D&D General The Jester's Perfect D&D

the Jester

Apologies for not getting back to this last night- the day got away from me and I ran out of steam earlier than I had thought I would. On with the feats!

  • The movement cost for your Cunning Shift and Cunning Skill features are each reduced by 5'.
  • If you have sneak attack 4d6, when you deal sneak attack damage, you can forgo one die of sneak attack damage for any of the following effects: reduce target's speed by 15' until the end of your next turn, give target a 1d6 penalty die to attacks until the end of your next turn, or give the next attack against the target a 1d6 bonus die.
  • When an enemy moves to within 5' of you, you can use a reaction to make one melee weapon or unarmed attack against it.
  • You gain an extra reaction.
  • Enemies within your reach have a 1d6 penalty die on attacks that don't include you as a target.
  • When an enemy within 5' makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, you can use a reaction to make an attack with a melee or natural weapon against that creature.
  • Your speed increases by 10'.
  • If you have the Double Extra Attack feature, as long as you move before and after an attack, you get a +2 bonus to damage on that attack.
  • If you have the Double Extra Attack feature, as long as you don't attack the same creature twice, you can make four attacks instead of three.
  • You can disparage a creature within 60' that can understand you with your words. It must make a Cha save or take 1d6 psychic damage and have a 1d6 penalty die on its next attack before the end of your next turn.
  • When a creature within 30' that can understand you targets you with an attack, you can use a reaction to utter a disparaging quip at that creature's expense, giving its attack a 1d6 penalty die.
  • When a creature within 60' that can understand you makes a check, you can use a reaction to disparage its efforts, giving its check a 1d6 penalty die. You can use this ability once, or twice if your Cha is at least 15, and then must rest 10 minutes before using it again.
  • You get a +2 bonus to AC.
  • You get a 1d6 bonus die when you make a Dex save.
  • You have a deep and mystical connection to and reverence for dragons. Choose one type of dragon as your patron. This gives you several features and traits.
    • If you don't already know it, you learn Draconic. If you already know Draconic, choose one of the following languages instead: Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal, Kobold, the Spirit Tongue, Strog, or Undercommon.
    • Your physical body begins to transform to resemble a dragon's. Now and each time you gain a level, your neck grows 1d4”, you gain 1d6” in height and 1d6 lbs per inch grown, your skin grows progressively more scaly, your hair recedes by about 20% of its original length and coverage, and your body increasingly takes on the color of your dragon patron. You sprout a tail, which is 2d6” long initially and grows 1d10” when you gain a level. If you are at least 7th level, you sprout vestigial wings, which increase in size each time you gain a level.
    • You gain resistance to the damage type of one of your patron's breath weapons.
    • If you aren't wearing armor (excluding a helm and/or shield), you have an AC of 13 (or 14 if your Dex is 15 or higher). If you are at least 6th level, you instead have an AC of 14 (or 15 if your Dex is 15 or higher). If you are 10th level, you instead have an AC of 15 (or 16, if your Dex is 15 or higher).
    • If you are 10th level, your wings become functional. You can fly at a speed of 40'.
  • You learn Draconic, if you don't already know it. If you already know it, choose another language instead.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to attacks and damage against dragons.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die to saves against fear effects and breath weapons.
  • You have resistance to the damage caused by breath weapons.
  • If you are within 5' of a dragon, it has a 1d6 penalty die to saves.
  • Wild shape. If you aren't wearing metal armor, you can spend 20' of movement to turn into the form of a normal animal with 3 Hit Dice or less. You keep your hit points but otherwise use its stats and can't use your own abilities while in its form. You can remain in this form for up to 1 hour. If you fall unconscious, or if you spend 20' of movement, you resume your normal shape.
  • You gain two first level spell slots, which you can only use if you aren't wearing metal armor.
  • You learn two special spells- entangle and faerie fire- which you can only cast if you aren't wearing metal armor.
    • Entangle- vegetation within a 20' radius area entwines around creatures for 1 minute. Each creature in the area must make a Str save or be stuck and unable to move. A creature can make a Str save to break free as an action.
    • Faerie fire- colorful, heatless flames coat everything within 10' of a point you can see within 60' for concentration, up to 1 minute. Creatures make Dex saves to avoid the effects. Attacks against creatures coated in the flames get a 1d6 bonus die, and targets can't be invisible.
  • If you have a weapon in your main hand and a short sword, dagger, club, or hand axe in your off hand and you are proficient in both, when you take the Attack action, you can spend 10' of movement to make an attack with your off hand weapon.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks to persuade or influence living creatures that can understand you.
  • When a creature you are aware of would target you with an attack, as long as it isn't immune to charm, you can use your reaction to try to influence it to attack a different creature. The attacker must make a Wis save; if it fails, it can't target you with that attack. Once a creature has failed its save against this ability, you must rest 10 minutes before you can use it again. You can also use it again by expending a 2nd level spell slot.
  • You can attempt to charm a living creature you can see within 90'. If the target fails a Cha save, it considers you a trusted friend and ally for 10 minutes. During this time, it won't willingly harm you, and it seeks to aid you in your endeavors if it can do so without harm or damage to its position or reputation. Once a creature has failed its save against this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
  • Your speed increases by 10'.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on attempts to open locks.
  • You gain a 1d8 bonus die on attempts to escape from bonds, and any DC for doing so is lowered by 4.
  • You can spend 10' of movement to make an attempt to escape from bonds.
  • If you are under a magical effect that prevents you from moving or reduces your speed, you can use 15' of movement to make a Wis save to end the effect. If you fail this save, you can't attempt this again until you rest for 10 minutes.
  • When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, it deals an extra 2 damage.
  • When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, creatures take a 1d6 penalty die to any saving throw.
  • When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, you can spend 10' of movement each to sculpt creatures out of the area of effect.
  • You gain expertise +1d6 with all ability scores.
  • When you make a check, you can increase the result by up to 2.

