D&D General The Jester's Perfect D&D

the Jester

You'd think, right? But I use roll-under all the time (not for saves, but for the equivalent of skill or knowledge checks) and it's impressive how often they fail even on a 5d6x2 system.
Well, that's what playtesting is for!

Anyhow, on to magic items!

A couple of quick notes- a few items are on the Miscellaneous chart that should rightly go under Armor (helms). This is something for me to correct in the future.

Also, most potions allow you the option of quaffing the whole thing or taking a sip for lesser effect (often a reduced duration or the like).

You have to have a spell on your class list or otherwise have access to it to use a spell scroll of it.

Charged items like wands don't recharge; they are used up when the final charge is expended.

1-5 --- Potion
6-8 --- Scroll
9-10 --- Rod, et. al.
11-14 --- Weapon
15-17 --- Armor
18-20 --- Miscellaneous

POTIONS (Consumable)

1-4. Potion of Energy Resistance- could be for 1- acid, 2- cold, 3 or 4- fire, 5- lightning, 6- thunder; gives resistance (half damage) for 1 hour; or three sips for 10 minutes each.

5. Potion of Fire Breath- either when you drink it or once in the next minute, breathe a 30' cone of fire (Dex save; 3d6 fire/half).

6-7. Potion of Flying- for 1 hour, gain a fly speed of 40'; or three sips for 10 minutes each.

8-11. Potion of Giant Strength- for 1 hour, gain 1d8 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +3 to melee attacks and damage, or three sips for 10 minutes each.

12-13. Potion of Greater Healingheals 3d6 hps; or three sips for 1d6 hp each.

12-15. Potion of Healing- heals 2d6 hps; or three sips for 1d3 hp each.

16. Potion of Heroism- for 1 minute, gain 3d6 temporary hps, 1d6 bonus die to attacks, checks, and saves.

17-18. Potion of Superior Healing- heals 5d6 hps; or three sips for 2d4 each.

19. Potion of Supreme Healing- heals 8d6 hps; or three sips for 2d8 each.

20. Potion of Water Breathing- gain water breathing for 8 hours; or eight sips for 1 hour each.

SCROLLS (Consumable)
1-3. Cursed Scroll -does something nasty. Might allow an appropriate save. Not instant death; often plot point.

4-6. Scroll of Protection from Energy- when read, creates a visible field in a 10' radius, within which one energy is suppressed (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder). Lasts concentration up to 10 minutes.

7-20. Spell Scroll- contains one spell. 50/50 chance to be cleric/wizard.

ROD, et. al.

1. Rod of Magery
- while you hold it, gain +1 to spell attacks. Max 50 charges. When you cast a spell, spend charges equal to its level to give one target a 1d6 penalty die to save against it.

2. Rod of Resurrection- max 50 charges. Spend one minute and charges equal to a creature's level to raise them from the dead at half hps, with no disease, poison, fear, charm, confusion, etc. The creature is otherwise as it was when it died (with the same expended resources, etc).

3. Staff of Striking- maximum of 25 charges. Gets a 1d6 bonus die to attacks. When you hit, you can spend up to 3 charges to do an extra 1d8 force damage per charge.

4. Staff of the Python- max 25 charges. When you hit with it, spend 10' of movement and a charge to cause the staff's end to transform into a python head, which bites (+4 to hit, 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d10 poison damage).

5. Wand of Lightning- max 100 charges. Use a charge to touch wand to a creature as a spell attack; does 1d8 lightning damage and no reactions until end of your next turn. Alternatively, use 5 charges to cast lightning bolt.

6-7. Wand of Magic Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect magic within 30'.

8. Wand of Magic Missiles- max 100 charges. Use 1 to 5 charges to cast that many magic missiles.

9. Wand of Secret Door Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect secret doors within 30'.

10. Wand of Trap Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect traps within 30'.


1. Axe of Berserking
- forces wielder to fight until all foes are down; does an extra 1d4 damage on a hit. If you can't attack, you must dash toward the closest enemy.

2. Defender- melee only. While you wield this weapon, as long as you have taken your first turn, you get +2 to AC.

3. Dense Weapon- increases critical range and multiplier by 1. Only for bludgeoning weapons.

4-5. Destructive Weapon- does an extra 1d4 damage on a hit.

