The Mystery in Bridgetown

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Now having to face an enemy, Whisper simply drops his sling to retrieve it later and drives his left fist forward at his opponent’s chest. He will cause his hands to flash like he had his stone. “I will not be intimidated by you!”
OOC: 80, 65


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 73. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 15(bend light)
Whisper: 14(bend light)
Jaguar: 1095 + 500 = 1595
Whisper: 1097 + 500 = 1597
Headhunters: 904 + 500 = 1404
Jaguar: 15(whirl) + 18(accuracy) + 20(clarity) + 80(d100) = 133
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 80 = 131
Headhunters: 30(aggression) + 76(d100) = 106

Jaguar: 15(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 18(analysis) + 80(d100) = 131
206 - 131 = 75% - 15(bend light) - 18(kilter) = 42% * 5 = 2
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 80 = 131
206 - 131 = 75% - 14(bend light) - 20(kilter) = 41% * 5 = 2
Headhunters: 30(block) + 76(d100) = 106
133 - 106 = 27% * 8 = 2
131 - 106 = 25% * 3 = 1
Jaguar: 22(bending) + 20(taint) + 72(d100) = 114
Whisper: 23 + 17(flash) + 72 = 112

Headhunters: 20(conditioning) + 76(d100) = 96
114 - 96 = 18% * 3 = 1
112 - 96 = 16% * 3 = 1
H1: Body: 8 - 3 - 1 = 4 - 3 - 1 = 0, incapacitated.
H2: Mind: 8 - 3 - 1 = 4 - 4 - 1 = -1, unconscious.
H3: Mind: 8 - 2 = 6 - 1 = 5, dazed, prone.
H4: Mind: 8 - 1 = 7 - 1 = 6, dazed.
The two companions immediately adjust to physically facing their aggressors, but do not move as quickly as they do. In addition to the faced enemies, two more headhunters run into the trees. One on one, the first opponents are not skilled enough to hit either young man; but with the advantage of a second, it is harder to defend. Fortunately the bone tomahawks are not much more than irritating.

As Jaguar attempts to avoid the second axe, he takes a blow to his side, just missing his elbow when the weapon makes contact. Not much affected by the strike, he rolls his left arm around the enemy's right and spins to his left, whirling the headhunter to the ground. As the body contacts the ground, it knocks some of the wind from him. The taint in Jaguar’s touch causes more confusion, but facing two opponents, there is not enough time for the finishing strike.

Whisper dodges the first enemy but takes a hit to ribs from the second. Shifting his feet, he throws his left jab at the second enemy, hitting him in the chest and causing a flash of light. The four headhunters are intent on continuing the conflict. The two companions both think they are up to the task.
Jaguar: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
Elytra: 22 pairs: 2 clams each
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
GM: Each character increases Combat, Learning, & Mysticism by 1. Character records have been updated.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.


Wild Jaguar will jump at his next opponent intending to throw him at the body of the lying foe and then to kill him the same way as he wanted to end previous enemy. If possible he will use ionizing.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 73. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 15(bend light)
Whisper: 14(bend light)
Jaguar: 1595 + 500 = 2095
Whisper: 1597 + 500 = 2097
Headhunters: 1404 + 500 = 1904
H3: 1404 + 1000 = 2404
Jaguar: 15(whirl) + 18(accuracy) + 20(clarity) + 83(d100) = 136
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 83 = 134
Headhunters: 30(aggression) + 79(d100) = 109

Jaguar: 15(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 18(analysis) + 83(d100) = 134
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 83 = 134
209 - 134 = 75% - 14(bend light) - 20(kilter) = 41% * 5 = 2
Headhunters: 30(block) + 79(d100) = 109
136 - 109 = 27% * 8 = 2
134 - 109 = 25% * 8 = 2
Jaguar: 22(bending) + 20(ionize) + 75(d100) = 117
Whisper: 23 + 17(flash) + 75 = 115

