The New D&D Adventure Is - Tomb of Annihilation!

Tomb of Annihilation is in the Forgotten Realms set in the Lost Continent of Chult - Away from the Sword Coast (the hosts of the live stream are very interested with undead dinosaurs). Acererak is, as many predicted, the source of this plotline as the Archlich is more or less "eating" resurrection magic from the rest of the Forgotten Realms and causing a zombie apocalypse. Pendleton Ward from Adventure Time is a creative consultant on this adventure.

More updates will be coming through the Dungeons & Dragons marathon live stream live on Twitch throughout the weekend.

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Aaaaand the first live game has begun. So likely no more announcements for a while.

No news on minis or Neverwinter expansions. Or other support. And no news of the fall hardcover.

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Initial thoughts? Obviously way too early to tell. It was just announced but it always kind of 'busts my bagel' when WotC takes an historically Greyhawk location and transports it to over-developed Forgotten Realms. This is my opinion of course. WotC owns the rights and may do as they see fit. However, as a consumer, I also reserve the right to voice my opinion.

My initial thought is: just sounds like WotC is desperate for material. Rather than developing something new and exciting, let's just throw in a re-hashed Tomb of Horrors. But wait- dinosaurs! Yeah, dinosaurs. Kids love dinosaurs. Oy vay.
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It's appears Acererak is taking on his form from the DMG cover.


I *really* hope they explain that. I'll be annoyed if it's just like Tiamat being trapped in the Nine Hells.
"Here's a big change to canon for no reason other than it works with our story, that we couldn't even bother spending a single sentence justifying ..."

Initial thoughts? Obviously way too early to tell. It was just announced but it always kind of 'busts my bagel' when WotC takes an historically Greyhawk location and transports it to over-developed Forgotten Realms. This is my opinion of course. WotC owns the rights and may do as they see fit. However, as a consumer, I also reserve the right to voice my opinion.

My initial thought is: just sounds like WotC is desperate for material. Rather than developing something new and exciting, let's just through in a re-hashed Tomb of Horrors. But wait- dinosaurs! Yeah, dinosaurs. Kids love dinosaurs. Oy vay.

Im with ya.

And a.Zombie Apocalypse. How original. I guess they want to capitalize on that mainstream lameness.

They are not even trying anymore.

I *really* hope they explain that. I'll be annoyed if it's just like Tiamat being trapped in the Nine Hells.
"Here's a big change to canon for no reason other than it works with our story, that we couldn't even bother spending a single sentence justifying ..."

Well she was trapped in the Nine Hells in the way that her Domain was there and she can't get to the Material Plane without a big ritual.

Although I keep hoping for them to keep expanding into other settings, I've always been a fan of Chult. So if they are doing more FR, Chult, dinosaurs, and exploration sounds exciting to me!

Oh, and as for another meaning of "Dust", Chris Perkins has titled his gaming session "Biting the Dust." :)

Initial thoughts? Obviously way too early to tell. It was just announced but it always kind of 'busts my bagel' when WotC takes an historically Greyhawk location and transports it to over-developed Forgotten Realms. This is my opinion of course. WotC owns the rights and may do as they see fit. However, as a consumer, I also reserve the right to voice my opinion.

My initial thought is: just sounds like WotC is desperate for material. Rather than developing something new and exciting, let's just through in a re-hashed Tomb of Horrors. But wait- dinosaurs! Yeah, dinosaurs. Kids love dinosaurs. Oy vay.

WOTC is just very practical at this point. A lot of people are now running their games in FR. Adventurer's League takes place in FR and it would be very difficult logistics wise to run a season of AL in any other world.

Meanwhile, they are on a huge nostalgia kick lately. They scoured all of the existing adventures to find the essence of what made D&D fun in order to bring it back for 5e. It's fairly obvious that they found Isle of Dread and Tomb of Horrors and probably couldn't decide which one they wanted to bring forward. So they combined the two of them.

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