6. Flame Tongue- usually a sword. Can spend 10' of movement to ignite for 1 hour. While burning, does an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit and sheds light 20'/40'.

7. Frost Brand- usually a sword. Sheds blue light 10'/20' if below freezing temperature. Does an extra 1d6 cold damage on a hit. Can use an action to thrust it into a fire and extinguish the portion of that fire within 30'.

8-12. Glowing Weapon- sheds light 40'/80'.

13-14. Keen Blade- increases critical range by 1 and critical multiplier by 1. Only for piercing and slashing weapons.

15. Sword of Sharpness- on a critical hit, sever a random limb. Target bleeds for 1d4 per round at start of turn (Con save ends; also ends if target regains any hps, or if someone makes a Wis check to tend the wound).

16-20. Weapon of Accuracy-gives 1d6 bonus die on attacks.


1-4. Armor of Alacrity
- increases your speed by 10' and gives you a 1d6 bonus die to initiative.

5-7. Armor of Fortification- negates critical hits on you.

8-13. Armor of Protection- gives extra +1 to AC, 1d6 bonus die on saves.

14. Armor of Retribution- gives an extra reaction each round. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to make one weapon or unarmed attack against it.

15. Armor of Vulnerability- cursed. While you wear it, you are vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

16-18. Delver's Armor- you gain darkvision 60', or +30' to existing darkvision. You can spend 15' of movement to gain 2d6 temporary hps that last 1 hour; once you do so, you can't use this feature again until you rest an hour.

19. Dragon Scale Armor- gives resistance to one of the following types of damage: 1- acid, 2- cold, 3- fire, 4- lightning, 5- necrotic, 6 or 7- poison, 8-psychic, 9- radiant, 10- thunder.

20. Shield of Missile Attraction- ranged attacks against you gain a 1d6 bonus die, and shots fired at creatures within 10' of you target you instead. There's no penalty die to shoot you in melee.


1. Boots of Elvenkind
- walk and run in silence. +1d8 bonus die to sneak.

2. Boots of Speed- increase your speed by 15', give you a 1d6 bonus die to initiative.

3. Bracers of Defense- creates a suit of phantom armor around you; gives you AC 13 (can use shield and helm).

4. Broom of Flying- flies at 45'. Takes 10' of movement to mount/dismount.

5. Cloak of Elvenkind- blends with background. +1d6 bonus die to checks to hide; spend all your movement to increase this to +1d8.

6. Cloak of Protection- gives you a +1 bonus to AC and a 1d6 bonus die to saves.

7. Gauntlets of Ogre Power-gain 1d6 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +1 to melee attacks and damage.

8. Girdle of Giant Strength- gain 1d8 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +3 to melee attacks and damage.

9. Gloves of Thievery- gain a 1d6 bonus die to checks to pick pockets, open locks, find or remove traps, sneak, or hide.

10. Goggles of Darkvision- gives you darkvision 60' or improves existing darkvision by 30'.

11. Helm of Opposite Alignment- magically reverses your alignment. Can be fixed by removing the curse or using lesser restoration to restore your mind, but you enjoy your new outlook and don't recognize the change.

12. Helm of Teleportation- you can spend 20' of movement to teleport up to 60' to a space you can see. Also, you can do any one of the following: teleport up to 20 miles, teleport to a place you can't see, bring one creature with you when you teleport. Once you do one of these things, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest.

13. Pearl of Identification- while you hold this pearl, you can cast identify on a magic item. Once you do so, you must rest an hour before you can do so again.

14. Ring of Evasion- when you make a Dex save for half damage, you take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.

15. Ring of Feather Falling- if you fall, you take no damage and land on your feet.

16. Ring of Protection- gives you a +1 bonus to AC and a 1d6 bonus die to saves.

17. Rope of Climbing- you can animate this 50' rope. While it is animated, for each 1' of movement you spend, you can command it to move 1'. You can spend 5' of movement to have it tie or untie itself, and creatures of your choice can climb it successfully with no check required. The rope is AC 10 and has 3 hp, but only takes damage when specifically targeted, and is immune to all but slashing, acid, and fire damage.

