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The Happenings of Lucifus Cray: Update{23}07/06/06 - The Threading of the Weave

Lucifus's Prisoner - The Alienist Part II


Author’s Warning: The following passage contains material more adult in nature and is recommended suitable for a mature audience only.


Later that Evening…

Drunk on the heady brew of years of toil coming to fruition, Lucifus felt the need to celebrate. While amused by the enthusiastic joinings with the shamaness, he felt the need to expand upon his carousing. With Ugari resting blissfully in meditation upon her pillows, Lucifus left the rough hide tent. The night air was chill, with a steady wind sweeping across the heights of the hilltop overlooking the scene of Tunthi’s dramatic victory against the former yet quickly forgotten leader Klorgan. The lack of sentimentality would have disturbed Lucifus at one point in his life but now he found the cultural variety refreshing. He descended from the shamaness’ lodging down to the lower level, a scene of roars, bellows and general feasting and festivity.

The area was a confusion of activity with numerous torches flickering, fluttering, being picked up, thrown, doused, bursting and flaring to create a chaotic coruscation of radiance like some orgiastic festival of light and shadow. There were several scenes amongst the illuminated chaos that drew Lucifus’s eye as he floated towards his intended destination.

The first was a colossal spitted ox, roasting since the early morning. Several figures dug around the hot coals with sticks trying to provoke a fiercer heat, while the massive form of a clansman, orc-blood rich in his veins turned the massive beast single-handedly. Several clansmen walking past were harried away by the stick-wielders, collectively waiting for the “cook” to determine when the beast would be ready. Several fights had broken out only stopped when the muscled half-orc turning the beast threatened to get out his axe. The cook’s threats were taken seriously.

The next scene near the cliff’s precipice was a group of clansmen revelling in the torture of several captives: fresh from an early morning raid against a merchant craft traversing the Sea of Amber in search of now unfulfilled profit. A small number had already been decapitated, the bodies discarded while the heads had been bashed upon stakes. Those captives still conscious from semi-crucification painfully looked about with panicked glances between the limply extended and bloody faces of their former comrades, the heaving brutal demeanour of the jubilant clansmen and the as yet unsullied stakes dug deeply into the craggy ground a few unwelcome strides away. Others watched and roared at the spectacle and sport cheering as another captive was blooded. A few moments after, the head was off and jammed into another empty stake. Lucifus thought it would not take them long now to kill the rest.

As he floated past the other side of the sodden sward, a large and powerful clansman was having his way with some poor girl. Other girls and women{1} ranging greatly in age waited patiently nearby for their turn. He was obviously one of the more successful raiders claiming his due. His muscled body was wet with sweat, the dark streaks of dried blood further evidence of his participation and success. His frenzied animalistic rutting with the girl kneeling beneath him was momentarily disturbed as she was discarded and replaced. He had blindly reached out at the closest form before forcing her underneath him as he continued, his rhythm barely interrupted.

Lucifus who had floated past the scene was looking for a small tent amongst the large number of hide dwellings on the leeward side of the clan’s peninsula. He saw the unadorned doeskin shelter he was looking for in the distance and headed towards it. Several Clanswoman left out of the evening’s festivities were milling around the encampment. They gave the floating wizard wide birth. The majority of the clan rightly feared Lucifus, his obvious “spirit” power augmented by his status with the shamaness. While still a stranger of sorts, he had “Gurtha”. This effectively meant he was officially part of the clan although the term does have several other expanded connotations. He opened the flap without fear of consequence and floated inside.

The form of a small human man lay on the ground sleeping, naked except for an iron manacle around his neck chained to a nearby granite boulder. In reality, the little man was so weak that the chain was most likely more than enough to keep him fettered; the boulder completely in excess of necessity. In all likelihood, neither was necessary. He had nowhere to go and no way of getting there even if he did. The final stage of his life had been spent attempting to honour his God amongst these savages who knew nothing of faith or kindness. It took several moments for him to awaken to Lucifus’s presence.

