Star Trek, Paramount+, and a Defense of the Greatest Star Trek Captain


He caused a lot of death, though. The Borg found the Federation because of him.
Not really. The Borg already knew of the Federation because of the Hansens' expedition (which was about 10 years before the Enterprise-D encountered the Borg) as well as the subspace message sent by the remnants of the First Contact Borg when encountered by NX-01 (which should have reached its Delta Quadrant destination at about the same time as the Hansens were assimilated – it's a bit inexact since the subspace message was sent in 2153 and would take "about 200 years" to reach its target, and the Hansens encountered the Borg in 2356). So what Q did was warn the Federation about the Borg (in the guise of taking them down a peg by showing them a much superior foe), thus giving them a fighting chance.

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Morkus from Orkus
Not really. The Borg already knew of the Federation because of the Hansens' expedition (which was about 10 years before the Enterprise-D encountered the Borg) as well as the subspace message sent by the remnants of the First Contact Borg when encountered by NX-01 (which should have reached its Delta Quadrant destination at about the same time as the Hansens were assimilated – it's a bit inexact since the subspace message was sent in 2153 and would take "about 200 years" to reach its target, and the Hansens encountered the Borg in 2356). So what Q did was warn the Federation about the Borg (in the guise of taking them down a peg by showing them a much superior foe), thus giving them a fighting chance.
Was this some sort of retcon that happened after the episode where he exposed the Federation to the Borg?


Not really. The Borg already knew of the Federation because of the Hansens' expedition (which was about 10 years before the Enterprise-D encountered the Borg) as well as the subspace message sent by the remnants of the First Contact Borg when encountered by NX-01 (which should have reached its Delta Quadrant destination at about the same time as the Hansens were assimilated – it's a bit inexact since the subspace message was sent in 2153 and would take "about 200 years" to reach its target, and the Hansens encountered the Borg in 2356). So what Q did was warn the Federation about the Borg (in the guise of taking them down a peg by showing them a much superior foe), thus giving them a fighting chance.
More to the point, they'd already been buzzing around Federation territory. Colonies started disappearing along the Federation / Romulan neutral zone some time before Q sent the Enterprise into the Delta quadrant, and that was eventually concluded to have been the work of the Borg.


Was this some sort of retcon that happened after the episode where he exposed the Federation to the Borg?
Yes, in Voyager and later Enterprise.

In Voyager, we learn that the Federation in ~2350 have heard rumors about something called the Borg, but nothing concrete. Still, they send out a small long-range ship crewed by a husband/wife couple, who bring their young daughter along. The ship has some sort of stealth thing (though not a full cloak), eventually run into a Borg cube and follow it through a transwarp tunnel to the Delta Quadrant. They keep stealthing about and learning more things about the Borg until an ion storm briefly disables their stealth system, exposing them to the Borg. And of course the Borg assimilate them. The daughter is Annika Hansen, who would become Seven of Nine as a Borg drone.

In Enterprise, an arctic expedition finds and awakens some Borg drones who got frozen there during First Contact. Hijinx ensue, the Enterprise crew manage to destroy them, but not before they're able to get a subspace message off to some location deep in the Delta Quadrant, but the message won't get there until 200 years later (which conveniently is in the TNG era or just before).

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Just for kicks, I took a look at what non-Federation governments are still alive-and-kicking by Picard... and it looks like the Gorn (of the Gorn Hegemony) are still around. It'd be pretty awesome of Lower Decks or something brought these guys back.

View attachment 149878

Just hit the episode of Lower Decks with the Gorn wedding... this show does not disappoint!

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
In Enterprise, an arctic expedition finds and awakens some Borg drones who got frozen there during First Contact. Hijinx ensue, the Enterprise crew manage to destroy them, but not before they're able to get a subspace message off to some location deep in the Delta Quadrant, but the message won't get there until 200 years later (which conveniently is in the TNG era or just before).

This cannot be true.

Enterprise produced no hijinx, nor even a hootenanny. The level of jinx on that show did not even manage to clear the level of low.

🎶 It's been a long road. Getting from there to here. It's been a long time. But my time is finally near .... 🎶're welcome.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
This cannot be true.

Enterprise produced no hijinx, nor even a hootenanny. The level of jinx on that show did not even manage to clear the level of low.

🎶 It's been a long road. Getting from there to here. It's been a long time. But my time is finally near .... 🎶're welcome.
Gotta go all the way with extended version...



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I love the paradox in that intro. So IRL the TOS Enterprise was named after the actual ships. The NASA Shuttle was named after TOS Enterprise, after a petition campaign of ”hundreds of thousands” of letters by Trekkies to get the name changed from Constitution to Enterprise.

The intro suggests that NX-01 was named after the Shuttle. And then the TOS Enterprise was obviously named after the NX-01. Thus, in-universe there is a mystery of where did the Shuttle get its name…
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I love the paradox in that intro. So IRL the TOS Enterprise was named after the actual ships. The NASA Shuttle was named after TOS Enterprise, after a petition campaign of ”hundreds of thousands” of letters by Trekkies to get the name changed from Constitution to Enterprise.

The intro suggests that NX-01 was named after the Shuttle. And then the TOS Enterprise was obviously named after the NX-01. Thus, in-universe there is a mystery of where did the Shuttle get its name…
No paradox. Someone dropped a hint while looking for whales and nuklear wessels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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