The made RIFTS for Savage Lands? Huh.

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Staff member
It seemed like there was a spate of "Savaging" RPGs a little while back. I remember that they did a Savage Pathfinder not long ago:

I think they also did one for Space:1889.


You need the core rule book to run Savage RIFTS. As it happens there is a Kickstarter currently running for a new soft-back players book for SWADE, along with options for the full rulebook, boxes of handy counters and other bits and pieces.


aramis erak

I think they also did one for Space:1889.
Yes. Space 1889: Red Sands.
No invention rules, tho', so it relies upon corebook Weird Science... which removes the best subsystem of the original. (I like the original, mind, but it's got several issues. And I'm one of the less than a handful who paid for the Rob Prior character sheet program. It was nice.)

Thomas Shey

Yes. Space 1889: Red Sands.
No invention rules, tho', so it relies upon corebook Weird Science... which removes the best subsystem of the original. (I like the original, mind, but it's got several issues. And I'm one of the less than a handful who paid for the Rob Prior character sheet program. It was nice.)

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with the SW implementation of S:1889. Sometimes you'll see SW books do the same thing some GURPS books did which was to try and shoehorn the setting into the system rather than doing the extra lifting to fit the setting, and I think that was one of those.


I'm hoping that they'll get Siembieda to let them do The Mechanoids....
The conversion was done as part of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, but you had to back to get it.

For anyone interested in more Savage Rifts, Land of a Thousand Islands, and Terror on the Dark Frontier, have just started shipping to backers. Got mine today 🙂


The conversion was done as part of the Titan Robotics Kickstarter, but you had to back to get it.

For anyone interested in more Savage Rifts, Land of a Thousand Islands, and Terror on the Dark Frontier, have just started shipping to backers. Got mine today 🙂

I skipped this and kinda wished I had t. I’m more bummed by missing Ghost Mountain though.


If you are familiar with savage worlds gameplay there isn't much to say on that aspect because it's It's mostly savage worlds. The rest is going from memory about the stuff I got from a kickstarter wayyy back so cobwebs beware. Where it differs the most from what I've seen previosly for savage worlds is that players kinda start with a class or something (ie glitterboy pilot/cyberknight/etc) that comes with a collection of powers fitting the class. From there they advance normally iirc but I think the book may have had some prethemed powers for picking from.

Thomas Shey

I can't speak of the Rifts incarnation, but I can't say the one other SW based game I purchased that decided to push pseudo-classes into it (probably because it was originally written as a D&D knockoff) didn't impress me much.

Voidrunner's Codex

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