18. Rope of Entanglement- you can cause this 50' rope to launch itself at a creature within 20'. The target must make a Dex save or the rope entangles it, reducing its speed by 20' and giving it a 1d6 penalty die to attacks, as well as to checks or saves that require free motion. A creature can pull itself or another creature free with a Str check. The rope is AC 10 and has 3 hp, but only takes damage when specifically targeted, and is immune to all but slashing, acid, and fire damage.

19. Slippers of Spider Climbing- you gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed and never fall unless pushed off a surface. You can even walk upside down on ceilings.

20. Triangle of Light- while you hold this, you can cause it to radiate light 50'/100'. It does so for up to 1 hour, then must “rest” an hour before you can activate it again. (You don't have to rest for it to recharge its powers.)

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Victoria Rules
Ring of Feather Falling should probably note the speed of fall, as falling a few thousand feet at the speed a feather falls can take ages...and who knows where the wind will blow you to in the meantime. :)

One classic I'd add to Armour is the Shield of Reflection. Right now the only shield you have on the list is cursed, which might be a clue to players to not try out any magic shields they find...

the Jester

Ring of Feather Falling should probably note the speed of fall, as falling a few thousand feet at the speed a feather falls can take ages...and who knows where the wind will blow you to in the meantime. :)
Very good point!

One classic I'd add to Armour is the Shield of Reflection. Right now the only shield you have on the list is cursed, which might be a clue to players to not try out any magic shields they find...
I don't remember that one, but you make another good point- some of these armors I have listed are suitable as shields, but definitely not all.

the Jester

Okay, on to gear!

A couple of notes:

These are some of the least developed rules I have for this system. Some things are no doubt missing, but will be filled in as necessary (or lifted from the books from one edition or another).

Here you will find the rules for casting in armor. (Clerics have a class feature that helps them cast in armor.) You'll also note that a helm works basically like a shield, giving you an AC bonus.

The standard coinage is the gold piece. Many other coins exist; 'standard' coins and values are:

1 platinum piece (pp) is worth 5 gp, 10 ep, 50 sp, or 500 cp.
1 gold piece (gp) is worth 1/5 pp, 2 ep, 10 sp, or 100 cp.
1 silver piece (sp) is worth 1/50 pp, 1/10 gp, 1/5 ep, or 10 cp.
1 copper piece (sp) is worth 1/500 pp, 1/100 gp, 1/50 ep, or 1/10 sp.

Other forms of currency may be found that are not accepted in all places, or whose value varies depending on circumstances.

When you wear light armor you are proficient in, if your Dex is 15 or higher, you get a +1 bonus to AC. When you wear heavy armor, unless your Str is 15 or higher, you take a penalty of 10' to your speed, or 5' if you are proficient.

When you cast a spell in armor, you must make a Dex check or fail to cast the spell (although you don't expend the spell slot). In light armor, the check is made on 2d6; in medium armor, on 3d6; and in heavy armor, on 4d6. If you aren't proficient, you take a 1d6 penalty die to this check. If you are wearing multiple types of armor (such as studded and shield), you must take a penalty die if you are not proficient in all of them, and you use the check for the heaviest type of armor you are wearing.

Light Armor
5 gp --- Leather: AC 11
20 gp --- Studded: AC 12
5 gp --- Helm: +1 AC

Medium Armor
30 gp --- Hide: AC 13
75 gp --- Chain Mail: AC 14
10 gp --- Shield: +1 AC

Heavy Armor
400 gp --- Plate and Mail: AC 15
2,000 gp --- Full Plate: AC 16

15 gp --- Battle Axe: 1d8 slashing
Free --- Club: 1d4 bludgeoning
75 gp --- Crossbow: 1d8 piercing, but can't make multiple attacks on the same turn (range increment30')
2 gp --- Dagger: 1d4 piercing (range increment 10')
1 gp --- Dart: 1d4 piercing (range increment 15')
30 gp --- Greatsword: 1d10 slashing
7 gp --- Hand Axe: 1d6 slashing (range increment 10')
10 gp --- Javelin: 1d6 piercing (range increment 20')
100 gp --- Long Bow: 1d6 piercing (range increment 40')
15 gp --- Longsword: 1d8 slashing
6 gp --- Mace: 1d6 bludgeoning
25 gp --- Pole Arm: 1d8 (any one) with10' reach
15 gp --- Rapier: 1d8 piercing
5 gp --- Scimitar: 1d6 slashing
30 gp --- Short Bow: 1d6 piercing (range increment 25')
10 gp --- Shortsword: 1d6 piercing
2 gp --- Sling: 1d4 bludgeoning (range increment 20')
15 gp --- Spear: 1d6 piercing with 10'reach
Free --- Staff: 1d6 bludgeoning
1 cp --- Torch: 1 bludgeoning + 1d3 fire, and 50% chance to extinguish torch.
12 gp --- Whip: 1d4 slashing with 10' reach