“May I be of service… master?” he habitually croaked, his body shifting slightly. The frail old man, once from the Beltratian hinterlands east of Larksale in a different lifetime opened his eyes fully to reveal wells of deep amber that unhurriedly focused on the floating wizard. He did not act surprised but his eyes revealed a certain revulsion and disgust.

“I thought I’d come along for a little chat, brag of my final success so to speak”, Lucifus smiled. He then added a further simple yet ominous statement of his victory. “I have gone beyond”.
There was a quiet between the two, only broken when the wind’s icy tendrils reached into the pathetic shelter with a dramatic hiss. Lucifus pulling a cloak around his chest then replied, “You were one of the first people I had in mind to visit actually. There are several others of course but they can wait a little longer for a more comprehensive display.”
“You have turned your back on sanity”, the man uttered. “May Galasso have mercy upon the tattered cinders of your soul.”
“My soul as it were is quite my own thank you and well out of the reach of your god. While I respect your faith, I am happy to leave you to enjoy its meagre benefits. No, I have come for a different reason. I have come for a request actually. I have need of your wisdom once more, except this time I will have it.”

The old man, a once mighty priest of Galasso looked over the wizard shaking his head, a frail shell of what and who he once was. He was tired of this game that the wizard insisted upon playing. “You have not heeded a single word from my lips so far. I will not waste what is left of my faith and wisdom on you.” And with this he rolled over attempting to finally dismiss the wizard from what remained of his life.

Lucifus however altered from his usual routine at this point. He must have the name. “I can secure your freedom. I will help you return to your former life. It is now within my power.”
For several moments there was no reaction as the man lay there as still as the corpse he almost was. Lucifus’s patience however was rewarded as he turned over once more, the chain clinking. “I will not give you what you want. Not for my freedom and not for anything in this mortal world. My soul is worth more to me than that.” There. He had said it. If Galasso were good it would come true.

Lucifus sensing the man’s inner battles tried a different tact. “I am bound by my own contract to give her this creature. If I am unsuccessful, I will be dead but the creature will be loosed upon this world. Do you wish that to happen? Will that not equally stain your soul? I intend to call it tomorrow night come what may… I know how to reach it; you have at least helped me with that much. You can help me control it though… a simple request. What is it's name; one of these beasts that destroyed your little batallion before you ran away? Think of it as the purest revenge, they hate being called to do a mortal's bidding. I might even let you watch my dominion over it.”

The priest looked utterly pained, destroyed by the bitter memory. For eight months he had been imprisoned here, a harmless traveller seeking solace aboard a raided vessel. Lucifus had saved his life once much to his shame. He had bargained with the wizard out of fear and a lack of faith but never again. He couldn’t. His faith must be strong. It Must! It was then that a terrible and horrific idea occurred to him, the last flicker of his will extinguishing. Doomed. He would give the fool a name. He would give the fool a devil he could never control and one that would destroy this god’s forsaken place and all those within it. He remembered for the last time a distant past{2}, when he had been an idealistic cleric and more a fool himself – had he changed that much?

He looked up at the wizard, one frail and speckled arm upon the ground and bespoke a single name, “Sarrash”.
Lucifus who had been about to say something was caught surprised but only for a moment as the simple yet most powerful utterance registered. He started laughing, a low insidious laugh at his final victory over the man. The laughter soon grew in pitch and timbre as he finally repeated the name, “Sarrash…”
The old priest of Galasso collapsed limply upon the ground, his arm lacking the strength to support his body a moment longer. He could feel his sight diminishing to grey, his soul blackening and the mumbled words of the wizard fading to silence. What had he done? WHAT HAD HE DONE his mind shrieked in tortured faithless agony. He felt what was left of his senses leave him.

Lucifus who had by now left the bitterly cold shelter with the knowledge of a double victory gleefully displayed upon his rapturous features failed to notice that the little man had expired and passed away; the agony of his final sin wracked across his features.


{1} The dedicated anthropologist would be fascinated at the variety of culture, honour systems, social mores and vibrant customs within the many and varied Derman clans. Those of the Strauchn however were fairly typical in terms of their treatment of women and thus useful in terms of a study of the generic Derman culture – although variances and specific customs were still here and there individualized and at times unique.

