The Mystery in Bridgetown


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 76. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(observe) + 58, 59, 74, 83(d100) = 80, 81, 96, 105
Whisper: 25(perception) + 58, 59, 74, 83 = 93, 94, 99, 108
Killian waves Jaguar off. “No, no, nothing so dramatic. I need to show you some of the younger children for it to make sense.”

In the morning Whsiper arrives at the fish lodge and Killian leads the two boys back toward the bridge that divides the town and gives it its name. After speaking to a few of the adults, several younger children are brought to the plaza. Killian shows the two companions what appears to be bites upon the neck or the top of the head on them. The bites look like tiny chew marks, not the fang marks that might have been caused by a spider. Killian says, “Some of the villagers thought that the beetles in my compost pile had started chewing on people. Insects are not like people who can eat almost anything. Beets that eat rotting vegetation cannot eat meat. I also know of no insects that eat fresh meat, though some do eat carrion. This is something else.”

He continues, dismissing the children to go back to playing. “Here is what I learned while you were gone: All of the attacks seem to have occurred on the west side of town, downstream, just about the time the Daylight wanes. The children were playing along the river and away from the light fires of town. A couple of adults think that something might have landed on them trying to bite, but they do not know what it was. They know it landed on them, not crawled up them. So whatever is doing this, it must fly. I know beetles can fly but I still think that it is something else.”

Looking expectantly, he adds, “Now that you two are back, you are probably better suited to look into this mystery than I am. I think the culprits are following along the river coming in from west of town. What say you to looking into this matter?”
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8
Whisper: full wellness
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

Milkstone: 1: (Will +1): 10 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper lokks at Jaguar and nods his head in affirmation. “We should do this. You and I, being different from most others, can earn some respect. I also think that this is something we can determine. We can follow the river just outside of town, while it is easy to see, and do some exploring. By evening we should camp near the river without making a fire to see if we are attacked and can capture or kill one of the culprits.”
OOC: 61, 86


Wild Jaguar has his own theory about it:"Ferocious felines from other dimension did this. But why wouldn't they devour their pray? Let's find out."

During their expedition he will try to find any slate or flint and if he success, he'll attempt to figure out how to make a new darts for himself.



Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 77. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(observe) + 28(affinity) + 48, 50(d100) = 98, 100
Whisper: 25(perception) + 23(tuning) + 61, 86 = 109, 134
The two youths leave the plaza, cross the road, and follow the river downstream stopping only about 100 strides from the last structure in town. The area between the forest and the river is mostly cleared, and the smaller children like to play there. Some children are even there when the two boys arrive. They greet the two but continue to chase one another in whatever game it is they are playing.

Since there are still several hours until dusk, Whisper helps Jaguar poke around along the river, looking for stones. Afterward, the two look around the edge of the trees and set some snares, just to see what might be around. Holding one of Jaguar’s darts to be more in tune with the stone, Whisper is able to locate two pieces of slate that can be chipped into the shape of a dart. Using some round river rocks, the two boys set to work. Having a greater affinity with plants and animals, Jaguar manages to capture two hares in his snares, while Whisper is unproductive.

As the light fades from the day, the two boys separate themselves and stand out in the open, waiting to see if anything is going to try to bite them. The children who were playing during the day have all gone back to their homes. Creatures that are inactive during the day come alive at this time of the evening, even before the light from the moons rise high in the sky. Frogs begin to sing their nightly chorus and owls hoot, while nighthawks and bats take to the sky to consume night flying insects.

It does not take long before some winged creature is buzzing around each of the boys, eventually landing on them. After knocking the first few away, each of the boys manages to grab one of the culprits then generate light in the other hand in order to identify it. Surprisingly, each boy is holding a bat, their bodies no larger than a fist. Neither has ever heard of a bat biting an animal, much less a person. Bats are welcomed creatures in farming communities, even considered to be good luck because they eat the bugs at night that eat the crops during the day.

