• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Missionary Aspect


Eternal Optimist
Last Sunday (a couple of days ago), one of my friends who had never played D&D before - although he's been playing D&D Miniatures with me for a few weeks - came along to my regular Sunday night session. He came beforehand to play some miniatures, but decided to stay around for the D&D RPG session.

I'd made up a character for him. (actually, 3 - he chose to play the Paladin). And the result: He had a ball. He loved it. He e-mailed me the next day to say that he'd bought the 3.5E Player's Handbook, was reading it, and was enthralled. He'll be joining both my campaigns...

I love this. I love introducing new people to the game, and I love it when they thing it's great, and they continue playing.

Strangely enough, with the six people who I'm currently playing with, I've introduced all of them to RPGs, and D&D 3E in particular. Gofa's the one who has played with me the longest - since 3E came out. I hasten to say that I've had more experienced people playing with me, but due to the vagaries of fate (they got jobs, moved away or both) they are no longer playing with me at this time.

This Friday, there's a chance that I may be introducing another two people to the game.

My pride is young Grace, a 10-year old girl who started playing with me earlier this year. I've known her all her life, and she got interested in playing D&D after she found her parents' old 1981 Moldvay Basic set. (They never used it, as they're not really game players - they received it as a present). She's been happily and enthusiatically playing in the Friday campaign since then, and has also been designing her own adventure/campaign - I must make a time to see how she does at DMing it. :)

Incidentally, Grace also has a completely different set of fantasy influences than I have - a lot more TV shows and movies (such as LotR) can be seen as inspirations for her, less so the books that I grew up with.

Anyway, I wanted to mention that, and also set up a general query: What have been your experiences in introducing D&D (or RPGs) to new players?


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Hmm, all the people I tried to introduce didn't stick with it, that includes maybe 3 guys in middle school, 2 of whom were in my cub scout troop, and finally my sister. Since then, I just look for people who are already interested.

The last person who joined our group as a non-gamer was the girlfriend of a gamer. Oh, and the young son of 2 married gamers, but that is sort of pre-destined I would say. ;)

Actually we did have a girl show up recently, but she was a hanger on, really just there to hang out with her friend, who was hosting for the game that night.


well thanks to me a lot of people played OD&D or 1edADnD. :D i introduced multitudes to the game.

and i'm about to start again in about a month. :D

edit: look for my posts over the next little while to include more Original material. ;)
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