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the Jester

  • You learn the ritual required to find a familiar, a spirit in the form of an animal that serves you as an aide and mystical adviser. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform and requires 100 gp of arcane components, at the culmination of which the familiar appears in the form of a tiny animal of your choice, such as a frog, crow, cat, dog, weasel, or similar creature. The familiar has the following features and traits.
    • All familiars have AC 12, 2d4 Hit Dice, Int 14, Wis 12, and Cha 12. They can speak one language you know (your choice). Their physical ability scores are as appropriate to their body form.
    • While you bear or carry your familiar, it takes no damage from effects that don't specifically target it.
    • If your familiar dies, you take 1d6 Con damage, which recovers at a rate of 1 per long rest. You can perform the ritual again to re-summon the same familiar or call a different one. If you summon the same familiar, you can have it appear in a different animal form and choose a different option for it (see below).
    • While you are within 1 mile, you can spend 15' of movement to communicate up to six seconds of speech telepathically with your familiar, and you can spend 15' of movement to use the familiar's senses in place of your own for 1 minute or until you spend 15' of movement to end the effect.
    • When you first summon it and when you complete a long rest, you can choose one of the following options for your familiar. That option remains until you choose another one; a familiar provides only one such benefit at a time.
      • Failsafe: While your familiar is within 30', if you fail a save, you can use a reaction to succeed instead, and your familiar suffers the effects of the failure. Once you use this ability, you must rest for an hour before you can use it again.
      • Receptacle of Robustness: While your familiar is within 5' of you, whenever you take damage, reduce that damage by 1.
      • Spell Guide: When your familiar completes a long rest, it can prepare one spell of any level you can cast. If you are a wizard, that spell must be in your spellbook. While your familiar is within 30', you can cast that spell as if you had it prepared.
  • You can breathe water.
  • You gain a swim speed of 30', or your existing swim speed increases by 10' (to a minimum of 35').
  • You move smoothly and naturally through the water. Water is never difficult terrain for you, and you gain a 1d6 bonus die to checks and saves when dealing with water hazards such as whirlpools, water spouts, strong currents, and the like.
  • You learn Aquan and one of the following languages, or two of the following languages if you already know Aquan: Aventi, Crabfolk, Dolphin, Elvish, Locathah, Merellin, Sahuagin or Whale.
  • When you are within 10' of a portal, you can spend 10' of movement to discern what plane it leads to.
  • When you are within 10' of a teleportation circle, you can spend 10' of movement to discern what location it leads to.
  • While within 5' of a portal, you can attempt to force it to open or close by making a Cha check. If the portal is locked, the check is on 4d6. If you open or close a portal, it remains open or closed for 1 minute. Alternatively, you can concentrate on the effect to force it to remain open or closed for up to 1 hour. Once you force a portal open or closed, you can't do so again until you rest for 1 hour.
  • If a creature teleports into or out of a space you can see within 500', you can use a reaction to teleport as well. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for 10 minutes. When you use this ability, choose one of the following options.
    • You teleport to the triggering creature's departure space;
    • You teleport to the nearest space big enough for you to the triggering creature's arrival space; or
    • You teleport up to 50', but not a greater distance than the triggering creature did.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die on attacks against creatures at least two sizes larger than you.
  • Creatures at least two sizes larger than you have a 1d6 penalty die on attacks against you.
  • If a creature at least one size larger than you hits you with an attack, you can use a reaction to make an attack with a weapon or natural weapon against that creature.
  • At the start of your turn, if an enemy at least one size larger than you is within 5', you gain 5 temporary hit points. Once you use this feature, you must rest 10 minutes before you can do so again.
  • You can use your action to put on a flashy display of prowess, potentially intimidating hostile creatures around you. Each enemy within 30' that can see you must make a Wis save. If it fails, it has a 1d6 penalty die on attacks and attacks against it gain a 1d6 bonus die until the end of your next turn. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
  • When you reduce a foe to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to gain 5 temporary hit points. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you rest for 10 minutes.
  • You can spend 15' of movement to assess a creature you can see within 50'. Make an Int check; if you succeed, you determine the creature's attack bonus and damage with its primary attack. Once you use this ability successfully, you can't use it again until you rest for 10 minutes.
  • You get a +2 bonus to attacks with melee weapons that require two hands (such as the great sword, pole arm, and spear).
  • When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon that requires two hands, you can also knock the target prone, slide it 10', or both.
  • You can spend all your movement and use your action to make a sweeping attack. When you do so, make one attack roll and apply it against each creature of your choice within 5. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you rest for 1 hour.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to attacks with thrown weapons.
  • When you throw a grenade-like missile, such as a flash of oil or acid, its splash range increases by 5'.
  • You get +2 to damage with grenade-like missiles. This applies to both direct and splash damage.
  • If a thrown weapon would hit you, you can use your reaction to make a Dex save. If you succeed, you catch the thrown weapon and it does no damage to you. If you have another reaction available, you can use it to throw the weapon.
  • Whenever you restore hit points to a creature (outside of tending wounds during a long rest), you restore an extra 1d4 hit points to it.
  • When tending wounds during a long rest, you gain a 1d8 bonus die.
  • You can spend one minute to tend a creature's wounds, restoring 1d6 hit points to it. Once a creature has benefited from this ability, it can't do so again until it completes a long rest.
  • If you have 5th level cleric spells and spell slots, you gain one 6th level spell slot.
  • If you have a cleric spell save DC, it increases by 1.
  • You can use your channel divinity an extra time between rests.
  • You have resistance to necrotic damage.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on saves against effects produced by undead.
  • If you hit an undead creature with an attack with a weapon or a natural weapon, you deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage.
  • If you reduce an undead creature to 0 hit points, it must make a Cha save with a 1d6 penalty die. If it fails, it cannot return to undeath, even if it would normally rejuvenate, create or possess a new body, or otherwise return. Even if necromantic magic is used on the body, it can't be reanimated, even as another type of undead such as a skeleton or zombie.

