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life is never easy for me and it has gotten worse.

The hi-lite of the week was watching Transformers with my son and watching Cathy excel at soccer today. Her coach REALLY wants her to do extra training and the such for the game because of her talent. Remains to be seen..... basketball starts soon after all.

Last night I purposely got drubnk. Something I don't generally do. At two beers I felt my depth perception was off. At four I was leaning to and fro while sitting down watching Heroes. At six I had to lay down or fall over. At seven I turned off the TV and took a nap on the living room floor.

ah well.

I still really want to do my Storyhours and an illustrated one but I have no time and by time I do I have changed my mind on what to do several times over already. Can't center on one that way.

There's Under a Darksun, Strikeforce: Morituri II, John Play: Dark Lantern and even my Siberys Seven storyhour.

I started painting figures again to relax. Almost have my 13 naga warriors (from 5 rings set) which are neat. Also working on John Play villians and Chaos agents.

Sorry I have had a stick up my ass around here. I need medicine for my mood swings again but can't afford it. I'm going to have to find the money for it before I destroy everything around me again.

Nearly fired from the Stewarts store after letting the manager know how displeased I am that she hired someone (with no experience in this line of work) at the rate of pay as myself. I have not had a raise in over 18 months. Mack has been tough as we had an ISO audit and the new ISO medical level audit. We did well though I was high lighted as having one of the 3 mistakes (I OVER inspected product) Meanwhile our company moto is Total Satisfaction which includes "Meet and Exceed costumer expectations" So I was written up BUT the company heads are not holding it against me.

Just pulled a freakin' tick off of me. Bastich came from the cat I was just petting. They are bad this year.

Wife and Cathy are at the girl scout haunted house. Seems early but that is okay.

If I think of anything else I'll spill the beans here.

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......someone hates me up there....

poster sized picture frame just fell down onto the computer scaring the crap outta me. Computer is fiine (I think) and the frame seems okay. The cord broke holding it up. Looks empty now with a massive area of pure white there surrounded by posters and pictures of various colorful DnD and comic stuff.

Wife and daughter just arrived home also. Seemed okay. Cathy got fudge to eat. Tammy homemade Chili.

such is life.


First Post
megamania said:
......someone hates me up there...
I doubt that.

Remember Job, he had it much worse. Maybe you're just being tested.

*hoping that's a cheer-me-upper*

*and hoping that I don't get busted for a religious post*

They will hunt you down and flail you for saying Job. Then roll you in salt and red pepper spice. Then coat you in lighter fluid and hand you a light in a dark room. Nasty creatures are there that will eat you slowly but fear light- any light.

In your pained condition you will need to decide whether to die in light or darkness......

can't tell I'm getting in a Darksun mood can you? I've decided to try getting back into my Under a Darksun storyhour. Its been 10 months since updating last. The heroes were left being captured by cannibal halflings while in route to rescue a friend of theirs from a powerful psion.

oooohhhh..... looking at their character sheets they are still 3.0.... not 3.5. Should update before going to much farther.....

quiet here otherwise..........

I also made two more CDs.

Classic Rock / Hard Rock
4.0 Monster Manual
Songs about fiends, escaping death.

I thought that was a good one when dealing with Orcus.

Techno / muzak that has a fast pace
Borys of Darksun Game world

Works for me. I haven't done one of those in a while.

Dog Moon

Well, I got home a little while ago. Was gaming today. So of 5 of us, 1 which doesn't have a laptop, 3 of us are getting new laptops/repairing old ones. Lots of trouble in the last couple weeks with that. I put some money into my savings and I'm gonna try not to touch it if possible for a while. That still leaves me with just enough spending money to buy a decent, though not awesome, laptop.

But the point of this was to say that two people who keep all their notes on laptops didn't have access to them and thus didn't have any notes. So I ended up DMing all day. Was fine though. Got through a couple of miscellaneous encounters as well as most of the first chapter in the Night of Dissolution adventure which came with my Ptolus book. Fun and enjoyable day. The Summoner is beefy, but not currently out of hand with power, so he's not ruining everything yet.

Actually, Mega, something like that happened at my work as well. I've been at my job for I think about 15 months now and I just recently got a raise to 12 per hour. A person JUST started at a lesser position and makes one dollar less. Not quite so bad, but considering that only this check and last have I made 12 instead of 11, it's a little annoying.

I hope everything gets better Mega. I feel bad for you. Though we can't do anything else, we can at least listen, offer our sympathy [and perhaps a joke or two to lighten your day] and be here for ya [unless we're sleeping, at work, on vacation...:)]

Currently I am thourghly enjoying CD #151. Some Juno Reactor, Chemical Bros., Oakenfeld and Psykosonik (and many more). Just what I need to wake up with and attack the day with raw energy and enthusiasm.

