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Any openings left?

I'd love to try 3.5 Psionics. I'm not sure about race and class yet, but something Psi. Maybe a soul knife multiclassing with a bit of Psy Warrior eventually?



Rell Sunharrow
Soul Knife 1
Exp: 2000

Height: 7'10"
Weight: 350
Age: 39
Power Points:4
AC:16, 11 Touch, 14 Flat Footed
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Init: +1
Alignment: NG
Languages: Common (Axyrian), Giant

Race/Class Abilities/Feats: Power Attack, Low-Light Vision, Acid Acclimated (+2 saves vs. Acid), Powerful Build (treat as large when favorable), Naturally Psionic (2 Psi points), Psi-Like ability (Stomp 1/day at 1/2 level), Mind Blade, Weapon Focus (Mind Blade), Wild Talent (2 pp, take psi feats), Proficiency with simple weapons, light armor and shields.

Class Skills:

Autohypnosis (Wis):4 (2 ranks +2)
Climb (Str):3 (0 ranks +3)*
Concentration (Con):3 (1 rank +2)
Craft (Int):1 (0 ranks +1)
Hide (Dex):1 (0 ranks +1)*
Jump (Str):5 (0 ranks +3 +2 Syn)
Knowledge (Psi) (Int):2 (1 rank +1)
Listen (Wis):4 (2 ranks +2)
Move Silently (Dex):2 (1 rank +1)*
Profession--Miner (Wis):3 (1 ranks +2)
Spot (Wis):4 (2 ranks +2)
Tumble (Dex):6 (5 ranks +1)*

Important Cross Class skills:

Balance (Dex):3 (0 ranks +1 +2 Syn)*
Heal (Wis):2 (0 ranks +2)
Search (Int):2 (1 rank +1)
Sense Motive (Wis): 2 (0 ranks +2)
Survival (Wis):2 (0 ranks +2)
Swim (Str):3 (0 ranks +3)**

Other skills Usable Untrained:

All +1, but Escape Artist*

Saves: Fort--0+2=2, Ref--2+1=3, Will--2+2=4

Bab: 0

Soul Knife: Large Short Sword 1d8 Crit--19-20 x2 +4 Attack and +3 damage

Large Javelin: +1 Attack 1d8+3 x2 crit range--30' (has 8)

MW Large Long Spear: +4 Attack 1d10+4 x3 crit

Large Morning star: +1 Attack 1d10+3 x2 crit

Armor: MW Chain Shirt, MW Light Steel Shield

Other Gear: Backpack, Explorers Outfit, Traveler's Outfit, Cortier's Outfit, Bedroll, Belt pouchesx2, Rope Hempen 50', torchx3, MW Miner's tools (pick, spade, hammer, scale), Quiver sized for javelins, Waterskinx2, Potion of Cure Light wounds, Sunrod, Flint and Steel, Blanket-winter.

Cash: 10 gp, 8 sp, 7 copper

Appearance/Personality: Rell is a big man even amoung half-giants. He is tall yet very broad and powerfully built. He has the muscles that come from a life of hard physical labor. His skin is a coppery color with coal black hair and eyes the gray of flint. His hair is oiled and carefully tied in a braid that hangs to mid back. His hands are callosed and permanently acid stained a somewhat grayer shade. He Wears his chain shirt covered by brightly colored shirts with dark work pants. Stout well worn work boots come almost to his knees. Miner's tools hang at his belt with a morning star, while a quiver full of javelins is on his shoulder.
Rell smiles often and has an open friendly face, but his size and strangeness often cause people to overlook these features. Rell is slow to anger and very tolerant as a member of a slave race must be, but he was raised a free citizen and a resentment of injustice simmers just below the surface. Rell has had a fairly sheltered life in the mines and as he wanders Axyr the locals can spot him for a rural bumkin come to town for the first time.

Background/History: Rell was born in a mining community near silver mines. His father is a local hero. His Psionic ability allowed him to help thwart an attack on the mines. For this he and his family were given freedom. However, life remained hard. They continued to work along side the slaves for a small wage. Eventually, Rell--a younger child--decided he did not want to die working the mines. He began to fight in some local arena style matches and discovered he has his father's talent for psionics. He was never especially good compared to other half-giants, but his ability to produce the soul knife was interesting to the audience and he was popular. Dreaming of bigger and better things he set off for the capital to make his fortune.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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