1 sp --- Arrow
1 sp --- Bolt
Free --- Stone

1 cp --- Candle (0'/10'; burns for 8 hours)
4 gp --- Lantern (hooded; 30'/60'; 1 flask of oil burns for 4 hours)
1 gp --- Oil flask (1d6 fire damage if used as a weapon)
1 cp --- Torch (20'/40'; burns for 2 hours)

2 gp --- Backpack
1 gp --- Belt pouch
10 gp --- Chest
5 sp --- Scroll tube
1 gp --- Vial (empty)
5 cp --- Waterskin (empty)

10 gp --- Beer (small keg)
1 sp --- Beer (mug)
3 cp --- Meal (poor)
1 sp --- Meal (fair)
1 gp --- Meal (good)
1 gp --- Rations (iron, per day)
3 sp --- Rations (standard, per day)
1 gp --- Wine (good, bottle)
1 ep --- Wine (good, skin)
2 sp --- Wine (poor, skin)
20 gp --- Wine (poor, small keg)

ALCHEMICAL ITEMS (Range Increment 10')
10 gp --- Acid (1d6 acid damage, plus 1d2 points of splash damage within 5')
15 gp --- Alchemist's fire (1d6 fire damage and on fire, Dex save or appropriate action ends, plus 1d2 points of splash damage within 5')
10 gp --- Holy water (1d6 radiant damage to undead)
15 gp --- Tanglefoot bag (target is immobilized; can break free with 4d6 Str check or by pouring alcohol onto it)

Any time a character handles poison, including applying it, harvesting it, etc, they must roll 1d20. On a 1, they poison themself with it. Applying most poisons (to a piercing or slashing weapon, to food or drink, etc) takes an action, and the poison works on the first creature hit with the weapon or to eat or drink from the food. Contact poisons work on the first creature to touch or handle the coated item; applying a contact poison usually takes one minute.

Poisons are often illegal, so purchasing poison is not always possible without access to criminal markets.

Harvesting poison from a dead or helpless creature requires the harvester to make a Dex check on 4d6. Failure means the poison is lost. Success means that the harvester acquires one dose of the poison. Some creatures, such as the necrophidius, produce poison magically; in these cases, poison can't be harvested from the creature.

Unless otherwise noted, if a poison reduces a stat to 0, the victim dies.

Injury Poisons
500 gp --- Blue Whinnis (injury; Con save or 1 Con damage, secondary save after 1 minute or fall unconscious for 1 hour)
100 gp --- Greenblood Oil (injury; Con save or 1 Con damage; secondary Con save after 1 minute or another1d2 Con damage)
200 gp --- Bloodroot (injury; Con save or 1 ongoing Con damage and 1 ongoing Wis damage (save ends))
75 gp --- Giant Centipede Venom (injury; Con save or poisoned 1 hour (save ends)- while poisoned, take1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks)
350 gp --- Giant Spider Venom (injury; Con save or 1d6 Str damage plus ongoing 1 Str damage (save ends))
500gp --- Giant Wasp Venom (injury; Con save or 1d6 Dex damage plus ongoing 1d2 Dex damage (save ends); if reduced to 0, paralyzed instead of killed).
1,000 gp --- Purple Worm Venom (injury; Con save with a 1d6 penalty die or 1d6 Str damage and ongoing 1d4 Str damage, Con save with 1d6 penalty die ends)
5,000 gp --- Wyvern Venom (injury; Con save with a 1d6 penalty die or 1d6 Con damage and ongoing 1d6 Con damage (save ends))

Contact Poisons
3,000 gp --- Dragon Bile (contact; Con save with 1d6 penalty die or after 1 minute, 3d6 Str damage)
500 gp --- Malyss Root Paste (contact; Con save or ongoing 1d4 Dex damage (save ends))
8,000 gp --- Nitharit (contact; Con save or after 1 minute, 3d6 Con damage (save ends))
250 gp --- Sassone Leaf Reside (contact; Con save or ongoing 1d6 poison damage (save ends))

