It continued to examine him with unknown faculties. A quick adjustment in instruction from Lucifus resulted in the creature changing form into… something else… something very completely and entirely different. Ugari whispered, not wanting to tax or divert the tuk-tuk’s attention. “They prefer their natural form. It is more stable, more conducive to complex instruction.”

Lucifus in fact was being awoken to the power he had coveted for so long. For six exhaustive years he had followed unfounded leads, studied tome after scroll, read and researched in the most dire of libraries, experimented, explored and probed all for nought until this moment. The power he had just untapped was immense. The power was inexhaustible. The power was his. A presence then smashed through his reverie. An alien presence piercing his senses and invading his mind to the point that he almost lost control and consciousness. By sheer force of will, Lucifus regained some level of composure as he answered the telepathic presence with his own. He forced his own sense of self to the telepathic bond and forced the creature completely out his mind. He still felt it though; it’s malevolence, it’s hatred. It was bound however to the summoning compact completely. It just sought a way to exploit the connection established between them. Next time Lucifus would be ready for it. The tentacled, tumescent and fleshy lump winked out of existence back to its planar surroundings on the other side of the cosmos in terms of dimension and time as well as several other variables that he had recently found and established. Lucifus had succeeded.

“They have enormous presence when they telepathically conjoin. I sensed that you forced it back easily. That is good. They only understand such displays of power.” Ugari shifted her posture; pulling her knees underneath her nakedness. She continued looking at the floating wizard in appreciation, “You are already thinking of doing it again. You feel the need, the hunger to dominate once more. You want to summon a more powerful being.” Ugari glared at Lucifus, sensing his intentions. “Be patient and be warned. You still have much to learn. There are intrinsic wards that you do not yet...”

Lucifus blinded by such pure and complete power heedlessly radiated his most powerful summoning into being. He had prepared and allineated his summoning magick to a new and obviously successful modification of several layers. He had adapted the secret combination from the shamaness, her ways totally different. She knew not exactly how she achieved her link with the furthest reaches of the cosmos. She just could. And now so could Lucifus.

Ugari instinctively moved back from the new presence before it instantly changed heedless of the wizard’s direction and advanced towards him with blinding quickness and accuracy - its tentacles trying to rend the wizard apart at the hip. Lucifus however responded with utter command. The massive creature shrunk back instantly cowed and completely intimidated. Ugari looked on in amazement, as the wizard continued to force his will upon the creature. Never had she seen such an overwhelming display of power. In one moment the creature was in control splitting through a lack of wards on the prime, the next the tuk-tuk had blown the creature’s resolve away in an instant. It was immobile, a complete servant to the wizard’s will.

Lucifus’s expression was altered by passion and power as he moved towards the creature. He momentarily released his will from it, moving forward towards the tentacled mass as if daring it to respond. His eyes never left it; its own fickle senses mute. It was totally bound and in fear of him. He was almost touching it as he released a blast of energy into its fleshy substance, electricity washing across it, arcing sporadically before dissipating. Its natural resistance to magic had been completely circumvented yet only several burnt and blackened smoking patches existed upon it. Normally, such a blast of electricity would destroy something completely. It had survived but still cowed in agony as it was left bound by its contract. Lucifus impelled a single thought towards it and the creature was gone, dismissed from the prime.

Lucifus quietly spoke, breathing heavily. “They have resistance and protections. I could feel it trying to resist the magick but it could not. Would not. The magick bound it to the compact completely.”
Ugari just looked on, holding a necklaced charm against her breast as if protecting herself. “You had no wards but still survived. I could feel its power but it instantly retreated from you.” Ugari was still amazed by what she had witnessed, stunned into submission herself. She always knew that Lucifus had power. But never like that. Her own power came from the spirits of the land but Lucifus was very different. He had claimed over the past moons that he would observe and eventually imitate her innate abilities. Instead he had surpassed them. She moved towards him, a surge of passion upon her exotic features. Lucifus looked at her smiling, his response and ardour equal to the task once more.


Authors Sidenote:

Summoning and the Alienist: Some Challenges.

