The Mystery in Bridgetown


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
The Untamed Wilds is a magic infusion, early technology, fantasy world populated by men and monsters. Of course, some men are monsters. The particular technological age is currently developed to the early Iron Age, progressing toward the Age of Discovery. The actions of certain individuals, outside of those dedicated to combat, can have a direct effect on the political, societal, and technological advancement of the various communities throughout the land, even if those individuals do not realize their importance.


This small community of Bridgetown is developing along the Southern Trade Route at the river crossing five days south of Boga City and seven days north of South Road Fair. There is an ancient stone bridge crossing the river, suspected to have been built in the previous age by the Yahdram. The community began as a mere tavern, constructed by an adventurous, Centrin entrepreneur couple out of Boga City, due to the convenience of the location as a resting point for caravans passing between Boga City and Asylim. The river provides good water and good fishing. The tavern was built using timber and labor brought up from South Road Fair.

This community is still small enough that no specific government system exists. Because the proprietor of the tavern, a Centrin man named Gastrobon, was the first on the site, others, who have come later, defer to him, and he considers everything from a business management point of view. The community is voluntarily being operated like a corporation of small businesses to the betterment of profitability. Though all business leaders defer to Gastrobon, matters are discussed collectively, with final approval being his. The community has no official militia or guards.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Not much trade is conducted with the regular caravans that pass through, as necessary tools and construction materials are usually acquired, when needed, by deliberate expedition of a local resident or two. The tavern is the main source of outside income, as the caravaners, when stopping to rest, will make a point of eating the fine fare that is offered, especially pies and breads, made from the various locally grown crops, and baked fish, collected from the river. Corn, which grows naturally and prolifically as the forest gives way to the prairie, to the north and the south, is gathered by collectors, who operate the newly constructed grist mill. Wheat is sometimes purchased from Boga City. Due to the convenience of the location, several stone ovens have been constructed in a plaza area outside of the tavern, and the reputation for the quality of the food is spreading. There are outside dining tables placed on the same plaza, which allow customers the privilege of smelling all and seeing some of the cooking, while enjoying a meal. The ambiance created by such an idea has become popular, even the locals like to sit down and eat there.

The tavern is located on the northern side of the bridge and the western side of the road, within sight of the where the smaller stream, upon which the bridge and town are built, joins the main river, farther to the west. The oven plaza is adjacent to and on the western side of the tavern, farther from the road. The daily operations of the tavern and customer service are overseen by Merita, a Centrin woman and the heartmate of Gastrobon, who manages the actual cooking, doing much of it himself.

The grist mill, operated by Grandon, a Centrin man, is on the northern side of the bridge and a few hundred strides upstream to the east.

Pumpkins are grown on the northern side of the bridge and the eastern side of the road, where the crop can be seen in passing. The town even has a festival dedicated to the harvesting of the pumpkins. Trees had to be cleared to make space for farming. All agricultural ventures are overseen by Farlen and Hortica, a Centrin couple.

A great amount of fishing is done by each respective family to collect meat for its own consumption, but a collective effort is done using canoes and nets. The collective fishing, which can interfere with individual catches, is scheduled and announced to the town. This process is managed and overseen by Killian, a Spiofthest man, who moves the operation to different locations along the river to maximize his catch and minimize the interference upon the other town members. With a silk supply coming in from South Road Fair, better nets are being stitched using it, instead of the more rudimentary gut material.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds

Two Cycles previously, shocked and disgusted by his tribe’s brutal lifestyle, Wild Jaguar decided to leave his Katalian crew. He roamed alone for a short time, finally arriving in Bridgetown. Never before having seen a place with so many buildings and each of them so well maintained, especially since his kin avoids larger settlements, he was curious and entered one of the nearest structures, which happened to be the tavern. People were, at first, fearful of seeing a Katalian; but while he was still standing there, Killian, a Centrin man and the local fishing expert, saw him as a boy instead of as a monster. The man was old enough to be the boy's father and had a calming way about him. He handed him a plate of food and offers him a place to sit.
GM: This introduces Wild Jaguar, the character of @astarte .

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper had not been born in Bridgetown. He was born to Ansylin parents who traveled with the glass caravan from Asylim. His mother had died giving birth to him, and his father gave over to a woman in Bridgetown, who was still nursing one of her own. Whisper was not the name the adoting couple gave him, but it became his popular moniker with the townfolk because he was so quiet, not common trait among Ansylins. When Jaguar had arrived in town, Whisper became curious. He followed the other boy, staying politely distant; until one day, the distance no longer seemed necessary. Everyone knows of the innate talent of the Katalian people, but Jaguar could sense the same talent in Whisper. It generated a kinship that could not be explained to anyone else in town.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 73. Season: Stasis.
With the completion of the Rebirth Season, the rains have lessened to an occasional light spattering or nightly mist. The winds are light and variable in direction, and the temperature is becoming hot, especially in the Central and Southern Regions. Plants have gone through blooming and are fully covered in fresh green vegetation. Fruit is beginning to form. People are highly active, but animals tend to become lazy, preferring to feed in the early morning or late afternoon.