Ingested Poisons
200 gp --- Arsenic (3d8 poison damage, Con save for half, then ongoing 1d8 poison damage (save ends))
300 gp --- Id Moss (Con save or ongoing 1d4 Int damage (save ends))
350 gp --- Oil of Taggit (Con save orafter 1 minute, 1d4 poison damage, then second save or fall unconscious 1 hour)

2 gp --- Bedroll
5 gp --- Caltrops (box sufficient to cover a 5' x 5' area; 1 damage and stop moving, speed halved- Con save or healing ends)
15 gp --- Grappling hook
5 gp --- Ink (small vial)
2 gp --- Mirror (small metal)
2 gp --- Parchment (per page)
1 sp --- Piton
4 cp --- Pole, 10'
1 sp --- Quill
5 sp --- Rope, 50' (hemp)
3 gp --- Rope, 50' (silk)
25 gp --- Thieves' tools

Next up is monsters, which I have a pretty limited selection of and is absolutely my least developed set of rules.

the Jester

Is there a set interval for ongoing poison damage, or is it specific to type or kind of poison?
Ongoing damage is typically each round, but exceptions are noted. See greenblood oil for one example of this- I usually put in "after 1 minute" or whatnot.

Ideally, I'll eventually have dozens more poisons, as well as types of inhaled poison. There was an old, 1e-era Dragon Magazine article- The Poisons of (I think it was) Cerilon- that fleshed out poisons a lot. My ideal poison system is a 3e-ified version of that article.

the Jester

So... monsters!

These are all in very embryonic form. I have statted up only a few monsters. Some probably still have mechanics that have been updated already- for instance, using ability damage is a fairly recent change I made, so there might be a monster or two with poison that does hit point damage alone. And I think most ranged attacks specify short and long range instead of a range increment- something I need to fix. But anyway, here are the A's.

A note or two:

I have never had a problem with monsters having a list of spells that aren't defined in their stat block. Since this is for me, I'm not concerned about that particular issue.

I think dnd's monster design was at its best late in 4e. I try to pull a lot of principles from there- although obviously a lot of my style is closer to 1e or BECMI.

A "kicker" is a bonus to hps, just like with pcs. It isn't derived from anything in particular but is instead an arbitrary way to fine tune monsters to where I want them to be.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
11 (leather)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Str 10, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12
varies by race
Languages: Common, oftenothers by race

Mace: +2 to hit, 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Sling: +1 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

Spells (2cantrip slots, 2 first level slots):
Cantrips- detect chaos/evil/good/law, minor healing; 1st level- command, cure wounds.

Medium beast (bug, insect)
Vulnerable Underside: If the ankheg is prone or is attacked from below, attackers get a 1d6 bonus die to their attack roll.
Speed: 30', burrow 15'
Hit Dice: 4d8+5 kicker(23 hp)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 5
darkvision 60'

Bite: +4 to hit, 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d6 acid damage.

Spit Acid: Each creature in a 5' wide, 30' long line extending from the ankheg must make a Dex save, taking 3d6 acid damage on a failure or half that on a success.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 1d4 (2 hp)
Str 8, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
varies by race
Languages: Common, oftenothers by race

Dagger: +1 to hit, range 20'/60', 1d4 piercing damage.

Spells (2 cantrip slots, 2 first level slots):
Cantrips- detect magic, mage hand; 1st level- magic missile, sleep.

Medium construct
Speed: 25'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Immune to poison, psychic
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 5
Immune to charm and fear
Senses: darkvision 60'

Slam: +2 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

Arbalaster Bolt: +5 to hit, range 120'/360', 1d8 piercing damage.
Hit: The arbalaster can spend 15' of movement to repeat the attack against the same target.

Medium beast (air, elemental)
Speed: Fly 60'
Hit Dice: 6d8 (27 hp)
Immune to lightning, poison
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10

Bite: +4 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage.

Lightning Ray: One creature within 200' takes 3d6 lightning damage (Dex save for half).


When the arrowhawk becomes bloodied, it emits a shock in a 10' radius, dealing 2d8 lightning damage to each creature in the area (Dex save for half).

