D&D General The Jester's Perfect D&D

the Jester

Level --- Features

1 --- Starting features, class features,race features
2 --- Class features, feat
3 --- Class features
4 --- Class features, feat
5 --- Class features, race features
6 --- Class features, feat
7 --- Class features
8 --- Class features, feat
9 --- Class features
10 --- Class features, feat, race feature

What is a "Starting Feature?" These are class-based benefits you get at first character level but NOT first class level. So if you start as a first level fighter, you get the fighter's "Starting Features", but if you instead multiclass into fighter at a higher level, you don't get those features.

Why the Term Race (vs. Species, Ancestry, etc)? Basically because at least the beginning of these rules were written before the term went out of vogue. I have nothing against changing the term, I just haven't gotten around to it.

Why Still Half-Races (especially the Half-Orc)? I acknowledge the baggage around the traditional treatment of half-orcs. However, my own game doesn't carry the same baggage; while orcs are traditionally viewed as a "bad guy" race in many areas of the campaign, they have also served as a critique of racism on a meta level. There is a culture of orcs who have long struggled to be accepted as a "civilized" race and been looked down on by the traditional human and demihuman races, despite having adopted the prevailing religion. These orcs worked hard to integrate themselves into a longstanding free trade alliance, and the half-orcs that come from their continent and the surrounding lands are no more likely to be the result of rape than any given human child is.

So Why Not Full Orcs? They will be coming eventually; I just haven't gotten to them yet. I started with the "basic four" races of human, elf, dwarf, and halfling, and have been slowly filling in the rest. Orcs are, and have long been, a viable pc option in my campaign. The 2024 ruleset's approach of "just choose one parent race and say you're half-something else" leaves me profoundly unsatisfied; half-elves and half-orcs have long had a distinct identity in my campaign and I don't like losing that.

What is a Hit Point Kicker? Basically, a race-based bonus to your starting hit points.

What is Expertise? Antiquated terminology for a bonus die that is all through my working documents.

What is Shifting? A shift is movement that doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

With that out of the way- here are the mechanics for the pc races I have developed so far. I expect to eventually expand this to include quite a few others.

Size: Medium.
Speed: 30'
Hit Point Kicker: 8
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and the language of your non-slaad heritage. If that heritage is Human, you instead read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and another language of your choice. If your Intelligence is 12 or higher, you also read, write, and speak another language of your choice. If it is 16 or higher, you read, write, and speak another two languages instead.
  • 1st level:
    • Choose another pc race option. This is your non-slaad heritage.
    • Variable Resistance. When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use a reaction to gain resistance to that damage. Once you have done so, you can't do so again until you rest for 10 minutes.
  • 5th level:
    • Choose one 1st level feature of your non-slaad heritage. You gain that feature.
    • You can use your Variable Resistance twice before you must rest before using it again.
  • 10th level:
    • Choose one 1st or 5th level feature of your non-slaad heritage. You gain that feature.
    • You can use your Variable Resistance three times before you must rest before using it again.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30'
Hit Point Kicker: 8
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Draconic. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Choose a type of dragon with at least one breath weapon that deals damage. This is your draconic ancestry.
      • You gain resistance to the damage type of one of its breath weapons.
      • You gain the ability to breathe a 15' cone of the breath weapon's energy. Each creature in the cone takes 1d8 points of damage of the appropriate type (save for half; Dex unless your breath deals cold or poison damage, in which case Con). Once you use this feature, you must rest for 1 hour before you can do so again.
  • 5th level:
    • While you are bloodied, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls.
  • 10th level:
    • The damage resistance granted by your ancestry becomes immunity.
    • Your breath weapon's damage increases by 1d8, and you need only rest 10 minutes before it recharges.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 25'
Hit Point Kicker: 10
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Dwarvish. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Darkvision 60'.
    • Resistance to poison damage.
    • Stonecunning- gain a 1d6 bonus die when you make a check involving stone.
  • 5th level: Dwarven toughness. You spend 15' of movement to gain 10 temporary hit points. Once you do so, you can't use this ability again until you rest for an hour.
  • 10th level:
    • Your resistance to poison damage becomes immunity.
    • Your stonecunning bonus die increases to 1d8.
    • When an effect would move you against your will, you gain a 1d6 bonus die to resist it, and it moves you 10' less than it otherwise would.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 35'
Hit Point Kicker: 6
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Elvish. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Low-light vision.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to resist effects that charm you or put you to sleep.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when you make a check to notice, search for, or find something.
  • 5th level: Elven accuracy. You spend 10' of movement to gain a 1d8 bonus die to a ranged attack. Once you hit with this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
  • 10th level:
    • You gain two cantrip slots and one first level spell slot.
    • You learn two wizard cantrips and one first level wizard spell of your choice.
    • You can spend 15' of movement to teleport up to 60' to a space you can see. Once you do so, you can't use this ability again until you rest for an hour.
Size: Small.
Speed: 25'
Hit Point Kicker: 6
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Gnomish. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Low-light vision.
    • You can speak with and understand Small Beasts with the Mammal tag that have a burrowing speed, as well as those that make their lairs or spend a significant portion of their time underground.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to checks that rely on smell or that deal with machinery.
  • 5th level: When you take damage, you can use your reaction to turn invisible and shift up to 15'. You remain invisible until the end of your next turn or until you attack, cast a spell, or deal damage. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you rest for an hour.
  • 10th level: You gain a 1d6 bonus die on Int, Wis, and Cha saves.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30'
Hit Point Kicker: 7
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Elvish. If your Intelligence is 12 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice. If it is 16 or higher, you read, write, and speak another two languages instead.
  • 1st level:
    • Low-light vision.
    • Expertise +1d6 in Charisma.
  • 5th level:
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to resist effects that charm you or put you to sleep.
    • Half-Elf Versatility. Choose one of the following options.
      • You gain two cantrip slots and learn one cantrip of your choice.
      • Choose one melee or unarmed weapon and one ranged weapon. You gain a +1 bonus to attacks with those weapons.
      • Add 1d6 advancement points to each ability score. Whenever you add advancement points to an ability score in the future, you get +2 to the roll.
  • 10th level:
    • When an ally that can see or hear you within 30' fails an attack, save, or check, you can use a reaction to increase the attack roll or the ability score the check or save is made against by 1d4. (This isn't a bonus die.)

Size: Small.
Speed: 25'
Hit Point Kicker: 6
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue andHalfling. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Low-light vision.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to checks made to sneak, hide, or otherwise be stealthy.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to attacks with slings and thrown weapons.
  • 5th level: Large and bigger creatures take a 1d6 penalty die on attacks against you.
  • 10th level: You can freely move through other creatures' spaces.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30'
Hit Point Kicker: 10
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and Orcish. If your Intelligence is 15 or higher, you also read, write,and speak another language of your choice.
  • 1st level:
    • Darkvision 60'.
    • If you end your movement within 15' of an enemy, you can use a reaction to shift to the closest unoccupied space adjacent to that enemy. Once you have used this feature, you must rest for 1 minute before you can do so again.
    • Half-Orc Perseverance. If you fall to 0 or fewer hit points but don't die, you can use a reaction to instead fall to 1 hit point. Once you use this feature, you must rest for 1 hour before you can do so again.
  • 5th level: When you hit with a melee attack, you can do an extra 1d8 points of damage with that attack. Once you use this feature, you must rest for 1 minute before you can do so again.
  • 10th level: If a creature makes an opportunity attack against you, you can use a reaction to make a melee attack against that creature.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30'
Hit Point Kicker: 8
Starting Languages: You read, write, and speak your local Common tongue and another language of your choice. If your Intelligence is 12 or higher, you also read, write, and speak another language of your choice. If it is 16 or higher, you read, write, and speak another two languages instead.
  • 1st level: Expertise +1d6 in two ability scores.
  • 5th level: Human Perseverance: When you miss with an attack or fail a save, you can roll 1d6 and add it to the result of your attack or to your effective ability score for the save. (This is NOT a bonus die.) Once you do so, you can't use this ability again until you rest for an hour.
  • 10th level: Gain a bonus feat.

