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The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others


Posted on behalf of Biorph

Rose’s Background

Name: Rose
Full Name: Red rose of the trellis outside my window that I look upon.

Height: 4'8, weight: 75 pounds, sex: female

Her hair is the color of flame literally, a mixture of reds oranges and yellows and seems luminescent even without light. Her skin is light ice blue. Her eyes (the irises anyway) match the deepest reds of her hair and are luminescent like her hair. In her mouth are a set of animal like fangs. Those only become really evident when she smiles. Despite her upbringing her skin does not show many scars and she seems to heal fairly neatly. Her armor looks to be crafted by an expert in animal skin working. It seems to be painted to blend in as much as possible with the forest. Her arms, legs, hands, and feet show the signs of numerous breaks and improper setting most of which has long since healed. While not overly attractive or unattractive, she has a strange alien beauty about her that is almost ethereal in its nature and seems to make it even easier to stare at her when she wants your attention. Her speech is in heavily accented common and her elven only slightly less accented. Although she has spent several decades with non-elves and non-fae, she still considers them and many of their customs strange. Her nature is very alien as VERY few exist who are like her and often comes out despite her efforts to hide it. She does her best to observe and try to understand the strange situations that arise as best she can. She is not overly devoted to her horse, it was simply an animal given to her to ride that has been surprisingly durable. Her weapon is a quarterstaff, and she becomes apprehensive when in close proximity to metals.

Currently she is wearing woven flaxen pants and a long shirt under her armor her hands are hidden by her leather gloves. At Deirdre's suggestion she has begun tying up her hair at night and wears a veil to hide the majority of her face, especially the fangs which seem severely off-putting to those she has met for reasons she does not fully understand yet.

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As Father Ben rode along, itching himself under his arms and sometimes elsewhere, and listening to the little woman who was somehow both Fae and Elven, he came to believe she actually enjoyed the beatings that had broken her body. “Why would anyone want to be hit by hammers?” wondered Ben. Dram waved his hands from in front to quiet the others. He silently pointed to the smoke of some campfires ahead. Veering off the road to their right, the team took a wide berth fearing the worst. A good distance away Dram pulled the horses even keeping the smoke to their left. A wide blue river crossed their path at the bottom of a hill. Dalin and Dram rode forward and tested its depth with a stick. The river was shallow and quite clear, so the horses were lead single file to the far side. The team moved back into formation on the far bank. Ten minutes later and Dram was steered back towards the southern road. “It’s best to avoid anyone out in the open,” Darius said plainly to his team. “We don’t know who to trust right now.”

Storm clouds chased each other across wide-open sky but ignored the party. The treeless plain offered no reprieve from the hot sun. As it turned orange then red blossoming into a spectacular sunset a small wooden palisade was spotted ahead. Worked lands encircled the tall wooden walls. Perhaps forty farms in all stood outside its’ doors. As they approached Ben noticed each of the houses stood empty with door barred or left open with nothing within. Dalin pointed out the fields were still being tended as the crops had reached harvest height. “None have been cut though”. Dram stopped a hundred feet from the wall. Darius rode ahead alone and knocked on the door.

“State yer’ business” a high-pitched voice cracked.
“We are on a mission from the Gods,” said Darius. A smaller door opened built within the larger one. A teenaged boy and an elderly yellow dog with one good eye looked out.
“Wait here. I have to check with the master.” The door closed and Darius waited impatiently. Five minutes passed and he knocked again. The larger door opened in response.
“Ya’ll have to stable yer’ horses at the Inn” said the boy.
“What inn is that?” asked Ben.
“Uhhh.. the Harvest Inn, I guess”
“What is the name of this town?” inquired Darius.
“This ain’t no town. We’re a thorp. Called Gone’way” the boy replied.

Inside the circled wall were less than a dozen houses. The boy and dog lead them to the only two-story building in town. It looked like a granary. Indeed, inside were no beds or stables, but a small pile of hay and grain were piled in the back. Darius started collecting coin from the others to pay for their stay. Rose had none. “I never carry metal,” she said. Darius let it pass. He gave the kid nine silver and fifteen coppers as a tip. As the boy goggled at his fortune Ben asked if he could be allowed to hold services while in town. “What? Yer’ a priest?! Really?” He seemed genuinely impressed. With hardly any urging he ran off to sound a tower bell.