Large plant
Speed: 5'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 4
blindsight 30'

Constrict: +4 to hit, reach 15', 1d6 bludgeoning damage and the target must make a Str save or be grabbed. While grabbed, its speed is 0. The tendril can be attacked (AC 12, hp 6, immune to bludgeoning), or a creature can use an action to make an opposed Str check to detach it.

Animate Vines (recharge5-6): An area of vegetation 10' square within 30' of the assassin vine animates and entwines around creatures for 1 minute or until the assassin vine dies. Each creature in the area must make a Str save or be stuck and unable to move. A creature can make a Str save to break free as an action.

the Jester

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
11 (leather)
Speed: 30'
Shifty: Spend 5' of movement to not trigger OAs until end of turn.
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 9
varies by race
Languages: Common, oftenothers by race

Short Sword: +2 to hit, 1d6 damage.
Flanking Strike: The bandit does an extra 1d4 damage when it hits a target it is flanking.

Short Bow: +2 to hit, 1d6 damage.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
13 (studded and helm)
Speed: 30'
Shifty: Spend 5' of movement to not trigger OAs until end of turn.
Hit Dice: 5d8 (23 hp)
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11
varies by race
Languages: Common, oftenothers by race

Short Sword: +4 to hit, 1d6 damage.
Flanking Strike: The bandit captain does an extra 1d6 damage when it hits a target it is flanking.

Short Bow: +4 to hit, 1d6 damage.

Medium beast (mammal, pig)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Frenzy: The boar gains a 1d6 bonus die to attacks while bloodied.
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 8

Gore: +3 to hit, 1d4 piercing damage. (The boar gains a 1d6 bonus die to attacks while bloodied.)

Tiny beast (mammal, cat)
Speed: 35', climb 25'
Hit Dice: 1d4 (2 hp)
Catfall: The cat reduces the amount of falling damage it takes by 4d6.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 8
low-light vision
Claws: +3 to hit, 1d4 slashing damage.
Hit or Miss: The cat can spend 10' of movement to make one bite attack.

Bite: +3 to hit, 1d2 piercing damage.

Large beast
Death Gaze: A creature that starts its turn within 60' of the catoblepas and can see it must make 3 death saves. A creature can use a reaction to avert its eyes to avoid this effect, taking a 1d8 penalty die to attacks against it, being unable to target it with effects that require sight, and granting the catoblepas a 1d6 bonus die on attacks against the creature.
AC: 14
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 7d10+15 kicker (53 hp)
Aura of Doom: Within 30' of the catoblepas, death saves take a 1d6 penalty die.
Str 17, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10
low-light vision

Tail: +5 to hit, 1d8 bludgeoning damage and the target must make a Con save or be stunned until the end of the catoblepas' next turn.
Target Averted Eyes: 1d6 bonus die to attack.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 1d4 (2 hp)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
1d6 bonus die on checks related to profession
Senses: varies by race
Languages: Common, often others by race

Club, knife, or random tool: +2 to hit, 1d4 damage.

Medium undead (fleshy undead)
Speed: 25'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Death Burst: When it dies, the corpse explodes in a 5' radius- Dex save, 3d6 acid on a fail, half on success.
Resist acid
Immune to necrotic, poison

Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 5
Immune to charm and fear
Senses: darkvision 60'

Slam: +2 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 acid damage.

Hurl Filth: +5 to hit, range 50', 1d6 acid plus 1d6 necrotic damage.

Medium beast (reptile)
Speed: 30', swim 50'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (14 hp)
Str 15, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6

Bite: +5 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage and the target is grappled. While it is grappled, the target's speed is 0 and this bite automatically hits.
Hit or Miss: The crocodile can spend 15' of movement to make a tail attack.

Tail: +5 to hit, can't target a creature it has grappled, 1d6 bludgeoning damage.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
12 (leather + helm)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp)
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8
Fanatic: 1d6 bonus die on saves vs. fear and charm.
Senses: varies by race
Languages: Common, often others by race

Dagger: +3 to hit, 1d4 damage.

Proselytize (recharges after 1 hour of rest): Up to three creatures within 20' that can understand the cultist must make Cha saves. If it fails, a creature can't attack or cast hostile spells until the end of its next turn unless it is attacked or takes damage.