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the Jester

I just realized that there is a reference to "advancement points" above. So-

What are advancement points? When you finish a level (i.e., when you level up), you choose one ability score to advance, roll a die based on the level you just finished, and note those points next to the score. Once an ability score has 10 advancement points, you increase the score by 1 and reduce the number of advancement points you have in that score by 10.

For example, if you are a 2nd level cleric with a Wisdom score of 14 and 7 advancement points, and you gain enough xp to achieve 3rd level, you can choose to advance your Wisdom. You roll 1d6 and gain that many advancement points. If you roll a 1 or 2, your Wisdom remains unchanged, but if you roll a 3 or higher, your Wisdom increases by 1. Let's say you roll a 4- you now have a Wisdom of 15 with 1 advancement point.

The die you roll for advancement points depends on your class and what ability you choose. For example, a cleric can choose to gain 1d6 advancement points in Con, Wis, or Cha, or 1d4 advancement points in Str, Dex, or Int.

The details for each class' advancement point schemes are in the classes section, which will be coming before long. For those of who you read my Battle Die thread, you'll see that concept in the design of the fighter.

the Jester

Okay, on to the classes.

First of all- there are only the basic four- cleric, fighter, rogue, and wizard. Other classes are emulated with feats; there is, for example, a Druid feat.

Also, there are only ten levels (inspired by E6), with further advancement happening via feats only.

Note that casting a spell in armor requires a check, which is more difficult the heavier the armor category, and comes with a 1d6 penalty die if you aren't proficient. (The Gear section will have the full details for this under "Armor".)

Note also that "Starting Features" are only gained if your first character level is in this class. (Also, shields count as Medium Armor, so all clerics are proficient in them.)

Spells have metamagic effects built in to them via the upcasting mechanic.

Light effects have two radii noted ("10'/20'"), meaning bright and dim light.

Note that there are effects (like Chant) that grant you extra reactions, sometimes with specific limitations. Multiple reactions are a fairly common thing; you'll see them come from spells, magic items, feats, and even class features.

If you can cast a spell as a ritual (such as Commune), it doesn't expend a spell slot. Note also that some spells don't expend a slot if they fail to have any effect (Banishment, for example).

"Save Ends" means that, at the end of each turn, the target makes the same type of save as the initial save against the spell. If it succeeds, the indicated effect ends. For example, if it makes the save at the end of its turn against Word of Obeisance, it can stand up.

Finally, note that cleric spell progression is a level slower than you might expect: they don't get 2nd level spells until 4th level.

That said, here is the cleric:

1d8 HD.

Starting Features: Gain expertise +1d6 to Wis checks. +1 to attacks. Gain proficiency in heavy armor. Gain 1d8 bonus die to attempts to cast spells in armor.

Level --- Features
1 --- 1st Level Spells, Cantrips, Intuitive Magic, Proficiencies (club, flail, mace, sling,staff; light and medium armor)
2 --- Channel Divinity (1/rest), Extra Spells, +1 to attacks
3 --- Extra Spells, +1 to spell attacks
4 --- 2nd Level Spells
5 --- Channel Divinity (2/rest), Extra Spells
6 --- 3rd Level Spells
7 --- Extra Spells, +1 to spell attacks
8 --- 4th Level Spells
9 --- Extra Spells, Powerful Prayers
10 --- 5th Level Spells

X Level Spells: You can learn and cast cleric spells of the indicated level. This has the following effects.
  • When you finish a long rest, you can spend an hour in prayer and contemplation. During this time, you can prepare up to four cleric spells of the indicated level. (You can prepare all your cleric spells in the same hour.)
  • You gain two spell slots of that level. You recover these after a long rest.
Cantrips: You know a variety of minor magical tricks and effects. This has the following effects.
  • When you finish a long rest, you can spend an hour in prayer and contemplation. During this time, you can prepare up to four cleric cantrips. (You can prepare all your cleric spells in the same hour.)
  • You gain four cantrip slots. You recover these after a long rest.
Intuitive Magic: If your Wis is at least 13, your cleric spells have a DC of 2. If your Wis is at least 16, they instead have a DC of 3.

Channel Divinity: You gain the ability to channel the power of your deity in two ways, determined by your deity or faith. You can do so once and then must rest at least one hour before channeling divinity again. The following options are available.
  • Despoil Light. All magical and non-magical lights within 60' are extinguished. Good aligned creatures in the area must make Wis saves or take 1d6 psychic damage. (Items with permanent light effects can be rekindled as an action.)
  • Impose Order. You gain an aura of order in a 15' radius. In this aura, all d20 rolls are treated as 11 for you and your allies or 10 for other creatures.
  • Knowledge of the Ages. For as long as you concentrate, up to 1 hour, you gain proficiency in checks with the ability score of your choice.
  • Radiance of the Dawn. You radiate sunlight in a 30'/60' radius for 1 minute. Magical darkness in or created in the area is suppressed until the effect ends. An evil creature that starts its turn in the bright light takes a 1d6 penalty die to attacks if it relies on vision.
  • Rebuke Undead. Each undead within 50' that can see you must make a Charisma save. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you for 10 minutes or until it takes damage or is attacked. If you have more cleric levels than it has Hit Dice, you can use an action to command it while the effect lasts.
  • Sacred Weapon. By spending 20' of your movement, you imbue a weapon you touch with sacred power. For 1 minute, the weapon sheds light in a 20'/40' radius gains a +1d6 bonus die on attacks, and deals an extra 1d4 radiant damage.
  • Turn Undead. Each undead within 50' that can see you must make a Charisma save. If it fails, it can't do anything other than flee from you or cower for 10 minutes. If it is attacked or takes damage, the turning breaks.
Extra Spells: You gain two spell slots of any level that you can cast.

+1 to Attacks: The bonus applies to all attack rolls using weapons, natural weapons, or improvised weapons (not to spells or similar effects).

+1 to spell attacks: Your spell attacks get a +1 bonus.

Powerful Prayers: Saves against your cleric spells are more difficult. A creature making such a save has a 1d6 penalty die.

Level Up: If the class you took most recently upon leveling up was cleric, you can choose one of the following options, with an ability score needing 10advancement points to increase one full point:
  • Your Con, Wis, or Cha gains 1d6 advancement points.
  • Another ability score of your choice gains 1d4 advancement points.


Close or Open- opens or closes a door within 60'.

Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law- range 60', lasts for 1 minute; distinguishes between mortal and divine (e.g. fiends, hallowed area, etc). Clerics and paladins show as divinely aligned.

Detect Magic- range 60', lasts for 1 minute; can distinguish between weak and strong magic, and might be able to learn more with Int check

Minor Healing- cure 1 hp by touch

Purify Food and Drink- Restores inedible food and drink to edible state, affects up to 1 day's rations

Thaumaturgy- Make a sign of your god manifest, such as a loud noise, a sudden gust of wind, or a play of light in the clouds.

1st level

Bless- one creature within 60' gets a 1d6 bonus die to attacks and saves for concentration, up to 1 minute. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast 2 levels: increase duration to max 10 minutes. Upcast 2 levels: remove concentration.

Cause Fear-one creature within 60' must make a Wis save or become frightened ofyou for 1 minute (save ends). While it is frightened and can see you,it has a 1d6 penalty die to all attacks and checks, it can't movecloser to you, and it has to end each turn further from you than itstarted. Upcast one level: add one target.

Command- one word command on a target that can understand you within 30'. Target must make a Wis save or obey for one round. Ambiguous commands subject to the target's interpretation.

Cure Wounds– touch living creature, heal 1d8+2 hp. If you touch undead, it does that much radiant damage instead. Upcast one level to add 1d8.

Death's Door- up to three creatures you can see within 60' that are at 0 or negative hps stabilize and go to 0 hp. Until it regains at least 1hp, each target also gains resistance to all damage for the next 10 minutes.

