The Mighty Sly Dagger dojo is temporarily closed.


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As you are walking through the woods, looking for the Mighty Sly Dagger dojo, you come across a clearing in the woods. The clearing is empty. Tattered banners with a silver dagger on a black field hang from the trees. A large banner depicting a sword over a tower lies on the ground near the tallest tree adjacent to the clearing. In the center of the clearing lies a koi pond, with three silver fish in it. A small house is tucked into the woods about fifty feet into the forest. A larger dwelling is located on the opposite side of the clearing. A small sign hanging from it proclaims it to be "The dojo is closed, until the return of the Master."
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Sabaron walks into the clearing. All of the students stop their sparring and watch him, absolutely silent.

Sabaron slowly and gracefully walks up to the main tree. He pins a small banner to the right of the main banner, depicting a shining dagger.

"Students! I have the pleasure to announce to you that I have defeated Kerall, the Gang Boss of the Landsharks. In the process, I have acquired a new insight into my teaching. From now on, we are the Mighty Sly Dagger dojo, and we are honored!"

The students begin cheering wildly.
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Rini wanders by, wondering what all the commotion and cheering is about.

Ahh, that's nice. I think... Whom is here?


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Certainly. Currently there are no advanced students at my dojo. There are several white belts and myself, and you. No others.

ooc: I have no students, unless you wish to join. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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