The Next Dungeons & Dragons Storyline Will Be...

And the new storyline for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition is...

And the new storyline for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition is...

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist! The plot will focus on an urban treasure hunt and a focus on urban and city-based adventures with special rules for running games in that environment. The adventure itself will have variable goals and antagonists similar to the original I6: Ravenloft module, where the DM chooses what "villain" will be the secret villain of the campaign, which will change outcomes of various events. The adventure itself will also have downtime built into the adventure along with the ability to own property in Waterdeep. The adventure for Level 1-5 will be released on September 18, 2018, with an MSRP of $49.95.

A second announcement is anticipated later this weekend, as the product codenamed "Catacombs" has a release date of November 20 and is also a 256-page hardcover book. This would make Waterdeep: Dragon Heist the codename "Broadway" (which also had a custom dice release announced for solicitation last year with the other products, including "Marathon" which turned out to be Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes).

Wizards of the coast made the announcement as part of a weekend-long live streaming event on their Twitch channel, "Stream of Many Eyes". Other products announced during the live stream include updates to the Neverwinter MMO and its Barovia expansion, a new official history artbook about Dungeons & Dragons with images throughout the history of the game, and a new series of boxed sets with props and handouts for published adventures released so far as well as for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

This article will be updated with more information as the Wizards of the Coast live stream continues.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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Yet another Forgotten Realms book. I'm probably going to pass on that, unless it has enough good stuff to plug into my own game. I really want to support D&D, I would buy every book (I bought Chronomancers for AD&D 2e...) just not Forgotten Realms, it is too boring.

Reminds me of Paizo with their obsession with the Inner Sea area of their world. They had about 4-5 APs set in Verisia alone. Though WotC focuses on a smaller portion, the Sword Coast. It gets annoying. There's more to Faerun than the Sword Coast.

While the premise behind this adventure doesn't really interest me much, I still might get it as more monsters is always a good thing, and I might be able to yoink a few things from this. The same way I was able to do with other setting books back in 2e.


I do not buy adventures, i make them so this is of very little use, even more so abhorrent realms material. I still have only bought the 3 basic books from them everything else has been 3rd party who are making better more varied things. 5e ultrmodern, and some home brew stuff off the web to fill the gaps even here the patron stuff has been more than what they have been pushing. If they do put out undermountain i might look at it to use for dungeon craws if it has some viable stuff but at this point i doubt it.

Previous streams, they didn't schedule any of the product announcements. They just did them randomly through the day. Usually it was stuff like board games and miniatures and other third party stuff.
Not really
They had the news clearly marked in the schedule. Which always took a good half hour.

They want people to know. To be watching. That’s the point of the reveal.

And because precedence. The Meltdown Stream they announced both fall books (Storm Kings and Volos). Stream of Annihilation they announced both. No reason to expect they won’t do the same here.
The precedence was set for an adventure and an accessory.
They’re already changing things by releasing two adventures.


Wow, these adventure paths that WotC keep picking keep on disappointing. Oh, well.

If I understand correctly the adventure for levels 1-5 and it is 256 pages. They also mentioned new urban environment rules. It seems to me this is as much, if not more, and urban adventure book with a starter adventure thrown in than a proper adventure path. Now that may not be your thing, but it seem to be to a potentially really useful supplement. I know I struggle to handle urabn environments well, and if this can help, I will pick it up regardless of the adventure.


I'm kind of starting to warm up to this idea, but we will have learn more details. If it had to be a city on the Swordcoast, I'm glad its Waterdeep.

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