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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


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I don't think it ever came up again, but Brenwar is always looking to upgrade. So if we decide it was magical instead of a plot device I'm interested.

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[sblock=ooc]Malanore hasn't been on in a while. PM's been sent and fingers are crossed, but for now Shayla will delay.

What? You just assume the shield was magic, just because I basically asked whether you already knew it was magic? How presumptuous of you. Yes, it's magic. I'll see if I can come up with a clever IC way for you guys to find out.

Also, the previous map incorrectly had Mr. Bricks as unbloodied and Patronus as bloodied, in case you're curious.[/sblock]

Shayla HP:20/20 Surges:6/6 (5) Def:16/12/10/17 SW:Unused Delaying
Patronis HP:19/30 Surges:10/10 (7) Def:14/14/14/15 SW:Unused Concealment
Bricks HP:10/24 (Bloodied) Surges:7/7 (6) Def:16/17/13/12 SW:Unused
Chey HP:26/26 Surges:8/8 (6) Def:15/14/12/15 SW:Unused ConcealmentYour Turn
Bren HP:29/29 Surges:14/14 (7) Def:20/15/16/14 SW:Unused
Piker A 39 Damage, bloodied, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
Miranna HP:29/29 Surges:10/10 (7) Def:19/15/13/15 SW:Unused
Javelin A 17 Damage 5 Temp HP [/sblock]

Patronus walks across the room, his gaze never breaking from his target. He spits out a single word of power and clenches his hand in a fist. At once, a gout of dark red fire erupts from beneath the kobold and engulfs the creature. It frantically beats at its clothing and limbs in an attempt to put out the flame, but it doesn't look like it will be enough.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Move to W14.
Standard: Flames of Phlegethos the Piker. Hits for 20 damage, and the kobold is on fire.[/sblock]

One of the other kobolds is so distracted by its companion's horrific fate it doesn't even notice Mr. Bricks' dagger until it is much, much too late. Smiling softly, Mr. Bricks cleans his blade and steps over to the next reptilian.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Piercing Strike against Javelin B. Hits for 15 damage, killing it. Boy, I wish my character would hit when I rolled a 4.
Move: Shift to S14.[/sblock]

[sblock=In Daunton (but not for much longer...)]The dragonborn opens the doors to the next room. On the floor you see a large stone circle inscribed with draconic runes.

"This will take you to one of our military encampments. There is already someone waiting to give you more information, including how to find your future companions. The ritual has been prepared, all you need to do is stand in the circle."

The dragonborn gestures for you enter the circle. Once you both enter, a red glow appears beneath your feet, and the runes burst into flame. You feel as though the floor has fallen out from underneath you.

Just as suddenly the flames die down. You are standing in an identical stone circle, only now you are outside and surrounded by tents. All around you soldiers, mostly dragonborn but some humans and the occasional genasi, hustle about in preparation for one thing or another. A very tired looking man in a gray uniform stands in front of you, clearing expecting your arrival. He smiles wearily.

"Ah, yes, you're here. Good. I hear the teleportation can be disorienting, so you may want a moment to rest. Unfortunately, I'm in something of a hurry. So I'll talk, and you can choose whether or not to listen." If he's making a joke, he's a master of deadpanning. "My name is Gorou. You are to reinforce a number of other foreigners Teshlyn, sorry, Magus Teshlyn sent to Maoleth, a village which is on the borders of our lands and those controlled by the Oni. The town has recently suffered an increase of kobold activity. At least, that's what we heard last. Communication from Maoleth has stopped. In addition, Magus Teshlyn's divinations have dredged up the name "Zal' Ekthees", a demigod of necromancy. The magus is rarely wrong in such matters; if such a power is behind the events at Maoleth, it must be stopped."

"Of course, you will need to find the others before you can do any of that. Apparently Magus Teshlyn had the foresight to prepare one of these," Gorou starts fishing around in one of his pockets. "Ah, here it is." He pulls out about six inches of thin cord, at the end of which hangs a tapered glass bauble. He holds the end of the cord, allowing the bauble to dangle. Slowly the glass begins to float and align itself in a horizontal position. It rotates around for a few moments before settling, pointing in a constant direction. "Just follow this little guy, and it will lead you right to them. The enchantment will break once you get there; it's not meant for multiple uses. So hopefully you'll only need to find them once." He hands the trinket to Firete. "You will be paid 200 gold each for putting an end to the kobold problem. Do you have any questions?"

