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The IR Aftermath Campaign Characters II (2nd thread)

Mr. Draco

First Post
'o Skoteinos said:
Kalanyr, what about the following spells:

Transmutation 7
1 action
1 hour / level
V, S, M

You become a string of TCP/IP packets. You can go to any computer on the web (Knowledge (Computers) DC 25 or Knowledge (Technology DC 30) to find a specific computer). The string resembles a Terminal Server / PC Anywhere (or similar) client connection, a Sub7 server (or similar) connection or a piece of code that allows read or possibly even write access on the destination computer.

When a computer is extraordinaryly protected (Firewall, W2k with ISA, Virus Scanner etc.), make an opposed Profession (Hacker) or a Knowledge (Computer Security) check against the Knowledge (Computer Security) or Profession (Security Expert) check of the system administrator.

Material: a computer with Internet acces

Conjuration 2
1 full round / 10 GB
7 days

You absorb the data on touched harddisk. The data stays in your mind for 7 days, during which time you can access it freely. After 7 days you need to make Int checks (DC 15+5/day) to remember the data. Any data 'read', which takes as long as it would normally take to read that many characters can be remembered without any problem.

During the 7 day period you can dump all the information on an empty harddisk, with no chance of failure. After the 7 days, you need to make the Int check.

You can only store 5 GB/point of Intelligence.

I like :):rolleyes:

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Back Up is OK if its changed so no information is held after day 7.

Net form needs to be willing target only, since its No Save,No Spell Resistance, and you may wish to change component to focus as otherwise you destroy the computer you enter.

You have to change the skills, there were only 5 Tech skills according to the info Mr draco send me which I maxed, if you start making hacking and security different skills and make spells beat me with ease I just got useless (again) and I'll just go with Bob.

IMO you should keep tech and magic VERY diffent things just as some enchantments should be "enshantments" the tech way and not magical so they should work in a antimagic field like the stuff that operates via my laptop for example, pure tech, no magic if I could choose since it works via tech way and is stored technological and digital, not magical.

So rule on the fact please how you are willing to keep tech and magic apart and if you allow some stuff I got on laptop and hardware to be non magical but technological based.

If you start letting magic do the same to Technology as it does with Skills, magic dominates all again and I was especially hoping to be of some use since magic didn't cover technology (until now it seems).

(And yes I had my share of beer to night :))
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'o Skoteinos

First Post
Transmutation 7
1 action
Touch (willing creature only)
1 hour / level
V, S, F

You become a string of TCP/IP packets. You can go to any computer on the web (Knowledge (Computers) DC 25 or Knowledge (Technology DC 30) to find a specific computer). The string resembles a Terminal Server / PC Anywhere (or similar) client connection, a Sub7 server (or similar) connection or a piece of code that allows read or possibly even write access on the destination computer.

When a computer is extraordinaryly protected (Firewall, W2k with ISA, Virus Scanner etc. (or similar)), make an opposed Profession (Hacker) or a Knowledge (Computer Security) check against the Knowledge (Computer Security) or Profession (Security Expert) check of the system administrator.

Focus: a computer with Internet acces

Conjuration 2
1 full round / 10 GB
7 days

You absorb the data on touched harddisk. The data stays in your mind for 7 days, during which time you can access it freely. After 7 days all the data is gone. Any data 'read', which takes as long as it would normally take to read that many characters can be remembered without any problem.

During the 7 day period you can dump all the information on an empty harddisk, with no chance of failure.

You can only store 1 GB/Intelligence Modifier.
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Janos Audron

Kalanyr, here is the first and only try for an artifact.

The Arcane Rule (Silver Quarterstaff)

+1, Sure Striking, Gnome Bane


Int 22
Wis 8
Cha 17

The purpose of the staff is to go back to 'the good old days, where magic was everything and technology didn't excist". This can be done in many ways: destroying technology, letting people see that magic is better, showing people technology will let them down when it is most needed or convince a person that technology isn't worth the effort of maintenance.

Special Abilities:

Imbue with Spell Ability: The staff can imbue anyone with sufficient intelligenge or wisdom with a first or second level spell. The spell must be on the Wizard or a Cleric spell list or be on the Death, Law or Magic domain spell list. This ability is usable 5 times per day.

Widened EMP (7th level): Disables any electronic device in a 60 ft. radius for 150 minutes (15th caster level). Usuable 3 times per day.

Disruption: Disables all electronic devices in a 5 ft. radius that rely on transmission. This is true for electronic doors, radios, GPS recievers, homing beacons etc. This ability is constantly active and connot be disabled.

Aversion: Target creature has a aversion of technology for 1 week. Will save DC 22. This ability can be used once a day.

Disjunction: Disjoins a technomancy product. Hasted guns, negative energy rifles, cybernetic implants. Everything that combines magic and technology can be disjoined. Will save DC 23. Usable once per week.

Geas: Forbid the use of technological tools for the duration (15 days). Will save DC 19. Usable once per week.

Technology Immunity: This ability makes you completely immune to technology. Tiny golems can't eat through your flesh, napalm doesn't burn you, you can even survive a direct hit from a nuclear warhead (maybe not the explosion afterwards, but you can survive the hit :p). This ability functions for 5 rounds each day, and can be transferred to a willing creature by touch. The use need not be in following rounds

When the Oerth IR was well underway, and Wee Jass saw that the future knew only technology, or technology enhanced with magic became worried. After all, she was the Goddess of Magic, and did not want to end up like Mystra (dead). She gave two of her most loyal servants (guess who two :rolleyes:) the quest to make an item that would make people believe in magic again.

They set forth to gather the materials, the make a concept of the item that they were to create. But everything they could come up with was miserable, and not worthy to their deity.

In the end, they took some of the strongest magical stuff available at the time and wanted to forge a staff out of the reddish goo like substance. They made the staff, and it was perfect. It radiated immense magic and could even be further enchanted. When they were done, it was an awesome sight. A red line, throbbing with power...but also a desire to kill.

But that's where the goddess of Magic intervened. She released an enormous blast of positive energy which not only destroyed the staff, but Janos too.

As his spirit fled from his ashes, his mind touched with one imprisoned in the Red Goo. When he reformed, he went straight back to the temple. He took his own Quarterstaff, which had turned magical from the touch of a Goddess, and infused both (a part of) his spirit as the one he had touched when he died, in the staff.

The staff doesn't hate technology, but reckons there is a relation between the se of technology and the coming of the red goo, and thus that technology is either evil or brings bad character traits to the surface


Apparantly you didn't quiet get what I meant, I meant you have to try and make the artifact while the game is running :). That is a decent attempt though.

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