The OGL 1.1 is not an Open License


As long as i get to be the frog
You say "...everyone who has [already] entered into the licence..." - what about those who have not yet entered into the licence, who as yet have no relations of any kind with WotC other than having purchased some of their products?

This is what I mean when I say get in before the lock - if by the time 1.1 comes out you're not already using 1.0 or 1.0a and they decide to revoke 1.0a (which would, I presume, drag 1.0 down with it) you would seem to be stuck with 1.1.
if they had a realistic way to revoke OGL 1.0 material from that license they could do that. There is no realistic way of revoking OGL 1.0 material from that license as anyone who has already downloaded the material can reproduce and distribute it and if they do so they must provide for its use under the OGL 1.0 license or they have broken their license with WOTC.

You seem to be under the assumption that they can remove SRD 5.1 from their websites and issue a statement on there that they are no longer licensing content under OGL 1.0. They can say that but The issue is that legally that would be a lie. Even if they did all that All you need to do is download the 5.1 SRD with the 1.0 OGL from anyone and you can distribute that under the 1.0 OGL so long as you continue to include the OGL 1.0 in your content and follow the other license requirements.

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Yes, and it's that new material I'm talking about. I know they can't stop what's already out there.
of course they can stop using the license for their new material, I doubt anyone ever argued against that
This directly contradicts what you say just above. They either can stop new material coming out under 1.0 or 1.0a or they can't; you just said both are true, and both cannot be true at the same time.
Not sure what contradiction you see here. They cannot supercede OGL 1.0 with an OGL 1.1, that does not mean they cannot stop using the OGL altogether. And to be clear, they cannot stop new material being released under OGL 1.0a, the only material they have control over is their own material that is not under it already
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You say "...everyone who has [already] entered into the licence..." - what about those who have not yet entered into the licence, who as yet have no relations of any kind with WotC other than having purchased some of their products?

This is what I mean when I say get in before the lock - if by the time 1.1 comes out you're not already using 1.0 or 1.0a and they decide to revoke 1.0a (which would, I presume, drag 1.0 down with it) you would seem to be stuck with 1.1.
Not sure how often this needs repeating, apparently no amount will do... the OGL 1.0 cannot be revoked, rescinded, terminated or in any way rendered inapplicable / obsolete / unusable or whatever other word you want to use for you not being able to use it for material that was at one time released under it


Victoria Rules
Not sure how often this needs repeating, apparently no amount will do... the OGL 1.0 cannot be revoked, rescinded, terminated or in any way rendered inapplicable / obsolete / unusable or whatever other word you want to use for you not being able to use it for material that was at one time released under it
And I too will repeat myself: I'm not talking about material already released!

I'm talking about material not yet released or even produced, by authors/publishers who have yet to enter those fields.


I crit!
My experience with the gaming community, as well as experiences with humans in general, tell me that it's likely wishful thinking that the reception would be any better.

And I'll tell you why: where does most of the open discussion and feelings in either direction seem to be coming from? Where's the heat, as it were? I'd say generally by people who will not publish anything under any system of anyone's creation. Yes, some content creators have weighed in either way, some have chosen to keep quiet until its all finalized.

All one has to do is look back at various changes suggested or implemented with D&D as of late to see how reception goes, probably back to... Tasha's? YMMV
This is utterly untrue


If wotcs goal was to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt then I think this thread goes some way showing they’ve done so.
Yeah, that release did not help alleviating any fears, not that I expected it to. It's like WotC has not met the internet yet ;)

To be fair, I am not sure what WotC could have said to alleviate the fears though. Even saying something like 'we have no intention of changing the OGL' would get picked apart as 'they have no intention now, just wait a year'.

I guess the only thing would be 'we will be releasing a new SRD under the same OGL 1.0a' but even that would probably make little difference


I crit!
Yeah, that release did not help alleviating any fears, not that I expected it to. It's like WotC has not met the internet yet ;)

To be fair, I am not sure what WotC could have said to alleviate the fears though. Even saying something like 'we have no intention of changing the OGL' would get picked apart as 'they have no intention now, just wait a year'.

I guess the only thing would be 'we will be releasing a new SRD under the same OGL 1.0a' but even that would probably make little difference
While I do think people would pick apart whatever WotC said, there are people then there are people, and they are not always the same nor the same in number.

If they had said there would be an OGL 1.0a SRD for One D&D then folks like Alex Kammer, organizer and owner of Gameholecon, an actual WotC partner and OGL publisher, would be on board instead of making speculative podcasts about WotC possible OGL breaking scenarios.

There are others too. Many behind the scenes. Big and small.
This would be a completely different story.


While I do think people would pick apart whatever WotC said, there are people then there are people, and they are not always the same nor the same in number.
I agree, my point was more that even a statement like this would not stop the speculation (it would reduce how much of it there is however)

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