the Jester
Well, that's what playtesting is for!You'd think, right? But I use roll-under all the time (not for saves, but for the equivalent of skill or knowledge checks) and it's impressive how often they fail even on a 5d6x2 system.
Anyhow, on to magic items!
A couple of quick notes- a few items are on the Miscellaneous chart that should rightly go under Armor (helms). This is something for me to correct in the future.
Also, most potions allow you the option of quaffing the whole thing or taking a sip for lesser effect (often a reduced duration or the like).
You have to have a spell on your class list or otherwise have access to it to use a spell scroll of it.
Charged items like wands don't recharge; they are used up when the final charge is expended.
1-5 --- Potion
6-8 --- Scroll
9-10 --- Rod, et. al.
11-14 --- Weapon
15-17 --- Armor
18-20 --- Miscellaneous
POTIONS (Consumable)
1-4. Potion of Energy Resistance- could be for 1- acid, 2- cold, 3 or 4- fire, 5- lightning, 6- thunder; gives resistance (half damage) for 1 hour; or three sips for 10 minutes each.
5. Potion of Fire Breath- either when you drink it or once in the next minute, breathe a 30' cone of fire (Dex save; 3d6 fire/half).
6-7. Potion of Flying- for 1 hour, gain a fly speed of 40'; or three sips for 10 minutes each.
8-11. Potion of Giant Strength- for 1 hour, gain 1d8 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +3 to melee attacks and damage, or three sips for 10 minutes each.
12-13. Potion of Greater Healing– heals 3d6 hps; or three sips for 1d6 hp each.
12-15. Potion of Healing- heals 2d6 hps; or three sips for 1d3 hp each.
16. Potion of Heroism- for 1 minute, gain 3d6 temporary hps, 1d6 bonus die to attacks, checks, and saves.
17-18. Potion of Superior Healing- heals 5d6 hps; or three sips for 2d4 each.
19. Potion of Supreme Healing- heals 8d6 hps; or three sips for 2d8 each.
20. Potion of Water Breathing- gain water breathing for 8 hours; or eight sips for 1 hour each.
SCROLLS (Consumable)
1-3. Cursed Scroll -does something nasty. Might allow an appropriate save. Not instant death; often plot point.
4-6. Scroll of Protection from Energy- when read, creates a visible field in a 10' radius, within which one energy is suppressed (acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder). Lasts concentration up to 10 minutes.
7-20. Spell Scroll- contains one spell. 50/50 chance to be cleric/wizard.
ROD, et. al.
1. Rod of Magery- while you hold it, gain +1 to spell attacks. Max 50 charges. When you cast a spell, spend charges equal to its level to give one target a 1d6 penalty die to save against it.
2. Rod of Resurrection- max 50 charges. Spend one minute and charges equal to a creature's level to raise them from the dead at half hps, with no disease, poison, fear, charm, confusion, etc. The creature is otherwise as it was when it died (with the same expended resources, etc).
3. Staff of Striking- maximum of 25 charges. Gets a 1d6 bonus die to attacks. When you hit, you can spend up to 3 charges to do an extra 1d8 force damage per charge.
4. Staff of the Python- max 25 charges. When you hit with it, spend 10' of movement and a charge to cause the staff's end to transform into a python head, which bites (+4 to hit, 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d10 poison damage).
5. Wand of Lightning- max 100 charges. Use a charge to touch wand to a creature as a spell attack; does 1d8 lightning damage and no reactions until end of your next turn. Alternatively, use 5 charges to cast lightning bolt.
6-7. Wand of Magic Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect magic within 30'.
8. Wand of Magic Missiles- max 100 charges. Use 1 to 5 charges to cast that many magic missiles.
9. Wand of Secret Door Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect secret doors within 30'.
10. Wand of Trap Detection- max 100 charges. Use a charge to detect traps within 30'.
1. Axe of Berserking- forces wielder to fight until all foes are down; does an extra 1d4 damage on a hit. If you can't attack, you must dash toward the closest enemy.
2. Defender- melee only. While you wield this weapon, as long as you have taken your first turn, you get +2 to AC.
3. Dense Weapon- increases critical range and multiplier by 1. Only for bludgeoning weapons.
4-5. Destructive Weapon- does an extra 1d4 damage on a hit.
6. Flame Tongue- usually a sword. Can spend 10' of movement to ignite for 1 hour. While burning, does an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit and sheds light 20'/40'.
7. Frost Brand- usually a sword. Sheds blue light 10'/20' if below freezing temperature. Does an extra 1d6 cold damage on a hit. Can use an action to thrust it into a fire and extinguish the portion of that fire within 30'.