Inflict Wounds– spell attack vs. living creature, deal 1d8+2 necrotic damage on hit. If you touch an undead, it instead regains that many hps. If you miss, you can 'hold the charge' as long as you don't cast another spell, up to 1 minute. Upcast one level to add 1d8.

Lesser Restoration- touch to restore a creature's mind, ending charms, fear, insanity, confusion,etc. Restores damaged mental ability scores.

Light- cause 20'/40' light to emanate from an object you touch or a point in space. Lasts 1 hour. Upcast one level to increase radius by 10'/20' or one level to increase duration by 1 hour.

Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law- touch a creature or object; attacks from sources of the chosen alignment have a 1d6 penalty die, and the subject has a 1d6 bonus die on saves against effects from that alignment. Lasts concentration up to 1 minute. Upcast one level to target one additional creature or object. Upcast two levels to increase duration to concentration up to 10 minutes. Upcast two levels to remove concentration.

2nd level

Aid- touch one creature; for 8 hours its current and max hps increase by 5. Upcast one level: add two targets. Upcast one level: increase by 5hp.

Augury- 1 minute to cast. You determine whether a course of action you will take in the next hour is most likely to lead to weal, woe, both, or neither.

Chant- for as long as you don't otherwise speak, this lasts concentration up to 10 minutes. You gain two reactions that you can only use to chant. When a creature within 60' misses an attack or fails a save, you can use your reaction to give it a 1d6 bonus die.

Find Traps- when you cast this and by spending 15' of movement while it lasts, you can see a glow outlining any traps within 30' of you. This doesn't tell you what it is or how to disarm it. Lasts for concentration up to 10 minutes. Upcast one level: You learn what triggers the trap and get an idea of what its effect is (poison gas, fire, arrows, a swinging blade, etc).

Guiding Bolt-fire a bolt of holy light at single target within 60' with a spell attack. If you hit, deal 2d10 radiant damage and the next attack against the target gets a 1d6 bonus die. If you miss, you can repeat the attack as an action next round, but if you miss a second time,the spell ends. Upcast one level: add 1d10. Upcast two levels: all attacks before the end of your next turn get the bonus die on a hit. Upcast one level: gain a 1d6 bonus die on the spell attack.

Healing Word- costs 15' of speed to cast. One living creature within 60' regains 2d4+2 hp. If you target an undead, it instead takes that much radiant damage. Upcast one level: add 1d4. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast one level: increase range 30'.

Hold Person- one living humanoid creature within 60' must make Wis save or be paralyzed for concentration, up to 1 minute (save ends). If all targets make the initial save, you don't expend the spell slot. While it is paralyzed, attacks against it get a 1d8 bonus die and deal double damage. Upcast one level: add one target.

Locate Object- choose either a category of object (such as a door or stairway) or a specific object (such as your friend Gong's cloak, a ring you have seen depicted in a painting, or a sword whose name you know). If that object is within one mile, you can spend 10' of movement to get a sense of what direction it is in. If it is within 500', you also sense that it is not far; and if it is within 100', you also sense that it is close. You retain the ability to sense it for one hour.

Repair Injury-touch one creature and repair any broken or damaged (but not missing) body parts. Unless it is caused by entirely missing organs, this will repair blindness or deafness. Upcast one level: will regrow missing or destroyed teeth, digits, eyes, ears, nose, or genitals over the course of 1 hour. Upcast two levels: will regrow missing or destroyed appendages over the course of 1 hour. Upcast three levels: will regrow any missing or destroyed body parts over the course of 1 hour.

Resist Energy- up to three creatures within 30' gain resistance to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. Lasts 10 minutes. Upcast one level: add three targets. Upcast two levels: increase duration to 1 hour.

3rd level

Create Food and Water- create enough food for two creatures for one day. Upcast one level: create one additional creature's food.

Daylight- cause sunlight 50'/100' to emanate from a point you can see within 90' for 10 minutes. Within this daylight, when you cast a healing spell, you heal an extra 1d4 hps. You can spend 5' of movement to end the spell. Upcast one level: increase light by 25'/50'. Upcast one level: increase duration to 1 hour. Upcast one level: increase extra healing to 1d6.

Dispel Magic- target one creature, object, area up to 20'x20', or magical effect within 60'. Spells or magical effects of up to 3rd level on that target end; you make an Int check against each additional effect, and if you succeed, it ends as well. Upcast one level: increase range by 30'. Upcast one level: increase automatic dispel by one level.

Glyph of Warding-mark a surface or object with a glyph, which fades into invisibility. The glyph triggers when a creature touches the target or the target moves. You can set a password that will suppress the glyph for 1 minute if the speaker touches the glyph while speaking it. When you create the glyph, choose one- acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, thunder. When it is triggered, the glyph does 3d10 damage of that type to each creature within 10' (Dex save for half).

Greater restoration- touch to restore a creature's mind and body, ending poison, paralysis, disease, petrification, charms, fear, insanity, confusion,etc. Restores damaged ability scores and removes energy drain.

Make Whole- touch an object that is damaged or broken and make it whole. At least 50% of the object must remain, even if it is in pieces. Will not work on objects eroded by time. If you cast it on a construct, it regains 2d8+10 hps.

Mass Cure Wounds- choose a point you can see within 60'. Up to four living creatures within 15' of that point each regain 2d8+5 hit points. Upcast one level: increase healing by 1d8. Upcast one level: increase range by 30'. Upcast one level: increase radius by 5'.

Prayer- for 1 minute, when a creature attacks or makes a save within 60', you can give it a 1d6 bonus die or a 1d6 penalty die.

Protection from Energy- one creature within 30' gains immunity to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. Lasts 10 minutes. Upcast one level: add one targets. Upcast two levels: increase duration to 1 hour.

Remove curse- removes one curse on target creature or object you can see within 30'.

4th level

Banishment- one creature you can see within 90' must make a Cha save or be banished. If it's from another plane, it returns; otherwise, it vanishes for 1 minute (save ends). If all initial targets make their saves, you don't expend the spell slot. Upcast one level: add one target.

Cloak of Bravery- for one hour, you have a 50' radius aura. Within the aura, your allies can't become charmed, frightened, or have their emotions manipulated, gain a 1d6 bonus die to saves, and gain resistance to psychic damage.

Freedom of Movement- targets up to four creatures within 30'. For 10 minutes, targets ignore difficult terrain, can't be paralyzed, slowed, or otherwise have their speed reduced, and automatically escape grapples or restraints with no movement cost at the start of their turn. They also never slip on grease, ice, ball bearings, or the like. Upcast one level: add two targets. Upcast one level: increase range 30'.

Imbue with Spell Ability- touch one creature and give them a spell slot you have (not the one that you cast this spell with) and a spell you have prepared, which they keep for one hour or until they use the spell slot. You can choose the level of the slot and spell. You can't use either while they are granted to the creature, but the spell (and the slot, if unused) returns to you when the spell ends.

Locate Creature- choose either a category of creature (such as a human, female camel, or black-haired elf wearing a green cloak) or a specific creature. If that creature is within one mile, you can spend 10' of movement to get a sense of what direction it is in. If it is within 500', you also sense that it is not far; and if it is within 100', you also sense that it is close. You retain the ability to sense it for one hour.

Remove Affliction- instantly removes all curses, diseases, negative spell effects, ability damage, poison, petrification, and other negative conditions or effects on a subject you touch.

Stone Shape- takes 1 minute to cast. Reshape any contiguous nonmagical stone in a 10' cube that you touch.

5th level

Commune- takes 10 minutes to cast. You commune with your god and can ask 1 question, receiving a one word answer. Can cast as a one hour ritual requiring 5,000 gp in religious components.

Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law- banishes an extraplanar creature of the target alignment unless it makes a Cha save with a 1d6 penalty die. If it does make its save, it takes 4d10 psychic damage, has a 1d6 penalty die on attacks, checks, and saves for 1 minute, and loses resistance or immunity to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. If cast on a creature of the target alignment but that is on its home plane, it takes 4d6 psychic damage (Wis save for half) and if it fails its save it is stunned until the end of your next turn. While stunned, it can't move or act, and attacks against it gain a 1d6 bonus die.