the Jester

  • You gain a 1d10 bonus die to initiative.
  • You gain an extra reaction.
  • If you hit a creature that hasn't taken its first turn in combat, you can spend all your movement to do double damage.
  • You receive an inheritance consisting of one of the following.
    • 10,000 gp.
    • A random non-cursed magic item that you can use from one of the following categories of your choice: armor, weapons, rod (et. al.), or miscellaneous.
    • A modest home and plot of 25 acres of land.
    • A spellbook containing 20 levels of wizard spells of your choice. (Cantrips count as half a level.)
    • 10 random potions.
  • You have resistance to psychic damage.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die on saves against effects produced by aberrations.
  • You know how to draw the Cerulean Sign, an ancient symbol used to battle against aberrations. You can use the sign twice, and you regain one use if you rest for an hour and all uses after a long rest. When you draw it, it blazes with blue flames for 1 round. You can draw the Cerulean Sign in the following ways.
    • You can draw it on a door, window, or portal up to 40' square. For 1 hour, an aberration that attempts to move within 10' of that portal must make a Cha save with a penalty die or be unable to do so until the effect ends.
    • You can draw it in the air before you. Any aberration within 50' that can see the sign must make a Wis save. If it fails, it takes 2d6 psychic damage, resumes its true form, and can't change or conceal its form or teleport for 1 minute (save ends). A creature that succeeds on this save takes half damage and can't teleport until the end of your next turn.
  • You attract the service of a handful of loyal followers, including a lieutenant who acts as your second. Whenever you are near a community of friendly humanoids, you can recruit these followers with 8 hours of work, including replacing lost ones. If you mistreat them, your followers will leave you, and you may gain a reputation as a bad leader. In this case, future followers' loyalty will be dubious and their morale will be poor. Your followers have the following traits and features.
    • Followers on adventures earn a share of xp and expect a share of treasure.
    • Followers gain a 1d6 bonus die on saves and checks related to maintaining their loyalty.
    • Your lieutenant is a 1st level member of your class. If you have more than one class, choose one. Generate its ability scores normally. It doesn't get a hit point kicker.
    • You can have a maximum number of followers other than your lieutenant equal to your level. For each follower, choose one of the following.
      • You can choose commoner.
      • If you are a cleric, you can choose acolyte.
      • If you are a fighter, you can choose student warrior.
      • If you are a rogue, you can choose rascal.
      • If you are a wizard, you can choose apprentice wizard.
      • If you are at least 4th level, you can choose one follower as if you were a member of another class.
      • If you are at least 10th level, you can choose two followers as if you were a member of another class or classes.
  • You learn six languages, and every time you gain a level, you learn another language.
  • You can learn a language with ten days of full immersion or 20 days of active training.
  • If a creature speaks at least one language, you can communicate with it at ¼ normal speed through pantomime, body language, and carefully observing its reactions. You can't do so while in combat or otherwise significantly distracted, and you can't communicate very abstract or complex ideas in this way.
  • You gain expertise in Intelligence.
  • Whenever you make a check to recall lore, you gain a 1d6 bonus die.
  • You can spend 5' of movement to attempt to recall lore about legends, tales, stories, and folklore concerning a creature, object, group, or location.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on attacks against creatures that can cast spells.
  • When a creature within your reach casts a spell, you can use a reaction to make an opportunity attack against it.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on saves against spells that target only you.
  • If you are charmed by magic, you can make a Wis save at the end of your turn to end the effect.
  • You can create magical armor. In addition to the cost of the armor to be enchanted, you must have the listed value in arcane components, required spell slots (which must be expended at the start of each day's work), any special ingredients, and time, as well as access to a workshop or laboratory. Assistants can contribute spell slots to the process, but don't save time or money. Creation can be suspended at the end of a day's work, but if interrupted, a day's work is lost and an additional 25% of the listed cost in components must be expended.
    • Armor of alacrity (3,000 gp, 2 days)
    • Armor of fortification (10,000 gp, 7 days)
    • Armor of protection (4,000 gp, 3 days)
    • Armor of retribution (8,000 gp, 5 days)
    • Armor of vulnerability (25,000 gp, 14 days)
    • Delver's armor (2,500 gp, the eye of a creature with darkvision, 1 day)
    • Dragon scale armor (15,000 gp, the corpse of a dragon of at least the size the armor is to be, 10 days)
    • Helm of opposite alignment (10,000 gp, the brain of a creation with psionics, 7 days)
    • Helm of teleportation (50,000 gp, 30 days, one 5th level spell slot)
    • Shield of missile attraction (8,000 gp, 5 days)
  • You gain two cantrip slots and two first level spell slot.
  • Choose one cantrip and one first level spell from the same spell list. You learn those spells.
  • You can create magical weapons. In addition to the cost of the weapon to be enchanted, you must have the listed value in arcane components, required spell slots (which must be expended at the start of each day's work), any special ingredients, and time, as well as access to a workshop or laboratory. Assistants can contribute spell slots to the process, but don't save time or money. Creation can be suspended at the end of a day's work, but if interrupted, a day's work is lost and an additional 25% of the listed cost in components must be expended.
    • Axe of berserking (3,000 gp, 5 days, one 1st level spell slot)
    • Defender (2,500 gp, 2 days)
    • Dense weapon (4,000 gp, 4 days)
    • Destructive weapon (1,000 gp, 1 day)
    • Flame tongue (5,000 gp, 5 days, one 2nd level spell slot)
    • Frost brand (10,000 gp, 7 days, one 4th level spell slot)
    • Glowing weapon (500 gp, 1 day, one 1st level spell slot)
    • Keen blade (4,000 gp, 4 days)
    • Sword of sharpness (25,000 gp, 18 days)
    • Weapon of accuracy (2,000 gp, 2 days)
  • While you are mounted, you gain a 1d6 bonus die on attacks.
  • While you are mounted and can act, your mount gains a +2 bonus to AC.
  • When you charge on a mount and hit with a spear, you do double damage.
  • If you cast both 2nd level cleric and 2nd level wizard spells, you gain one 4th and one 5th level spell slot.
  • You can upcast a spell by one level for free. Once you do so, you must rest for an hour before you can do so again.