The concepts of marriage, fidelity and monogamy were unknown amongst the Strauchn as it was amongst all the barbaric tribes of Derman. The possession of the female was by the clan and not by any individuals there within. As such, bloodlines were impossible to determine and not of importance in the judgment of position and authority. It would be true to say that might, power and physical prowess were the perfect determiners of prestige and place amongst the tribe.

The women are separated from the men in terms of domestic duties and are rarely involved in the day to day decisions of the clan – such things are the province of the clan’s leader and direct subordinates. The clan’s shamaness would bless occasional pregnancies and with a certain degree of luck and fortitude a babe would be born. The women as a whole would look after the children although the use of a term such as “Childhood” has little meaning amongst the clans. The bond between mother and any progeny was weak at best. As soon as a youngling was large enough to wield an axe or desired enough to be bedded, they were part of the greater tribe. In essence, age like bloodlines was of little consequence in determining ones rank. The old and sick in fact were quickly discarded from the tribe.

It is to be noted however, that there is one very important exception to this concept of power within the clan and that is the position of the Shamaness. Most tribes have a shamaness, witchwoman or wangateur who is considered to be the beacon or soul of the tribe. To lose one’s shamaness is to have the spirit’s turn their back upon the entire clan. The Clan would be disbanded and most likely become simple prey to neighbouring tribes. Through obvious power and general superstition, the Shamaness was never challenged and all followed her command. The passing on of power from one shamaness to another is a complete study in itself and maybe of further interest down the track.

{2} The Church of Galasso was historically known for many heroic virtues and ventures. One faded ritual in particular was the irregular and small crusading made against the servants of darkness inside the very realms of Hell. These gallant efforts were performed by young and idealistic clerics known as Storm Soldiers of the Eagle (The Eagle being the representation of Galasso). In their raids, they were given power to defeat their enemies, using the real names of these devils and dark entities so as they could be smited from existence. As such, it was not uncommon for such holy warriors to know the precise nomenclature of several powerful manifestations. However, those that returned from these crusades were normally deeply affected. It would be years later that such priests would have issues of faith, most eventually leaving the service of Galasso as broken men; some never to return, others to be tormented forever by their knowledge of pure darkness. The practice of such foolhardy expeditions had since been abandoned by the Church.
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First Post
I loved the style of that last update Herremann!

Finally some grim & gritty SH where the author isn't afraid to use "mature" material. 100% benefit to realism, kudos :]


I see the group was most wise in their hesitancy to admit Lucifus...

They certainly have traded one pain in the rear for another :p

I would love to see your DM drop in and give his perspective on events.


First Post
Greetings and Salutations

I admit it's been awhile since I saw your post on my SH and I've certainly taken my time in starting to read your own SH, however, I must say I find it most entertaining and I've only finished the first post. If it were not important for me to get some form of sleep this night I'd continue reading. Still, I must say you are the third Alienist I've learned of and of the three I am glad to say I have found all interesting and unique.

One of my players (playing under a player in our group during my sabatacle from DMing) had an interesting drow Alienist who was quite the neat freak and had a terrible fear of insects. Not the best thing to have in drow society (thankfully spiders aren't classified as insects so he liked those just fine) however he had proved himself very useful to his house on numerous occasions and considering the level of the game he was actually his houses wizard. The game was a rather interesting Drow campaign in which we were all goodly aligned drow who were gathered by Lolth herself for just that reason right before the destruction of Ched Nasad. (Those who've read War of the Spider Queen should be familiar.) His basic stats should you like to know: Tazzenkaf Auvryndar. Wizard(Abjuruer)5. Alienist 9.

Anyhow, the point of my post, I enjoy your story hour quite a bit and may read a bit more considering I'm looking at my clock and finding it quite late, almost too late to get any decent sleep. I've also posted the final part of my 'preludes' as well and soon shall actually be working on stories of the campaign. Might even post before the night... er, morning... is through.

P.S. It seems I'll have to be referring to my world as Erth as you have apparently beaten me to Urth :p
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The Arcadys Scroll

This is so cool! Thanks everyone for the feedback; it makes the efforts of writing, editting, re-editting, re-writing and re-editting once more worth while.