Flame Strike- pillar of holy flame 15' in radius and up to 90' high appears within120', dealing 5d6 fire and 3d10 radiant to everything in the area (Dex save for half).

Insect Plague- conjure a 20' radius sphere of insects centered on a point you can see within 120'. Each creature other than you that spends any of its turn in the insects takes 2d6 piercing and 2d6 poison damage and has a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks until the end of its next turn. You can spend 15' of movement to move the insects (which fly) up to 15'. The swarm is difficult terrain for creatures other than you.

Plane Shift- requires the proper tuning fork. You can either transport yourself and up to 11 other willing creatures or a single unwilling creature to the plane your tuning fork corresponds to. In either case, if you picture a particular location on that plane, the targets appear 1d100 miles from that location; otherwise they appear in a random spot on the plane. If you target an unwilling creature, it can make a Cha save to resist, and if it succeeds, you don't expend the spell slot.

Raise Dead- restores one dead body that you touch to life with 1 hp. The raised creature has a 1d6 penalty die to attacks, saves, and checks. Each time it completes a long rest, it removes one of these penalty dice. Can be cast as a 1 hour ritual requiring 10,000 gp in religious components.

Righteous Might- for 1 minute, you grow to Large size, or increase in size by one category if you're Large or bigger, and gain 20 temporary hit points. While grown, you gain a 1d8 bonus die to melee attacks, deal an extra die of damage with melee attacks, and can make one extra melee attack whenever you use your action to attack with a weapon or natural weapon.

Word of Obeisance- each creature of your choice within 60' that can hear you must make a Wis save. If it fails, it takes 2d8 psychic damage, falls prone, and can't stand up (save ends). If no creature fails its initial save, you don't expend the spell slot.

the Jester

Here is the fighter. I suspect I'm done for the day- I'll try to post the rogue and wizard tomorrow, with the rogue being the class that seems to need the most work from the little bit of playtesting we've done with these rules.


1d10 HD,

Starting Features: Gain proficiency in heavy armor, +3 to non-spell attacks.

Level --- Features
1 --- +1 to attacks, Battle Die (1d6), Proficiencies (simple and martial weapons; light and medium armor)
2 --- Second Wind (1/long rest)
3 --- Action Surge (1/long rest)
4 --- +1 to attacks, Battle Die (1d8)
5 --- Extra Attack
6 --- Second Wind (2/long rest)
7 --- +1 to attacks, Indomitable (1/long rest)
8 --- Battle Die (1d10)
9 --- Action Surge (2/long rest), Indomitable(2/long rest)
10 --- +1 to attacks, Double Extra Attack

+x to Attacks: The bonus applies to all attack rolls using weapons, natural weapons, or improvised weapons (not to spells or similar effects). The bonus stacks.

Battle Die: Refreshes at the start of fighter's turn. The fighter can use their battle die in any of the following ways.
  • After rolling to hit, but before you know the result, you can add your battle die to that attack roll.
  • After rolling damage on an attack, you can add your battle die to that damage.
  • When you miss with an attack, you can deal your battle die in damage to one target.
  • When you make a save, but before you know the result, you can add your battle die to that save.
  • When an enemy hits you or another creature within 5' of you, you can use a reaction to add your battle die to the target's AC against that attack.
  • When an enemy damages you or another creature within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to subtract your battle die from that damage.
  • When you make a check to perform a maneuver in combat, such as attempting to disarm a foe, you can roll your battle die as a bonus die to your relevant ability score.
Second Wind: Costs 10' of movement. Heals 1d10 + fighter level hps. Recharges after you complete a long rest.

Action Surge: Take any action. Recharges after you complete a long rest.

Extra Attack: When you attack on your turn, make two attacks.

Indomitable: When you fail a save, you instead succeed.

Double Extra Attack: When you attack on your turn, make three attacks.

Level Up: If the class you took most recently upon leveling up was fighter, you can choose one of the following options, with an ability score needing 10 advancement points to increase one full point:
  • Your Str, Dex, or Con gains 1d6 advancement points.
  • Another ability score of your choice gains 1d4 advancement points.

the Jester

This is the rogue. I am not fully satisfied with it; for instance, I am waffling on the requirements to sneak attack, and I have been debating whether to make Evasion require a reaction.


1d6 HD.

Starting Features: Gain proficiency in rapier, short bow, whip, expertise +1d6 (one stat), +1 to attacks.

Level --- Features
1 --- +1 to attacks, Expertise +1d6 (one stat), Sneak Attack +1d6, Proficiencies (dagger, dart, short sword, sling; light armor)
2 --- Cunning Shift, Extra Reaction
3 --- Sneak Attack +2d6
4 --- +1 to attacks, Cunning Skill, Fast Movement +10'
5 --- Uncanny Dodge
6 --- Expertise +1d6 (two stats), Double Extra Reaction
7 --- Sneak Attack +3d6
8 --- +1 to attacks, Evasion
9 --- Fast Movement +20'
10 --- Sneak Attack +4d6

+x to Attacks: The bonus applies to all attack rolls using weapons, natural weapons, or improvised weapons (not to spells or similar effects).

Expertise: Choose one ability score. Whenever you make a check against that ability, that ability gains a 1d6 bonus die, which effectively increases that ability by the roll for purposes of that check.

Sneak Attack: If your Dex is 15 or higher, you do an extra point of damage per die on sneak attacks. You are eligible to deal sneak attack damage if you are proficient with the weapon and you have a bonus die 1d6 or better on the attack.

Cunning Shift: You can spend 10' of movement to treat your movement as a shift until the end of your turn.

Extra Reaction: You can take an extra reaction each round, but can still only use one reaction per trigger.

Cunning Skill: You can spend 15' of movement to make a check that normally takes an action.

Fast Movement: Applies only to those types of movement for which you have a Speed. (For most pcs, this means only walking.)

Uncanny Dodge: When you are hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to take half damage.

Evasion: When you succeed on a Dex save, you take no damage, and if you fail, you take only half damage.

Double Extra Reaction: You can take an extra two reactions per round (but only one per trigger).

Level Up: If the class you took most recently upon leveling up was rogue, you can choose one of the following options, with an ability score needing 10 advancement points to increase one full point:
  • Your Dex, Int, or Cha gains 1d6 advancement points.
  • Another ability score of your choice gains 1d4 advancement points.

the Jester

Finally, the wizard- the fourth of the four "base classes".

Note that I wrote this version of cloudkill before deciding to re-institute ability damage; I'll probably modify it eventually to use ability damage instead of (or maybe in addition to) hit point damage.

Note also that some 5th level spells have upcasting options. You get slots higher than 5th level via feats.


1d4 HD.

Starting Features: Gain expertise+1d6 to Int checks. Start with two additional first level wizard spells in your spellbook. Gain two additional cantrip slots.

Level --- Features
1 --- 1st Level Spells, Cantrips, Intellectual Magic, Spellbook, Proficiencies (dagger,dart, staff)
2 --- Arcane Recovery (1/day), Extra Spells
3 --- 2nd Level Spells
4 --- Extra Spells, +1 to spell attacks and DC
5 --- 3rd Level Spells
6 --- Arcane Recovery (2/day), Extra Spells
7 --- 4th Level Spells
8 --- Extra Spells, Powerful Wizardry, +1 to spell attacks
9 --- 5th Level Spells
10 --- Extra Spells, +1 to spell attacks

NOTE: No spell prep required. Wizard can cast any spell in their book, spell slots permitting.

X Level Spells: You can learn and cast wizard spells of the indicated level. This has the following effects.
  • You can choose two wizard spells of that level to scribe in your spellbook at no cost.
  • You gain two spell slots of that level. You recover these after a long rest.
Cantrips: You know a variety of minor magical tricks and effects. This has the following effects.
  • You can choose up to four wizard cantrips to scribe into your spellbook at no cost.
  • You gain four cantrip slots. You recover these after a long rest.
Intellectual Magic: If your Int is at least 13, your wizard spells have a DC of 2. If your Int is at least 16, they instead have a DC of 3.

