Considering it to be more cruel to leave the fallen for the animals to devour, even though they are headhunters. Whisper uses his carving knife to quickly end them. He then searches the bodies for anything of interest or value. “I do not think that I am actually hurt, only bruised. Those boys, if they are boys and not some monsters, were even younger than we… such hostility.” He shakes his head.
Even with the knowledge, Jaguar learns that breaking a creature's neck is far more difficult than he could have imagined. Perhaps it is a technique he will be able to develop later. In the meantime, the two young men each use carving knives to complete the necessary deeds. If the headhunters are people, they are some type of Aedaman, based on the shape of their ears, but their burgundy skin is unlike any of the other tribes.
Other than the gray clay used to dye blotches on their skin, they have no distinguishing marks. While searching the bodies, other than some trail food, Jaguar discovers a talisman composed of five grayish-brown feathers from the tail of a dove. If bodily carried, the talisman will augment overall wellness (Fitness +1). He also finds a frog skull fetish, which will augment the impetus for the physical function and intellectual cognizance (Cohesion +1), an opaque brown stone with flecks of semi-translucent green running through it, which will augment overall strength (Strength +1), and an ingot of tin, which has very little commercial value.
Whisper discovers a talisman composed of five dark gray feathers with white tips from the tail of a robin. If bodily carried, the talisman will augment the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +1). He also finds a tiny fowler skull fetish, which will augment the inexplicable reason for autonomous life (Adhesion +1), an opaque gray stone with flecks of semi-translucent red running through it, which will augment overall wellness (Fitness +1), and an ingot of iron, which has a little commercial value.
Once reaching South Road Fair, the first place of business that catches their attention is the tanner. It is operated by an elder Rheini man and a slightly younger Spiofthests. Both speak enough Centrin to direct the boys to the Alchemists where the elytra are boiled down into shellack. The alchemy shop is run by a Centrin man and a Rheini woman, who are a couple. They have an extremely rare Bajinin child of whom they are completely adoring. The man does all the taking, but both are friendly and trade fairly, paying in actual coins.
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8 Whisper: full wellness
Back in the battlefield, Wild Jaguar explains attackers minds, as he understands them better: "For them is kind of quite normal to assault someones just cause they crossed their path and just cause they can. And then to run away like nothing happened, when they realize the supposed victims are too strong." After a longer moment he adds: "I like your way of life more, even though it's strange to me."
When they arrive to The South Road Fair, he likes the concept of trading. It's much easier and safer way to get something, than to steal or to rob. "So this is how 'Fair' operates. Very practical." he says more to himself than to Whisper. While he doesn't understand how the coins that they received for elytra can be used, he hopes that in a future, they can be exchanged for another goods. "Do you have matching darts for this blowgun? I want as many of them, as possible." he asks the seller.
Whisper nods politely, as is his way of showing respect, and thanks the two alchemists after the trade. He turns to his companion and asks, “Do you want to stay the night here in town and head back to Bridgetown in the morning?” He then asks the alchemists, “Is there a place in town where we might be able to get a bite to eat that we did not have to prepare ourselves?”
Noticing that Jaguar is looking intently at the coins he adds, "I sometimes forget that you are new to town. In Bridgetown the vendors use coins as well, especially with the trade caravans. The coins have a fixed value that seems to be the same in every place."
The female alchemist leads her child away by the hand and goes back to another task upon which she was working on before the two companions arrived. The male alchemist holds up his left hand in a universal sign of peace and welcome. “I am called Sheldon. It is something like farmer in the Spiofthest language, but I am Centrin and was born in Boga City. My heartmate is called Indigo. She is Rheini.”
He watches the two for a few seconds as they are walking away, smiling the whole time. “We always trade in coins for those who do not live here. It is easier, as the coin I gave to you is minted in Boga City where it is simply called an Ocrin, but it has the same value here and in Asylim, where it is called a clam. We will barter items instead of coins among people who live here, because we all know one another.”
He uses his arms to give directions as he answers the other questions. “In front of us, here, you passed the Trade Store where equipment and gear may be purchased. The town is known for its leather goods, but I do not think we do not have much for tools or weapons because there is not a smith. We trade with traveling caravans for such items. If you continue toward the river, on this side, on the right will be the Boar’s Head Tavern where you can buy food. I recommend it, but I will also admit that it is not as good as the food in Bridgetown. In the trade store or the tavern you can ask about renting a room or a hammock for the night. I recommend the hammocks. I used to rent them before I lived here. They are very comfortable and only cost 1 clam.”