the Jester

  • You can spend 10 minutes performing a ritual over a corpse to turn it into a skeleton or zombie. The ritual requires arcane or religious components costing 25 gp per HD of each corpse, plus 25 gp per HD for each skeleton or zombie you control. You control the skeleton or zombie.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die when making a check dealing with undead.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when you make a save against an effect caused by undead or that deals necrotic damage.
  • If you are in dim light or darkness, you can spend 15' of movement to teleport up to 60' to an area of dim light or darkness. When you do so, you can spend an additional 5' of movement to make a Dex check to hide if you arrive in a suitable location.
  • If you are hit by a ranged attack, you can use a reaction to add a 1d6 bonus die to your AC against that attack.
  • You can spend 10 minutes to turn alchemical components into any of the following special consumable items. You can create up to six uses of the same item in this 10 minutes, but it takes a separate period to make a different type of item.
    • Flash pellet (10 gp)- you can use 10' of movement to hurl this up to 30'. Each creature within 10' of the grenade must make a Dex save or be blinded until the end of your next turn. You get a 1d6 bonus die to your save against this.
    • Smoke grenade (10 gp)- you can use 10' of movement to hurl this up to 30', where it bursts, creating a 10' radius cloud of opaque black smoke that lasts until the end of your next turn.
    • Alchemical poison (50 gp)- you can apply this to a piercing or slashing weapon. The next creature hit by the weapon takes an extra 1d10 poison damage and must make a Con save. If it fails, it takes a 10' penalty to speed, a 1d6 penalty die to attacks and checks for 1 minute (save ends). Each failed save: the target's speed is reduced by another 10'.
  • You gain a +1d6 bonus die on initiative.
  • Each time you complete a long rest, roll 2d20 and 2d6 and record the results of each die. These are portent dice. Before you or a creature you are aware of within 90' make an attack, check, or save, you may choose to substitute one or more portent dice in place of any d20 or d6s used in the attack, save, or check.
  • Up to once per game session, when you complete a long rest, you may receive an oracular vision. This vision is usually vague and often couched in symbolism, but it might give you clues about your current or a future adventure.
  • Oath. You take an oath dedicating yourself to one alignment component- Chaos, Evil, Good, Law, or Neutrality. This must match your alignment. The oath is to uphold the values of that alignment component, and to zealously represent them.
  • If you haven't violated your oath since you last completed 3 long rests, creatures aligned opposite to your oath take a 1d6 penalty on attacks against you.
  • You gain one first level spell slot, which you can only use if you haven't violated your oath since you last completed 3 long rests.
  • You learn the spell cure wounds, which you can cast only if you haven't violated your oath since you last completed 3 long rests. You can cast it once without expending a spell slot, then need to complete a long rest before doing so again.
  • When you hit a creature with an attack, if that creature is aligned opposite to your oath, you can spend 10' of movement and a cantrip or spell slot to deal extra radiant damage to it. The damage is 1d6 + 1d6 per level of the slot used.
  • When you attack with a piercing weapon or natural weapon, you get a +1 bonus to attacks and damage.
  • When you hit with a piercing melee weapon or natural weapon, you can also choose to switch places with the target, with neither of you provoking opportunity attacks.
  • Whenever you score a critical hit with a piercing weapon or natural weapon, you also inflict ongoing 1d4 damage on the target (Con save ends).
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks when attempting to deceive others.
  • When in conversation, you can attempt to subtly place a false piece of information in a creature's mind through a mix of subtle movements, misleading words, and body language. You weave a chosen falsehood into the conversation, such as the idea that the target's employer is seeking to take advantage of them, that a creature's wife is cheating on them, that a famous local monster is secretly dead, or that a worthless piece of colored glass is a gem worth 5,000 gp. The target must make a Wis save or believe your falsehood for 1 day or until confronted with incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. The save has a 1d6 penalty die unless you are attempting to place a falsehood that is especially obvious, outrageous, or unbelievable in the creature's mind.
  • If a creature learns your alignment or reads your mind, you can use your reaction to instead give it false information of your choice.
  • While you can act, your allies within 5' gain a +2 bonus to AC.
  • If an ally within 5' is the target of a ranged attack, you can use your reaction to make yourself the target of that attack instead.
  • If an ally within 5' makes a save, you can use your reaction to switch places with the ally. You make the save and suffer any effects in place of the ally. If the save is against an area effect, the target gets a 1d6 bonus die on its save.