Ben cleaned and changed into his vestments while the others unpacked and brushed down the horses. When the “inn’s” doors were reopened Ben was taken aback. He counted about ninety people outside. Each stared at him in wonder and fascination. Ben saw only elderly and young folk. It must have been all of Gonnaway. Reminding himself not to mention fathers and mothers or sons and daughter, Ben launched into a sermon about staying true in trouble times. He gave examples of trials where others had kept the faith and won out in the end. “Hallelujah” one woman shouted. He stressed how everyone was needed in Margrave to work each day to keep the County strong and secure. “Praise be to the Gods!” shouted another man. Ben asked for constant vigilance in duty and a sharp eye for possible invaders.

The whole crowd was hooting and howling before Ben could even finish. Those who could had started dancing and some of the older faithful had passed out. After a closing prayer the congregation surged forward and hands groped Ben from all sides. After what seemed an eternity Ben saw Dram pushing others away and led Ben out of the mass of bodies. Ben called out for the townfolk to have a peaceful evening as Darius shut and barred the door to the inn. “You would make a good sacrifice” said Rose. “Not like me, of course. I have impure blood. But yours is very worthy”.
“Thanks” said Ben confusedly. Thinking twice he decided to move his blankets to the far wall away from Rose. Secretly he staked them down from the inside and tossed some rocks in the bottom for good measure.

Darius and Dalin went to speak with the master as the others bedded down. The “master” turned out to be the old dog’s master in truth. He was very old and nearly bald with white wisps of hair sticking out erratically from the sides of his head. Swapping stories Darius learned the town had sent off many of its members to the Front. Then the raiders from the east had come and killed everyone brave enough to fight back. The attacks could come at any time, but the nights were especially bad. A dragon of legend haunted the nighttime skies. Few had dared to leave since then. Darius reassured the old man he would pass along the tale. Heading back to the sleeping quarters Dalin and Darius found the rest of the team already asleep.


[DAY 91 – Moonday, Azer 23rd, CY 81]

Gonnaway’s deserted streets were still cloaked in shadow when Darius led his teammates outside the high wall. The sky was a smooth sea of cobalt blue thawing as the sun struggled to break the horizon. Father Ben hummed pleasantly to himself as he counted the few remaining stars above. The little thorp had renewed his faith in the world again. As the first rays of light struck his face, he felt certain whatever challenges the southern road held would be overcome. The sun rose rapidly and the morning air grew unusually hot and dry. Rose whistled out in bird song when Dram spotted more vultures circling ahead, but none responded. A carcass of some creature lied further on. Having grown up on a horse farm, Ben recognized it as buffalo. Rose walked over and examined the dry earth around it.

“There are no tracks anywhere”, she exclaimed. “It’s like it fell out of the sky!”
“Maybe it was the dragon?” said Dalin. Darius hushed him and passed on how the locals of Gonnaway believed they were being hunted by a mythical dragon of old. Dram looked upwards, cantered his horse and hurried the team on their way. As the day stretched, Rose started asking questions again about Margrave and why dragons would drop buffalo from the sky. She talked on and on unworried about the lack of answers. The team learned she had been trained in tracking and ranging the land as Pendra and Certa. A flicker of worry crept over Ben’s face as he remembered neither of the two men had ever been found.

Rose went on about her past and heritage. Apparently, her Fae nature allowed Rose to know exactly where she was at all times. “My impure blood keeps me from seeing in the dark though. I wish I could. But then I’d probably eat people too, so maybe it’s for the best for you.” Rose smiled merrily as the rest of the group noticed every tooth in her mouth was sharply pointed. Father Ben made a silent resolution to teach her the goodly faith as soon as possible. “Mother’s side eats, heart, mind, and soul.” Dalin changed the topic to card playing and the others readily took it up.

An hour or so before dinner a town came into view. Nearly a hundred buildings were clustered around with farmsteads extending back beyond and to the west. As they rode their horses in several people moved aside as the roads were full of activity. Darius stopped a passerby long enough to learn the town’s name: Custner. Picture signs hung from many of the buildings along the main road. A horseshoe hung above a clanging smith’s shop and a small barrel above the cooper’s. Darius pulled into the smith’s and the others followed. He and Dalin looked over his wares and had the horse hooves checked. Rose drew back and held her nose when see saw inside. Father Ben overheard her tell Kayla of her great dislike for iron and other metals. He turned away as it was improper to listen in. It was then he spotted a carpenter’s shop down the street. It was precisely what he was looking for.

