Effects of writers strike on Sci Fi & Fantasy genre


B/X Known World
UPS workers are on the verge of striking. That will really hamper a lot of things. If they do go on strike, it would be the largest single employer strike in US history.


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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
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What Time Is It Burn GIF by Cameo

Can't they just replace the writers with a script-writing AI? Granted it might be hard to train an AI to be as uncreative and prone to regurgitating preexisting ideas as real cable or Hollywood writers, but it's worth a shot.

"People who write for a living" is a very big category. I think AI will impact all of them, but it will likely be in very different ways.

People whose writing is cookie cutter legal documents are already losing their livelihoods.

People who record oral histories from indigenous communities around the world, preserving their language and story before older generations die? If AI can handle that, it's a long way off, given that the AI would need to get out to these (often elderly) people where they are and walk them through an interview process, both reacting to things they say but also keeping them on track with the questions that need to be checked off.

I suspect screenwriters are probably a lot closer to the oral history folks than they are to the legal document mills, in terms of how much hands-on work is required.

Perhaps they are, but I suspect that the shortfalls with oral history are more to do with the fact that serious research has a very low tolerance for BS (Granted the legal forms do too, but they're also highly ritualized, which makes them easy for the system to understand). You don't want the Fact Sphere as your professor.

In a situation that thrives by and is based on making things up, such as fiction writing or leadership, I would expect an AI to do very well.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Can't they just replace the writers with a script-writing AI? Granted it might be hard to train an AI to be as uncreative and prone to regurgitating preexisting ideas as real cable or Hollywood writers, but it's worth a shot.

It isn't clear what value you thought this insult would bring to the conversation.

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