The Kalarian Precipice - Chapter Six


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Otiroth and Metea had separated in the wee hours of the morning, so they could attend to their last obligations.

Otiroth had been honestly sad at their parting. Their trek through the mines had drawn them closer in ways he could not have expected- and to think, he was once annoyed by her tail pats! Now, well... he could only imagine how their travel on the road would bring them closer. A strange thing to think about, before they went on an adventure that could well end in their deaths.

No. He would not let anything happen to her. Not while he lived.

The sorcerer joined Dain, insofar as anyone could ever 'join' the mysterious ranger. He leaned against a post nearby, waiting for the others to arrive.

The firey-haired man had come in a meticulously well-tailored gambeson- no doubt he had simply left it at home before their trip into the mines- and had a pack at his back. His crossbow was now strapped at his side, though it still did not look particularly well-used! He was a far cry from the ranger in nearly every way possible- but there was still fire in Otiroth's eyes. They were, perhaps, both men that should not be messed with.

In regards to their path northwards, though, Otiroth would defer to the ranger's expertise. He could read a map and a compass alike, but he was no woodsman.

"That path could well take us past some settlements. We will be able to restock- up until the mountains, at least," Otiroth added. "And those north of us may have some information on the Sands, as well." Information they needed? Maybe, or maybe not. If they could get a local to spin them a tale without worrying announcing their purpose- it could be worth it!

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If they failed, it had to be known. So that whoever had chosen them knew to move on to plan B.

Oh... who was Metea kidding? They were definitely already well past plan B.

So, the tiefling had- unless the others had protested- given Annit one of the seeing stones. The other, they'd keep safely tucked away for now. If worse came to worse... they would need to send a message back. Annit and the dwarf were the only ones that knew of their struggle, and the dwarf had been asleep for much of the same!

After leaving Otiroth behind- Magaw once more stuffed into her pack, the poor fellow- Metea had tried to get some decent sleep. It had been elusive, though, and she'd woken up early. Early, for her. Packed what she felt she needed, and then headed to the leather worker's shop to pick up his wares. He had leather armor on hand, of course, but Metea's dimensions- and Metea's tail- were not quite on the average.

As she joined the others, the fact that she'd already taken to a bit of modifying of her new armor was obvious enough. Her feathers looked a bit ruffled too, which she hated, but hey- they would be on the road! They'd all look a bit ruffled by the end.

Otherwise, the only obvious thing Metea had picked up was a walking stick- and that was just from the side of the road as she headed on. She figured, if Magaw wanted to ride along he could perch on top of the stick as well, if he didn't want to hide in her pack or couldn't float around due to mixed company.

Despite her earlier bravado... she was suddenly quite frightened! Who was she, to think she could travel through the wilds?

But I am not alone! You... and the others... they are still with me!

Carthum had awoken with the sun. His final prayer in Kalair had been in the great chapel, just one of many priests and worshippers there to receive the words of Suru and the sermon of the high priestess. The other priests did not know of his mission, but he did carry with him a shield bearing the holy symbol of Suru. Should he meet his brothers on the road, well- perhaps they might have heard of a half-orc cleric.

But the priestess, her sermon had been one that Carthum had never heard before. A tale of one of Suru's many great adventures, burning evil from the mortal realm.

It had left the half-orc inspired.

He arrived soon after Metea, his armor and shield looking well-tended and fresh.


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Jeovanna arrived after the others. But not too much after.

The others seemed to have put together their traveling best, but Jeovanna really looked no different. She had her pack, same as before. Perhaps some additional materials inside of it- she was still working on something. Might've finished it in the night, if not for the other thing that had kept her up.

Impossible to say how much she'd had to drink. Impossible. But also impossible, perhaps, for her not to look as if she had just been in a brawl of some sorts very recently.

She managed a grimace in greeting at the others, bangs hanging in her blue eyes. She had to admit, she thought, teeth gritted, she was quite fond of this lot. It was a shame Annit could not accompany them. The skull was a curious companion indeed, but the tiefling liked him.

"If we head out now, we will miss the morning merchants," Jeovanna added. "Once we pass the crossroads, well, we might meet anyone coming or going... though there may be fewer on the roads than normal."

Fewer friendly folks, at least. Otiroth was likely right. They'd run into people willing to tell stories from the north. People who had fled the towns and villages there, just like others who had come fleeing into Kalair.

Hrmph. She was ready to get out of the city. She was already thirsty.


The Head of Staff, a role that Magaw had toyed with in a distant life. The head of a staff? What a twisted fate it had been since deprivation of body and limb had featured in a more recent existence, of confinement and restriction. But the old skull was free! He had no qualms in adorning a tiefling’s walking aid. Why not preserve some energy, and at the same time give the pretty woman an extra air of “dont mess with me,” as though the horns and tail weren’t enough. It was the perfect disguise, and far better than loitering in a woman’s backpack. Magaw had had his fill of tight spaces, for obvious reasons.

The skull had to be careful though. He had no intention of getting his inquisitively attractive mount stoned or hanged. When in view of anyone other than their party, he’d need to be still, and quiet. Slowly and cautiously rotating upon the staff, like some head atop a child’s unfinished stick-figure, Magaw took it all in. Light. Morning. A sky of yellow hue, the sun above concealed behind a layer of dusty smog. Heat. It sure was warmer than he’d expected, and a scorcher of a day was definitely on the cards. Still, compared to a room intersected by seams of red-hot coals, it was pleasant enough in comparison.