Rose, Kayla and Diedre dismounted and headed towards what looked like a large commerce building in the center of town as Ben headed to the carpenter’s alone. Outside the building, the three women saw a number of young men staggering around with drinks in their hands. Hung over the door was the sign of a busty woman holding ale. “We’re just in time for the party!” yelled Rose. Kayla grimaced silently. Inside was a long bar and several more men. A half dozen women lolled about upstairs along the balcony dressed in provocative clothing. Several more danced slowly with the men as a fiddler played. Rose joined right in and started dancing with the men too, some of whom backed away in fright.

Kayla and Diedre stood their ground as three different men tried propositioning them. Kayla started examining the large common room while ignoring its inhabitants. A massive stone fireplace stretched along one wall. A six-foot wide circular buckler and massive ten-foot long sword hung above the mantle. Oddly the sword was missing its crosspiece. A small dwarven woman sporting a full beard and long, red gown approached. “Well met young ones. I am Gerda. Are you interested in working for our fine establishment?” Rose ran right over from across the room. “Why do they give the women metal for simple frolicking?” she asked. “It’s downright cruel!” Gerda laughed, but did not answer.


After placing his order with the carpenter, Ben retraced his path back to the ironsmith’s. On his way he spotted Dram and Dalin hotfooting it into what looked like the town inn. Ben moved over to join them as Ormand the Redd and Pax came walking in behind. Inside Ben was completely shocked. “By the Gods!”
“Not quite” responded the ugly dwarven woman. “But we do serve any and all willing customers. Do you have a particular preference?” Dram, Dalin, and Pax stepped right up and ordered ale. Tossing a goodly amount of coin on a table each soon had two women on their laps.
“Come on, Ben. Live a little!” said Dram. Ormand quietly walked out the door.

“What is this place?” asked Ben stupidly.
“The Welcome Wench Inn”, said the dwarf. Turning back to Kayla, “perhaps you are interested? There are several good men available too?” Her gaze took in Ben as well.
“But…um… Wait a minute. That’s the name of the inn in Homlett?” Ben was still flustered.
“Yes, yes, so we call it the same thing. Who cares?” said the woman.
“Pardon me, but are you the owner of this establishment?” asked Kayla. At that moment Ben noticed Rose dancing with some of the other men inside. He quickly exited finding Ormand cowering outside the door.
“Grog is the owner. But he is sleeping now and I wouldn’t want to wake him.”
“Ahhh… So he the one who owns the sword above the mantle then?”, asked Kayla.

Outside Darius marched across the street and through the door before Ben could think to warn him. He had just finished stabling the horses and took a good long gaze at what was happening inside the brothel. Kayla took the chance to draw him aside and filled him in on what she suspected. Some large pimp ran the inn, but room prices were exorbitant. She suggested heading somewhere else before trouble started. Diedre was spotted across the room selling fortunes to some of the men and women. Darius decided they would stay awhile and try their luck.

“You are quite the fine specimen,” the dwarven madam said as she approached. “Do you care to practice some stonecutting while in town?” Darius laughed loudly. And then took her up on her offer. The two went upstairs in private. Alone again, Kayla determined to learn what she could about the town and ‘Grog’ while the others frivoled away the time. Outside Ben patiently explained to Ormand how not all women enjoyed places like this. “Rose isn’t like any other woman”, the red-haired man responded. Just then Dalin and Dram ran out and shoved two pouches in Ben’s hands. “Hold those” ordered Dram as he turned back inside.
“And don’t give ‘em back to us until tomorrow!” shouted Dalin as he followed. One bag was much heavier than the other. “I wonder whose is whose?” thought Ben. It occurred to him he should check on his special project and left Ormand to watch the door.

Time passed and Kayla noticed there was still no sign of Darius. She recalled that when he was determined little could get in his way. The men and women in the common room were easily won, however. Besides learning of another inn in Kustner, one where they could actually sleep the night, Kayla discovered a few juicy rumors. Apparently some ‘Skinny man’ was sneaking around during the night and scrawling bizarre messages on the outer walls of the Sleeping Dragon – the name of the other inn. The man was always shaking and scared of the townsfolk. Several of the men bragged about beating him whenever he came around town. In truth the whole town scared Kayla a little too. It was not like anywhere else in Margrave she had been.

One woman told her that the ogres from the mountains might be closer than she suspected. Only when the woman snarled and laughed as she told Kayla the information. Reflecting on it, Kayla guessed it had something to do with the sword and shield. Seeing her fellow companions had stopped drinking and looked somewhat in control of themselves she collected Diedre to leave. The young apprentice had actually made a fair amount of coin in the interim. Ben saw them leave and promised to watch over the others. Ormand had clammed up and with no one to talk to Ben was anxious. The carpenter was taking quite a bit longer than he expected.