Small or medium humanoid (tags vary)
12 (leather + helm)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp)
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15
Fanatic: 1d6 bonus die on saves vs. fear and charm.
Senses: varies by race
Languages: Common, often others by race

Scimitar: +4to hit, 1d6 damage.

Proselytize (recharges after 1 hour of rest): Up to four creatures within 30' that can understand the cultist must make Cha saves. If it fails, a creature can't attack or cast hostile spells for 1 minute (save ends). The effect also ends if the creature is attacked or takes damage.

the Jester

Medium beast
Speed: 50'
Hit Dice: 7d8 (31 hp)
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8
keen vision

Rake: +5 to hit, 1d8 slashing damage.

Acid Spray: +7 to hit, 3d6 acid damage plus ongoing 1d10 acid (Con save ends, or ends if washed off with a gallon of liquid or after 1 minute).
Hit: Each creature within 10' of the target takes 1d10 acid damage (Dex save negates).

Small beast (mammal, dog)
Speed: 35'
Hit Dice: 1d6 (3 hp)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 8

Bite: +3to hit, 1d4 piercing damage.
Pack Tactics: 1d6 bonus die on attacks if an ally is within reach of the target.

Small humanoid (demon, fiend)
Speed: 25'
Hit Dice: 4d8 (18 hp)
Variable Resistance (see Reactions)
Immune to fire, poison.
Str 7, Dex 7, Con 8, Int 5, Wis 7, Cha 5
Languages: understands Abyssal but can't speak

Claws: +2 to hit, 2d4 slashing damage.
Hit or Miss: The dretch can spend 10' of movement to make one bite attack.

Bite: +2 to hit, 1d6 piercing damage.


Frightful Stench (only while bloodied): The dretch spends 5' of movement to emit a cloud of foul green gas in a 10' radius. Each non-demon in the cloud must make a Con save or have a 1d6 penalty die on attacks and checks until the start of the dretch's next turn.


Variable Resistance: When the dretch takes cold, lightning, or thunder damage, it gains resistance to that damage type (including the triggering damage) until it uses this ability again or it completes a long rest.

Large humanoid (giant)
Speed: 40'
Wakeful: Unless magically put to sleep, at least one of an ettin's heads is always awake.
Hit Dice: 8d8+20 kicker(56 hp)
Str 19, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
1d6 bonus die to notice or observe things
Senses: low-light vision
All-Around Vision: Creatures don't get a bonus die to attacks or get sneak attack damage for flanking the ettin.

Languages: Giant, 25% speak Orcish

Giant Club: +6 to hit, 2d8+4 bludgeoning damage.
Hit or Miss: The ettin makes a second Giant Club attack.

Giant Javelin: +5 to hit, range 40'/120', 2d6 piercing damage.
Hit or Miss: The ettin makes a second Giant Javelin attack.

REACTIONS (2/round)

Double Opportunity. When a creature provokes an opportunity attack from the ettin, the ettin makes two Giant Club attacks against that creature.

Tiny undead (skeletal undead)

Illumination: The flameskull radiates light in a 0'/15' radius or a 15'/30' radius (changing at the start of its turn if it desires).
AC: 13
Speed: fly 40'
Hit Dice: 5d4 (12 hp)
Immune to cold, fire, poison
Resist lightning, necrotic, piercing, slashing
Str 2, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10
Immune to charm and fear
Senses: darkvision 60'
Languages: Common

Fire Ray: +5 to hit, range 120', 1d10 fire damage.

Fiery Explosion: The flameskull spits a bead of flame at a point it can see within 90', where it explodes in a 20' radius sphere doing 5d6 fire damage (Dex save for half).

Spells (4 cantrip slots, 4 first level slots):
Cantrips- audible glamer, close or open, dancing lights, mage hand; 1st level- burning hands, magic missile, shield, Tenser's floating disc.


When Hit by Attack or Magic Missile: shield spell.

Medium construct (golem)
Speed: 30'
Hit Dice: 7d8+20 kicker (51 hp)
Electric healing: If the golem would take lightning damage, it instead regains that many hps.
Immune bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing that isn't magic
Vulnerable to fire

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 9, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 5
Immune to charm, fear, effects that change the golem's shape

+6 to hit, 1d8+5 bludgeoning damage.
Hit or Miss: The golem makes a second Slam attack.
Siege Monster: The golem does double damage to objects.

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