• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


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On entering the armoury, Trinham cast his last remaining cantrap and check for magic. "Sorry guys and girls, nothing magical here. Aver, Mal can I see the sword and gauntlet. Janeth, you might as well put the crown in while we're at it" Trinham then carefully examines the first two items before going on to examine the crown.

"Go ahead Mal." says Trinham "There are two suits, so if not-one else wants the other one I'll have it." If there are not objections, Trinham shimmies out of his current armour and dons the suit of studded leather. He also take a good quality dagger before empting his quiver and filling it with some of the good quality bolts.

However, all this is just groundwork, what Trinham is really interested in is the magic longsword. "OK. Who else is interest in the longsword. Cos I want to put a bid in"

[sblock="Spell List"]Sorcerer Level 0 Spells: Detect magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation.
Sorcerer Level 1 Spells: Color Spray, Grease, Magic Missile
Sorcerer level 2 Spells: Protection from Arrows
[/sblock][sblock="Spells Per Day"]0 Level: (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
1 Level: (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
2 Level: (X) (X) (X) (_)
3 Level: (X) (X) (X)[/sblock]

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Ernestine looks for a better crossbow, but is saddened by the fact she could not find one. However, the bolts are plenty for her now, and she removes her old ones with the much sharper ones. She tests them on her finger, and notes the fine quality. Finding a well made ritual dagger among the items as well, Ern quickly looks intrigued by it before taking out her old dagger, and leaving it behind.

However, she glances at the armor available and sighs. She could hear her old teacher yelling at her, telling her to "NEVER EVER WEAR ARMOR!" In time she might find something more suited for her to wear, but not today. She also looks for any supplies she can use for spell work, but nothing sticks out at her.

Once Cedric gets ready to leave, Ern gives him a quick hug and says "Thank you again. And be safe. " Turning to the rest of the group she says "I also have some oil that can help touch the place. It will lessen the load I carry immensely, and I am sure to pick up more soon."

OCC: Taking 20 bolts if they want to use the oil, otherwise just 10.

Fangor the Fierce

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"Take the sword, I don't think anyone else has the need for it. Let's gear up and get underway. Any of the good stuff, I can help in destroying as well."

He then throws his own old armor into the pile of leftover gear and decides to replace his javelins with the better quality ones. (Since nobody else has spoken for them) Knowing that he needs some room for his gear, he throws his morningstar and spiked gauntlet into the pile as well. They were of no use to him now that he had the two dragon gauntlets and pair of javelins.

Lastly, once everyone is ready, he tosses Haden's dragon gauntlet onto the top of the pile, and spews forth a concentrated line of acid onto the weapon, hoping that the acid will destroy its use.

"It's all yours Ern. Burn it all..."

[sblock=Items]Mal will take the MW Studded Leather, 2 MW Javelins. He will drop 1 normal dagger, 1 spiked gauntlet, the morningstar, both of his old javelins and his old armor. Removing torches and rations and adding the MW Elven Dagger found earlier to equipment. Also throwing in his Artisan Outfit, as he does not see himself able to go back to weapon-smithing anytime soon.

HM - How much loot was available to take from the cave? I posted that he would take up to 46 pounds, but he would rather take gems than coins, as they are worth more and weigh less. Trying to keep light load, but will go into medium load if the loot is worth it. He can still carry 18 pounds of loot without getting into medium load. Leaves 28 pounds of gold/loot to divvy up to anyone else who wants to carry loot. EXCEPT AVER!!![/sblock]


First Post
Once the rest of the party has gotten the items they want, Ernestine takes some loose clothing strips she had gotten from Haden's shirt, and places it into the oil. She lets it sit for a while, letting the oil soak into the cloth. In the mean time, she places the dagger she got for joining the Reavers, and throws it into the pile.

She turns to group and says "Can you light me up? This will help the fire burn better." holding out the interesting contraption of oil and cloth.

OCC: Removing 1 ration from this morning, 1 oil lamp, and one pint of oil. leaves 3 pounds of gear to carry. Also picking up a MW Dagger.


