Honestly, I wanted to like characters on ENT, but can barely remember them.
Also, the showrunners also wanted you to like the characters on Enterprise, and they were going to KEEP THEM SHOWERING until you did!
Honestly, I wanted to like characters on ENT, but can barely remember them.
Also, the showrunners also wanted you to like the characters on Enterprise, and they were going to KEEP THEM SHOWERING until you did!
I wonder what Jolene Blalock thought of getting 'decontaminated' practically every episode. Enterprise certainly wasn't shy of the fanservice.
It did not. I recall the last winter season a co-worker thought they were funny and asked if I "went to Jared". I said, "No, I went to U-haul. Surprise baby pack your sh@#"...it didn't last, did it.
Really, that should be the tell-tale sign. It's great for weeding out people on the first date. Just start playing the Enterprise theme music and look at their reaction ... anything but revulsion and disgust? Check please!
I'd like to know if Bakula's performance annoys me because of choices he made or that the writers or showrunners made.Honestly, I wanted to like characters on ENT, but can barely remember them.
I'd like to know if Bakula's performance annoys me because of choices he made or that the writers or showrunners made.
I wish they had stuck with the original idea of having the Vulcan science officer be T'Pau.
That's the thing- Seven (in VOY) was arguably too much. But Enterprise went way too far.
I'm not against the sexy, far from it. Nor am I against the sexy in Trek- it's always been there from the beginning, whether overt (Kirk's raging libido) or covert (the birth of the Kirk/Spock slashfic).
But ... the thing is ... Trek shows are also extended, usually optimistic, workplace dramas. Except if people were awesome and cared about science. So when a show like Enterprise pushed the skeevy in the skivvies too far, it gets really icky, because we are supposed to think of these people as a happy group of co-workers, not as a bunch of horndogs salaciously applying creams to each other in the shower. Every. Darn. Episode.
Yet again how that show just tragically misunderstood what people really wanted. In fairness (and it's really tough for me to be fair about that show), seasons 3 and 4 almost made it halfway worthwhile, before it Dexter-ized the finale.
Yeah - "sexy" doesn't mean "revealing", "skin-tight", let alone "semi-naked goo-slathering". Full, normal-clothing uniforms can be sexy. Suits can be sexy. Showrunners or whoever makes those decisions: get over your fetishes and let the actors just look good.It was annoyingly othering. Every other Vulcan except for T'Pol wore robes, only Seven and T'Pol were stuck in those catsuits. And some of the outfits they put Jeri Ryan in had her passing out from lack of air. And ... when they were allowed into regular uniforms, they still looked gorgeous. Same with Deanna, Troi looks so sharp in the blue Starfleet uniform.
I would have preferred that as the theme song.Knowing Enterprise, they probably would have chosen the wrong T'Pau.
And in a military or paramilitary environment you can also make them, you know, actually uniforms.Yeah - "sexy" doesn't mean "revealing", "skin-tight", let alone "semi-naked goo-slathering". Full, normal-clothing uniforms can be sexy. Suits can be sexy. Showrunners or whoever makes those decisions: get over your fetishes and let the actors just look good.