Dram was caught up in amusement, but he was also low on coin – unlike his stingy friend Dalin who was upstairs for the second time. Trying to make the best of the situation he decided to ask about his missing brother. Someone had heard a Gil Hammersmith had been sold into slavery, but it was old news to Dram. Darius finally came down the stairs and strutted around the common room with a big smile on his face. He was in high spirits. The madam was nowhere to be seen. “Who wants to join me in a drinking contest!” he called out. After a minute two tipsy men stepped forward. A woman brought each a large stein of ale, which Darius dutifully paid for. He took several gulps and looked at the other two men. They were chugging as fast as they could. “Hey! I thought were drinking to see who could stay sober the longest!” All the locals started laughing. The two men beat him handily. “No one can get a dwarf drunk!” said the winner.

Across town Diedre and Kayla finally located the other inn. It was run down and had all its rooms in separate cottages in a row behind it. The main building looked like a small and very dirty converted barn. The inside was no better. A small group of grubby men sitting around a table stared at the two women. She asked about the skinny man who was rumored to stop by in the night. The man laughed menacingly. They said they had beat him every night and hoped he would come back on this one. After a few minutes Kayla managed to barter a single cottage for the evening. Walking around to the back of the barn they noticed strange scrawling all over the rear wall.

DangEr....Forces of Evil Gather...Come TO me...Free the Power to Combat Evil....Hasten or Witness Dire Destruction....I Await the Coming of a Bearer....I am tHe Sentinel...Evel grOWS STRONG...Help Me! Overcome....DANGER
Dram was getting frustrated watching Dalin and Pax have all the fun while he sat being teased. Spotting the dwarven madam coming back downstairs he asked to meet with the owner. Dizzily she led him out a rear kitchen door and into a walled backyard. A tall shack stood on one side and an enormous misshapen man stood before it. The creature looked at least nine feet tall to him and probably a half-ogre. Dram introduced himself. He learned the half-ogre was named Grog and was rather friendly. They started talking about how he had retired from adventuring and now enjoyed the good life at his ‘inn’. “Gerda help with girls and food and beer.” Grog boomed. “Grog make sure nothing bad happen.” Dram could certainly imagine.


After awhile Dram introduced Grog to his friends inside the brothel. In short time it became apparent Grog was a little slow and knew nothing about the REAL business of his ‘inn’. The team did learn a Gar the Giant was busy hiring people to work for him. The giants normally lived in the mountains to the east. But Gar was working in the forest to the north as well. Grog said he had heard some adventurers had discovered the lost tomb of Zelligar and he guessed that was what Gar was after. Darius, Dram and the others put two and two together. Gar was the giant who had attacked Xavier.

Afternoon had passed it was getting dark when Ben finally retrieved his special project: a carved wooden ring looped inside a braided twine necklace. It fit perfectly over his head and he stashed it in his pouch. Ormond the Redd had long ago gone to find the women and the second inn. When the rest of the party stumbled out of the Welcome Wench he helped them to the room Kayla and Diedre secured. The two had cleaning the entire cottage and were a little upset to see the men enter. Darius convinced Kayla it was safer to stay in one cabin than to split. The prices were much higher in Kusner than in the north too. Everyone laid out beds for the night and Ormand took first watch.
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Ormand paced around behind the Sleeping Dragon Inn’s barn. Darius had given him special orders to keep a lookout for a skinny man who had left the message on the rear wall. He could not read it, but he was not interested anyways. Ormond was trying to think of a way to speak with Rose. He pictured in his mind her flaming red hair. “Sort of like mine”, he whispered. A shadow appeared in the moonlight. Ormand hid. An incredibly thin figure skulked up to the rear wall. It swayed back and forth like it might be drunk. He spotted a glove on one of its hands as it began to write. Ormand drew his sword.

“Wake up! Get up! He’s here!”, he shouted and pounded on the room’s door. The noise of stomping feet came from inside…and from within the barn too. Ormand charged, but the skeletal man was too quick. Instead of running it quickly climbed up the back the barn wall like a spider. Pax and Dalin ran out of the cabin followed by Dram. Ormand circled around the barn trying to keep an eye on the man as it ran, but it was too dark. Three dirty men were looking around in front shouting. “Urkwin its beatin’ time!”, one yelled. The other two shouted cursed threats of what was in store. A dog started howling from somewhere nearby.