Paul the DM and I had a little trouble working out the precise nature of the psuedonatural template. Our thoughts were to make psuedonatural creatures as alien as possible. As such, communication was always going to be awkward: psuedonatural creatures would almost never have aural organs by which to communicate with. As such, we established that such creature’s preferred mode of communication would be via telepathy. These creatures used senses totally different from creatures of the prime so the telepathy path was critical. However, the only method by which one could speak to them was via a tongues spell – something Lucifus has since made permanent (1500xp – ouch!). The magic essentially forms a connection between them. Lucifus has to speak normally but the magic of the Tongues spell produces the desired result. Any response however from the creature would be telepathic.

Perhaps one of the hardest things then to describe is why such creatures would appear, as they do – like normal summoned entities. I thought that the caster would envisage a particular creature and the conjurative magic present would hold this image to the being, which they could then dismiss when commanded. Once changed however, the latent magic was gone and thus they could not transfer back. They were the ugly, pustulant and tentacled mass that most people seemed to favour when describing the product of an alienist’s summoning.

The whole act of summoning then becomes fascinating from a theoretical perspective. While normally represented as the instantaneous rabbit out of the hat, I think the relationship between the spell, caster and summonsed creature far more complex and involved than what would appear to others watching. The power of the spell to enforce some sort of contract between the caster and the creature, where that creature has no right of refusal or recourse is very empowering to the caster, almost to the point of intoxication. When done by a caster lacking any form of scruples – such as Lucifus at this point in his career – it becomes downright dangerous (to both the caster and others around them). I’d like to think that the spell has a variety of components that restrict the eventual contract. As Lucifus found, by not nailing these down adequately, the summoned creature is allowed a certain scope to react unfavourably, much like a called creature. However, being less powerful compared to the actual magic involved, the natural will and power of the spellcaster will usually be too strong for anything untoward to regularly happen. When learning new summonings however, the opportunity for danger should be expected.

Mortepierre, you bring up an interesting point in Lucifus being a conjurer but not so obviously an alienist. This is of course by design. The difficulty of becoming an alienist is very real in terms of this world. Insanity normally bites before they are either killed or raced off by cosmic entities when their time has come – that is to say old age. However, these are the lucky ones in the fact that they have survived the powers of the alienist and have not fallen instant prisoner to them. It seems to me that most alienists would die early. Of those wizards who have some degree of wisdom, they would deny, hide or destroy such knowledge knowing that it would eventually lead them down a path they could never control. Those who lack the wisdom always believe they can master the dread powers at their command. Their ego always makes them believe that they will prevail. However, most important is that because alienists are spread so far apart and so few in number, apprentices in the art are few and far between.

The two ways of becoming an alienist are either through another alienist or somehow having dealings with one of these strange psuedonatural entities. For Lucifus, it was obviously the former. He has had to strike a most unusual bargain with Ugari the Shamaness but that will become more obvious in the next instalment. I hope the barbaric culture of the Derman will become explicitly evident too. Unfortunately, most barbarians when played are either dumb. ferocious or both – Tunthi being a perfect example (note that this was by my design, not a reflection of Paul’s DMing which was excellent). As you will see though, while chaotic, they still abide by a certain sense of law or practice. The defining factor is their purely uncivilised nature. The niceties of society are vacant, never developed due to the strength of the base qualities of human and humanoid nature. Their lives become an erratic balance between lusts and fears. I’ll hopefully give you all some real insight into a truly barbaric culture next update.

Mortepierre, thank you for your fine words and interest. Your extended response was and is most appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
Mortepierre, thank you for your fine words and interest. Your extended response was and is most appreciated. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

And thank you for taking the time to explain your take on the subject of Alienists and Far Realm entities.

I found it intriguing, not to mention strangely logical (given we're addressing creatures of pure chaos ;) ). I especially liked your idea about the pseudonatural creatures assuming the shape defined by the spellcaster's mental image but then reverting to their 'own' nature.

I am curious though. Does your DM allow the pseudonatural creatures to retain the SA & SQ of the "basic" creature or doe they lose them upon reverting? If it's the latter, I feel for you because they are then reduced to a kind of 'pseudonatural elemental' without much diversity.

On the other hand, it would seem more in keeping with what they truly are. I confess that this potential problem has always bothered me in the example of Mostlin (in Sep's SH) where an alienist summons pseudonatural creatures not for what they are but more for the innate powers of the monster they duplicate. In the end, apart from rare instances where Mostlin summons truly horrific Far Realm creatures, one doesn't really see the difference between him and a "standard" Conjurer :\

Looking forward to seeing more of them in future episodes :cool:
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