The Heroes of House Tharashk

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Find what you need?" Cazanjan grins. "Say now, I really appreciate your --", he gestures to both Dox and Gulo, "-- coming with me to see Abynnon, and I just wanted to say that if there's something that I can help you with, I'm happy to do so as best I can. And that goes for Gamil as well."


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"Thanks for asking and yes I got somethings that will help me to blend into the background. I know I can look how I like but you still need the proper tools for the jobs. After tonight if you think it is okay I will snoop around town on my own to look into the area and the bad guys around here."said with a sly grin.


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Your trip back to Huckabees is uneventful, but educational. Myrta takes you back a roundabout way, pointing out landmarks to help you navigate the town on your own if you need to. For the size, it is fairly spead out, almost like two separate towns, one near the east bank, and one near the west, with a fairly wide channel running between for the river traffic. By the time you get back it is around 4pm, and the smell of food is even stronger than usual.

If there was anything Gamil wanted to check on through the day drop me a line.


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Game resumed after lengthy pause...

After the boat is docked, Myrta ties it off and asks "Well then, will there be anythin else you'll be needin today? I'm all for a bite and a brew if we're done for now."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"I'm happy with what we've accomplished today. Would you mind if I joined you? I'm rather hungry myself." In any case, whether he's invited or not, Cazanjan will eat (either alone, with Myrta, or with his companions), and start to mull over possible vault designs. If he eats with Myrta, he'll make small talk and try to find out as much as possible about her without prying. There will, of course, be time to pry later, if necessary.


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"I to am famished and would love to join you both for dinner maybe we can meet up with the others."
Smile and then head towards the inn to eat dinner.


First Post
You head to the tavern, and notice that things are noisier and busier than usual. Most of the outdoor tables are full, and the Halfling waitresses weave through the crowd bearing heaping platters overflowing with what appear to be large red crabs. The platters are quickly emptied by well dressed patrons, and more platters brought out at an amazing pace.

"Shards! I love crab night!" says Myrta.

Cypress pauses a moment, tucking an empty platter under her arm, and several loose wisps of hair away from her face. "Good afternoon gentlemen! If you can find an empty table in this madhouse have a seat and don't be shy. Or if you prefer we can try to spirit a platter out to your suite. Oh, and what would you like to drink?"

As you look about the tavern, you note a few familiar faces. Bursak sits alone at a small table piled with the shattered remains of a dozen or so crabs. Trelacan Derry is at a table inside with a half dozen Orcs and Half Orcs, and an entire table full of gnomes seems to be trying to eat every crab in the general area. Spirits seem high, it is a festive feeling, but you see no sign of Gamfir Huckabee.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Cazanjan makes his way through the crowd, looking for an empty table. He takes a moment to stop by Bursak's table and say a quick "hello." If he gets a moment, he'll ask Myrta about crab night -- what sorts of crabs do they serve, how are they prepared, that sort of thing.


First Post
Bursak beams at you drunkenly, and motions to the other chairs at his table. "Sit. You'll not likely find another table with any space, and I'm enjoying one of my few days off by enjoying some crabs and getting gloriously drunk! Join me."

Myrta hurriedly grabs a chair and sits, placing a platinum coin on a passing tray and grabbing a crab with a body about a foot in diameter off the tray and a severe looking device off the table that she uses to crack, saw, and pick the meat out of the shell. As your drinks arrive (including a refill for Bursak) Myrta expounds upon the history, biology, life cycle, and general tastiness of the Crawling White Crab.

"Crab day is just a day when Huckabees has the good fortune to get in a shipment of Crawlin' white hatchlin's. It only happens once, maybe twice a year if we're lucky. Crawlin' Whites are only found in a few spots in the Crawlin' Swamp, places where Lamannia, the plane of nature has an especially strong connection. These are the only places the crabs can breed, and only when Lamannia is at its strongest thank providence! Otherwise we'd be food for them rather than them being food for us. They grow to be quite large very quickly, and are only fit for food if eaten within a few days of hatchin' while they're still a pinkish color. Once they turn white thier shells get much harder and they taste rancid.

The Daelkyr are said to have twisted some of them into truly horrific beasts during the Daelkyr War, but they're bad enough as nature made them. When they hatch thousands of them scurry everywhere, but thankfully they're tasty to just about every predator in the world, so not many of them live past the first few days.

Huckabee has good relations with a few of the tribes near the places they breed, and buys all they will sell him. Then for 10 gold a head, It's a huge party, with all the crab you can eat, and all you can drink to boot. Since you're stayin' here you won't even be charged since the kitchen won't offer any other food for the day. All of the cooks will be steaming crabs all day. There are actually folks who live here just so that they don't miss a crab day! Not many, but a few."

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