The Hive is (realy) Dead! Long Live the Hive Mind!

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Frukathka said:
I look forward to LiveHiveTM. :D

Now justa minute! on't get your hopes up TOO much.

As I mentioned, I don't know the schedule of the drivers I will be with! It might not work. :\


Mycanid said:
I hope you mean cape? :confused:

A sweeping black cap ... uhh ... giant nightcap?
No, I meant cap. The top of the fungus corresponding to the hair styles worn by today's teenagers.

Visual aid? Well, his hair isn't all black, but it should be.


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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Mycanid said:
Now justa minute! on't get your hopes up TOO much.

As I mentioned, I don't know the schedule of the drivers I will be with! It might not work. :\
I understand completely. Hopes are not completely up. But it gives me something to possibly look forward to. ;)


Mycanid said:
Now justa minute! on't get your hopes up TOO much.

As I mentioned, I don't know the schedule of the drivers I will be with! It might not work. :\
*shrug* Chloroform, anonymous phone calls to homeland security, fake roadblocks, kidnappings, broken ankles. . .

We can ensure you stay around a little.

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