Splat! Something fell on top of Ormand before he knew what happened. From inside the cabin Rose started howling too. “OOOWWOOOOOHHHH!” Pax helped Ormand up. The three men were very angry and mocked Ormond for letting their favorite “beat it” man get away. When they saw the rest of the team arrive the three decided to go back inside. Ormand apologized for letting the man get away, but the rest said it was unnecessary. He felt bad, however, as he was pulled of guard duty for the rest of the night.

Father Ben walked over and saw two more letters had been written on the barn. “H. E. Help perhaps?” He decided to leave his own symbol; a variation on a circle. (the peace sign) Darius noticed a small rusty dagger stuck in the wall missing its crosspiece. He borrowed Ben’s quill to write: “I will be here!” under the H and E. Kayla examined the dagger and wondered if it had anything to do with the massive sword she had seen before. Both were missing hilts. With the excitement over Pax took up watch while the others withdrew back to bed. It looked like they had missed their chance to talk.

[DAY 92 – Feastday, Azer 24th, CY 81]

The rest of the evening passed uneventfully and Ben awoke at sun up. After surreptitiously removing the rocks from his blankets he prayed. It was not Holyday, but Ben felt Kusner was due for a good church service. The general lawlessness of the town astonished him. He wondered if Darius had reported the troubles of Gonnaway to the authorities here. Calling on Pax and Ormand he asked them to go around town and announce a holy mass to be held behind the Sleeping Dragon Inn today around midmorning. Before the two could leave Dram ordered them to find out what they could about his brother Tankurd as well.

As Ben prepared his vestments he decided it was time to give Rose his gift. “Here, Rose, this is for you”, he said as he handed her the necklace. “I think it is time for you to consider worshipping Gods who actually protect men and women and not those who wish to destroy others.” Rose stared at him in disbelief. “I would like you to attend the ceremonies today, so you might understand the power true belief can hold. The warriors you seek to help at the Front are fighting evil. They seek to push back whatever demons and beings of chaos I imagine are there”, he continued. Rose shrieked piercingly and ran over to hug Ben. He was not expecting such a positive response.

Rose asked Ben to put the pendant around her neck. Afterwards, she declared to the others that she and Ben were now a married couple. Ben stood dumbfounded. He could barely take in what Rose was saying. “WAIT! No. No, that isn’t what this means at all! The wooden circle is a sign of unity and immortality like the Gods. It is a means of meditation. You focus your eyes upon it and become one with the grace and justice of…” Rose cut him off.
“You want an annulment?” she asked. Ben tried to explain as a priest he must remain open to all people. He pointed out how the Gods were his first devotion. Rose smiled. “Oh, is that all? Well you can have as many wives as husbands as you wish. I don’t mind.”

“But…but… it never happened. We aren’t married,” said Ben. Rose began crying. She pointed out the wooden ring he had given her and when he tried to take it back she jumped away. The rest of the party looked bemused and chuckling. The scene ended with Ben stuttering and Rose declaring she had an awful lot to teach her new husband. Ben went into a closet to dress in his vestments and then outside to wait for mass.


Awhile later, Ormond the Redd came running back to the cabin to report to Dram. Someone had mentioned a Tankurd Hammersmith being held prisoner in a place called Adlerweg. He had found this out from Grog the pimp. Tankurd was thought to be held because of his smithing skill. How he had made it to Adlerweg Ormand did not know. But rumors were rampant that day about a group of Trolls – a type of Giant – had come down from the mountains to Adlerweg. The townsfolk were worried they might try and invade the city of Kera to the east. Dram ran off to find Grog. Kayla sent the others after him and headed over to the smith’s to fetch Darius. He had left earlier to pick up ordered supplies and missed the report. Ben stood alone waiting behind the inn to hold mass. When he was quite sure it was past midmorning and not a single person had arrived he sheepishly went to the brothel as well.

“Way back, Kera peaceful. Now Kera different. Keep of Adlerweg is strong. Keep defends pass through mountains. It heavily fortified. And trolls very dangerous.” Grog was explaining to the group what he knew of Kera. Everyone was gathered around in the backyard of the brothel when Ben entered. Dram had a stern look on his face, but stayed quiet. Darius asked what questions he could to Grog. The mountains were where Grog had come from before he decided to adventure. Darius shared how he was also from the eastern mountains. “Hellfurnaces”, Grog said. The group discussed what they could do. They had learned Kera was a small city near the mountains. Darius decided it was worth traveling.