Fish, however, are a completely different matter. Most have finished spawning and are moving downstream from the shallows to deeper water, devouring anything they deem as food. This is one of the two times of the Cycle that Killian likes to put out his fish traps, and the best bait for those traps is getting fat in his compost pile. The compost is the rotting remains of last Cycle’s melon crop with the addition of collected leaf litter. This creates an environment that attracts beetles, the grubs of which are the excellent bait. He also has silk nets hung around the compost pile because the beetles attract Thrushes and Runners, birds that eat the beetles. Some people consider these birds to be even greater fare than fish.

Early in the morning Killian approaches Jaguar. “It is time that I go to set out my fish traps. I am going to secure them to the canoes. While I do that, would mind getting some grubs for bait? Here, take this satchel to put them in. If you catch that Ansylin boy, see if he will help. It will make the work faster.”

Jaguar is unaware of why the Spiofthest man who took him in is so calming to be around. His ability to make others feel welcome seems to extend to everyone. He can even calm a toddler who is throwing a tantrum. He also seems to have a great knowledge of the environment and its denizens, which Jaguar respects. Collecting the grubs is fascinating, though elderly residents, especially female ones, think that they are disgusting. The only difficult part of collecting them is the smell of the compost pile. All one needs is a stick to stir the rotting vegetation.

Most beetles are about the size of a person’s thumb knuckle. The grubs are about three times that size. Sometimes beetles as big as a person’s fist find their way into the pile. Their grubs can be as long as a person’s forearm. The shells or carapaces of these larger beetles are valued in South Road Fair, and Killian would hit or step on them, breaking off their wing coverings, called elytra, and keeping them for trade.

As Jaguar turns to depart, Killian adds, “If any birds or fowlers are caught in the nets, we can work on those, too. Come back and get me if you need help.”
Jaguar: full wellness
Whisper: full wellness
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.


Wild Jaguar is definitely not used to working. While he already collected some plants or fruits in the past, it was only to satisfy his own needs. And no one ordered him to do so. And while he not necessary finds this bugs nor their offspring disgusting, collecting them, especially so great number isn't pleasant either. Thanks to Whisper the maggots are picked up faster, with a little contribution from the Katalian who is more interested in checking out all the nets instead.

Going back he's wondering why Killian needs these grubs for while in this odd place there's so much good food and so many kind of it.
OOC: No rolls needed?
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper, who often finds no reason to talk, shrugs. When he does speak it is slow and deliberate. "I do not see this as work. Killian never tells anyone to do anything, He always asks and everyone just does it. Maybe there is more to him than meets the eye, even our eyes." He will stuff grubs into the satchel as quickly as he can, keeping an eye out for the adult beetles. If Jaguar is still checking the nets when this is done, he will start checking from the other direction.
OOC: 62, 50


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 73. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 14(perception) + 65, 50(d100) = 79, 64
Whisper: 15 + 65, 50 = 80, 65
Unfortunately, nothing is trapped in the nets on either side of the compost pile. On a positive note, when Whisper stirs the pile with a retrieved stick, many beetles are disturbed and begin to run about, some taking to flight. While the knuckle sized beetles are ignored, the fist sized beetles are stomped and smacked. For two boys, even close to the age of adulthood, killing the beetles is fun, like a game. Jaguar had never before considered a concept of fun. It was fun because it was like a challenge between boy and beetle, and the beetles were losing.

The satchel of grubs is returned to Killian, who places it in the boat he is planning to paddle. The other canoe will be towed. “Thanks, the fish just love to eat these grubs. Setting these traps is more mundane labor than entertainment. I will not ask you to come along. I have been doing this, alone, for a long time anyway; but if you want to join me, you are welcome.”

He makes sure that the traps and the towed boat are secure as he talks. “This will take me some time. If you would like, you and Whisper could take those shellacked elytra down to South Road Fair.”

He holds up his left hand after he uses the paddle to push the boat away from shore. “Before you think I am pushing you, I am not. I know that it will take some time for you to adjust to a new society. The results of trade should be better if two of you go. That community has more people like the two of you. All Katalians are born with a mystical talent and that makes most people afraid, but they are not the only ones who have such a talent. Rumor has it that South Road Fair has a few with a talent far greater than your kin, but I do not hold much stock in rumor.”
GM: I have no intention for the charcters to go fishing. The trip to SRF offers adventure for character building before the mystery is introduced.

Jaguar: full wellness
Whisper: full wellness
Elytra: 22 pairs: 2 clams each
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
GM: Each character increases Learning by +1. Character records have been updated.

OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.


Wild Jaguar is very curious how this fair looks like. He has no idea what it is nor why the people there would need the Elytra he and Whisper are carrying there. He is used to long traveling though and now from a long time he will not only travel alone but with a nice lad for who he won't have to prove himself.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper has not been to South Road Fair. Technically that may not have been true, but he had not yet been born. His knowledge was limited to the talk around Bridgetown. He prepares himself for travel, happy to have some purpose that took him out into the Wilds. He spoke quietly, in Centrin, with the stranger he considered to be a friend. "I do not know why it is called a Fair, but I know that we are going to a larger village than Bridgetown. Your former kin would have avoided going anywhere near it. The rumor is that the town was built and is run by retired explorers, people dangerous skill but choose to live peaceably. It has to be more interesting than setting fish traps."
OOC: 68, 53

Voidrunner's Codex

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