  • You get +2 to hit with your natural weapons.
  • You can attack with your natural weapons for 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If you do, you can spend 15' of movement to make a second attack with your natural weapons.
  • If you hit a creature with your natural weapons, you can spend 15' of movement to attempt to stun that creature. If it fails a Con save, it is stunned until the end of your next turn. While stunned, it can't move or act, and attacks against it gain a 1d6 bonus die. Once a creature fails its save against this effect, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
  • Whenever you deal fire damage, you do an extra 1 point per die.
  • Whenever you make an attack roll with fire, you get a 1d6 bonus die to that attack.
  • When you take fire damage, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to that damage.
  • When you use a fire effect that has a saving throw, that save's DC increases by 2, to a minimum of 3.
  • All of your speeds increase by 10'.
  • You gain an extra reaction on your turn.
  • If you use your action to dash, you can move an extra 10'.
  • You have a 1d6 bonus die on initiative.
  • Your speed increases by 5'.
  • You gain a climb speed and swim speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Ranger's quarry. You can spend 10' of your movement to designate a creature you can see as your quarry. This lasts as long as you concentrate, up to 8 hours, or until you designate a new quarry. You gain a +1d6 bonus die on attacks against and attempts to spot, track, find, or discern your quarry.
  • Favored terrain. Choose a favored terrain type, such as plains, forest, swamp, mountains, hill, coastal, underwater, or Underdark. While in that terrain, you ignore difficult terrain composed of normal, natural obstacles.
  • When you attack with a throw weapon, a bow, or a sling, you can spend 15' of movement to make one extra attack with that weapon. (This includes the movement cost for drawing the weapon, if it is thrown.)
  • You can launch of volley of inaccurate missiles as suppressing fire. Choose a 15' x 15' area in range of your weapon and expend five pieces of ammunition or thrown weapons. Each creature in the area must choose to either take 1d4 damage of the appropriate type or to use its reaction to halve its speed until the end of your next turn.
  • You gain an extra reaction.
  • If n enemy within your reach hits you, you can use a reaction to make an attack with a melee or unarmed weapon against that enemy.
  • If an enemy within 5' of you misses you with an attack, you can use a reaction to switch places with it, with neither of you provoking opportunity attacks.
  • If a creature within 5' of you spends movement, you can use a reaction to double the movement cost. If the creature has insufficient movement to pay the expanded cost, it loses the movement and doesn't get to take the intended action.
  • When you cast a ritual, you only need half the normal value in components.
  • When you cast a ritual, you only need half the normal time.
  • If you cast spells, choose three spells you can cast that don't normally have a ritual casting option. You can cast those as rituals, taking 10 minutes and costing 25 gp in arcane or religious components (for wizard and cleric spells, respectively) for a cantrip, 100 gp for a 1st level spell, 250 gp for a 2nd level spell, 1,000 gp for a 3rd level spell, 2,500 gp for a 4th level spell, or 6,000 gp for a 5th level spell.
  • If you don't cast spells, choose one 1st level spell and two cantrips. You can cast those as rituals as described above.
  • Each time you gain a cleric or wizard level after taking this feat, you can choose one more spell you can cast to become a ritual for you.
  • Each time you gain a fighter or rogue level after taking this feat, you can choose one more cantrip to become a ritual for you. If you gain 5th level, 7th level, or 9th level in one of these classes, you can instead choose a 1st level spell to become a ritual for you. If you gain 8th level or 10th level in one of these classes, you can instead choose a 2nd level spell to become a ritual for you.
  • You can create magical rods, staves, and wands, given the listed value in components, required spell slots (which must be expended at the start of each day's work), any special ingredients, and time. Assistants can contribute spell slots to the process, but don't save time or money. Creation can be suspended at the end of a day's work, but if interrupted, a day's work is lost and an additional 25% of the listed cost in components must be expended.
    • Rod of magery (5,000 gp, 7 days, one 5th level spell slot)
    • Rod of resurrection (50,000 gp, the heart of a cleric, 30 days, six 5th level spell slots)
    • Staff of striking (2,500 gp, 3 days, one 3rd level spell slot)
    • Staff of the python (2,500 gp, 3 days, one 2nd level spell slot)
    • Wand of lightning (7,500 gp, 10 days, four 3rd level spell slots)
    • Wand of magic detection (1,000 gp, 1 day, one cantrip slot)
    • Wand of magic missiles (3,000 gp, 3 days, one 3rd level spell slot)
    • Wand of secret door detection (1,000 gp, 1 day, one 1st level spell slot)
    • Wand of trap detection (2,000 gp, 2 days, one 2nd level spell slot)

