The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)

Perhaps, Firete says noncommittally, sometimes you cannot be sure whether what you are looking for is actually useful unless you have already found it. Still, it is quite refreshing to see a face from back home. Tell me, have you been living here very long?

[sblock=Diplomacy]IC is down again! (Maybe we should consider using another dice roller like CoCo) So I make a Diplomacy check at +8.
Even me, a self-confessed roleplayer is getting a little sick of all this. Ronak, if we get nothing from here I'll make another Streetwise check and we can check out that old man[/sblock]

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"Oh, I've lived here several years now. I love this land, although I keep forgetting little things, like when to bow rather than shake hands, or how it's more proper to write with a fiddly little brush rather than a proper pen, or-"

At this point an elderly couple enter the shop. Bairdon smiles at them and says, "I'll be right with you." He turns back to you, "Well, back to work for me. Nice meeting you." He then walks over to the newcomers and starts speaking to them.

[sblock=ooc]I'm sorry if any of you are feeling frustrated. You should remember that it's been less than a day since you've gotten back to town. The rumor that you've found a note that implicates a spy can't have spread that quickly. In fact, it is not unlikely that the spy hasn't even heard it yet. And if the spy hasn't heard the message yet, he or she wouldn't necessarily be thinking about hiring new help.

I am, not too subtly, I imagine, nudging you guys into going to the keep. I'm not going to not let you perform investigations and counter-espionage, but more people get involved during combat than during the pure RP bits, so that's the direction I'm trying to take things.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC] If you throw us a bone RP wise, expect a roleplayer to pursue the scent if you go to bury it somewhere. Is that a train that I can hear? ;)[/sblock]

I am starting to think think that your idea is a much better one than mine, Firete says to Yishim as they walk away. Lets try and find that old man the others spoke of, maybe something will turn up there.

[sblock=Streetwise]IC is down again, so Streetwise at +12 to find Eilian[/sblock]

Cheysuli Sage

Chey, slightly expecting a group of hooded weapon wielding spies behind the door, is a little taken aback by the small genasi child; "Oh! Um... well, I suppose you can tell your master that we will be with him in about an hour, that our main area of interest is the old keep..." Cheysuli pauses a moment to allow the child time to commit this to memory before she adds with a huge smile; "...And, that you delivered his message to us in a smart and professional manner!"

After the boy leaves to convey her reply, Chey goes upstairs and rouses the others from their sleep by marching up and down the corridor banging a spoon on the lid of the cooking pot. A cheeky smile and a wink ready for anyone who appears from their room with a grumble.
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Miranna did not bother to open the door of her room to see what the racket was- she had more important business to deal with this morning. She managed to snarl a few words, but did not have time for more. "I'll be out soon enough, enough the minions of darkness need to be fought right now..."

OOC: Back from Thanksgiving and ramping back up to speed. Miranna is awake, and has been for a while- but before she does anything else, she wants to transfer her Swordbond to her new longsword.

Brenwar awakes from a deep sleep with a very slight grumble, "I apologize but defeating the minions of evil leaves one very tired. So who has summoned us and for what purpose?"
I know I haven't been posting but I've got finals going on. They will be done at the end of next week. I'll at least try to get on once a day and post/stay informed.

Yes, let's continue now that we have what we need. Do you think you should wear your hair down so we can meet up with the others? We only have the letter to go off of, so maybe it's not yet time to meet.
[sblock=OOC The Keep]Yes, I'm up for going to the keep. Agreed that it might take a while for our spy to come out of the woodwork. If we go there, let's depart separately so we can continue this ruse of being a separate group (in town)[/sblock]

Aside from the letter, we don't really have much to go on as yet, so there seems little point at present to want to initiate a meeting with the others. However, if nothing comes of speaking with this Eilian, then perhaps we should take our investigations further afield, what do you say?

Is that a train that I can hear? ;)

Hah, never. My adventures aren't railroads; they're paved roads through the wilderness. Things go smoother when you stay on the path, but you always have the option of going off-road. Just expect things to get a little bumpy if you do. And, occasionally, you run the risk of driving off a cliff. But that rarely happens. Only once, and it wasn't really my fault. Apparently I am capable of being too subtle at times.

Regarding IC, feel free to roll your own d20s for RP stuff like this. If the site's still down when combat starts, we'll find a different online roller.[/sblock]

You find Eilian sitting under a tree with a brush and some paper. He appears to be either writing or painting. As you approach, he puts down his work and looks up at you pleasantly.

Cheysuli Sage

"We are expected at Valthun's tower in about an hour so we can find out as much as possible about the keep and its history. I've thrown together some food to break our fasts, Miranna if you would like me to bring yours to your room I would be happy to oblige. We should try to meet up with the others to let them know that we intend to head out of town at midday. Perhaps they have learnt something that will help us?"

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