“Once we reach this Keep Alderweg and free Dram’s brother we can continue southwards”, Darius explained. The only problem was there were no roads from Margrave to Kera. Darius looked back up at Grog. “We will need your help. I have heard you are a great warrior. Can you lead us to the city?” Darius the paladin turned on the charm. Grog said yes, then changed his mind. “Grog retired. Now Grog innkeeper and make lots of gold.” Darius tried again and finally convinced Grog by reminding him of the mountains. The half-ogre ordered Gerda to fetch his sword and shield. “Grog know hermit skinny man who scrawls. Hermit scrawls for…” Grog paused and counted on his fingers. “Seven weeks”, he finished.

A rumbling came from within the brothel. It occurred to Kayla that Grog’s sword was twice the size of Gerda and likely as heavy. A hideous beast eighteen feet tall stepped into the yard. It carried the sword and shield. “Dwarf, ogre, dwargre?” thought Ben to himself. The huge Gerda now in grotesque form handed down the sword to Grog half her size. When she did so Grog grew and she shrank to normal again. He was now eighteen feet and looked similar to the ogre they had killed at the Chaos Caves. Grog took the shield from the ground and closed his eyes. He shrank back down to normal. Everyone else was put off, but Dram stepped forward.

“Can I see your sword Grog?” This time Dram grew. His muscles bulged and his shirt tore off. Closing his eyes Dram tried to grow as large as possible. He kept growing until he was about twenty-four feet tall (and wearing next to nothing). He handed the blade back to Grog and immediately shrunk back down losing his balance. Gerda went to fetch him some clothes. “Plenty of men have forgotten them”, she said. Darius and the others decided to start east as soon as possible and asked Grog to prepare. With the sun high in the sky the group left town. Even with his heavy sword, shield, and giant’s sack, Grog kept pace with the nine riders.

The team was now finally outside of Margrave County. As they road Darius explained the Dwarven Kingdoms were in the mountain range south of Kera and so was something else. He had been having a strange feeling since before he had travelled to Harling. Something was tugging on his soul and he believed, if they turned south after Kera, it was along this route. Father Ben could relate, but stayed quiet. Darius pointed to the little map of Margrave Dram had drawn. At the place marked “Sky Knights” he expected to find a mount. He explained it was something every paladin does at some point during their life.


After leaving the harvested fields of Custner the green grasslands so common on the ride south turned to barrens. Grog led due east at a brisk pace with the team following in their now traditional circular formation. Ben could see the southern edge of the enormous Greenwillow Forest a mile or so to his left. Nothing else broke the horizon until several hours later when Grog pointed out a villa ahead. “Grog’s friends stay there”, he said. He had traded with them frequently, mostly for mushrooms. As they rode closer the structure appeared smaller and smaller. “Are they of the littlefolk?”, Diedre suggested. Grog agreed, but then again he called everyone littlefolk. When they were within one hundred yards Grog stopped. “Something wrong. The gate closed. Nobody here.” Grog approached alone. Ten small helmets rose up along the villa’s outer wall. It reminded Darius of the Fae near Hommlet, but he saw no faces.


Grog wavered in mid-step. He fell limp to the ground backwards. “Foul sorcery!!” shouted Darius. The gates to the compound opened. “Charge!” commanded Darius. Diedre and Rose hung back as four mountain lions raced out of the entrance. Dram, Rose, and Ormond launched arrows at the creatures and one fell dead. Kayla cast a spell and a second collapsed to the ground. The last two pounced onto Grog biting and scratching him awake. Darius arrived first to the bizarre lion & giant wrestling match and tried to avoid stab Grog. One lion jumped aside barely missing Pax with its jaws. Grog’s massive fist swung wide and smashed into the head of Darius’s horse. Gobbets of blood and flesh sprayed over both of them. Dram spurred his horse towards the gates with his bow ready. As he climbed the slope and reached the wall’s edge he spotted an ugly witch crouching inside. Dram shot her just as she pointed a stick at him. White light streaked out knocking him unconscious and to the ground.

Grog wrestled around raising dust as the large cat bit into his shoulder. Rose growled to the other lion trying to sooth it, but it ignored her. It chased after Pax, but he galloped away towards the wall. Ben and Dalin charged forward and drew the second lion from following Pax. The gates of the compound slammed shut. Dalin hit the lion solidly. Ben swung with his mace and connected too. Grog cracked his lion’s head with his bare hands. Severely hurt, the last lion ran. It leapt over Darius’s horse and knocked the paladin down. Grog scrambled over, wrenched Darius aside, and kicked at the lion. He missed badly and smashed the dead horse carcass into pulp. Ormand the Redd fired and felled the final beast. Darius walked over and smashed in the skull of the sleeping lion.