These bats must be different. The two young men must decide if they are going to simply return and report their finding or venture farther in the morning to see where the bats are coming from. The bats are surely not going to fly more than an hour to feed. No creature would.
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8 + 2 = 10
Whisper: full wellness
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper crushes the blood sucking bat that he manages to capture and tosses the carcass into the river. “I will feed you to the fish, you little monster.” Joining again with Jaguar and learning that he caught one of the same things, he makes a suggestion. “I have never heard of such a bat; but if they feed at night, they must sleep during the day like normal bats. Instead of reproting back to town, I think we should see if we can find some place these monsters would use during the light. I do not know of any caves around her, maybe there are not very many of these bats and they are using some big hollowed tree or something like that.”
OOC: 61, 86


"I suggest we rather comeback to Killian to show him these weird creatures and then search for their nest. He and others should know what recently started harassing their kids as soon as possible, to be able to better protect them, even before we'll starting to deal with these tiny uglies."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 77. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(observe) + 28(affinity) + 65, 30(d100) = 115, 80
Whisper: 25(perception) + 23(tuning) + 64, 89 = 112, 137
Whisper acquiesces to the suggestion from Jaguar, and the two youths walk back into town, silently acknowledging others that they pass but heading straight for the fishing shack. Jaguar, who retained his seized bat, shows it to Killian, as the two explain their findings.

Killian frowns deeply. “Like you, I have never even heard of a bat that would bite a person. These must be feeding on blood, a very bad sign, indeed. Bats are normally very helpful to farming exploits. I would hate to see the townsfolk becoming afraid of them.”

He works on repairing one of his nets as he continues to speak. “I do not know of a cave west of town, even a very small one. Perhaps there might be a large hollowed tree, but it would need to be very large, indeed. If you two can find where they are holed up during the day, it should be easy to eliminate the entire flock. Wherever they are, it is bound to be full of guano, which is extremely flammable. If you can ignite the guano, hopefully it will incinerate all of these blood sucking bats. Surely their nesting area cannot be too much farther downstream.”
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8 + 2 = 10
Whisper: full wellness
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Whisper returns to the fish shack the following morning, at first light, looking to join Jaguar. “I am ready to investigate this further. We may not know exactly what we are looking for, but I have confidence that we can find it. The bats we are wanting to eliminate should take to the sky from a particular direction before they reach here where they are going to feed. I think we can distinguish them from the local insect eating bats now that we know to watch for them. I guess we should start in the same place as before.”
OOC: 67, 52


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Cycle: 498: Day: 80. Season: Stasis.
Jaguar: 22(observe) + 28(affinity) + 67, 52(d100) = 117, 102
Whisper: 25(perception) + 23(tuning) + 67, 52 = 116, 100
Now knowing what they were looking for, Jaguar Mahoao and Whisper did not light a fire at their camp until after the twilight began to fade. Most bats seemed to come from random directions in the forest. These stayed high in the sky, indicating that they were the normal, insect eating variety. A few others seemed to arrive from farther downstream, but they were late arriving, and it was difficult to be certain. What was certain was that each boy killed two more bats that landed on them.

Walking slowly and counting steps, the two continue westward along the river, entering the forest as it encroached upon the water. As the Daylight sinks below the horizon the second night, each boy climbs a tall tree to be able to watch the sky. Sure enough, a small line of bats is seen flying toward Bridgetown, from even farther downstream. Using the same tactics on the following night, the two think that they can see the bats coming from some stone tower, farther off in the forest. Neither has ever seen this structure before, nor even heard of one.

Having the general location in mind, even though it cannot be seen from the ground level, the two proceed to make their way the following morning. As day wears into afternoon, the base of a stone structure is seen through the trees. The stones are smooth with precise edges, indicating yahdram construction. This was perhaps some type of watchtower from before The Sundering, for a flight of stairs ascends on the outside to the flat top. There is no manner in which a person could enter the very narrow tower, but periodic gaps were made into the outside of the surface.

The knowledge was lost with the previous age, but the holes helped preserve the structure, for longevity, from collapsing due to the changes of seasonal temperatures, and so it had stood for hundreds of Cycles. Surprisingly and unexpectedly as the two approach the tower, they are charged by a group of cannibals who are camped near its base. This is very close to civilization to encountering cannibals. At a distance of about 50 strides, it should take the cannibals about 5 seconds to close.
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8 + 2 = 10
Whisper: full wellness
coins: 64 ocrin

Muddle Leaf: 1: {muddle x2}
Soothe Leaf: 1: {Soothe x2}: 2 ocrins

iron: 1: {shock x2}: 5 ocrins
tin: 1: {muddle x2}: 1 ocrin
Gastrobon: Centrin man: Plaza Tavern owner, Bridgetown.
Merita: Centrin woman: Plaza Tavern cook, heartmate of Gastrobon.
Grandon: Centrin man: Grist Mill operator, Bridgetown.
Farlen & Hortica: Centrin couple: farmers, Bridgetown.
Killian: Spiofthest man: fisherman, Bridgetown.
Sheldon & Indigo: alchemists, South Road Fair.
GM: Each character receives 9 DP.
OOC: State nominal actions and intentions. Provide 2 random rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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