The Proper Use of Nudity in FRPG Art


The EN World kitten
OK, I actually agree it makes more sense for adventurers with monsters swinging at them to be fully enclosed in plate.
Well, yes and no. Presuming the artwork is meant to reflect the rules of the game world, which the characters live by, a character who isn't allowed to wear armor (e.g. a D&D wizard) wouldn't be decked out in plate mail or anything of that nature. Quite often they'll instead be using a combination of spells and magic items for personal defense, which can be hard to present visually ("that cape she's wearing is actually a cloak of resistance +5, and her pendant is an amulet of natural armor +3").

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Well, yes and no. Presuming the artwork is meant to reflect the rules of the game world, which the characters live by, a character who isn't allowed to wear armor (e.g. a D&D wizard) wouldn't be decked out in plate mail or anything of that nature. Quite often they'll instead be using a combination of spells and magic items for personal defense, which can be hard to present visually ("that cape she's wearing is actually a cloak of resistance +5, and her pendant is an amulet of natural armor +3").

It's an interesting point. Thieves would be in leather, and wizards using, say, bracers, cloak, and ring (I'm showing my age here) wouldn't necessarily be completely covered up. Of course, they're used to being in back and avoiding missile fire, so dressing to attract attention might not be the smartest thing. But we could easily see an arrogant magic-user with a high CON showing off their physique, and some of the newer spellcasting classes like sorcerer or warlock that are charisma-based might make it part of their shtick--seductive enchantresses are a thing in mythology. Indeed, it wouldn't even have to be gendered the usual way--if it's magically enhanced charisma, it's not impossible to imagine a warlock distracting people (even if they don't usually swing that way) with his supernatural studliness.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Honestly? Wizard are supposed to be smart, aren't they? If they were standing in the back, they would wear papier-mache half-plate. They must have heard of the phrase "Archers, focus on the cape-wearing, unarmored, focus-holding guys in the rear! It must be a wizard or a healer".

That's wisdom, not intelligence. :)

But disguise self is 1st-level, and this would be a good use for it.

Indeed, I would expect it to see heavy noncombat everyday use as a de facto beauty spell.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
"I dumped CHA but I go out with the cheeleader captain!" [Hogwarts recruitment flyer].

That would doubtless be one of the major appeals of studying magic (though 'quarterback' would apply as well, and perhaps be even more likely given the use of beauty magic).

Of course society would evolve around it, though--couples might have a date in a dead-magic zone, for instance.

That would doubtless be one of the major appeals of studying magic (though 'quarterback' would apply as well, and perhaps be even more likely given the use of beauty magic).

Of course society would evolve around it, though--couples might have a date in a dead-magic zone, for instance.

That's interesting. Society could also evolve to accept it. We don't have "no make-up zone" or "no dyed hair zone", after all. I guess it would depend on how blatant is the illusion effect.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
That's interesting. Society could also evolve to accept it. We don't have "no make-up zone" or "no dyed hair zone", after all. I guess it would depend on how blatant is the illusion effect.

You'd see both. There would be jokes about nobles breaking off engagements after a Dispel Magic had been cast, and wizards and sorcerers showing off their unnatural looks. (Forget 'positively glowing', what about a facial treatment that actually glows?)


That's wisdom, not intelligence. :)

But disguise self is 1st-level, and this would be a good use for it.

Indeed, I would expect it to see heavy noncombat everyday use as a de facto beauty spell.
I sometimes had my 3e/Pathfinder wizard use his hat of disguise to make him look like he was wearing plate mail. "Come on bite, throw your will save spell at me instead of the fortitude one."

Voidrunner's Codex

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