Sci Trek: Star Trek Legacy Breaking News

The long and short of it is Star Trek Legacy IS happening, that a deal has been signed with Amazon to pay for 30% of the costs, in exchange for rights to air it outside of the US, and that season 1 will air in late 2025 BEFORE the Picard/TNG movie, which ties into it, which should air in early 2026.

He doesn't count this as rumour, its straight up fact according him and will be announced some time in the early summer this year. Its supposed to be a really big event.

I'll remind folks hos contact in Paramount is so good he knew about the WB Paramount merger talks before anyone else.

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It would be nice if it were true. And I’m sure this will come true, as it’s a no-brainer.

But this a video posted by HT, which as usual is a clickbaiter rumormonger. Last time he posted a video about this guy he spent most of the video assuring us what he wasn’t lying, and it turned out he had nothing to say whatsoever. I bet anything this one starts the same way but I’m not falling for it and clicking this time.

But I, like a million other people, do expect Legacy is going to happen because it’s obvious. I should make a YouTube video and say so… maybe HT will post the video and say how amazing my predictions are!

I just want to add that this is
The long and short of it is Star Trek Legacy IS happening, that a deal has been signed with Amazon to pay for 30% of the costs, in exchange for rights to air it outside of the US, and that season 1 will air in late 2025 BEFORE the Picard/TNG movie, which ties into it, which should air in early 2026.

This is literally clickbait rumourmonger stuff.

This whole "it's a done deal" thing is, I am sad to say, seemingly complete bollocks. There's only one source - this guy, SciTrek, who has made up rumours before - and let's be real - there are specific places where Star Trek info leaks, and this guy's YouTube channel? It ain't one of them. If there was anything at all to his little rumour, it'd be being reported by actual websites, because they'd have heard it, checked with their sources, and heard rumblings confirming it. That hasn't happened.

I should point out too that Star Trek fans (who I would count myself among) have made up multiple new Trek series in their head, been absolutely certain that they were going to get made, and then been horribly surprised when they were not. TOS Phase 2 was basically campaigned for long before it became an official idea, and even got as far as being greenlight, but then never got actually made. Starfleet Academy is now being made (seemingly), but if went back to 2002, Trek fans were 100% certain a post-VOY Starfleet Academy show was being made, they even had somewhat plausible rumour about casting! Didn't happen. There were a couple of ones the early '10s, which I don't remember as well because I wasn't following Trek as closely.

So until this story gets reported by somewhere at least vaguely plausible, it's just rubbish and you shouldn't get excited.

Hell just 9 days before this video, Terry Matalas said they'd had no movement at all on Legacy. It's possible that changed but very unlikely.

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