the Jester

  • When you read a scroll, you can eke additional benefits from it. Choose one of the following: one extra die of damage, 150% of normal range, 150% of normal duration, or area expanded by 10' in its primary dimension.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die to saves against effects from scrolls.
  • You can scribe magical scrolls, given the listed value in components, required spell slots (which must be expended at the start of each day's work), any special ingredients, and time. Assistants can contribute spell slots to the process, but don't save time or money. Creation can be suspended at the end of a day's work, but if interrupted, a day's work is lost and an additional 25% of the listed cost in components must be expended.
    • Scroll of protection from energy (15,000 gp, 10 days)
    • Spell scroll (spell level x slot level x 100 gp, 1 day per slot level plus one day per spell level, one spell slot of the level of the slot to be held by the scroll)
  • You gain a +2 to hit with ranged weapons.
  • When you attack with a ranged weapon, you ignore cover.
  • When you make a ranged attack into melee, you don't take a penalty die for doing so.
  • When you make a ranged attack, your critical range expands by 1.
  • If you aren't proficient, you gain proficiency in shields.
  • While you are using a shield, you gain a 1d6 bonus die on Str, Dex, and Con saves.
  • While you are using a shield, you can spend 10' of movement to force a creature within 5' to make a Str save. If it fails, you push it 5'.
  • While you are using a shield, if a creature moves to within 5' of you, you can use a reaction to force it to make a Str save. If it fails, you push it 5'.
  • You can attack with your shield, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage and forcing the target to make a Str save. If it fails, it falls prone.
  • Al of your speeds increase by 10'.
  • Opportunity attacks against you have a 1d6 penalty die.
  • If you move at least 15' and then hit a creature with an attack with a weapon or natural weapon on the same turn, you can do an extra 1d6 damage with that attack. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you rest for 1 minute.
  • When you attack with a slashing weapon or natural weapon, you get a +1 bonus to attacks and damage.
  • When you attack with a slashing weapon or natural weapon, your critical range expands by 1.
  • When you hit a creature with a slashing weapon or natural weapon, you can choose to also do ongoing 1d4 damage to the target (Con save ends). Once you use this ability, you must rest ten minutes before you can use it again.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to damage with your weapon and unarmed attacks.
  • Your critical range with weapon and unarmed attacks increases by 1.
  • When you score a critical hit, your damage multiplier increases by 1.
  • If you drop a creature, you can spend 10' of movement to make another attack against a creature in your reach.
  • Pick one you can cast. You can change the chosen spells when you finish a long rest.
  • When a creature makes a save against that spell, it takes a 1d6 penalty die.
  • If that spell requires concentration, it lasts 1 round after your concentration ends. If it doesn't require concentration, it lasts an extra 3 rounds.
  • If the spell does damage, it does one extra die of damage.
  • Creatures you summon gain a +2 bonus to attacks and AC.
  • Creatures you summon never turn on you, even if magically influenced or controlled.
  • You can use a 3rd or higher level spell slot to attempt to assert control over a summoned creature. If its summoner currently controls it, the summoner can make a Wis save to resist giving up control, and if it is currently uncontrolled, the creature itself can make a Wis save to resist you. If the creature or summoner succeeds on this save, you can't try to assert control over that creature again until you complete a long rest, but you don't expend the spell slot.
  • Your hit points increase by 1 per level, and you gain 1 extra hit point each time you level up.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die on saving throws.
  • You gain a 1d6 bonus die when you make a Con check because you are dying. If this Con check hits a DC 15, you regain 1d6 hit points.
  • Your speed increases by 5'.
  • When you are in melee with a single enemy and no other creature is within 5' of either of you, you gain a 1d6 bonus die to attacks against it.
  • If you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor, when a creature attacks you, you can use a reaction to quip and disparage it. If it can understand you, it takes a 1d6 penalty die to the attack.
  • You gain 6 psionic points (psi), which you can use in several ways. You can regain 1 psionic point by resting for an hour, or regain all your psionic points by completing a long rest.
    • You can spend psi to mentally grab an item. This costs 1 psi for an object of up to Small size and up to 10 lbs, 2 psi for an object of up to Medium size and up to 100 lbs, or 4 psi for an object of up to Large size and up to 500 lbs. While you have an object grabbed, you can mentally move it 1' by spending 2' of movement.
    • You can spend psi to mentally grab a creature (1 psi for up to Small, 2 psi for Medium, 4 psi for Large). The target can make a Str check to escape your mental grasp. If it fails, you can mentally move it 1' by spending 2' of movement, and it can't use its speed to move. You can use a reaction to spend an additional 1 psi when the target takes a physical action to prevent it from taking that action; if it makes a Str save, it can still do so, but if it fails, it loses the action. A creature grabbed in this way can break free by making a Str check opposed by your Int check.
    • You can spend 1 psi to use your mind to deliver a telekinetic blow to a creature or object you can see within 60'. The target takes 1d8 force damage (Con save for half). You can “upcast” this by spending additional psi points, dealing an extra 1d8 damage per additional point to a maximum number of psi points equal to your level.
  • You gain 6 psionic points (psi), which you can use in several ways. You can regain 1 psionic point by resting for an hour, or regain all your psionic points by completing a long rest.
    • You can spend psi to mentally communicate with one or more creatures that you can see within 100' that speaks at least one language. This costs 1 psi if there is one target, 2 psi for up to ten targets, or 3 psi for more targets. You can keep communicating even if they leave the initial range. The effect lasts for as long as you concentrate, up to 10 minutes. At the end of that time, you can spend 1 psi to extend the duration by an hour, at which point you can repeat the process.
    • You can spend psi to attempt to mentally influence a creature you can see within 40'. The target must make an Int save or you choose its actions and movement on its next turn. If an action would cause it or its allies harm, the creature receives another save to break free of your control, but if it fails, you must spend 1 additional psi.
    • You can spend psi to make a psychic attack against one creature you can see within 60'. The target takes 1d8 psychic damage (Int save for half). You can “upcast” this by spending additional psi points, dealing an extra 1d8 damage per additional point to a maximum total number of psi points equal to your level.
  • When you make a check to pick a pocket, open a lock, find, investigate, or remove a trap, sneak or hide, or climb, you gain a 1d6 bonus die.
  • You learn Thieves' Cant, a collection of code words, slang, and double entendres that you can use to communicate with criminals in front of other creatures without those creatures understanding the real meaning of your words.
  • When a creature moves to within 5' of you, you can use your reaction to shift 10'.
  • You get a +1 bonus to attacks, including spell attacks.
  • You get a +1 bonus to damage with attacks, including spell attacks.