Spellbook: You have created or acquired a spellbook, a 100-page book that contains the formulae for your wizard spells. You know all the spells in your book. Scribing a spell into your book costs 10 gp for a cantrip, 25 gp for a 1st level spell, 50 gp for a 2nd level spell, 150 gp for a 3rd level spell, 500 gp for a 4th level spell, or 2,500 gp for a 5th level spell, and uses a number of pages equal to the spell's level, minimum of one. A new blank spellbook costs 500 gp.

Arcane Recovery: With one hour of study and contemplation, you can regain one expended spell slot of any level that you can cast and two expended cantrip slots. Once you do this the indicated number of times, you can't use this power again until you finish a long rest.

Extra Spells: You gain two spell slots of any level that you can cast.

+1 to spell attacks and DC: Your spell attacks and wizard spell save DCs increase by 1.

Powerful Wizardry: Saves against your wizard spells are more difficult. A creature making such a save has a 1d6 penalty die.

Level Up: If the class you took most recently upon leveling up was wizard, you can choose one of the following options, with an ability score needing 10advancement points to increase one full point:
  • Your Int, Wis, or Cha gains 1d6 advancement points.
  • Another ability score of your choice gains 1d4 advancement points.


Audible Glamer- make a noise emit from a point within 90'. Can include speech. Can be as loud as a shout. You can program a simple loop of sound that repeats after one round. Lasts concentration, up to 1 hour.

Close or Open- opens or closes a door within 60'

Dancing Lights- create four lights within 30', each sheds light 0'/10'. You can spend 10' of movement to move one light 10'; each can only move once per round. The lights last 10 minutes, but you can end the spell by spending 10' of movement or by using a reaction at the start or end of a creature's turn.

Detect Magic- range 60', lasts for 1 minute; can distinguish between weak and strong magic, and might be able to learn more with Int check

Mage Hand- Conjure a visible hand of force within 30'. Can move it up to 30' by spending an equal amount of movement. Can grab, move, or manipulate small items up to 5lbs in weight using your action.

Ray of Frost- Roll to hit a target within 60'. On a hit, deal 1d3 cold damage and reduce speed by 10' until start of your next turn.

1st level

Burning Hands- 15' cone, each creature must make a Dex save; 2d4 fire damage, save for half. Upcast one level to add 1d4. Upcast one level to add 15' to cone.

Charm Person- range 60', one non-Undead Humanoid target must make a Wis save or be charmed. While charmed, it thinks of you as a trusted friend. You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks to influence it. The spell ends if you or your allies attack or otherwise harm it.

Flame Bolt- make a spell attack against a target within 120'; deals 1d10 fire damage on a hit. Upcast one level to add 1d10. Upcast one level to add 1d6 bonus die to attack.

Identify-takes 1 minute to cast and burns a 50 gp pearl. Identifies one magic item. Upcast one level: Identify one more item. Upcast three levels: Reduce casting time to 1 round.

Light- cause 20'/40' light to emanate from an object you touch or a point in space. Lasts 1 hour. Upcast one level to increase radius by 10'/20' or one level to increase duration by 1 hour.

Magic Missile- 1d6+1 force damage to one target within 100'. Upcast one level to add one missile. Upcast one level to increase range by 100'.

Minor Illusion- make a visual and auditory illusion that fits in a 30' cube. You can spend 25' of movement to cause one element of the illusion to move or make a noise (but not speech). You can also program a simple loop of movement that repeats each round, but it otherwise doesn't move or react. Lasts concentration, up to 1 hour.

Protection fromChaos/Evil/Good/Law- touch a creature or object; attacks from sources of the chosen alignment have a 1d6 penalty die, and the subject has a 1d6 bonus die on saves against effects from that alignment. Lasts concentration up to 1 minute. Upcast one level to target one additional creature. Upcast two levels to increase duration to concentration up to 10 minutes. Upcast two levels to remove concentration.

Shield- reaction interrupts an attack or magic missile that hits you. The magic missile is negated, or you gain a +1d6 bonus die to your AC against that attack. Upcast one level: Add another bonus die to your AC. Upcast two levels: Lasts until the end of your next turn instead.

Shocking Grasp- touch attack deals 1d8 lightning damage and enemy loses reactions until start of your next turn. If you miss, you can 'hold the charge' as long as you don't cast another spell, up to 1 minute. Upcast one level: +1d8 damage. Upcast one level: Gain a 1d6 bonus die to your attack.

Sleep- targets each creature within 20' of a point you can see within 60'. Each creature in the area must make a Wis save or become groggy, losing 20' of movement and having a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks until the end of their next turn. Then they repeat the save, either ending the effect or falling asleep (save ends). If asleep, they wake if they take damage or a creature uses 30' of movement to wake them. Otherwise they wake after 10 minutes.

Tenser's Floating Disc- creates a 5' diameter disc of force that can bear up to 500 lbs. It follows you at a distance of 10', though you can spend 10' of movement to alter this to any distance between 5' and 30'. As a force effect, the disc can't be harmed. You can end the effect by spending 5' of movement.

True Strike- one creature you can see within 30' or can touch gains 2d8 bonus dice on their next attack before the start of your next turn.

2nd level

Detect Thoughts- one creature within 60', even behind a wooden (but not stone) door or wall, must make Int save or you read its surface thoughts for 10 minutes. If all targets make the save, you don't expend the spell slot. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast two levels: target(s) take a 1d6 penalty die to save.

Hold Person- one humanoid creature within 60' must make Wis save or be paralyzed for concentration, up to 1 minute (save ends). If all targets make the initial save, you don't expend the spell slot. While it is paralyzed, attacks against it get a 1d8 bonus die and deal double damage. Upcast one level: add one target.

Invisibility- one creature (or an object up to Large) that you touch becomes invisible for as long as you concentrate, up to 10 minutes, or until the target attacks or casts a spell. While it is invisible, the target gets a 1d6 bonus die to attacks against creatures that can't see it, and a creature must spend 15' of movement to attempt to locate the target's position with a Wis check opposed by the target's Dex check. Even if it does,it takes a 1d6 penalty die to attacks against the target. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast one level: increase max duration to 1hour. Upcast 3 levels: attacking doesn't end the spell.

Levitate- for one hour, a willing target can move up or down in the air (but not horizontally) at a speed of 30'. Upcast one level: add one target.

Melf's Acid Arrow- make a spell attack against a target within 90'; if you hit, do 1d8 piercing plus 1d8 acid damage, and the target takes ongoing 1d8 acid (con save ends). If you miss, you don't expend the spell slot.

Mirror Image- four images surround you. If you would be hit, you or a random image are hit instead. When an image is hit, it vanishes. If any images remain, the spell ends after 1 minute. Upcast one level: add one image.

Misty Step- you can spend 10' of movement to cast this. You teleport up to 60' to a space you can see.

Resist Energy- up to three creatures within 30' gain resistance to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. Lasts 10 minutes. Upcast one level: add three targets. Upcast two levels: increase duration to 1 hour.

See Invisibility- one creature you touch can see invisibility for 1 hour. Upcast one level: add one target.

Shatter- 3d8 thunder damage in a 10' radius sphere (Con save for half). Objects take double damage.

Vertigo- each creature in a 20' x 20' area you can see within 60' must make a Dex save or fall prone and be unable to stand up for 1 minute (Wis save ends). If all targets make the initial save, you don't expend the spell slot.

3rd level

Counterspell- use a reaction when you see a spell cast within 60'. (If the spell is in your book, you recognize it.) Make an Int check with a DC equal to 2 + the spell's level. If you succeed, you counter that spell.

Dispel Magic- target one creature, object, area up to 20'x20', or magical effect within 60'. Spells or magical effects of up to 3rd level on that target end; you make an Int check against each additional effect, and if you succeed, it ends as well. Upcast one level: increase range by 30'. Upcast one level: increase automatic dispel by one level.

Fireball- 20' radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 120'. Does 6d6 fire damage to everything in it (Dex save for half). Upcast one level: add 1d6 damage. Upcast one level: Increase range by 60'. Upcast two levels: add 1d6 penalty die to saves.