Headhunters: 20(conditioning) + 79(d100) = 99
117 - 99 = 18% * 3 = 1
115 - 99 = 16% * 3 = 1
H1: Body: 8 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 = 0, incapacitated.
H2: Mind: 8 - 3 - 1 - 4 - 1 = -1, unconscious.
H3: Mind: 8 - 2 - 1 = 5, dazed.
H4: Mind: 8 - 1 - 1 = 6 - 2 = 4 - 1 = 3, confused, prone.
H5: Mind: 8 - 2 = 6, dazed, prone. Body 8 - 1 = 7, irritated.
The three standing headhunters still react faster than the two companions. The one lying on the ground returns to his feet. The first opponent swings his axe at Jaguar, but the young man easily dodges it as he jumps outside of the swing. He then shoves the headhunter, headlong, toward his accomplice, his touch adding a physical irritation and the younger boy falls on his face. The one who had just regained his feet avoids being tripped by the body.

Whisper dodges the first swing, but is again hit by the second. The bone axe causes some minor bruising but it is not yet a hindrance. Pushing the weapon hand away and downward, Whisper whips his other arm across the face of the second enemy, causing another flash of light and knocking him to the ground. Continuing to knock down the opponents seems to be most effective, though all four are still in the fight.
Jaguar: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: Mind: 10 - 2 - 2 = 6, dazed.
Elytra: 22 pairs: 2 clams each
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
GM: Each character increases Combat, Learning, & Mysticism by 1. Character records have been updated.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Coming to a slightly better understanding of what he is doing, both of Whisper’s hands begin to glow with an eerie blue light, as he continues to fight with only his body for a weapon. He does not care if his talent for magic frightens the headhunters into running away. His ribs are beginning to hurt, and his breathing is becoming more difficult. Still trying to defend against two opponents, he will again try to knock one of them down.
OOC: 86, 71


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 73. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 15(bend light)
Whisper: 14(bend light)
Jaguar: 2095 + 500 = 2595
Whisper: 2097 + 500 = 2597
Headhunters: 1904 + 500 = 2404
H3: 2404 + 500 = 2904
H4: 1904 + 1000 = 2904
H5: 1904 + 1000 = 2904
Jaguar: 15(whirl) + 18(accuracy) + 20(clarity) + 94(d100) = 147
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 94 = 145
Headhunters: 30(aggression) + 83(d100) = 113

Jaguar: 15(readiness) + 18(avoid) + 18(analysis) + 94(d100) = 145
Whisper: 14 + 20 + 17 + 94 = 145
Headhunters: 30(block) + 83(d100) = 113
147 - 113 = 34% * 3 = 1
145 - 113 = 32% * 8 = 3
Jaguar: 22(bending) + 20(ionize) + 71(d100) = 113
Whisper: 23 + 17(flash) + 71 = 113

Headhunters: 20(conditioning) + 83(d100) = 103
113 - 103 = 10% * 3 = ~1
113 - 103 = 10% * 3 = ~1
H1: Body: incapacitated.
H2: Mind: unconscious.
H4: Mind: unconscious.
H5: Mind: unconscious.
The unharmed headhunter, who is facing Whisper, swings his bone axe at him before anything else happens. Whisper reflexively dodges. Ignoring his standing opponent, Jaguar quickly moves to the last one he knocked down, striking for his throat. The headhunters rolls, preventing Jaguar from hiting him in the throat, but contact is made, nonetheless.

Within the span of 20 more seconds, with the two young companions gaining the advantage, two more of the headhunters are taken down. The remaining two run, abandoning the other to their fate. None of the four headhunters lying on the ground is dead. Three are unconscious and one is incapacitated, meaning awake but unable to move.
Jaguar: Mind: 10 - 2 = 8, dazed.
darts: 10 - 1 - 1 = 8
Whisper: Mind: 10 - 2 - 2 = 6, dazed.
Elytra: 22 pairs: 2 clams each
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
GM: Each character increases Combat, Learning, & Mysticism by 2. Character records have been updated.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.


At first wild Jaguar reflexively draws his blowgun to fire to the escapists, but then he notices that his new friend doesn't look well, although he's only dazed.
"Are you fine?" he asks while breaking necks of the fallen enemies and then searching their bodies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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