The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)

"I see. I will not order you to go tomorrow, but I would like to remind you of something. From what you say, according to the note there are only a few days before this 'rift' is opened. But that must be counting from when the note was written. We do not know how many days have passed since. If there is something I can do to help prepare you for this, all you need to do is ask. But I recommend expediency in this matter."

[sblock=ooc]Hopefully, the group will reunite before much longer.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC]The merchant from Daunton I spoke of in-character, so we'll go there tomorrow (which I assume will be when this audience with the lord finishes). I was actually expecting some sort visitation in the night or at least some sort of result from my song seeming as I got a 25 in that Bluff check :( As for splitting up, you were fine with it, remember TwoHeads. [/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Caution and patience are, I would imagine, valuable traits for espionage and counter-espionage agents alike.

I was fine with splitting the party, and I still am, but it does have some drawbacks.[/sblock]

"Very well, you seem quite anxious that we deal with whatever is going on at the keep as soon as possible, but I am still worried that if we head there unprepared we will not be able to stop what is going on. I suggest a compromise; we shall rest up this evening (keeping an eye out for the spy), then tomorrow we can spend the morning researching the keep with your scholar... Vulthran was it?.. and stoking up on supplies, then head out to the keep at midday, that would give us time to scout out the enemy at dawn and perhaps launch an attack under cover of darkness. What do you say?"

Lord Hashteth smiles slightly, "Yes, that is quite reasonable. I'll be sure to tell Valthun," there is a slight emphasis on the name as he corrects you, "to expect you. If there in nothing else, I recommend you get some rest. Tomorrow may be very trying for you."

You realize that you are, politely, being dismissed.

Cheysuli Sage

"As you wish my lord." Cheysuli bows deeply to the regal dragonborn before she stands to leave.

[sblock=OOC]I guess we should head back to the house to sleep, placing a watch is probably a good idea.[/sblock]

You make it back to the house set aside for you with no trouble. Night passes without incident. The sun rises, and the day is yours.

Meanwhile, at the Iron Lotus:

When you wake up, you notice a note has been slipped beneath your door.

[sblock=note]I apologize for not making myself known last night, but certainly you understand the need for caution. Trust is the first step on the road to betrayal, and I did not get to where I am by allowing myself to be betrayed. I am sure you are familiar with the idea.

There is power, beyond the grasp of those who would try to hold us back or keep us down. But people like us know that these are just the limitations the weak place on the strong.

You are alone no longer, even in this strange land. I will contact you again soon.[/sblock]

The handwriting looks like the writer pushed hard into the paper with the pen. It is clean and legible, but lacks grace.

Well, Firete, it looks like our ruse worked. Great job with the song - that must have been how our spy identified us. What next? At some point we'll see Chey and learn if we are to leave town based on her signal. Did we agree a way to signal that we had made contact with the spy? We must be very careful that the spy does not see us together in a way that would compromise our ruse.

Shall we make our way to breakfast and you can play another song which subtly indicates our interest in power. Perhaps something about a mage who lusted after and found power?

[sblock=Insight check to evaluate handwriting]IC is down, so can you analog a d20+8? I'd like to see if I can glean any more information about the writer from the note itself.[/sblock]

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