Fly- one creature you touch gains fly 60' for 1 hour. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast one level: add 15' to speed.

Haste- one willing creature you can see within 60' gains +15' speed and an extra action that isn'tspellcasting each turn.

Lightning Bolt- 60' long, 5' wide bolt, does 6d6 lightning damage to everything in it (Dex save for half).

Major Illusion- make a visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory illusion that fits in a 40' cube. You can spend 10' of movement to cause one element of the illusion to move or make noise, including speech. You can also use a reaction when something happens that the illusion should react to. If you do, you can cause the illusion to react appropriately to the trigger. When you cast it, you can program a simple loop of movement lasting up to one minute. When you set this program, you choose whether it repeats after finishing or stops. The illusion doesn't otherwise move or react. Lasts concentration, up to 8 hours. Upcast two levels: remove concentration.

Protection from Energy- one creature within 30' gains immunity to one of the following: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder. Lasts 10minutes. Upcast one level: add one targets. Upcast two levels: increase duration to 1 hour.

Protection from Missiles- creates either an immobile zone in a 20' radius centered on a point you can see within 60' or a 10' radius aura extending from you. Ranged weapon attacks with targets in the area suffer a 1d8 penalty die to attacks and a -4 penalty to damage. Lasts concentration up to 10 minutes. Upcast one level: increase penalty die to 1d10. Upcast one level: increase damage penalty to -6. Upcast one level: increase maximum duration to 1 hour. Upcast two levels: remove concentration.

Remove curse- removes one curse on target creature or object you can see within 30'.

Slow- one creature you can see within 60' must make a Wis save or have its speed reduced by 15' to a minimum of 5' for 1 minute (save ends). In addition, it can't make more than one attack on its turn, can't take more than one reaction per round, and takes a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and Dex saves. If all targets make the initial save, you don't expend the spell slot. Upcast one level: increase range by 30'. Upcast one level: add one target. Upcast two levels: requires two saves to end.

4th level

Banishment- one creature you can see within 90' must make a Cha save or be banished. If it's from another plane, it returns; otherwise, it vanishes for 1 minute (save ends). If all initial targets make their saves, you don't expend the spell slot. Upcast one level: add one target.

Confusion- each creature in a10' radius sphere within 90' must make a Wis save or be confused for concentration, up to 1 minute (save ends). If all initial targets make their saves, you don't expend the spell slot. A confused creature takes no reactions and rolls 1d10 to determine what it does on its turn: 1- move full speed in a random direction; 2 to 6- do nothing; 7 to 8- attack a random creature within reach or range, or drops everything it is holding if there are no targets; 9 to 10- act normally.

Dimension Door- open a portal within 5' that leads to a second door that opens within 400', even beyond a wall or barrier. The portal remains open as long as you concentrate, up to 1 minute. Creatures can freely move through the dimension doors.

Globe of invulnerability- for 10 minutes, you emanate a 10' radius aura. Within this aura, spells of 4th level or lower are suppressed and have no effect. You can cast spells out of the globe. When a suppressed spell is no longer in the globe, if its duration is still going, it resumes. Upcast one level: suppresses spells one level higher.

Ice storm- 40' radius cylinder 100' high centered on a point within 100'. Each creature in the area takes 2d10 cold and 2d10 bludgeoning damage (no save); the area is then difficult terrain for 1 hour. Upcast one level: increase range by 50'.

Locate Creature- choose either a category of creature (such as a human, female camel, or black-haired elf wearing a green cloak) or a specific creature. If that creature is within one mile, you can spend 10' of movement to get a sense of what direction it is in. If it is within 500', you also sense that it is not far; and if it is within 100', you also sense that it is close. You retain the ability to sense it for one hour.

Phantasmal Killer- one target is afflicted by a phantasm of a horrific monster embodying its greatest fears for 1 minute (Int save negates). If the target makes its initial save, you can force it to repeat it on your next turn; if it succeeds again, the spell ends and you don't expend the slot. At the start of its turn, an afflicted creature moves its speed in arandom direction and takes 3d6 psychic damage. In addition, it takes a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks.

Solid fog- create a bank of fog in a cube up to 60' on a side centered on a point you can see within 200'. The fog lasts for 1 hour and completely blocks sight. The fog is also very thick and difficult to move through, requiring triple normal movement to pass through.

Stone Shape- takes 1 minute to cast. Reshape any contiguous nonmagical stone in a10' cube that you touch.

Stoneskin- targets one creature you touch. For concentration up to 1 hour, whenever the target takes bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage that isn't adamantine, it takes only 1 damage. Taking this damage won't break your concentration on this spell.

Wall of fire- creates a wall of flames up to 50' high, 80' long, and 10' thick within 120' that lasts 10 minutes. Can have up to three 90 degree bends in it. When it appears, creatures inside it take 3d6 fire damage, creatures within 5' take 2d6 fire, and creatures within 10' take 1d6 fire damage. A creature inside can use a reaction to make a Dex save; if it succeeds it takes half damage and moves outside the wall in a direction of its choice. The wall also deals damage to a creature that spends any of its turn in or near the wall, doing only the largest damage expression triggered by the creature. The wall is difficult terrain. You can choose to make only one side hot. Upcast one level: increase duration to 1 hour.

Wall of ice- creates a wall of solid ice up to 50' high, 80' long, and 10' thick within 120' that lasts 1 hour. Can have up to three 90 degree bends in it. Must appear in unobstructed space. The wall is very difficult to climb (4d6 Str check). When it appears, creatures within 10' take 1d8 cold damage. A creature that spends any part of its turn within 10' also takes this damage. Touching the wall does 2d8 cold damage per round. The wall is AC 14 and each 5' cube has 40 hp. If a section is destroyed, it releases a wave of chilling cold that does 3d8 cold to each creature within 20' (Con save for half).

5th level

Cloudkill- creates a 30' radius, 20' high cloud of poisonous green vapors centered on apoint you can see within 90'. When it appears, each creature in the cloud takes 3d6 poison damage and must make a Con save, becoming poisoned for as long as it is in the cloud and for 1 minute thereafter (save ends when out of the cloud). While poisoned in this way, the creature has a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks. A creature that spends any of its turn in the cloud also suffers these effects. The cloud lasts for 10 minutes, and at the start of your turn, unless you spend 15' of movement to halt it until your next turn, it moves 15' directly away from you. The cloud is opaque and blocks line of sight within and through it.

Cone of Cold- 60' cone, does 8d8 cold damage (Con save for half). Upcast one level: add 1d8 damage.

Conjure Elemental- 10 minutes to cast, requires 2,000 gp in arcane components; conjures an elemental from a large mass of air, earth, fire, or water. This is an elemental of the appropriate type 90% of the time, but sometimes something else comes through instead or in addition, and is uncontrolled. Conjured elementals remain for 1 hour. While you concentrate on the elemental, you can spend 20' of movement to issue it a command. If you don't concentrate, it becomes angry and hostile to you, and if you try to issue it another command by resuming concentration, it can make a Wis save to ignore your commands. You can continue to try to reassert your command on it as long as the duration lasts, but if it makes 3 saves against your attempts, you can no longer reassert yourself on it.

Hold Monster- one living creature within 60' must make Wis save or be paralyzed for concentration, up to 1 minute (save ends). If all targets make the initial save, you don'texpend the spell slot. While it is paralyzed, attacks against it geta 1d8 bonus die and deal double damage. Upcast one level: add onetarget.

Passwall- touch a surface, open a passage up to 10' square and up to 30' deep through it. The passage remains open for 8 hours or until you spend 15' of movement to close it (which you can do at any distance). Anything inside when it closes takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage and is expelled out the closest end of the passage; a creature can use a reaction tomake a Dex save. If it succeeds, it can move its speed before taking amage, and if it gets out of the passage, it takes no damage.

