the Jester
Apologies for not getting back to this last night- the day got away from me and I ran out of steam earlier than I had thought I would. On with the feats!
- The movement cost for your Cunning Shift and Cunning Skill features are each reduced by 5'.
- If you have sneak attack 4d6, when you deal sneak attack damage, you can forgo one die of sneak attack damage for any of the following effects: reduce target's speed by 15' until the end of your next turn, give target a 1d6 penalty die to attacks until the end of your next turn, or give the next attack against the target a 1d6 bonus die.
- When an enemy moves to within 5' of you, you can use a reaction to make one melee weapon or unarmed attack against it.
- You gain an extra reaction.
- Enemies within your reach have a 1d6 penalty die on attacks that don't include you as a target.
- When an enemy within 5' makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, you can use a reaction to make an attack with a melee or natural weapon against that creature.
- Your speed increases by 10'.
- If you have the Double Extra Attack feature, as long as you move before and after an attack, you get a +2 bonus to damage on that attack.
- If you have the Double Extra Attack feature, as long as you don't attack the same creature twice, you can make four attacks instead of three.
- You can disparage a creature within 60' that can understand you with your words. It must make a Cha save or take 1d6 psychic damage and have a 1d6 penalty die on its next attack before the end of your next turn.
- When a creature within 30' that can understand you targets you with an attack, you can use a reaction to utter a disparaging quip at that creature's expense, giving its attack a 1d6 penalty die.
- When a creature within 60' that can understand you makes a check, you can use a reaction to disparage its efforts, giving its check a 1d6 penalty die. You can use this ability once, or twice if your Cha is at least 15, and then must rest 10 minutes before using it again.
- You get a +2 bonus to AC.
- You get a 1d6 bonus die when you make a Dex save.
- You have a deep and mystical connection to and reverence for dragons. Choose one type of dragon as your patron. This gives you several features and traits.
- If you don't already know it, you learn Draconic. If you already know Draconic, choose one of the following languages instead: Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Infernal, Kobold, the Spirit Tongue, Strog, or Undercommon.
- Your physical body begins to transform to resemble a dragon's. Now and each time you gain a level, your neck grows 1d4”, you gain 1d6” in height and 1d6 lbs per inch grown, your skin grows progressively more scaly, your hair recedes by about 20% of its original length and coverage, and your body increasingly takes on the color of your dragon patron. You sprout a tail, which is 2d6” long initially and grows 1d10” when you gain a level. If you are at least 7th level, you sprout vestigial wings, which increase in size each time you gain a level.
- You gain resistance to the damage type of one of your patron's breath weapons.
- If you aren't wearing armor (excluding a helm and/or shield), you have an AC of 13 (or 14 if your Dex is 15 or higher). If you are at least 6th level, you instead have an AC of 14 (or 15 if your Dex is 15 or higher). If you are 10th level, you instead have an AC of 15 (or 16, if your Dex is 15 or higher).
- If you are 10th level, your wings become functional. You can fly at a speed of 40'.
- You learn Draconic, if you don't already know it. If you already know it, choose another language instead.
- You gain a +2 bonus to attacks and damage against dragons.
- You have a 1d6 bonus die to saves against fear effects and breath weapons.
- You have resistance to the damage caused by breath weapons.
- If you are within 5' of a dragon, it has a 1d6 penalty die to saves.
- Wild shape. If you aren't wearing metal armor, you can spend 20' of movement to turn into the form of a normal animal with 3 Hit Dice or less. You keep your hit points but otherwise use its stats and can't use your own abilities while in its form. You can remain in this form for up to 1 hour. If you fall unconscious, or if you spend 20' of movement, you resume your normal shape.
- You gain two first level spell slots, which you can only use if you aren't wearing metal armor.
- You learn two special spells- entangle and faerie fire- which you can only cast if you aren't wearing metal armor.
- Entangle- vegetation within a 20' radius area entwines around creatures for 1 minute. Each creature in the area must make a Str save or be stuck and unable to move. A creature can make a Str save to break free as an action.
- Faerie fire- colorful, heatless flames coat everything within 10' of a point you can see within 60' for concentration, up to 1 minute. Creatures make Dex saves to avoid the effects. Attacks against creatures coated in the flames get a 1d6 bonus die, and targets can't be invisible.
- If you have a weapon in your main hand and a short sword, dagger, club, or hand axe in your off hand and you are proficient in both, when you take the Attack action, you can spend 10' of movement to make an attack with your off hand weapon.
- You gain a 1d6 bonus die on checks to persuade or influence living creatures that can understand you.
- When a creature you are aware of would target you with an attack, as long as it isn't immune to charm, you can use your reaction to try to influence it to attack a different creature. The attacker must make a Wis save; if it fails, it can't target you with that attack. Once a creature has failed its save against this ability, you must rest 10 minutes before you can use it again. You can also use it again by expending a 2nd level spell slot.
- You can attempt to charm a living creature you can see within 90'. If the target fails a Cha save, it considers you a trusted friend and ally for 10 minutes. During this time, it won't willingly harm you, and it seeks to aid you in your endeavors if it can do so without harm or damage to its position or reputation. Once a creature has failed its save against this ability, you can't use it again until you rest for an hour.
- Your speed increases by 10'.
- You gain a 1d6 bonus die on attempts to open locks.
- You gain a 1d8 bonus die on attempts to escape from bonds, and any DC for doing so is lowered by 4.
- You can spend 10' of movement to make an attempt to escape from bonds.
- If you are under a magical effect that prevents you from moving or reduces your speed, you can use 15' of movement to make a Wis save to end the effect. If you fail this save, you can't attempt this again until you rest for 10 minutes.
- When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, it deals an extra 2 damage.
- When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, creatures take a 1d6 penalty die to any saving throw.
- When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage, you can spend 10' of movement each to sculpt creatures out of the area of effect.
- You gain expertise +1d6 with all ability scores.
- When you make a check, you can increase the result by up to 2.