8-12. Glowing Weapon- sheds light 40'/80'.
13-14. Keen Blade- increases critical range by 1 and critical multiplier by 1. Only for piercing and slashing weapons.
15. Sword of Sharpness- on a critical hit, sever a random limb. Target bleeds for 1d4 per round at start of turn (Con save ends; also ends if target regains any hps, or if someone makes a Wis check to tend the wound).
16-20. Weapon of Accuracy-gives 1d6 bonus die on attacks.
1-4. Armor of Alacrity- increases your speed by 10' and gives you a 1d6 bonus die to initiative.
5-7. Armor of Fortification- negates critical hits on you.
8-13. Armor of Protection- gives extra +1 to AC, 1d6 bonus die on saves.
14. Armor of Retribution- gives an extra reaction each round. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to make one weapon or unarmed attack against it.
15. Armor of Vulnerability- cursed. While you wear it, you are vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
16-18. Delver's Armor- you gain darkvision 60', or +30' to existing darkvision. You can spend 15' of movement to gain 2d6 temporary hps that last 1 hour; once you do so, you can't use this feature again until you rest an hour.
19. Dragon Scale Armor- gives resistance to one of the following types of damage: 1- acid, 2- cold, 3- fire, 4- lightning, 5- necrotic, 6 or 7- poison, 8-psychic, 9- radiant, 10- thunder.
20. Shield of Missile Attraction- ranged attacks against you gain a 1d6 bonus die, and shots fired at creatures within 10' of you target you instead. There's no penalty die to shoot you in melee.
1. Boots of Elvenkind- walk and run in silence. +1d8 bonus die to sneak.
2. Boots of Speed- increase your speed by 15', give you a 1d6 bonus die to initiative.
3. Bracers of Defense- creates a suit of phantom armor around you; gives you AC 13 (can use shield and helm).
4. Broom of Flying- flies at 45'. Takes 10' of movement to mount/dismount.
5. Cloak of Elvenkind- blends with background. +1d6 bonus die to checks to hide; spend all your movement to increase this to +1d8.
6. Cloak of Protection- gives you a +1 bonus to AC and a 1d6 bonus die to saves.
7. Gauntlets of Ogre Power-gain 1d6 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +1 to melee attacks and damage.
8. Girdle of Giant Strength- gain 1d8 bonus die on Str checks and saves, +3 to melee attacks and damage.
9. Gloves of Thievery- gain a 1d6 bonus die to checks to pick pockets, open locks, find or remove traps, sneak, or hide.
10. Goggles of Darkvision- gives you darkvision 60' or improves existing darkvision by 30'.
11. Helm of Opposite Alignment- magically reverses your alignment. Can be fixed by removing the curse or using lesser restoration to restore your mind, but you enjoy your new outlook and don't recognize the change.
12. Helm of Teleportation- you can spend 20' of movement to teleport up to 60' to a space you can see. Also, you can do any one of the following: teleport up to 20 miles, teleport to a place you can't see, bring one creature with you when you teleport. Once you do one of these things, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest.
13. Pearl of Identification- while you hold this pearl, you can cast identify on a magic item. Once you do so, you must rest an hour before you can do so again.
14. Ring of Evasion- when you make a Dex save for half damage, you take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.
15. Ring of Feather Falling- if you fall, you take no damage and land on your feet.
16. Ring of Protection- gives you a +1 bonus to AC and a 1d6 bonus die to saves.
17. Rope of Climbing- you can animate this 50' rope. While it is animated, for each 1' of movement you spend, you can command it to move 1'. You can spend 5' of movement to have it tie or untie itself, and creatures of your choice can climb it successfully with no check required. The rope is AC 10 and has 3 hp, but only takes damage when specifically targeted, and is immune to all but slashing, acid, and fire damage.
18. Rope of Entanglement- you can cause this 50' rope to launch itself at a creature within 20'. The target must make a Dex save or the rope entangles it, reducing its speed by 20' and giving it a 1d6 penalty die to attacks, as well as to checks or saves that require free motion. A creature can pull itself or another creature free with a Str check. The rope is AC 10 and has 3 hp, but only takes damage when specifically targeted, and is immune to all but slashing, acid, and fire damage.
19. Slippers of Spider Climbing- you gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed and never fall unless pushed off a surface. You can even walk upside down on ceilings.
20. Triangle of Light- while you hold this, you can cause it to radiate light 50'/100'. It does so for up to 1 hour, then must “rest” an hour before you can activate it again. (You don't have to rest for it to recharge its powers.)