He stops gesturing and holds his hands closer to his own body. “I like those darts. I thought you might have made them yourself, but I guess they could have been given to you by an older member of your former clan. Yes, I am aware that you are Katalian. I have never met a peaceable one. I congratulate you on such an important decision. In this town, there are quite a few individuals with the innate talent that the two of you possess. You may even sense it in younger children. It is not possible to sense it in a person with a greater talent. I am the strongest Bender that I know. Technically I am a Chemist, something very similar to what the Katalian people can do. Everyone in town will accept both of you, but we ask that no one display any magical talent within town, because it can still panic those without it. By the way, in your travels, if you discover any slate or flint, either will make excellent darts. You can cleave them into shape using river stones. Happy Hunting.”
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8
Whisper: full wellness
Feeling hungry, Whisper turns to Jaguar. “Let us go get something to eat that we do not have to prepare for ourselves. We can decide anythig else, afterward.”
Wild Jaguar does not thank Sheldon, as he's not familiar with expressing gratitude, although in his primitive way he does appreciate the importance of help he and his comrade just received from the alchemist, even more then they asked for. It can be clearly seen at his face, as he's naturally shows all the emotions, never bothering to hide them (at least these positive). He replies to Whisper: "Yeah, let's eat something warm. And then we'll go to this place called 'Trade Store' and hopefully exchange my share of 'coins' for a darts for my blowgun. I don't know how to make a new ones."
NOTE: All characters have a chance to make any basic tool or equipment, even if players are unfamiliar with the process. Stone darts are considered basic tools. Jaguar simply needs to find slate or flint to have a chance.
A meal at the Boar’s Head, including a mug of local ale or wine cost 10 clams. A hammock can be rented for the night for only 2 clams. The meal is very good and the tavern lively, including having its own musician who plays and lute and another who plays a couple of bongo drums. The hammocks are the most comfortable things that the two boys have ever slept upon. At the Trade Store, Jaguar is disappointed by not finding any darts. The proprietor explains that sever Cycles back their local smith had been killed and no one had come along to replace him. The town was forced to trade with others for tools and weapons; therefore, they had none to sell.
During the 8 days it takes to return to Bridgetown, Jaguar discovers and is able to collect a measure of leaves from a particular herb, called Muddle, which when sacrificed can double the mystical effectiveness of altering the attitude of a person or animal (Muddle x2). He also discovers a measure of leaves from an herb called Soothe, which has minor value as a calming tea and a piece of lighter pine, which may be sacrificed to double the effectiveness of generating heat.
Whisper discovers a shiny, white, opaque stone, called Milkstone. If bodily carried by either youth, it will augment overall mental fortitude (Will +1). He also discovers a semi-transparent, yellow stone, called Amberstone. It will augment the personal interaction of Whisper (Persona +2). If sacrificed, it will enhance the mystical effectiveness of altering the attitude of a person or animal (Compulsion x3).
He also discovers a semi-translucent, dark, purple stone, called Grapestone. If bodily carried by either party member, it will augment the impetus for resilience and vitality (Confluence +2). Lastly, he discovers an opaque brown stone with streaks of semi-translucent blue running through it, called Azurestone. It will augment physical movement (Motility +2).
The two are also very successful with setting their snares, but nothing of larger game or any threat is encountered on the return trip. When returning to Killian, he greets the boys and asks about their trip, but it is obvious that something is on his mind. He puts off any question saying that he will explain in the morning when something can be done about it.
Jaguar: full wellness
darts: 8
Whisper: full wellness
Realizing that his friend can not make much use of the Amberstone, Whisper keeps it for himself. He decides to give the Milkstone and the Grapestone to Jaguar, also keeping the Azurestone for himself. When seeing Killian, Whisper greets the man and bids farewell to his companion. “I should allow Jaguar Mahoao to tell you of our trip. I shall return in the morning to learn what is causing that distress on your face.”
Wild Jaguar tells Killian what happened to him and Whisper since they left The Bridgetown. He's talking a lot with excitement, especially about it how much he's fascinated with idea of trading. Unfortunately nothing that he said is really useful. At the end his smile fades as notices that the man is still worried:"Can you tell me now what's wrong? I don't wanna wait till tomorrow."