Cheiromancer said:
Hmmm. Rather dark... as dark as what Sep has written lately.

Do tell us more about Sarrash.

OK, to have one's work compared to Sep's (even if it is only the darkness and atmosphere's tenor) is to be cherished. Thank you for reading - I am humbled.

In regards to Sarrash, I don't want to let too many cats out of the bag except to say that he is not your run-of-the-mill Pit Fiend. He is quite different in terms of his station in the diabolical ordering of Hell's minions and in many ways more powerful, insidious and depraved than most. I dare to say that you will enjoy a slightly different twist on what has gone before.

John Q. Mayhem said:
Nice. I'm itching to know the full story of how Tunthi became Lucifus' companion.

I was going to downplay certain elements that resulted in Tunthi's following of Lucifus to the ends of the "Urth" but your feedback has made me realise that it would not do justice to the entwined backstory I crafted when I created the character of Lucifus. As such, I have been working on five updates that I hope to release before Christmas. There is just too much fun to be had that would be unfair of me not to let you guys in on. Thanks again for your reading and valued feedback.

Mortepierre said:
I loved the style of that last update Herremann!

Finally some grim & gritty SH where the author isn't afraid to use "mature" material. 100% benefit to realism, kudos :]

I kind of realised that I most probably should have some sort of warning somewhere for this story hour. I don't think Eric's grandma would fully appreciate some of the places I intend to go with this tale. She would certainly find it a bumpy ride. However, everything has a purpose, rude or crass for the sake of nought but to be rude or crass does not sit well with me. Venturing into the pits of darkness that represent Lucifus's sordid past however are needed to fully understand the events to follow. The descent of Lucifus's soul has only just begun!

And by the way, I have not forgotten your own story hour either. I am preparing a precise, measured and full response to the world you are so graciously letting us enter.

Pogre said:
I see the group was most wise in their hesitancy to admit Lucifus...

They certainly have traded one pain in the rear for another

I would love to see your DM drop in and give his perspective on events.


He-that-shall-not-be-named and Lucifus Cray share a few things in common although officially representing opposing ends of the spectrum.

I'll try to get Paul the DM to offer some commentary, he's been following the story hour, shaking his head with a smile upon the face. Some of the players have also been following but they're sick of all this Lucifus Smucifus rubbish. They want their characters up in lights. Hmmm... can't wait for one particular instance where...

Renfield said:
I admit it's been awhile since I saw your post on my SH and I've certainly taken my time in starting to read your own SH, however, I must say I find it most entertaining and I've only finished the first post. If it were not important for me to get some form of sleep this night I'd continue reading. Still, I must say you are the third Alienist I've learned of and of the three I am glad to say I have found all interesting and unique.

One of my players (playing under a player in our group during my sabatacle from DMing) had an interesting drow Alienist who was quite the neat freak and had a terrible fear of insects. Not the best thing to have in drow society (thankfully spiders aren't classified as insects so he liked those just fine) however he had proved himself very useful to his house on numerous occasions and considering the level of the game he was actually his houses wizard. The game was a rather interesting Drow campaign in which we were all goodly aligned drow who were gathered by Lolth herself for just that reason right before the destruction of Ched Nasad. (Those who've read War of the Spider Queen should be familiar.) His basic stats should you like to know: Tazzenkaf Auvryndar. Wizard(Abjuruer)5. Alienist 9.

Anyhow, the point of my post, I enjoy your story hour quite a bit and may read a bit more considering I'm looking at my clock and finding it quite late, almost too late to get any decent sleep. I've also posted the final part of my 'preludes' as well and soon shall actually be working on stories of the campaign. Might even post before the night... er, morning... is through.

P.S. It seems I'll have to be referring to my world as Erth as you have apparently beaten me to Urth

There is so much room to move with the Alienist, so many directions in which you can take them. Insects sounds interesting as a phobia. Lucifus's phobia goes in a slightly different direction again. He's just reaching the point in his development when his fears will become particularly evident. Their manifestation however will be a lot of fun and very amusing if not a little strange.