Shortly I'll be food shopping then off to work again.

Unless there is overtime at Mack I have the next two weekends off. I'll work around the house and maybe visit my mother in that time.

D&D - Under A Darksun Part II Cannibal Halflings


“The Story Thus Far”

This Storyhour takes place on the world of Athas. Athas is a very different campaign world than most. Many of the traditional humanoid races were killed off in a war 2000 years ago. This Cleansing War as it was called was started by Rajaat. Before him, there was no magic, only the powers of psionics. Magic on Athas is incredibly destructive. Since there are no known gods, the power magic requires originate from the very earth and plant life. The abuse of this new source of power has made most of Athas a barren desert world with areas of strange mutations.

The generals of the war secretly live. They discovered how to use high level psionics and magics to mutate themselves into tall gaunt reptilian creatures referred to as Dragons. There are no dragons of chromatic or gem varies. Now immortal and seemly impossible to be destroyed by any but another rival dragon-king or queen, they rule the city-states of Tyr Valley with an evil iron gauntlet.

One of these Sorcerer-Kings is known as Bane. It is possible that he is the natural father of Mania, one of the key players in this Story Hour.

During the first 125 segments of this Story Hour, we (the readers) were introduced to Mania. He began as a slave on route to Nibenay. He escaped with the help of a rogue elven raiding party whom were there to rescue their king whom was also captured but remained secretive of his stance. He found himself rescued from certain death of dehydration by members of the tradehouse Blewes

Unlike most Tradehouses, the House of Blewes specializes in aiding other trade houses make their deliveries. They remain small but strong and more importantly, necessary for the other larger trade houses. The head of this trade house, Greene, has a strange preoccupation with a dream he had. He dreamed of a utopia west of the mountain range. He hopes to explore the region soon to look into it. In fact, he has begun setting up outposts leading to the south of the Ringing Mountains.

Mania was provided a job at the Caravan Company and became friends with many family members. His first test of ability came as the Blue Bone Tribe of Gith began to reemerge and attack trade routes and templar outposts. Looking to gain a better political position within the city of Nibenay and to help the trade houses, House of Blewes sent out a group of scouts to investigate the ambushes. Dutch, Dirty Dogg and Mania were the primary members. Jocasta Blewes remained behind to work the city council for aid. Here she met Keela, a rising and ambitious young templar.

The ensuing combat involved city templars, the veiled alliance, a group of illegal residents, House of Blewes and a large army of Gith lead by a creature that once a gith but now was something else. Something horrific and never before seen by anyone there.

House of Blewes were declared heroes but also made a great enemy in the templar Keela whom was shadowed greatly by Jocasta Blewes leadership abilities. This became a major factor as Jocasta and Mania each cared for the other but neither could or would express it. Keela used her seductive abilities and money to turn Mania away from Jocasta.

Something Keela did not expect was she came to care for him beyond his use as a pawn. As a templar of Nibenay, she was married but allowed male cumcubines after the union (honeymoon night). This entire romantic conflict played out during a planar rift that allowed fiends into the city. A noble war broke out during this as families were placed in conflict by the fiendish creatures. It was during this time Mania became aware of his possible heritage. He also met a pyreen and a young mysterious mage named Cosa.

Cosa is searching for the lost book of Veena. Veena was a powerful prophet from 750 years ago whom wrote a book filled with her visions. This journal has long since been misplaced and much of it has been taken apart and lost as readers took interest in the images shown. She has several pages. One may speak of a warrior son of a sorcerer-king whom will overthrow him and bring an age of good to Tyr Valley. Unfortunately, the script is unclear and may mean the opposite. He may bring ruin to it instead. Because of this uncertainty, the Veiled Alliance and Pyreen have monitored him and his activities only. Cosa feared this might lead to distrust and anger so she went rogue and contacted Mania.

They quickly became lovers and escaped the city and more importantly, Keela and her templars. Members of the House of Blewes presumed them killed for many months.

Cosa and Mania traveled east to Salt View in search of answers. A Pyreen there told Mania everything. He is much more than he ever expected but how he will play out in the prophecy is still unclear. They continued their search to the ruins of Bodach to find the Sentinels of Bodach and Korgunard. They made friends and allies on the way and lost many of them.

A powerful undead force with an artifact ruled Bodach and hoped to leave the boundaries of the cursed city and attack the unsuspecting Tyr Valley. This attack was stopped as Cosa and Mania delayed the main attack until more powerful agents including Korgunard could arrive.

That was the key events of Segments 1-125. Refer to the below link within my signature for more details.