the Jester

  • If you have made an eldritch pact with a powerful entity capable of granting you supernatural favors, you gain mystical powers.
    • You gain a +2 bonus to spell attacks.
    • You can fire an eldritch blast at a target within 120'. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d10 force damage to the target. When you hit, you can use a reaction to spend a spell slot to increase the damage by 1d10 per level of the spell slot.
    • You can surround yourself with an aura of unease in a 30' radius. Creatures in that radius perceive you as mysterious and somewhat sinister, and have a 1d6 penalty die on attacks and checks that are hostile to you or contrary to your purpose. The aura lasts for concentration, up to 1 minute. Once you use this aura, you must rest for 30 minutes before you can do so again.
  • You can encourage a creature other than yourself that can see or hear you within 60'. That creature gains 5 temporary hit points that last 10 minutes. Once a creature has been targeted by this ability, it must complete a long rest before it can benefit from it again.
  • You can call for an ally that can see or hear you within 60' to use a reaction to make an attack with a weapon or a natural weapon. (The target can decline if it chooses.)
  • You gain proficiency in simple and martial weapon. If you are already proficient in such weapons, you also gain proficiency in two exotic weapons, such as the net, whip, pistol, rifle, or spiked chain.
  • You get a +2 bonus to attacks with weapons.
  • You get a +2 bonus to damage with weapons.
  • You tap into the powers of Chaos when you use your magic. This has the following effects.
    • When you cast a spell other than a cantrip, roll 1d10. If you roll a number equal to the level of the spell slot you expend, you trigger a wild surge. (See below.)
    • When you cast a spell, you can choose to imbue it with Chaos and trigger a wild surge to do one of the following:
      • change acid, cold, fire, lightning, radiant, or thunder damage to another of these types;
      • charge the area of effect from a cone, cube, cylinder, or sphere to another of these with the same primary dimension (e.g. a 20' radius sphere becomes a 40' cone or square or a 20' radius cylinder); or
      • change a Dex save to an Int save, a Con save to a Wis save, a Str save to a Cha save, or vice-verse.
    • Whenever you suffer a random effect from something, such as when you are exposed to Chaos, you roll twice and choose the result you prefer. (Roll twice on any subtables as well.)
When you trigger a wild surge, rollon the following table:
1 Wall of force appears instead of spell
2 You glow (attacks against you get a 1d6 bonus die, and you can't be invisible).
3 Spell is upcast one level for free
4 Spell targets normal target and you
5 Colored streamers pour from your fingers instead of normal effects
6 You become invisible and spell takes effect
7 Spell takes effect and all nonmagical fires within 60' go out
8 All doors within 60', including those locked, swing open, then normal spell effect goes off
9 Spell fails but slot is not expended
10 Spell goes off but damage, duration, and area are halved
11 Spell appears to fail but goes off at end of your next turn
12 Lightning bolt goes off instead of normal effect
13 Target becomes ethereal for 1 hour (Cha save ends with 1d6 penalty die; can't choose to fail) instead of normal effect
14 Spell goes off normally, then a random monster from nearby appears within 60'
15 Instead of normal effects, you and each creature within 10' regain 2d10+5 hit points
16 Instead of normal effects, target sprouts new, useless appendage that remains until dispelled
17 Instead of normal effects, you teleport to the location of the spell's target
18 Target changes sex instead of normal effect; if the spell doesn't target a creature, it goes off normally
19 Spell goes off, saves have 1d6 penalty die
20 All random effects of the spell are maximized