Pax carefully lifted Dram’s body and ran with it away from the littlefolk’s wall. Darius started ordering Ormand and Dalin to drag his dead in that direction too. He called on Thor to heal Grog as Ben helped him lead the half-ogre out of danger. Rose ran off in the direction of Dram’s missing horse. In a patch of dirt outside of bow range the group scuttled Dram’s dead horse, divvying up the gear among other mounts. Ben healed Grog and bandaged him before tending to Dram. Rose walked back with Dram’s horse and agreed to double up on Darian’s horse. Dram awoke with a start when Ben touched him. “There’s a witch inside! And I need to kill her.”

Ignoring the others he stood up and walked over to Grog. Taking his sword Dram grew to 24’ tall and stomped towards the gate. He saw the yard inside was deserted. The ten helmets were attached to sticks and lifted a ruse. Angrily he kicked at the gate and it smashed to pieces. “I’m comin’ ta eatcha, ya evil, foul, horrible, WITCH!” he boomed. The hill rounded inside the wooden wall. Dram spotted a green circular door built into its side. Atop the hill a flimsy tower stood. Standing on his toes he could make out nothing inside. “And after I eatcha, I’m gonna find your family and eat them too!” Dram noticed the rest of the team had ridden up to gate.

“Grog’s friends not here”, Grog said to no one in particular. “Normally dozen friends guard here. They farm. They sell Grog mushrooms.” He looked very worried and out of sorts. Darius called up to Dram to release Grog’s sword. It took a bit of coaxing, but Dram knew the sword was not his. Darius gave the sword to Pax thinking he was the strongest amongst them, but he grew now stronger than Dram had. After growing to maximum height, Pax reached down and ripped the circular door from its hinges. Darius ordered him to keep guard and to look for anyone trying to escape. The others dismounted and prepared to enter the dark tunnel that had been hidden by the door.


Darius went first. Looking inside with his dwarven vision he saw the dugout tunnel sloped down and several yards further was an intersection. He walked up to it. Crash! The dirt floor collapsed under him and Darius fell ten feet into a pit. Those outside heard. Dalin lit a torch and Kayla followed him in. “Not yet”, said Darius as he climbed from the pit. But the two lit up the area anyways. The tunnels left and right ended in wooden doors. The main tunnel straightened and extended out of sight. “Stand guard here with the light. I’m going to check the left door,” said Darius and he moved away. Dalin edged around the pit to the right cave.

Outside now one came back to report. Dram was impatient and entered. Diedre and Ben decided to stay behind and watch over Grog as Rose and Ormand entered too. Dalin explained what had happened as Darius opened the left door and walked into the darkness beyond. He saw the passage fork left and right again. The passages curved all over. Nothing was in a straight line here. Prodding the floor in front of him with his sword he took the left passage. “Left is always right, pappy used to say.” Dram’s blood was still up. Lighting a torch off of Dalin’s he inspect the right door. It looked safe, so he opened it. Cautiously he walked down the passage as Rose and Kayla followed.

“Great. Ormand, take this and guard the center passage”, said Dalin. “I’m going with them.” Darius found discovered another pit trap, this one already collapsed. He skirted around it as the passage wound right. Ahead an oddly shaped alcove had hundreds of mushrooms growing on its floor. Pressing on he found the passage simply looped back to where he had entered. Confident the floor was safe he started inspecting the walls for secret passages.

In the other tunnel Dram led until Kayla convinced him someone needed to check for more pit traps. As the tunnel curved left it opened a long oddly shaped room. The floor to the right was covered with mushrooms while the left-hand side was cleared to pass. Rose spotted writing on the far wall. Pockets of space were cut into the walls to allow more mushrooms to grow. The little half-Fae collected some as she moved through. On the far wall letters from the human tongue were carved, but had been almost entirely scratched away. It looked to Rose like the same handwriting as the skinny man’s. And it was less than a day old. She told reported it to the others who had held back.

As he inspected the outer wall of the ring Darius discovered a stone behind the dirt just to the right of the mushroom alcove. He pulled out his sword and started clearing it off. It looked like a large stone door of some type, but without a handle. A smooth circle was carved into its center. Perplexed he went back to the intersection and saw Ormand all alone and looking scared. He told Darius everyone else went through the other wooden door. “That’s just great,” he said and took off after them.