Apologies for stealing Urth from you. In truth though, Paul constructed this world well over twenty years ago so he beat all of us to the punch. Nethendawe too. I just love that name.

Look forward to reading more of your own SH. :)

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


The actual SH update here is actually quite short :uhoh: , all in preparation for a mega pre-christmas update. :D


Later that Evening, Past the Mid of Night back in Ugari’s Pavilion…

Lucifus touched the scroll with reverence, his fingers delicately caressing its length, the feel of the ancient vellum coarsely familiar under his fingers. It was bound and sealed using a long forgotten method that Lucifus had tried himself to replicate but without success. His eyes and gaze could not leave the scroll as he spoke, “This is my most precious possession. I hope you understand the cost… in more ways than one.”
Ugari, inches away from his face, her arms delicately coiled around his person whispered quietly, seductively “I know it was worth it. I can sense the power running through you; the furthest spirits obey and heed your command”. Lucifus pondered in wishful thought, the shamaness’ words having little impact on his ego or mood.

The scroll was in fact his long forgotten master’s. It was the type of item, priceless in it’s own right that could never be bought for simple gold. It was an Arcadys Scroll{1}. Just the mere thought of the power held within its form shook Lucifus’s soul as he sought its seal, tracing the outline of the ancient blackened wax. His hands started shaking in anticipation and dread. He could not believe what he was about to do; he had envisaged this moment for so long but had never really contemplated beyond anticipation of the act. Closing his eyes, he uttered the incantation that would nullify the seal’s abjurative magics… and with a twist of his hand, the seal was broken, the tightly bound parchment released, unfurling, expanding in girth, a sigh released like the sound of some distant soul’s anguish.

He carefully placed the skin upon the large even granite block in front of him, its flat grey darkness nurturing the exquisitely elegant weight of the scroll. With a single finger, he delicately opened the scroll’s length marvelling at the feel of the vellum, the coldness of the pure gold rod forming its spine tingled Lucifus as he contacted its perfection. From Lucifus’s closer observation, he thought the skin of some hellish and diabolical being, lovingly rubbed and kneaded, massaged and polished to the incredibly fine membrane it had become. The inks used upon the scroll were varied in vibrance, colour and material; the pigments seeming to lift off of the surface as every so often an arcane perturbance glistened across the sheet like some evanescent arcing of current - evidence of the extreme power held within its single page.

“Leave me now Ugari. This will take some time and an extended period of concentration{2}. I cannot allow my focus to lapse, nor my will to falter.” Lucifus looked once more at the scroll before adding, “I will call for you tomorrow eve when I am ready and have prepared the circle of power.”
Ugari{3} glanced at the ground inside her pavilion before considering him once more with her dark luscious eyes, her hands teasing him before rising. She left without a word – her thoughts on the beast the wizard had promised her so many moons before.


{1} Arcadys – pronounced according to the Proto-Beltratian dialect (ar-kay-dees) – was an ancient summoner of particular power and note. Innovative, methodical yet incredibly powerful in his brilliance, Arcadys’s vibrant connection to both the Nine Hells and the Infinite Layers of the Abyss made him a power unto himself, a law in the lands of the deepest and unchartered south of Urth. Eventually, he would disappear as those of his ilk eventually must, destroyed by a creature beyond his considerable power but not before the giving of several legacies to the magical world. The calling of diabolical and infernal creatures has always been haphazard and to this day still is. However, Arcadys was able to find a new and more powerful way to call these creatures, unknown to those of Urth until that point. The secrets of his method however would die with him except for a small number of scrolls, some of which were reputed to contain his most powerful magical calling and conjuration. The scroll Lucifus currently held represented the pinnacle of Arcadys work and study.

{2} Lucifus’s abilities of concentration and focus had been multiplied manyfold by the purchase of a small trinket, soon after the death of his former master Norrigan Salaiz in the bazaars of Amborna. The Ring of Nourishment (a.k.a. a ring of sustenance) enabled the user to never again have need of food or water nor the gentle benefit of many hours of sleep. Lucifus found that a short slumber was all that he required and even this, he could forego here and there with minimal effect. The extra hours of consciousness provided by the bauble allowed Lucifus a productivity bordering upon the epic; be it in the researching of innovative and original magics, the crafting of powerful items or the pleasuring of large proportions of the female gender.