"Oh," he smiles again, " and welcome to the Kingdom of Jade."[/sblock]



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[sblock=Loot and Token]
Well you brought the shield up so I figured it was important =P

I know this won't be an issue with the shield but I plan to re-spec Brenwar as a Charisma paladin in the future. Just a note for any future phat loot ;)

Also can I get this picture from Martial Power as my token picture?
And appreciate you taking over by the way nice to have a reason to visit the forums beyond lurking.


Cheysuli Sage

With a fleeting thought of sympathy for the kobold smouldering in Patronis' hellfire, Cheysuli lifts her rod; "May you feel pain no longer." she whispers as she releases a blast of eldritch energy at the suffering creature.

[sblock=Actions]Minor - Curse Piker
Standard - Eldritch Blast vs. Piker; (1d20+4 = 23 vs Ref; 1d10+4 damage =13 + 1 curse damage)
Minor - Insight Check 1d20+6 = 11[/sblock]

With the penultimate foe taken down, Chey turns her attention back to the family cowering in the shadows, trying to get a measure of their state of mind as she shouts over the noise of the battle below and the growing inferno outside;
"I know you are all scared, but the lizardlings are almost dealt with, and when they are we're going to need to get down there and start dowsing that fire as quickly as possible or you may loose the entire homestead... I noticed a well as we approached, are there buckets nearby?"

[sblock=Now in Kingdom of Jade]Yishim looks at Firete, and says Well, cry havoc and let fly the balls of war, and let us be off!, again chortling at this off color joke (and reference). [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock]"Thank you, for your aid" Firete says to Gorou, taking the token from him "but juding from what you say, we'd best continue on our way."
Walking with Yishim, Firete holds the pendulum out with one hand and following the directions that it gave.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Chey, you can't curse the Piker since it's already cursed by Patronus. However, your attack drops the Piker, so we'll say you then cursed the remaining Kobold.[/sblock]

[sblock=Now in the Kingdom of Jade]Apparently Gorou's trinket is more like a bloodhound than a compass. For the next couple days it leads you along a road, pausing in areas that the previous party seems to have spent some time in, such as a campsite and the remnants of a battle. When you reach the walls of Maoleth the bauble spins as if it's trying to reorient itself. After about a minute it points towards the north. As you continue on, you realize that it's leading you towards a black plume of smoke...

[sblock=ooc]Ok, you're ready to be introduced. Just need that last kobold to die.[/sblock][/sblock]


[sblock=ooc]Chey, you can't curse the Piker since it's already cursed by Patronus. However, your attack drops the Piker, so we'll say you then cursed the remaining Kobold.[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Whoops, my bad :blush: would you mind tracking curses in the initiative blocks please :p[/sblock]


First Post
Brenwar seeing the javelin carrying kobold distracted by Mr. Bricks steps in behind it. Now flanked by the two warriors the kobold panics and drops it guard long enough for Brenwar to send his hammer aglow with holy fire flying toward its head.

[sblock=Combat Actions]
Move Action: Shift to Q14 for flanking
Standard Action: With Flanking bonus Holy Strike Versus Kobold (1d20+8=19, 1d10+6=9)
Minor Action: None
Brenwar - Male Human Paladin 1
Initiative: +1, Speed: 5
Passive Perception: 12, Passive Insight: 17
AC: 20, Fort: 16, Reflex: 15, Will: 14
HP: 21/29 , Bloodied: 14 , Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 12/12
Action Points: 0

Basic Melee Attack: +6 Warhammer 1d10+4 Damage

Divine Challenge, Holy Strike, Valiant Strike, Bolstering Strike
Lay on Hands (2/2 Remaining)
Piercing Smite, Channel Divinity, Second Wind
Paladin's Judgment, Healing Word
In the future are we going to swap to Mal's version of combat? It would make it easier to describe since I don't want to claim I hit on a miss and vice versa. Also I should be at 21/29, a kobold crit me right before Ukingsken called for a hiatus
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[sblock=Results]That hits. The kobold has actually been bloodied for some time now. And thanks for pointing out the crit.[/sblock]

[sblock=The future]After this fight, I'm going to be changing a couple things about combat. First, from a format perspective, I'm going to present the information the same way I do in my other game, Blight Makes Right, as I'm not wild about the color system ukingsken uses.

Second is a change to group initiative. I'm not entirely sold on telling you everything right from the start, so I think I may do something where you don't know the kobold piker's AC until you make an attack against it, but once you've done so, you'll know the AC of all future kobold pikers you fight. Ditto with the other defenses and basic attacks, and maybe even approximate hp (beyond unbloodied/bloodied/dead). I'm not sure.[/sblock]

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