Plane Shift- requires the proper tuning fork. You can either transport yourselfand up to 11 other willing creatures or a single unwilling creature to the plane your tuning fork corresponds to. In either case, if you picture a particular location on that plane, the targets appear 1d100 miles from that location; otherwise they appear in a random spot onthe plane. If you target an unwilling creature, it can make a Cha save to resist, and if it succeeds, you don't expend the spell slot.

Teleport- you teleport yourself and up to 9 other creatures you touch up to 100 miles. If you know the destination well, you arrive on target. Otherwise, you must make a Cha check based on how well you know the destination (have been there multiple times, 2d6; seen once, 3d6; never been there, 4d6). You must know at least roughly where the destination is (i.e. you can't teleport to “Bob's house” if you don't know where his house is). If you fail this check, you suffer a mishap. Roll 1d8: 1 to 5- arrive in a similar looking location within 100 miles of the target; 6 or 7- arrive in a random location within 100 miles of the target; 8- mishap deals 5d8 force damage to each creature teleporting.

Wall of Force- create a transparent wall of force up to 50' high, 80' wide, and 1' thick. The wall can't be damaged except by disintegration, and incorporeal creatures can't pass through it. The wall lasts 30 minutes or until you spend 20' of movement to end it.

the Jester

Here begin the feats! Feats are a major part of character advancement and a huge design space.

  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when you make a check or save involving jumping, tumbling, balancing, or other acrobatic feats.
  • If you fall prone, you can use a reaction to stand up.
  • If you are prone on your turn, you can spend 5' of movement to stand up.
  • If you Dash, you can run along walls or other vertical surfaces. If you are still on such a surface at the end of your turn, you fall.
  • If you take falling damage, you can use a reaction to reduce that damage by an amount equal to your Dex score, and you land on your feet if you are able to act.
  • If you concentrate, you can walk across surfaces as narrow as 1” wide without falling. If your concentration is broken, you have normal chances of falling.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when making a check or save concerning alchemy or alchemical items or lore.
  • You can make an Int check to identify a potion or other alchemical item.
  • If you have access to a set of alchemist's tools, you can craft nonmagical alchemical items, given any special ingredients required, time, and half their sale value in alchemical components.
  • If you have access to a set of alchemist's tools, you can craft the following potions, given the listed value in alchemical components, any special ingredients, and time.
    • Potion of energy resistance (100 gp, 2 hours)
    • Potion of fire breath (500 gp, the blood of a fire breathing or fire resistant creature, 1 day)
    • Potion of flying (300 gp, the blood of a flying creature, 4 hours)
    • Potion of giant strength (300 gp, the blood of a giant, 4 hours)
    • Potion of greater healing (100 gp, 2 hours)
    • Potion of healing (50 gp, 1 hour)
    • Potion of heroism (250 gp, 2 hours)
    • Potion of superior healing (400 gp, 4 hours)
    • Potion of supreme healing (1,000 gp, 1 day)
    • Potion of water breathing (300 gp, the blood of a creature that breathes water, 2 hours)
  • You have been tainted by interacting with aberrant energies, causing your mind to brush against the Far Realm. This has the following effects on you.
    • You learn Deep Speech, the tongue of many aberrant creatures.
    • You gain resistance to psychic damage.
    • You are immune to effects that would confuse you, read your thoughts, or drive you insane.
    • You can spend 15' of movement to assume a pseudonatural form with an unnatural and disturbing appearance of your choice for 1 minute, such as a mass of writhing tentacles, a layer of slime in place of skin, reversed limbs, visible organs, or the like. While in this form, a non-aberrant creature that can see you within 60' must make a Wis save when it makes an attack or check or have a 1d6 penalty die on that attack or check. If a creature succeeds on this save, it is no longer affected by this penalty until it completes a long rest. Once you use this ability, you must rest for an hour before you can do so again.
  • If you have four 5th level wizard spells and spell slots, you gain one 6th level spell slot.
  • You learn one additional wizard spell of each level you can cast.
  • If you have a wizard spell save DC, it increases by 1.
  • You gain proficiency in light armor if you aren't already proficient in it.
  • While you are wearing armor you are proficient in, including a helm or shield, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
  • While you are wearing armor you are proficient in, whenever you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can use a reaction to reduce that damage by 2.
  • When you attempt to cast a spell in armor, you gain a 1d6 bonus die.
  • When you use your action to dodge, enemies take a 1d8 penalty die (instead of 1d6).
  • While you are unarmored and you can act, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, or +3 if your Dex is 16 or higher.
  • While you wear only light armor you are proficient in and you can act, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, or +2 if your Dex is 14 or higher.
  • While you wear only light and medium armor you are proficient in and you can act, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, or +2 if your Dex is 16 or higher.
  • When you attack, you can spend 20' of movement to make an acrobatic attack. You shift up to 15', making your attack(s) at any point along the movement. You can treat this movement as flight. Until the start of your next turn, attacks against you have a 1d6 penalty die. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you rest for 10 minutes.
  • You have resistance to poison damage.
  • You get a 1d6 bonus die on saves against effects that would frighten, confuse, or otherwise disturb your emotional serenity.
  • You can use a reaction to counter an effect that would charm you.
  • By meditating for one hour, you can regain 1d8 hit points. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.
  • You can go twice as long without food, water, or air as normal.
  • You have a 1d10 bonus die on saves against disease.
  • If you hit a creature that is surprised with an attack, you deal an extra 2d6 damage to it.
  • If you attack a creature that you are flanking, that can't detect you, or that hasn't taken its first turn in combat, your critical range expands by 1.
  • You never accidentally poison yourself.
  • You can spend 10' of your movement to apply poison to a weapon.
  • Your speed increases by 5'.
  • You gain 3 exertion points. You regain 1 when you rest for 10 minutes, and you regain all of them if you complete a long rest. You can spend them in the following ways.
    • When you make a Str, Dex, or Con check, you can spend 1 exertion point to add a 1d6 bonus die to the check. You can do so after rolling the check.
    • After you make a Str, Dex, or Con check and roll your stat or under, you can spend 1 exertion point to increase the result by 1d6. This still succeeds, even if the modified roll exceeds your ability score (allowing you to hit high DCs).
    • When you make a Str, Dex, or Con save, you can spend 2 exertion points to gain a 1d6 bonus die to the save. You can do so after rolling the save.
  • You can swear a vow of enmity against one creature you can see within 120'. This vow lasts until the target is defeated or for 10 minutes. While this vow lasts, you gain several benefits that aid you in bringing down your target. Once you swear such a vow, you can't swear another until you rest for 10 minutes.
    • At the start of your turn, you can move 15' directly toward the target without spending any movement.
    • If you make an attack against the target, you gain a 1d6 bonus die.
    • If you make a save against an effect that would interfere with your ability to harm the target, including effects that reduce your speed, paralyze you, reduce the effectiveness of your attacks, or prevent you from attacking or moving toward the target, you gain a 1d6 bonus die on that save.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die whenever you make a check involving music or performance.
  • When a creature a creature misses an attack or fails a save or check, you can use a reaction to inspire it. That creature adds 1d4 to the result of that attack or to the controlling ability for that save or check. (This isn't a bonus die.)
  • You can spend 15' of movement to attempt to recall lore about legends, tales, stories, and folklore concerning a creature, object, group, or location.
  • When you roll your battle die, if you roll a 1, it isn't expended. If you are at least 5th level, it isn't expended if you roll a 1 or 2. If you are 10th level, it isn't expended if you roll a 1 to 3.
  • When you use your second wind, if you roll a 1, it isn't expended. If you are at least 7th level, it isn't expended if you roll a 1 or 2.
  • If you miss with an opportunity attack, you don't expend a reaction.
  • You have a deep connection to bears. You can call on this connection in several mystical ways.
    • You can speak to and understand bears.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when making checks concerning bears.
    • You can spend 20' of movement to transform into a bear for 10 minutes or until you spend 10' of movement to transform back. Once you use this ability, you must rest for an hour before you can do so again. While you are a bear, your AC is 12, your speed is 30', your Str becomes 16 if it isn't already higher, and you have several natural attacks.
      • You can claw for 1d4 slashing damage. Whether you hit or miss, you can spend 10' of movement each to make one additional claw attack and a bite attack. If both claw attacks hit, the target is grabbed. While grabbed, its speed is 0 and you have a 1d6 bonus die on attacks against it. It can escape the grab by using its action to make a Str save with a 1d6 penalty die.
      • You can bite for 1d6 piercing damage.
  • Whenever you make a check involving normal animals, you gain a 1d6 bonus die.
  • You can persuade beasts with the amphibian, mammal, or reptile tags to accompany you as companions. You can have a total number of Hit Dice of companions equal to your own Hit Dice. You can spend one hour to gain a companion of a type that can be found in your surroundings. These companions are extremely loyal to you and have several special features.
    • While a companion is within 10' of you, it gains a 1d6 bonus die on saves.
    • If a creature hits you with an attack, you can use a reaction to command a companion within striking distance of that creature to make an opportunity attack against that creature.
    • For each of your companions, choose one of the following options.
      • Tough: +5 hps (+8 hps if you are 5th to 8th level, +12 hps if you are 9th or 10th level).
      • Dodgy: +1 AC (+2 if you are 5th to 8th level, +3 if you are 9th or 10th level)
      • Vicious: +1 to hit (+2 if you are 5th to 8th level, +3 if you are 9th or 10th level)
  • Berserk. You can spend 10' of movement to go berserk until you can't see or hear any enemies, up to 10 minutes. Once you do so, you must rest an hour before you can do so again. While berserk, you gain the following traits.
    • You gain a 1d8 bonus die on attacks other than spell attacks.
    • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to damage with melee attacks.
    • You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
    • On your turn, you must attack if you can reach an enemy. If you can't reach an enemy, you must dash toward one.
    • You can't concentrate.
  • You have blindsight 30'.
  • You gain an extra reaction each round.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks to notice, find, or discern things.
  • If you would be surprised, you can make a Wis save. If you succeed, you aren't surprised.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die to saving throws against effects that you must see to be affected by, such as a medusa's gaze or a hypnotic pattern.
  • When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points or score a critical hit, you gain 5 temporary hit points.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks made to bully or intimidate creatures.
  • When you subject a creature to nonmagical forced movement, you can move it an extra 5'.
  • If your Strength is 14 or higher, you gain a +1 bonus to damage with melee or natural weapons. If you Strength is 18 or higher, you instead get a +2 bonus.
  • You practice the rituals of the ancient cannabix religion. When you slay an enemy, you can eat its heart to gain some of its power. To do so, you must retrieve its heart within 10 minutes of its death, which you can do as an action, and must spend 20' of movement to eat the heart. Once you do so, you can choose one of the following options.
    • Permanent Improvement. You gain 1 advancement point in the creature's highest ability score, provided that it is higher than your score in that ability. If it isn't, you can instead choose to gain a temporary boost.
    • Temporary Boost. Choose one of the following options.
      • You gain one language that the creature had for 8 hours or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
      • You gain one sense that the creature had for 1 hour or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
      • You gain a +1 bonus to the creature's highest ability score for 1 hour or until you gain another temporary boost in this way, provided that it is higher than your score in that ability.
      • You gain one energy resistance that the creature had for 1 hour or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
      • You gain one natural attack that the creature had that does no more than 1d10 damage for 1 hour or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
      • You gain one energy immunity that the creature had for 10 minutes or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
      • You gain one natural attack that the creature had that does more than 1d10 damage for 10 minutes or until you gain another temporary boost in this way.
  • When you hit with a weapon or unarmed attack, you gain a +2 bonus to damage.
  • Your critical range with weapon attacks expands by 1.
  • When you use the fighter feature Second Wind, you gain a 1d6 bonus die on attacks, saves, and checks until the end of your next turn.
  • If you have seen a creature in combat for at least three rounds, you can spend 10' of movement to assess one of the following: its attack bonus with an attack that you have seen, its average damage with an attack that you have seen, its AC, or its speeds. You can also attempt to assess one of its ability scores, but in this case you assess it as “very low” (4 or below), “low” (5 to 8), “moderate” (9 to 12), “high” (13 to 16), “very high” (17 to 19) or “superhuman” (20+).
  • You can channel your body's physical health into your magic in several ways.
    • If you are out of spell slots, you can burn some of your Con score in order to regain a spell slot. The cost is 1d4 Con for a cantrip slot, 1d6 Con for a first level slot, or 2d4 Con for a second level slot. If this reduces your Con to 0, you die; otherwise, you regain burnt Con at a rate of 1 point per long rest. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
    • When you cast a spell, you can upcast it one level by burning 1d4 Con, upcast it two levels by burning 1d6 Con, or upcast it three levels by burning 2d4 Con. If this reduces your Con to 0, you die; otherwise, you regain burnt Con at a rate of 1 point per long rest. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
  • When you attack with a bludgeoning weapon or natural weapon, you get a +1 bonus to attacks and damage.
  • When you score a critical hit with a bludgeoning weapon, your critical multiplier increases by one.
  • When you attack an object with a bludgeoning weapon or natural weapon, you can choose to do double damage. Once you use this ability, you must rest ten minutes before you can do so again.