Just as Darius caught up, Kayla prodded into another pit trap. Dram helped her collapse it and immediately pressed on. As he had the only light most everyone else was forced to follow. The passage kept curving to the left. After a few more yards it split again, this time sharply to the right and sloping upward to the left. Kayla saw Ormand silhouetted down the left passage. “Ormand” she said and the man jumped. “It’s okay. We’re safe. We’re going to explore a little farther. Keep your eyes open.” Ormond nodded, but only Darius could see it. Dram led briskly down the left tunnel, the main one that ran straight from the entrance. “It’s time to kill a witch.”

The passage slowly curved left again, but at less of an angle. After several yards another mushroom pocket was passed and the curve sharpened. Dram saw the tunnel end with another wooden door. Next to it was another mushroom pocket. He shushed the others in warning. Carefully prodding forward with his sword he made it to the door and listened. There was no sound. He searched the door and found it locked. There was no handle or keyhole. “I’m comin’ for ya!” he shouted and began to hack at the door. The rest of the team waited fearing the worst. After a few minutes the wooden door splintered into two. Dram picked up his torch and tossed it into the room beyond.

It was oddly shaped. It looked like it was still being dug to make it larger. All around the edges and in pockets more mushrooms grew. Unfortunately the witch was not inside. Dram prodded into the room and everyone else followed bumping into each other in the shadows. Dalin noticed the ceiling had a tunnel leading upwards. Dram and Dalin boosted Rose up and she climbed the vertical tunnel with her claws the rest of the way. A wooden trapdoor was at the very top. She found no traps, but discovered the door exited under the base of the tower outside. Rose waved to Pax with a smile.


Dram was furious and was convinced the witch had escaped them. Kayla wisely suggested searching the walls for secret door and that is when Darius told them of the stone door he found. The five headed back to it and Rose started examining the tubular-like hole. She was convinced it held some sort of magic that dissipated when the hole was filled. Several more minutes went by. Several trips to the horses searching for suitable items to test almost proved fruitless until Dalin remembered the rod of strange metal he had won at Keep Margrave in the strength competition. He slid it into the hole. It fit perfectly and clicked into place. It was stuck. Turning it left and right the door finally released and opened of its own accord.

“Finally!” shouted Dram in triumph and he charged down the tunnel beyond. The rest of the team hurried to keep pace as Dalin struggled to remove his rod from the door. After only a few paces Dram fell into a pit trap. He let out a cry of frustration. “Hey! Its not every day you get your rod stuck in a door. Take it easy,” said Dalin. After pulling Dram out and clearing the pit Dalin finally succeeded in removing his rod. Feeling vindication was at hand the crew hustled down the long tunnel and found only a room with empty beds at the end. Quickly they searched for more secret exits.

In an alcove without mushrooms Dalin saw the wall was shaped like a dirt door. Darius ran in as he told the other and smashed at it with his hammer. The weapon went straight through into air on the other side. The door was quickly broken apart and a tiny, rope ladder leading down the backside of the hillock was found. Dram pushed ahead, but it nearly broke from his weight. “This is too damn small for that witch!” he said. Rose was both light and short so she climbed down. At the base she found several small tracks, one human sized set, and a folded piece of paper. Following the tracks to a gate inside the rear wall, they led out into the broken grasslands beyond. No one was in sight. “No! No! No!” Dram shouted in frustration.

The team regrouped outside the entrance to the hole. Kayla read the parchment Rose had found. It was not a taunt as Dram suspected. It was some sort of map of the area. Kustner/Kusnir was on it as was Gonnaway. Rose could tell it was very poorly made however as all the directions were wrong. “How could you possibly know that?” asked Kayla.
“I’m Fae. I always know exactly where I am. If not always what’s around me.” Rose explained how Fae were never lost. She always knew where she was in relation to everything else. “At least everything I already know. I’ve never been here before, so I can only tell you the direction and distance things are.”

Kayla turned the map over. “What was the other skulk wearing?” she read. “What’s a skulk?” No one knew.



Darius was not ready to admit defeat. Calling Pax over he obtained the sword and shield from him and had Rose lead him using the tracks she had found. After a half mile the two came upon the edge of the Greenwillow. The tracks entered inside, but Darius called off the search there. Rose guessed his dwarfish instincts did not trust the forest. “Which is rather wise”, she thought to herself. Back at the compound Dram had started drawing a map of the mushroom caves so they could come back and kill the witch on their return trip to Margrave. No one wanted to think about how far in the future that might be though.


It was late afternoon before the team began traveling again. Grog admitted he was unsure of the way to Kera after the mushroom caves. He was still feeling down after not finding his friends. Rose was confident she could lead. “It’s east, right? With the forest’s edge in sight we should come up to the mountains in a few more days.”

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