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Pathfinder 1E The Haunting of Calithil Manor


Calithil Manor - Kitchen

As Leira prepares to rush through the door with the others in tow, the strong smell of herbs floats on the air from behind the double doors. With a shove she is inside what appears to be the manor kitchen. A large cauldron boils on the hearth, clearly the source of the herb smell. A large table inhabits the center of the room, clearly for prep work. Near the cauldron a figure in a tattered chef's uniform is repeatedly chopping some sort of meat that it then tosses into the pot in an offhanded manner. The figure straightens as the rest of the party enters the room. It abruptly turns to face them, brandishing its cleaver. Pinpricks of light stare at the party from hollow eye sockets in a skull seemingly coated with dark blood. What could be a grin passes on its face and a horrible rasping voice comes from the skeleton's mouth. "Fresh meat!"

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Leira Olren, Master of Martial Arts

For a moment, Leira considers going for her blade, but remembering how useless it was she thinks better of it. "Rak'tan, let's flank this thing and keep it from reaching anyone else." She hefts her shield, and moves in on the skeletal chef. She takes a moment to focus, and then strikes at the chef with a backhanded strike from her left hand.


Rak'Tan Veragni

Rak'Tan nods, and shakily helps flank the skeletal chef.
He then strikes with his greatsword. "Die you evil thing!" the Tiefling yells, his fear obvious in his voice.


Zinnelis Laediril

Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 2)
Calathil Manor
Late Afternoon

“More undead,” Zinnelis noted. “We should have brought a cleric.” He pulled back on his bow and took aim at the chef.


Calithil Manor - Kitchen

The skeleton lunges towards Rak'tan with surprising speed. It swings its bloody cleaver in a wide arc, catching the tiefling in the collarbone and rending his flesh and embedding in the bone. The skeletal chef retrieves it with a sharp jerk just as Leira's backhand connects with the back of its head. The force of the blow caves in the back of the skeleton's head and sends a shower of foul smelling blood all over the kitchen.


Aelspeth Noromiel, Novice Conjurer

Aelspeth shudders at the grisly sight and disregards her warrior friends' recent warnings to stay back. She leaps onto the table, thinking as much to stay out of the fighters' way as to keep them out of hers, and spits a massive globule of vitriol in the skeletal chef's face. The acid burns away some ichorous blood, leaving a more fearsome visage still.


Darwin, Cantankerous Primate

Darwin enters the room behind his mistress, smelling blood and herbs. He is unsettled. Aelspeth know I scared but she go into danger place anyway. Aelspeth odd.

The moment Darwin witnesses the abomination chopping away at mystery meat, one singular emotion crosses the empathic link to his wizard companion: Nope! He flees back the way they came and hides under the dining table.


Zinnelis Laediril

Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 2)
Calathil Manor
Late Afternoon
Round 1

The undead cook was quicker than Zinnelis thought, rushing Rak’Tan with its cleaver and carving deeply into the tiefling’s flesh. Leira smashes in the thing’s skull, but that doesn’t put it down.

As Aelspeth leapt up onto the table and spit acid on the undead monstrosity, Zinnelis released his arrow.


Leira Olren, Master of Martial Arts

Feeling rage welling up inside her, Leira rapidly kicks at the skeleton, but her anger clouds her vision and her attack goes wide. "In Amenthia's name monster, face me!"


Theia Merryweather, Black Mage

Why do the once dead strive to live again? Didn't they get their fill from the eternal cup of misery that permeates all the first time? Theia takes a few steps back, and the color begins to drain from her irises. She straightens her arm forward in a supinated position. "EXOCULO!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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