the Jester

Obviously, there are plenty more feast to come, but I have to run to an appointment shortly. I hope to post some or all of the rest later today/tonight!


Victoria Rules
A few quick early notes, on a skim-through:

--- simply dropping a weapon (or anything else in your hand(s)) shouldn't cost any movement; as opposed to putting something down carefully, which should

--- really like the stat "advancement" mechanic; looks like a spinoff of the 1e Cavalier percentile increment system, which I've always liked for all classes. One change I'd make is to allow choice (forever locked in at roll-up) of advancing one stat at the standard rate or two stats each at a slower rate e.g. roll as normal then assign half to each stat, or roll half independently for each, or whatever; this to allow more flexibility.

--- if bonus and penalty dice each become relatively common and easy to obtain, tracking who has how many of each at any given time could become a pain

--- make initiative 1d6 but drop the Dex score add-on, for two reasons: a) there won't be much variance in the sequence in which the PCs act from one combat to the next e.g. the Dex 17 Rogue will always act before the Dex 10 Fighter no matter what the dice say because the die roll can't overcome the difference in their Dex scores, and b) this could make high Dex too much of a must-have for everyone

--- apropos to that, and maybe I missed it above: are starting stats generated by roll, point buy, array, or ???

the Jester

--- really like the stat "advancement" mechanic; looks like a spinoff of the 1e Cavalier percentile increment system, which I've always liked for all classes.
Me too! That's exactly where the inspiration comes from.

One change I'd make is to allow choice (forever locked in at roll-up) of advancing one stat at the standard rate or two stats each at a slower rate e.g. roll as normal then assign half to each stat, or roll half independently for each, or whatever; this to allow more flexibility.
If you want to do that, you can just alternate as you go up in levels.

--- if bonus and penalty dice each become relatively common and easy to obtain, tracking who has how many of each at any given time could become a pain
This is a concern. So far it hasn't been an issue, but the amount of playtesting I've done is pretty limited, so I'm watching for this.

--- make initiative 1d6 but drop the Dex score add-on, for two reasons: a) there won't be much variance in the sequence in which the PCs act from one combat to the next e.g. the Dex 17 Rogue will always act before the Dex 10 Fighter no matter what the dice say because the die roll can't overcome the difference in their Dex scores, and b) this could make high Dex too much of a must-have for everyone
Well, I'm not sure that I am keeping my initiative system, but I do want Dex to have a big impact on it. I may go with a d10 + Dex or something, though. Part of the thing with initiative was that it was initially harder for a rogue to get sneak attack damage and going before your enemy was one way to do so, but after a session where neither of the two rogues got to sneak attack at all, I loosened the requirements for it.

--- apropos to that, and maybe I missed it above: are starting stats generated by roll, point buy, array, or ???
Oh, it's not specified anywhere- but it's always rolling in my game. The real question is whether I want to stick with 4d6 drop one or go with straight 3d6 down the line.

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