The Invincible (amazon prime series)


The invincible, first three episodes dropped on Amazon prime

Brief series concept: superhero themed. One of the world hero’s has a son who is just learning to use his powers as he wants to be a defender of the planet, like his dad...

I’m unfamiliar with the original source material so don’t know how it compares to that, but
While the show does explicitly say it’s an adult oriented cartoon series....
It has some moments of getting very graphic, I just wasn’t expecting it after the bulk had been a (slightly) different tone and violence level.
Admittedly if I knew before hand how gory some scenes would have been, I would not have watched
But that aside, it seemed decent enough in overall plot to hold my interest. And will keep it in my rotation to see next episode when it drops. And, like I did with The Boys, I’ll just be fast forwarding through gory scenes as that’s not what I am watching for.

I’m finding the nods to established dc and marvel comic characters to be obvious analogs but still amusing to me anyway

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I've watched the first two episodes. Not sure if I'm up for continuing - as you said, that bit at the end of episode 1 upped the gore and violence well beyond my normal tolerance levels.

I read Invincible (the comic book). Is this animated or live action?
Animated. Strongly reminiscent of the animation style of the Young Justice cartoon series, to the extent that I'd be surprised if there wasn't some of the same talent involved.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Animated. Strongly reminiscent of the animation style of the Young Justice cartoon series, to the extent that I'd be surprised if there wasn't some of the same talent involved.
Darnit. Not for me then. There’s a live action version being made as well I think. I was hoping this was it.


Yeah Im pretty familiar with the source material owning a fair amount of the single issues as well as all of the hardcover trades.

It is a VIOLENT and GORY series. And honestly I knowing what comes later on in the series I don't know how short of several AVENGERS: ENDGAME level (in terms of budget) films that they could ever pull it off as a live action.

That being said some of the twists and turns the series takes are pretty interesting and in some cases fun? Also, it's not the typical superhero fare from the big two and when characters die (often violently) they stay dead. There are a few story arcs where the stakes are pretty high and pay off pretty well.

So fare its pretty faithful to the source material. I like it.


Yeah Im pretty familiar with the source material owning a fair amount of the single issues as well as all of the hardcover trades.

It is a VIOLENT and GORY series. And honestly I knowing what comes later on in the series I don't know how short of several AVENGERS: ENDGAME level (in terms of budget) films that they could ever pull it off as a live action.

That being said some of the twists and turns the series takes are pretty interesting and in some cases fun? Also, it's not the typical superhero fare from the big two and when characters die (often violently) they stay dead. There are a few story arcs where the stakes are pretty high and pay off pretty well.

So fare its pretty faithful to the source material. I like it.
Sounds promising, in terms of plot (even if I start fast forwarding through the gory action sequences)!


A suffusion of yellow
Darnit. Not for me then. There’s a live action version being made as well I think. I was hoping this was it.
apparently the live action isnt being made, the creators decided they liked the creative freedom that animation provided them.

I did a binge watch of the first 4 episodes and while the story is interesting there is too much gore to the point that I ask "did they really have to do that?" I know that if it was live action I probably wouldnt watch it at all. As I've never read the source comic I'm going to keep watching for the reveal of the mystery and because of the unsubtle character parallels


Just wanted to put this out there in case it wasn't clear because I keep seeing people mentioning and obviously concerned about the gore...

I've read the entire series from beginning to end more than once. So far they're being fairly consistent with the comic. They've changed some things already but I'm sure that they've done these things for a reason. But in terms of the gore?

What you've seen so far is LIGHT compared to a couple of the conflicts I know are to come. It's only gonna get more violent and gory from here on in. The source material takes all kinds of twists and turns and I can imagine that they're going to streamline a bunch of plot points but the violence and gore only gets ratcheted upward, in some cases to an INSANE degree.

For people wondering WHY it's so violent and gory, it's part of the stakes I think. It shows that when people get hit by someone with Superman level strength who isnt holding back it does something to a persons body. Especially later on in the series it becomes apparent that ANY fight vs a vicious opponent can end in grievous career ending injury or death. These characters arent Marvel silver / bronze age characters. Alot of them dont have a code vs killing. They tend to STOP THREATS. Invincible himself throughout the course of the series has to make certain decisions about stopping particular threats to people he cares about and those choices aren't easy.
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Yeah, I have zero problem with gore as the artistic choice-it changes the tone of the story but tells the type of story they want to tell.

I just know it’s more gore than I want so I know I can fast forward through combat scenes as I am enjoying the story itself so far, makes it an overall win for me - and that’s all that matters ;)

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