Spoilers Avatar The Last Airbender live-action [SPOILERS]


But . . . Momo got shafted! Very little screen time, you almost forgot he was there until suddenly he was! Really well realized in CGI, he looked REAL, as did Appa and the many weird animals of the Avatar world.
It felt like they didn't want to have to pay for the CGI of Momo so he really wasn't there, until he was. When he's not being specifically used he isn't even in the background. He's just gone.

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It felt like they didn't want to have to pay for the CGI of Momo so he really wasn't there, until he was. When he's not being specifically used he isn't even in the background. He's just gone.
Same for Appa. Aside from his introduction, he's only ever there when they're flying somewhere. I don't think they even addressed where they parked him and Momo when they went into Omashu.


Same for Appa. Aside from his introduction, he's only ever there when they're flying somewhere. I don't think they even addressed where they parked him and Momo when they went into Omashu.
I think it’s a reasonable sacrifice. You have to pick your CGI budget battles. I’ve gotten enough appa and momo to know they’re there right alongside the team, even had that nice scene with Sokka and momo towards the end. But I respect there are a lot of effects on this show, you can’t have everything.

1 episode in so review not complete

Acting is good but it doesn’t feel like tv. It feels like they are on a stage and I get a Disney descendants vibe without the music . The attack on the ice fort was bad. I do love the casting

Special effects-going with 2/10 as the snow scenes are 60’s special effects and might be worse than say Star Trek

Fighting choreography-very good

i d be really curious on what audience they are going for. Most people who watched the original must be over 20 at this point


1 episode in so review not complete

Acting is good but it doesn’t feel like tv. It feels like they are on a stage and I get a Disney descendants vibe without the music . The attack on the ice fort was bad. I do love the casting

Special effects-going with 2/10 as the snow scenes are 60’s special effects and might be worse than say Star Trek

Fighting choreography-very good

i d be really curious on what audience they are going for. Most people who watched the original must be over 20 at this point
It feels like a Disney Channel tweens show, from a demographics standpoint. The shooting strikes me as similar to "The Mandalorean" so perhaps they're using that LED virtual stage setup at StageCraft, or something similar?


I thought the first 4 worked very well even though the were cramming multiple episodes per episode it seemed to flow well. loved it up to the island. After the island the pacing gets wonky and and feels way off. I feel like they needed about 3 or 4 more episodes to make the pacing work. the pacing in the last half really doesn't work , unlike the first 4 they just don't flow they feel jilted and out of place with each other.

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