They were all here, the ones theorised to end the corruption of The Sands, in one way or another. What an unlikely group of travel mates they must have seemed to passers by. But in diversity, came strength.

“I guess it is time then, I must say, Kalair hasn't changed at all.”
Magaw whispered. “Are we to take the beaten track, or an off-road path this day?” A wander north through the outskirts, and then it would probably be forests for the next day or two.

Somewhere to the south Annit plunged her foot down upon a timber foothold, linked to an iron pivot. The contraption was old, but it still did it's job. A bit of pedal-power got the grindwheel spinning, and to it an arrow’s head was run left to right in thickly gloved hands. She hadn’t slept. Her mind begged for distraction, something repetitive and mundane to direct attention away from… other things.


She tossed it into a small wooden bucket to lie with some completed cousins. For a moment, her hand drifted to a bench where other unfinished work lay in waiting. Then, biting her lip, the rogue’s fingers retreated.

“Just a quick look.”

From a pocket she extracted a small clear stone. It was a secret she’d not even shared with her father, yet. Smooth and cold, she held it up and peered inside, wondering where it's twin might be. Probably concealed, if they were wise… but even seeing the darkened bowels of a backpack, or the dusty depths of a pocket, would be something of a reassurance. She missed them greatly, but her hands were tied, at least for now. Perhaps in a night or two she’d stop by at the dwarf’s place. A friendly drink, and also an opportunity to ensure that those little lips weren’t prone to any unwanted wagging.

<Just need to know what general formation you are travelling in, and if moving by road or roughing it. Feel free to head off a little way (an hour?) in your next post, and then I’ll set a scene for you :) Make stealth / nature etc checks at your leisure, and if anything interesting pops up I’ll let you know. Has anyone’s AC increased due to new gear? I just need to update my reference sheet of stats.>


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Dain - The Journey Begins

Dain led the group across tracks and trails that were familiar to him. They ranged through fields, along small creeks, and occasionally over fences. He was mirroring the main road, but staying clear of it, which in his mind was the best option. He himself was out in front, though he often turned to check on the status of the others. It was important he know what kind of pace they were capable of as a group, now that they were out in the open and not confined to narrow mine tunnels.

His intent was that in the evenings, as much as was possible, they would stay in small local inns. This was where the more persuasive of their group could try and glean information on the situation in the far north. It would also help that they would not burn through their hard rations, which would be much needed once they reached the mountains.

Dain kept his eyes open and his senses alert, though he kept seeing fluttering war banners out of the corner of his eye, and thought he heard the clomping of warhorse’s hooves. But they were fractured memories, or bouts of his imagination, and nothing more.

Your mind will wander itself off of a cliff one of these days! Focus your thoughts, you arse!

<Nature check = 5>
<Survival check = 23>


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Otiroth could not pretend to be as savvy as the ranger, but he seemed to keep up relatively well as they moved on. The sorcerer's stamina was more a natural talent than a practiced one.

They chatted very little. At least... Otiroth was fairly quiet. His mind and his eye were wandering.

He felt on the brink of some unique new burst of power. His new scales, whom no doubt Metea had explored more than him at this point, held promise of power. And this trip held promise as well.

But it was possible to check for more than one thing at a time! If they could not reach an inn, well, they would still have to eat, and better to check the bounty of the forest before their rations. He was relatively familiar with the edible plants around Kalair... it would be when they reached further north that they would truly be tested.

<Survival check=15>

Carthum's position in the line seemed to change as they walked, but he was not entirely moving at random. No, he was keeping a close eye on the group more than the natural forests around them. When his attention did wander, it was to the sky above- the glory of the sun was waiting to grace them, he was sure. Even through the forest's canopy!

He was not sure their first night out would be best spent at an inn- this close to the city, they were unlikely to learn anything new. Camping under the stars would teach them much more! It was, after all, decent different than camping underground.

But first, to the order of the day! "Suru! Protect our steps!" The priest murmured, drawing a symbol of blessing over his chest. Let their first steps upon their quest be ones of purpose!

<Cantrip- guidance>
<Stealth check- 13+4= 17>


First Post
Jeovanna mostly stayed near the back. She had their backs. It went without saying, really.

And sure, she might've looked especially irritated, and taken a drink or two from her wineskin on the way... but hair of the hyena that bit you, right?

<Perception check=13>

Otherwise, she was more interested in keeping the team's profile low as opposed to worrying much about hunting. At this point, a venison meal would just attract attention- they were too close to town. She'd do what she could to mitigate the noise and tracks the others were leaving- brushing out the odd foot print left behind in the mud with the side of her shoe, watching out from any other signs of their passage.

And, for the most part, she said not a word.

<Stealth check=16>


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Metea spent a good bit of her time with her nose in her tome as they walked- one hand with the tome out, one with the walking stick. She seemed to be relying on this a bit- hiking out in the woods was much different from dungeon delving. A lot more walking, less resting... Metea was not made for this! Ah, she should've tried to bargain for a horse before she left!

It was fair to say that Metea's mind was not on the world around them. More on the team, really.

"Jeovanna! So surly. You might be prettier if you drank less. Or brushed your hair, maybe. Nevermindit. We'll talk at the next tavern."

What an adventure so far!

<Nature check=7>
<What is nature?>

Voidrunner's Codex

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