{3} It is most likely worth noting that Ugari is not typical in terms of her position as the spiritual leader of the Strauchn Clan. She is relatively young for a Shamaness (in her late twenties) and has only the slightest taint/augmentation of orc blood – the wide cheekbones and strong sinews but not the jutting jaw, protruding laniaries (canine teeth) or retreated nasal bone normally evident in the richer blooded half-breed. In effect, she was quite pretty if abundantly exotic by conventional Beltratian or Ambornan standards and taste.

Her power is relatively on par with other spiritual leaders dotted across the primordial Derman landscape. She was a foundling, discovered by the Shamaness that went before her: the Shamaness Ochrisi na Dura. Ugari was raised without favour but between her obvious power and the mysterious foreknowledge that she would eventually ascend to spiritual leadership, Ochrisi always knew who was fated to succeed her.

The passing of the clan’s spiritual flame from one generation to the next was like most activities performed by the Strauchn clan: bloody, frenzied and without mercy. Eventually, the spiritual leader would weaken to the point of being challenged by another within the clan who had the power to command the spirits of the land and sea. The two would battle to the death and thus would the victor be charged as the new Shamaness of the clan. However, it must be noted that rather than fearing one’s death, the Shamaness would die painfully but secure in the knowledge that the spiritual power of the clan would continue. Ugari’s victory over Ochrisi na Dura was quick; her power, dominance and superiority clear to all. Several hideous spirit entities had carried her clawed carcass high into the frigid air before dropping it far out into the sea’s awful depths.

While all feared Ugari’s wrath, the whisperings here and there of occasional disapproval were inevitable when it came to her spiritual leadership. In particular, her relationship with the foreigner Lucifus was cause for a certain amount of unfortunate gossip and innuendo. Many thought the power or "Gurtha" placed upon the Tuk-Tuk inappropriate. The current clan leader Tunthi in fact viewed the warlock somewhere between a maggot and a slug – albeit a very powerful maggot or slug.

Extra Player’s Note: While unfortunately represented by a simple roll of the dice, those of us who prefer to keep to the logic, rarity and profound specialty of magic would not think of having our PC’s just “cracking” open a scroll, taking a Spellcraft check and casting from it. The studying of an incredibly powerful scroll for an entire day for us represents in fact an extreme rush by the Player Character to unearth its power. Under normal circumstances, the study of such a scroll would take many days, months or in the case of trying to fully understand Arcadys finest magics, years. Lucifus however was compelled by his agreement to Ugari to conjure the diabolical creature promised as quickly as possible upon his first ascension (to alienist). Lucifus’s ego and vanity were strong enough at this point that he did not question his use of the Arcadys Scroll. If viewed from a particular perspective in fact, Lucifus’s conduct could even be construed as somewhat gallant.


Herremann the Wise said:
If viewed from a particular perspective in fact, Lucifus’s conduct could even be construed as somewhat gallant.

hmmmm... I wonder who's perspective that would be? ;) :p

Thanks for the quick update - good stuff again!


First Post
Herremann the Wise said:
I kind of realised that I most probably should have some sort of warning somewhere for this story hour. I don't think Eric's grandma would fully appreciate some of the places I intend to go with this tale. She would certainly find it a bumpy ride. However, everything has a purpose, rude or crass for the sake of nought but to be rude or crass does not sit well with me. Venturing into the pits of darkness that represent Lucifus's sordid past however are needed to fully understand the events to follow. The descent of Lucifus's soul has only just begun!

And by the way, I have not forgotten your own story hour either. I am preparing a precise, measured and full response to the world you are so graciously letting us enter.

I realize as well that this SH may not be for everyone but methink you have - so far - successfully used ‘mature’ material without going ‘overboard’ as some are wont to do on their first attempt. Others have done ‘worse’ and I have yet to see a single SH banned or closed for that reason. Including a warning to your readers was the most logical way to go in order to avoid that potential fate.