He looks and acts like an 18-year-old boy becoming a man but in truth is much more. Uncanny luck and charm balance his rash decision making and impatience. He is a truly gifted man with great strength, speed, health, intelligence and charm. He has become obsessed with the notion of which his parents are. He has learned that his father is an evil sorcerer-king (still isn’t aware of what this truly means aka a dragon) whom lives on an island on southern Tyr Valley. He believes his mother to be dead; killed when forces of good escaped with him as a baby.
He can be terribly naïve and gullible but has a dark side to him. He has impressive fits of anger that may originate from his dragon heritage.

This mysterious red head has a thing for illusions and solving puzzles. Perhaps this is why she has such an obsessive connection with the Journal of Veena. She has several pages hidden on her and within her goods and belongings. She came to love the young man known as Mania when healing him from a rather poor display against minor demons. She has many secrets and seems to always know more than she lets on. Now that Mania has become convinced that the prophecy does involve him, expect her to caste him on a new road to discover more pages of the journal.

She is a deadly, ambitious and cunning templar in Nibenay. Before meeting Mania, she was the top aid of the hi-templar. In bids for power, she was placed into harms way during the Blue Bones Gith incident. She survived and immediately began several plots. The first was to take out the High Templar whom had hoped she would die in the desert. The second was to place Jocasta Blewes in her place. She proceeded to seduce Mania and flaunt this fact before her. It worked and then some. She found herself coming to have true feeling for him. He saw through it in time and left her which has further disgraced her and now her love has become hatred. This hatred is now out of control.
The High-Templar used this hatred and set several layers of intrigue for her to become entwined within. If ever discovered, Keela can be sentenced as a traitor to the city-state since she is unwittedly in dept to the Sorcerer-Queen Obe of the enemy city-state of Gulg. She has been misled to believe she has hired a powerful psionic bounty hunter to locate and return Mania to her. Dead if necessary. Unknown to her, the High Templar is the real benefactor and the psion reports everything to her and acts on her call.

Greene has begun his first expedition to the Hinterlands where he thinks his dreams of a watery utopia are hidden. Dutch, his lead caravan leader has left for Walis already. What he will find is uncertain. Jocasta Blewes still feels for Mania and is hurt that he has become attached to Cosa. She has recently learned that he is alive and on the run. She wants to find him but finds her responsibilities to the tradehouse will not allow for it. Dirty Dogg, the charismatic rogue, is also looking into Mania’s location, as he feels somehow responsible for his expulsion from Nibenay.

This Pyreen has left his native lands to watch Mania. Having little contact with the outside world, he finds Mania an overwhelming curiosity and shadows him everywhere. He often appears as a black bird. He knows that if Mania turns to his dark side, he will need to kill him. He has accepted this.

It appears he is Mania’s natural father. He is the Sorcerer-King of Tesh, which he rules from below ground in secret hoping to escape the notice of his fellow Sorcerer-Kings. What he will do if or when he learns of his son’s existence is unclear.

Who she is still uncertain but she have influence over Bane and knows of Mania and his importance. She is locked deep in a dungeon below Tesh guarded by powerful wards made by magic and psionics. Somehow she is a key figure.

Daina is a powerful and mysterious warrior with mastery over both magic and psionics. The pyreen fear her overly aggressive tactics may led the valley into a new war; a war none could ever survive.

Belinda is a bi-polar psychic warrior and a member of the Sentinels of Bodach. Her recent experience escaping certain death in Bodach has made her very close to Cosa and Mania.

Tangiers is a psionic bounty hunter hired by the templars of Nibenay to return Mania to the city-state to answer charges of treason and use of magic. She is very strict and follows the code on the contract very carefully. Mania has made her see a new outlook in life. What she will do is unclear to us, the readers, and to herself.

Glaze is a bard whom wants to write songs about the hero of Tyr valley. She was recently lost to the group and believed dead when kidnapped by Hej-kin. These base creatures want her musical talents for the king’s wedding. Wandering through their tunnels, she has discovered an area quite alien to her and the Hej-kin. They have made it clear not to go there but she still sneaks in as she can to explore.

Dessantee is a cleric of Silt looking for ultimate power. He used Mania and Cosa to close in on this power. When last seen, he was joining a Wraith to help each other. If he and the wraith will ever enter Mania or Cosa’s life again is unclear.

A Succubus from the Nibenay portal has learned of Mania’s existence and seeks to use this knowledge for power by locating Bane whom believes his son to be dead. What this can lead knows no limitations.

Welcome to UNDER A DARKSUN: PART II, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it.


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Cool start to a SH Mega.

We had OH gameday yesterday and it was fun :) I only got to play in the first game cause dshai was so tired from his trip (he got home Fri night) plus Korbin wasn't a happy camper. I got to play a Call of Cthulu (sp?) game. I had never played in one before. Keeper did a great job DMing it. Plus, I got to meet a couple people from the boards and see a couple I hadn't seen awhile. We should do another one in prolly 4 mos or so...........HECKLER! *nudge nudge*

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Miami Dolphins fans sure aren't.

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