Thy wounds are healed!
The group set fires in three different places along the tunnel that houses the Reaver's armory. Jareth watches, as the others get ready to set out, to make sure the crates and chest catch before joining everyone else at the huge tunnel.

The tunnel is what you would expect to be used by a dragon wishing to fly into and out of it's lair. Wide and tall it is devoid of stalactites or stalagmites and is almost level until about a half mile in it starts to slowly rise.

The grade gets steeper but nothing to throw the group off pace or cause them to think about going back. It is just a slow climb that makes one lean forward a little but doesn't cause alarm in anyone (but save Trinham).

Finally the grade levels off and true sunlight starts to shine through from the exit ahead. The group can see blue skies and the occasional white puffy cloud as it meanders pass the large hole at the end of the tunnel.

Excited Ernstine moves faster and even Aver gets a cheerful look to see the sky after the days spent inside The Ways. When the group reaches the end of the tunnel they find it is set into a cliff face. Below them they see a large forest with the ocean just beyond and on the horizon. Above them the sheer rock wall climbs higher what lies at it's top though is hard to say.

"Wait! Oh my look! LOOK!" Tira says pointing towards the ocean and slightly to the east. "Alabaster towers! It's Tirol! This must be Rockwall Mountain, but how?" she stops slightly confused.

"How could the entrance to the dragon's lair be right in sight of the city and the nobles not know it? Bah, probably can't find their small clothes even when they are on under their robes." Aver says with a sneer. "But really I don't remember seeing any cave, specially one this large, on Rockwall. And I have been atop a few of those towers... um... sight seeing."

"Jareth it worked we are only a day from Tirol we got passed the majority of patrols and will still reach Tharivol in time." Tira says excitedly ignoring Aver.

"Yeah but how do we get down?"
the elf asks kicking a rock over the edge and watching it fall the quarter mile or more to the forest floor.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Mal glances over the current entrance, looking for any signs of a passage or means to get down.

"I know of one way down. Means we have to use the same tactic as last time. This time though, I would have to carry one person at a time, all the way down. Unless anyone else would like to try to climb down on their own?"

Looking at the group, he wonders if there are any other ideas.


First Post
As no one else has spoken up for the sword, Trinham takes it from Aver and throws his old sword on the fire. He has a twinge of regret as it starts to burn but quickly suppresses this with the thought that it was only a tool.

Calling Mogins to him, Trinham starts trugging up the slope after the others.

Looking out over the forest, Trinham says "If the elves can't see the entrance, then it must be covered with some kind of illusion. So the question is is there a path down. Either that or a secret entrance near the tunnel entrance. He then starts searching the tunnel walls.
[sblock=OOC]HM. What did his Detect Magic determine about the sword?

Also, did Cedric and the Reavers go another way?

Don't know what the saving throws for but here it is.[/sblock]


First Post
"A day away, after we get down from here. None of us have wings, so it looks like we're stuck with you carrying folks, Mal. I'm a fair climber but I'm not sure I'd be able to manage getting all the way down. Definitely not without tools or carrying someone else." Despite his cautious tone, Jareth is pleased. He just doesn't let Tira's happiness influence and infect him, not with such a precarious perch for the group.

[sblock=OOC to Trinham]
Cedric and the Reaver thugs went back through the Ways, hoping to lead away any Wardens, should they come looking.

And I think the "but save Trinham" was probably more of the turn of phrase (except/save), since if HM wanted a save, he'd have probably said Fort save. ;)
Then again, it could be a save requested precisely because Trinham is out of shape... :p


First Post
Ernestine rushed forward, and the smell of the open air greeted her. The intense sunlight caused her to be blinded for a moment. Ern marvels at how beautiful it is. She was slowly moving forward from her past, and that was something to grin about.

Now comes how to get down...

"I have a spell that would allow me to get down, but I would need time to prepare it. I would be able to cast it on some of you while we are falling, but we would all have to drop at around the same time. It is a huge risk, but it would be one way to get down."

[sblock=Feather Fall]
Feather fall always works. Howeverl, we would need to rest in order to prepare it. Also, it would only effect myself and 2 other people.

Voidrunner's Codex

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