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my SH <bow>

I would rather have one loyal-but-shy reader than a dozen bumps per day. I take pleasure in writing and refuse to post anything before I am satisfied by the result. If it means a month of delay so be it. My ultimate goal is to provide something that can hopefully inspire other DMs (or players) in their own campaigns, not to log every day to see if my SH is still on the first page of these forums (but I wouldn’t mind it if it happened :p )

Herremann the Wise said:
Closing his eyes, he uttered the incantation that would nullify the seal’s abjurative magics… and with a twist of his hand, the seal was broken, the tightly bound parchment released, unfurling, expanding in girth, a sigh released like the sound of some distant soul’s anguish.

He carefully placed the skin upon the large even granite block in front of him, its flat grey darkness nurturing the exquisitely elegant weight of the scroll. With a single finger, he delicately opened the scroll’s length marvelling at the feel of the vellum, the coldness of the pure gold rod forming its spine tingled Lucifus as he contacted its perfection. From Lucifus’s closer observation, he thought the skin of some hellish and diabolical being, lovingly rubbed and kneaded, massaged and polished to the incredibly fine membrane it had become. The inks used upon the scroll were varied in vibrance, colour and material; the pigments seeming to lift off of the surface as every so often an arcane perturbance glistened across the sheet like some evanescent arcing of current - evidence of the extreme power held within its single page.

This is exactly why I enjoy reading your SH (and some others): evocative descriptions. When I reach the level of skill in English that will allow me to duplicate those on my own, I’ll be a happy author indeed!

Herremann the Wise said:
Lucifus’s abilities of concentration and focus had been multiplied manyfold by the purchase of a small trinket, soon after the death of his former master Norrigan Salaiz in the bazaars of Amborna. The Ring of Nourishment (a.k.a. a ring of sustenance) enabled the user to never again have need of food or water nor the gentle benefit of many hours of sleep. Lucifus found that a short slumber was all that he required and even this, he could forego here and there with minimal effect. The extra hours of consciousness provided by the bauble allowed Lucifus a productivity bordering upon the epic; be it in the researching of innovative and original magics, the crafting of powerful items..

This is intriguing. I have always wondered if the 2 hours of daily sleep the ring necessitates adequately represent the 8 hours of rest a wizard needs to regain his spells. After all, an elf wizard who meditates 4 hours daily still must rest for another 4 hours before studying his spellbook again, so I was tempted to apply the same principle to the ring’s power. Now, however, I find myself wondering if I shouldn’t rethink my position. If you don’t mind me asking, did your DM authorize this without a long argument or did you have to convince him?

Herremann the Wise said:
..or the pleasuring of large proportions of the female gender.


Herremann the Wise said:
While unfortunately represented by a simple roll of the dice, those of us who prefer to keep to the logic, rarity and profound specialty of magic would not think of having our PC’s just “cracking” open a scroll, taking a Spellcraft check and casting from it. The studying of an incredibly powerful scroll for an entire day for us represents in fact an extreme rush by the Player Character to unearth its power. Under normal circumstances, the study of such a scroll would take many days, months or in the case of trying to fully understand Arcadys finest magics, years. Lucifus however was compelled by his agreement to Ugari to conjure the diabolical creature promised as quickly as possible upon his first ascension (to alienist). Lucifus’s ego and vanity were strong enough at this point that he did not question his use of the Arcadys Scroll. If viewed from a particular perspective in fact, Lucifus’s conduct could even be construed as somewhat gallant.

I couldn’t agree more. My hat off to any DM or player willing to depart from the rules in order to make the game more logical or awe-inspiring. Once more, kudos to you (and your DM for going along with it).
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Tony Vargas

"P.S. It seems I'll have to be referring to my world as Erth as you have apparently beaten me to Urth
Apologies for stealing Urth from you. In truth though, Paul constructed this world well over twenty years ago so he beat all of us to the punch. "

Though it may have been used by some other author even earlier, Gene Wolfe used 'Urth' as the name of a distant-future-history version of Earth, in 'Book of the New Sun.' May be where your DM got it. Or not, it's not that unique a take-off on 'Earth...'

Voidrunner's Codex

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