  • You can create miscellaneous magic items, given the listed value in components, required spell slots (which must be expended at the start of each day's work), any special ingredients, and time. Assistants can contribute spell slots to the process, but don't save time or money. Creation can be suspended at the end of a day's work, but if interrupted, a day's work is lost and an additional 25% of the listed cost in components must be expended.
    • Boots of elvenkind (2,000 gp, requires either an elf to craft or assist in crafting or the feet of an elf, 2 days)
    • Boots of speed (3,000 gp, the foot of a creature with a walking speed of at least 50', 2 days)
    • Bracers of defense (10,000 gp, 7 days)
    • Broom of flying (10,000 gp, feathers from a creature with a fly speed of at least 60', 7 days, one 3rd level spell slot)
    • Cloak of elvenkind (3,000 gp, requires either an elf to craft or assist in crafting or the skin of an elf, 2 days)
    • Cloak of protection (4,000 gp, 3 days)
    • Gauntlets of ogre power (6,000 gp, blood from an ogre, 4 days, one 2nd level spell slot)
    • Girdle of giant strength (20,000 gp, blood from a giant, 15 days, one 4th level spell slot)
    • Gloves of thievery (7,500 gp, a finger from a rogue)
    • Goggles of darkvision (2,000 gp, the eye of a creature with darkvision, 1 day)
    • Pearl of identification (5,000 gp, 4 days, one 1st level spell slot)
    • Ring of evasion (6,000 gp, 4 days)
    • Ring of feather falling (1,000 gp, 1 day, one 1st level spell slot)
    • Ring of protection (4,000 gp, 3 days)
    • Rope of climbing (2,000 gp, giant spider silk, 1 day)
    • Rope of entanglement (5,000 gp, giant spider silk, 3 days)
    • Slippers of spider climbing (3,000 gp, feet from a giant spider, 2 days)
    • Triangle of light (500 gp, 1 day, one 3rd level spell slot)
  • While you are bloodied, you get a +1 bonus to attacks and AC and a +2 bonus to damage with weapons and natural weapons.
  • While you are bloodied, you gain an extra reaction.
  • While you are bloodied, you can use a reaction to attack a creature that comes within your reach.
  • If you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to make one attack before you drop.

the Jester

Just a quick note- there are a few things here where they reference systems that either aren't in the game yet at all or are minimally developed, such as summoning and poisons. Those are systems that will eventually get into the game in more robust fashion, but I haven't gotten around to. Sometimes the necessary impetus comes from a player choosing an option. So if someone took the Summoner feat, I would probably work up some summoning options for them to have available, and so on.


Victoria Rules
If you want to do that, you can just alternate as you go up in levels.
Ah. I was assuming the advancing stats were locked in on initial choice and also tied (somewhat) to class e.g. a Fighter must advance Strength (and maybe one other), a Rogue must advance Dex (and maybe one other), and so forth.
Well, I'm not sure that I am keeping my initiative system, but I do want Dex to have a big impact on it. I may go with a d10 + Dex or something, though. Part of the thing with initiative was that it was initially harder for a rogue to get sneak attack damage and going before your enemy was one way to do so, but after a session where neither of the two rogues got to sneak attack at all, I loosened the requirements for it.
Make it easier for Rogues to hide and sneak during combat and this issue solves itself. For example:

Round 1 - sneak attack (or backstrike)
Round 2 - hide and sneak to a different target unless you're boxed in
Round 3 - sneak attack (or backstrike)

Tying initiative to Dex - particularly if you re-roll each round (which I can't recommend highly enough) - makes Dex way too powerful.
Oh, it's not specified anywhere- but it's always rolling in my game. The real question is whether I want to stick with 4d6 drop one or go with straight 3d6 down the line.
I'd go 4d6 drop 1 or even 5d6 drop 2; we've used the latter for 40+ years and it's worked out fine.


Victoria Rules
The thing with that is, if your stats are too high, you almost never fail a check or save.
You'd think, right? But I use roll-under all the time (not for saves, but for the equivalent of skill or knowledge checks) and it's impressive how often they fail even on a 5d6x2 system.

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